Sorry about not updating sooner... I've been kind of busy lately.

Before we got over to them, Kon had broken the kiss. The two were staring at each other like the universe would explode if they moved. Mina didn't know what to do either.

"Trina!" Corey's voice snapped the two out of their staring contest. She turned to Mina. I knew something bad was going to happen to that money.

"Laney!" I called and she nodded in response. We both ran at Mina. This allowed Corey and Kon to deal with Trina. Mina looked a bit freaked out, "Mina," I spoke, "Give us the box. Carrie's friend's life is on the line," She was shaking. This was a bad situation that should never have happened.

"Please hand us the box," Laney asked nicely, "We really want to help that poor girl,"

"Mina! Don't you dare!" Trina growled.

"Pay me attention!" Corey growled back at her, "They're not your concern now," Trina looked slightly afraid of her brother. Mina looked really confused. With Laney and I saying one thing and Trina saying another, her poor mind was getting mixed up.

"Please Mina!" Laney asked again. I looked at her and I noticed that she looked very pale.

"Uh Corey," I spoke, "Laney doesn't look to good," Corey turned toward her, surprised. She really didn't. He ran to her side, ignoring his sister for the time being. Now it was up to me and Kon.

"If you don't return the box," I knew this might hurt my brother, but it had to be done, "Kon will kiss you again!" He didn't seem like he was against the idea. Trina looked discussed.

"Mina return the box! I don't want to be kissed by that loser again!" Kon was suddenly depressed as Mina handed me the box. I saw some type of weird emotion go through Trina's eyes as she walked away. Mina ran after her. I turned toward Corey and Laney.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked when I saw that Corey was on the ground with Laney's head in his lap.

"Side effect to the Chemotherapy," He responded, "She was feeling a bit faint earlier, but said she would be okay. I shouldn't have believed her," I took a seat next to Corey and Kon eventually sat as well.

"Guys," Corey spoke, "You should give the money to my father before he thinks you did it," I smirked as I pulled out my phone and clicked the unlock button. One single recording was on my phone.

"We should be good," I responded after turning off the recording so it wouldn't catch anything else, "I turned it on right after I messaged you," Corey smirked as he realized how smart I am. Then he looked at Laney again. I wondered how things would go when I got to officially meet Kim. Excitement filled my chest as I thought about it.

"Corey? What are you and your friends doing out here?" We turned our heads at that voice to see Mr. Riffin standing behind us.

"Oh hello dad," Corey said. I watched as Mr. Riffin noticed the box sitting in my lap.

"Why does your friend have the money box?" He asked. Corey looked into his father's eyes with a serious look.

"Trina stole the money and we came to take it back. When we got it back, Lanes almost fainted so we stayed with her. She's resting now," Mr. Riffin didn't look like he believed us. I opened my phone and played the message. It got our point across.

"I've been thinking about military school for one of the two of you for a while now," Corey frowned.

"Dad!" He smiled.

"Trina's going to hate me for that. Now let's get Laney inside," We all got up and helped get Laney inside. I carried the box in. We made sure the money was there [it was] and then made some phone calls; first to mother and then to Carrie. The last call was for me to make on my own.

The number hung in front of me on the pink sticky note. I frowned as I looked at it.

"Dude just call her father," I was having a hard time dialing Kim's father's number. Corey frowned and took the phone from my hands. He dialed the number and handed it to me. I nervously waited for the man to answer. When he did I almost forgot how to speak.

"Yes Mr. Kagami," I smiled, "It's Kin Kujira from the hospital. We've raised money for your daughter to put her back on life support for a good amount of time,"

Mr. Kagami came to pick up the money the next day. I was really excited to see that she was going to get another chance. The next day I went to the hospital to visit Kim again. Corey went with me.

"Kim Kagami please," The lady sadly looked at me.

"Room 150,"

I went into the room first. Nothing was much different from the last time I came. Corey stayed by the doorway. She didn't look any better. When I looked at her I wanted to switch places with her. I wanted her to be awake and rocking with her band. I didn't want her to be like this.

"Please wake up," I muttered, "I want to meet you,"

"Kin," Corey said with a warning tone, "There's something you need to see!" I walked over to where he was after squeezing her hand. Corey was reading her papers that were hanging on the door. I noticed the familiar discharge papers. My eyes widened. We had collected the money before the four weeks had ended. What was going on? Suddenly the beeping turned to a normal beeping. Corey and I turned toward the back of the room. Since visiting Kim Kagami I had never heard her monitor go normal.

"Konnie," A sweet voice said, "Where's my sister?" It was a weak and helpless voice. I ran to the bedside to see Kim awake. She seemed very confused, "Who are you and please-," Before she could finished, she coughed. I nodded to Corey, a motion we had decided was our 'go get the stupid nurse' motion a long time ago. Happiness filled my heart as I looked at the girl.

"My name's Kin Kujira," I introduced, "I'm a volunteer here and I've been watching over you for a while now," She slightly laughed.

"Like a guardian angel," Kim closed her eyes, "I wish I would have died," Hearing that come from her almost made me cry.

"Why?" I questioned, "Why would you want to leave Konnie alone?" She opened her eyes to look at me.

"She's not-," Cough, "Alone," A serious expression crossed her face, "She's got the rest of the Newmans," I glanced around the room.

"A band is not a band without their keyboard player," She closed her eyes again and I sighed as Corey ran in with two nurses and a doctor. They all gathered around Kim. Corey and I sat on the couch by the window. Even though she was alive, I was scared for her. Who knew if she had the will to stay alive now? Something crossed my mind. I decided I would make it my personal goal to make Kim Kagami happy. Even if she wanted to be depressed.