"Ugh… Again…? I swear these people are anything but grateful!" Finn rubbed his cheek which still gave off light sizzles where cloves of garlic had hit him earlier. He crossed his eyebrows in annoyance upon remembering the recent incident that caused him to get hurt in the first place. All he did was save them! And how do they repay him? By throwing garlic at his face. "Why am I still protecting them anyway?! I save them from death and accidentally show my face and BAM! They accuse me and chase me out!" Finn held his head and took a deep breath. "Because they're weak Finn." He answered himself. "If I don't protect them who will?" Finn looked up at the night sky, enabling him to roam freely without having to use layers of clothing to cover his skin. The breeze blew through his bear hat which exposed his blonde hair. He flew forward with no sense of direction as he pondered in thought.

He didn't always like the night. In fact, he was more of a morning person. It was only a couple of years ago since 'it' happened.

Finn rubbed the edge of his neck where two bite marks lay, reminding him of what he has become. Now that his time froze, it felt like it was only yesterday that he was bitten, being forced to stay the age of eighteen for all eternity. He sighed. "I need to blow off some steam…" After a couple more minutes of aimlessly flying, Finn froze on the stop and sniffed the air.

Something about it seemed so familiar yet he couldn't exactly place his finger on it, but he had a pretty good guess.

Finn hastily began his decent down to ground level where a thick forest lay, turning invisible as he flew closer to the scent. "What is that? It can't be." Finn stealthy sat atop a tree branch and stared down, trying to figure out where the scent was even coming from. He used his heightened sense of vision and earshot to search the area.

The leaves and bushes rustled below him.

Finn watched as a hand popped out from the bushes. Then a leg. Then the rest of the body. It was a girl. No. It was a LITTLE girl.

He tilted his head in confusion, watching with curiosity.

She looked around the age of ten from what Finn could tell.

Finn waited for some sort of guardian to appear right after her from the bushes and was even more confused when nobody had shown up. He concluded that her guardian must have been nearby doing something else. Before he could think about it any longer, the familiar scent hit him again. "It's coming from that girl…" Finn whispered under his breath.

The girl must have heard him somehow for she turned around, and began surveying the area.

Finn grinned. This could be a way to blow off steam. He silently jumped from the branch, using his levitation to break his fall before he would make a loud ruckus from the leaves and twigs below. Ducking behind a different bush from which she came, he watched as she continued looking around. Then gently he shook the branches of the bush.

The girl turned towards him and began cautiously walking over.

He snickered silently as she got closer and began looking through the bush. Quickly he turned off his invisibility, jumped up from the bush, creating a terrifying face, and gave a loud hiss right at her.

She just stared at him.

Slowly Finn began to fade out his hissing from the lack of reaction, and just ended up staring back at her. What was wrong with this girl…? He was expecting a shrill scream and running away, but all she gave him was a bored look. At the moment this really annoyed him.

"What's wrong with your cheek?" She spoke.

Finn glared at her and crossed his arms, floating up into the air. "Why should I tell you?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders. "Well I'm going to be going then." She pushed past him and continued walking.

Finn floated up in front of her. "You aren't scared of me?"

"Not really." She pushed past him again.

"Aren't you like nine?"

She turned around and glared at him. "I'm eleven!" She poked him in the chest.

Finn swatted her hand away. "Still. Vampires are scary." He morphed into a wolf and growled at her, foam forming inside his mouth, just so he could prove his point.

Still she didn't look the least bit scared. "If you were to rate Vampires on a scale of scary from one to ten, where would you put them?"

Finn morphed back, irritation starting to form on his face. "Wha? What kind of question is that?"

"Just a question."

Finn floated on his back as he followed her. "Probably at seven?"

"Okay then where would you put demons?"

This girl was a weird one. "Maybe an eight?" He answered her.

She smiled at his answer. "And there you have it!"

He sighed. This girl was starting to get on his nerves. "There I have what…?"

"That I'm scarier than you!"

Finn scoffed. "Yeah right. You don't even look like a demon."

She mischievously grinned as she jumped over a large root sprouting out from the dirt.

"So where you headed in the middle of the night?" He started again.


"Where's the person that watches over you?"

"I live alone."

"Oh really?"


Finn sighed. Turning around he gave a high-pitched scream into the still night.

She stared at him. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing whose going to come save you."

"I told you I live alone."

"I don't believe it. A little girl-"

She threw a knife at his forehead landing a direct hit in the middle.

"Ow." Finn yanked the knife out of his head. "You do know I won't die from things like this right?" He was surprised at how fast she was though; normally he would have dodged something like this out of instinct.

"I'm not little! I've lived alone by myself for about two years now!"

"Then who took care of you before two years ago?"

"Nobody! I was frozen up until then!"

Finn glared at her. Whatever came out of her mouth was too hard to actually believe. "You know what? I give up." Finn began his flight back up, but she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him down.

"You think I'm lying don't you?" Her red eyes pierced his blue ones as she glared at him back.

"No. Not at all! What makes you think that?" He replies, heavy sarcasm in his voice.

She pushed him back.

He growled. "Watch it girl. As you can see, I'm not in a friendly mood tonight."

She ignored him and began to continue along her path.

A couple of lights blinded the both of them. "There she is!" A voice yelled.

"Quick! Get her!" Another commanded.

The girl sighed. "Oh now you've done it!" She grabbed his arm and began running, using her other arm to push past bushes and branches.

"Woah!" Finn was caught by surprise as she yanked him along with her, but quickly flew and caught up with her.

"She's getting away!" They yelled once more. Their footsteps quickly becoming louder as they began to draw close.

Finn could hear the cracking of the broken leaves at their feet as they continued to run. Then there was the girl who was way more silent and quicker than they were. In fact, most likely smarter. Finn watched as she nimbly jumped across piles of leaves and twigs to avoid detection from noise. Then he crossed his eyebrows. Why were they chasing her anyway? Finn took notice of a small pouch in the clutches of her hands which bounced and turned as she moved. He turned back around at the people chasing her and then back at the pouch.

"I found her!"

The girl gave a frustrated groan. "Oh no. Oh no."

Finn took notice that the people were actually catching up. Quickly he picked her up by the waist and flew her up into the night sky.

She gave a small squeak in surprise, yet kept quiet as Finn hovered in the air and watched as they people stopped down below at where they were recently at.

The people looked around with bewilderment then angrily kicked branches and leaves as they began to make their way back to where they had come from the failure of catching her.

Finn waited a couple of minutes before carefully beginning his decent down. Once her feet were placed firmly on the ground once more, Finn snatched the pouch out of her hand.

"Hey!" She growled and tried to take the pouch back.

Finn held her by her forehead and watched as she continued to try to punch and kick him.

"Give it back!" She tried punching him again. But compared to him, she was tiny and could barely even reach him since his extended arm kept her as far as he needed from his body.

"What is this?" Finn held up the pouch in his other hand and gently shook it, expecting some fragile valuables inside.

"It's nothing!" She broke free from his hand and pounced for the pouch.

Finn floated up away from her reach and watched as she stood up and dusted herself off from falling on the floor. "If it's nothing then I guess I'll just go throw it away for you!" Finn began to slowly float off.

"No!" She tried jumping for it.

"Want to tell me what it is then?"

She sighed and sat on the ground in defeat. "Why don't you open it?"

Finn floated down and took a seat in front of her, as he slowly began to untie the wrapped pouch. He was surprised to find out that the only thing held inside was a small loaf of bread. They sent a search team for her just for a loaf of bread?

She crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"You stole it?" He asked.

"Yeah." She turned and glared at him.


Before she could answer, her stomach replied for her by growling. She held her stomach in embarrassment and looked away once more.

Finn sighed as he tied the bread back up and handed it to her.

She cautiously took it from him, making sure it wasn't some kind of trick.

"Here. Come on." Finn held out his hand as he stood back up.

She eyed him warily as she took his hand, her small hand taking hold of his.

"Woah!" The girl's eyes sparkled as a buffet of food was lay down in front of her. She couldn't help but drool as she marveled at how good everything looked and smelled. A fork and a knife in her hands, she stabbed a piece of meat and began eating.

Finn watched her with amusement as she hungrily devoured each and every plate of food he made for her. He turned back to the stove and flipped an omelet egg, turning the stove off as he observed the nice golden brown color of it. He put it on a plate and brought it to where the girl was eating, gently putting it down on the last place able on the table. Finn took a seat across from her and continued to watch.

After getting enough food to think correctly again she took notice of him. "You aren't going to eat?"

"Nah. Just fattening you up to suck your blood out later." Finn grinned.

She giggled and continued eating.

"Aw come on! That didn't scare you?"

"Not really. I mean. You did give me my bread back."

Finn crossed his arms. "You do know stealing is wrong right?"

"Yeah. Simon used to tell me that all the time. He did it anyway though, but only took the stuff we needed. So I decided that stealing is okay if you actually really need it." She took a drink of water.

"Simon? You told me nobody took care of you."

"Simon took care of me when I was around four through seven. I think."

"And you said you were frozen?"

She took another bite. "Yep!"

"How were you frozen?"

She stopped eating and looked at her down in a bit of sadness.

Finn could feel the guilt rising up inside him and quickly tried to take it back. "Um forget I asked. So you're eleven right?"

Just like that she was happy again and continued to eat. "Yep! Almost twelve! I think." She thought about it. "Yeah."

"Twelve." Finn leaned back on his chair. "So why weren't you afraid of me when I hissed at you earlier?"

"Simon used to tell me to be brave. And besides, you're not even that scary."

Finn laughed. "Everybody I knew abandoned me since I became a vampire. I haven't really had anybody to talk to for about a couple of years now. Everybody's afraid of me."

She finished the last plate of food and happily sat back in her seat, licking her lips. "I've thought about it, but aren't vampires supposed to be mean? You're like the opposite of mean. Kind of."

Finn smiled. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you I am the one that protects the Land of Ooo. And besides, you look more like a vampire than I do." He took notice of her pale skin, red eyes, and raven colored hair then imagined his blueish pale skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

"If you're the hero then why does everybody hate you?" She ignored his second comment.

"Nobody likes vampires. I turn invisible when I fight. Well except for today because I kind of forgot to." Finn rubbed his almost healed cheek as he remembered the small village he saved just recently.

She nodded in understanding. "Where do you get all the money from?"

Finn floated in the air and leaned back. "You know. Dungeon crawls. Adventures. And sometimes the people I save just leave money where I last saved them as like a thanks to the 'Globs' for saving them."

She hopped off of the chair and began to wander around the tree house that Finn took residence in, looking at all the wall designs and feeling the main trunk of the tree.

"Well aren't you a nosy one." Finn watched her.

She ignored him and put her hands on her hips. She spun around and looked him in the eyes. "This is my tree."

"What? I've been here for quite a while now... Longer than the years you've been alive for."

She turned back around and felt the texture of the wood of the tree and smiled. "Yep. This is my tree. Simon helped me plant it. I can't believe it's still here." She turned back to him. "Of course you can have it now though."

Finn held his head and sighed. "I'm not even going to ask." He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window then turned to his clock. "Hey it's pretty late." He observed the position of the moon from where he currently floated.

She turned to the clock as well. "Yeah I should get going."

"Woah woah woah!" Finn stopped her. "It's dangerous out there."

"Well I'm always in my house at this time so I wouldn't know. Besides I can take care of myself!" She began to make her way towards the front entrance.

Finn floated in front of her. "Oh no you're not! You're going to stay here until morning."

She sighed. "Look, I don't even know who you are anyway so thanks for the food and I best be going." She walked past him.

Finn dragged her back over to in front of him.

"Let me go!" The girl began to kick him again.

"You're going to bed."

"Stop acting like you know me!" She growled and punched him in the gut several times.

Finn laughed. "I don't need to know you to make sure you're safe." He was surprised at how hard she could punch.

The girl stopped trying to hit him from his words and looked down at the ground and crossed her arms. "Fine just for tonight I'll stay."

Finn let her go. "Finn the Vampire by the way." He introduced himself.

She grinned at him. "Marceline the Half-Demon, Half-Human Hybrid."

Finn froze.

Human... He was right... That's why she smelled familiar.

Yes yes I know this idea is already out there... And a recent story is out there as well... But I've always wanted to write this and spent most of my time mapping out the plot and everything which is why I've never actually started it... I spent a long time thinking about it and decided to actually write it even though there's already similar ideas by other people.

Got any questions? Ask away. I've decided I wanted to see what you guys could think of instead of me giving all the answers to the questions you'd probably ask.

Like this: Marceline is eleven and Finn is eighteen right now.

And this: Notice that Finn is NOT the Vampire King.

See? That was probably one of the questions you guys have. So ask away! Of course spoilers won't be answered lol