Finally, here is the second chapter. I'm sorry it took me this long to write it but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thank you for those who favourited and reviewed and gave me some tips to improve my stories. Thank you they always engourage me to write more.

The next morning Sasuke woke up groggily. He felt lightheaded and happy. This was an unusual state of mind for him so he pushed the covers covering him slightly down so he was able to see the room he was sleeping in better. He immediately recognized that he was in fact sleeping in Naruto's room instead of his own much bigger room. That realisation made him remember the last night's events and a small soft smile tugged at his lips. Carefully as not to disturb the other inhabitant on the bed he turned so that he came face to face with a sleeping Naruto. It had been slightly difficult to turn because of the fact that the bed was quite small and because Naruto had one of his arms tightly wrapped around the raven's waist.

For a moment Sasuke simply let himself memorize his sleeping dobe's face. The blonde was sleeping peacefully and he had a small grin grazing his lips. Sasuke let himself smile lazily at the sight of Naruto's obvious contentment. Then Sasuke started the most difficult task of how to get out of Naruto's embrace without waking the blonde. With his ninja skills and flexibility he was able to snake his way out of the other's hold and with incredible speed he gently placed his pillow in Naruto's arms where he had been lying a while ago. The kyuubi container immediately wrapped his arm possessively around the pillow and pulled it closer to him. Sasuke couldn't help the quiet chuckle that escaped his lips at the sight. He wouldn't have minded to stay in Naruto's arms but he remembered that he had forgotten to give his present to Naruto last night and he wanted the other to have it as soon as he woke up. So Sasuke got out of bed and headed to living room.

Sasuke took a moment to ponder and decided that he should make breakfast for both of them first and then take the breakfast and gift to Naruto. That way he could let his dobe sleep a little longer. So the raven went to kitchen and decided that because it was Christmas he would be nice and make Naruto ramen for breakfast but after the holidays he would have to teach the dobe to eat something else than ramen at least every now and then.

Sasuke filled a kettle with water and turned the stove on and put the kettle on the stove. Then he took a cup out of one of the cabinets and put the ramen in it to wait for the water to boil so he could just ad it in the cup. Then Sasuke took a mug for himself so he could make himself tea and a glass for Naruto. Sasuke couldn't help but smile as he took one tea bag for himself from the kitchen cabinet. He knew that Naruto didn't drink tea and that the only reason there was tea in his kitchen was because Naruto had bought it for Sasuke when he came to visit him. Sasuke then set the mug and glass on the kitchen counter and went to the fridge. He opened it to take the milk out but stopped when he noticed a plastic bag full of tomatoes in the other wise empty fridge.


Sasuke muttered softly as he took the milk and tomatoes out of the refrigerator. He checked the date in the milk and after he had made sure it was still good he poured Naruto a glass of milk. Then he took few tomatoes out of the bag and sliced them for himself to eat. When he was done he took a plate for his tomatoes and put the milk and rest of the tomatoes back to the fridge a small content smile seemed to be now permanent on his face. At the same time the water in the kettle started boiling and he lifted the kettle of the stove and turned it off and then he poured the water on the ramen cup and into his tea mug. After that he put the kettle away and went to relieve himself and brush his teeth and hair.

When he came out of the bathroom he put the breakfast into a tray he had found. He took the tray to Naruto's room where the blonde was still blissfully sleeping and hugging his pillow. Sasuke put the tray on to a night table next to Naruto's bed and then he turned to give a kiss on Naruto's cheek. After that Sasuke straightened and went back to living room to fetch his gift to Naruto.

Naruto felt the soft kiss pressed to his cheek and he crunched his eyes and yawned as he slowly started to wake up. Naruto blinked his eyes open and blearily looked around. It took him a while to realise that instead of Sasuke he was holding a pillow in his arms. That made Naruto frown. "It can't be that I dreamed last night, can it…" Before Naruto could ponder the situation anymore Sasuke came back to the room and all the doubts vanished from Naruto's mind as he smiled brilliantly at Sasuke. The raven blushed softly as he greeted the blond:

"Morning dobe and…merry Christmas"

"Good morning Teme and merry Christmas to you too!"

Naruto exclaimed happily. Sasuke walked to the bed and handed the present to Naruto. For a moment Naruto just stared at the bright orange package for a moment before he smiled happily and accepted the fairly large gift. Naruto beamed at Sasuke and patted the bed next to him. Sasuke got on to the bed and crawled to sit next to the blonde. Naruto wrapped one his arms around Sasuke's waist and pulled him closer to him and kissed his cheek making the raven blush softly.

"Thank you, Sasuke"

Sasuke just nodded and waited for the blonde to open the present so he would be able to see his reaction. Naruto didn't waste time and ripped the paper covering the gift box. He threw the paper carelessly away and opened the box. He blinked in confusion as he could only see newspaper. He turned to look at Sasuke and the raven couldn't help but burst out laughing at the confused look on Naruto's face. "Chee…you can really be such a dope sometimes…"

"Take the paper off it's there just to make sure the contents won't brake, dope."

Sasuke said smirking. Naruto childishly showed his tongue at Sasuke.


Then Naruto carefully took the paper off from the box and stared at the pictures that were now revealed to him. There were four of them and all of them had beautiful gold frames framing them. Naruto could feel tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he stared at the pictures. With shaking hands Naruto took the first picture out. It was a picture of his parents. Minato had his arms around Kushina and his had were resting on her stomach and Kushina's hands were on top of Minato's against her big stomach obviously telling that she was in the final stages of his pregnancy. They were both smiling softly and they were both looking at Kushina's stomach with love in their eyes. Naruto wiped the tears from his eyes as he glanced at Sasuke who was looking at him nervously.

"That was the most difficult picture to find…"

Sasuke muttered softly. Naruto nodded and leaned forward to kiss the raven to show how grateful he was. After that he put the picture of his parents next to him on the bed so he was able to take the next picture out of the box. This was a familiar picture. It was the first picture of team seven. Naruto smiled fondly at the picture and put it also on the bed next to him. Then he took the third picture out of the box and his smile widened. In the picture were just him and Sasuke it had been taken after Sasuke came back. Sakura had said she wanted to take a picture of Sasuke and the raven had finally agreed. Naruto had gotten a brilliant idea to sneak behind the raven and scare him just as Sakura was about to take the picture but of course he had failed. Sasuke had realised his intentions and had grabbed the blond around his neck and started to mess his hair. They were both laughing in the picture so Naruto knew that in his hands was a rare treasure even though Sakura had hit him because he had spoiled the picture and Sasuke had refused to pose for another. Naruto hadn't cared; it had been totally worth it. Naruto put that picture aside too and took out the final picture. That was a group picture that had been taken in Sasuke's "welcome back"-party. All of his friends were in the picture: all of team seven, Iruka, sand siblings, team Kurenai, team 9 and team 10. But what made the picture special to Naruto was the fact that Sasuke had first refused to be in it so in the end Naruto had had to drag the Uchiha into the picture. In the picture Naruto was smiling brightly while holding Sasuke tightly against him and Sasuke was glaring daggers at him.

Naruto smiled as he put the final picture aside and turned towards Sasuke to pull the Uchiha in to his arms. For a moment Naruto just hugged the raven then he tilted Sasuke's head upwards so that he was able to claim his lips. They kissed each other lovingly until Sasuke pulled away and said:

"There's still something in the box."

Naruto looked puzzled as he turned to look into the box and like Sasuke said there was something orange on the bottom of the box. Naruto had thought that it was just something to make sure the pictures wouldn't break but when he pulled the fabric out of the box he realised that it was a sweater, a bright orange sweater. Naruto smiled as he looked at the gift. He turned it around and stared at the text and the Uzumaki swirl that was printed on the back of the sweater. For a moment he just stared at the text: "Uzumaki Naruto, the next Hokage". Then he dropped the sweater and lunged at Sasuke. Sasuke hadn't expected this surprise attack so he couldn't do anything as he was pressed to lie on his back on the bed while Naruto proceeded to kiss him senseless. After a while the Blonde finally pulled a way from the raven so they both could gather their breath. Naruto couldn't help but stare at the beauty lying under him. He hoped that he had a camera so he could save this image before him forever. Sasuke was panting softly and there was a soft blush grazing his porcelain white skin and his hair was a beautiful mess framing his perfect face.

Naruto leaned forward again so that he was able to capture Sasuke's lips in a tender kiss again. They kissed again this time much softer. Neither tried to gain dominance over the kiss they just let their tongues to dance in each others' mouths. They nipped and sucked each others' tongues and lips with loving manner. At the same time they let their hands wander over their bodies. They wanted to learn what the other liked the best and which the other's most sensitive spots were. Time didn't matter as they explored each other and moved their bodies in sync. Soft moans, pleas, grunts and gasped versions of each other's names filled the air.

They didn't have the slightest clue what time it was when they finally settled to lie down on the bed cuddled against each other. The breakfast was already cold on the night table and long forgotten.

Then it was Naruto's turn to get off the bed. Sasuke looked at him with a puzzled expression but Naruto just smiled softly at him and told him to wait for a moment. He picked the pictures and the sweater and put them on a table. Then he went to his living room where his jacket was lying on the couch. He pulled a small gift from his jacket pocket. He looked at it for a while and then went back to his room. He crawled back to his bed and pulled Sasuke close to him and kissed him on the lips before he presented his gift to him.

Sasuke took the present into his hands and started to open it. He was much more careful than Naruto had been. Instead of just ripping the wrapping paper he peeled the paper off and revealed a small jewellery box. Sasuke tilted his head slightly as he examined the box. His heart was beating frantically in his chest as he slowly opened the box. Naruto was anxiously staring at Sasuke waiting for his reaction. When Sasuke finally opened the box a small gasp escaped his lips. In the box was a small golden necklace with a heart pendant. It was lightly feminine but it didn't matter to Sasuke. He took the necklace out of the box to better examine it. In the front of the heart there was an engraving: "Best friends forever" and when he turned the pendant around there was Naruto's motto engraved in the back of the heart: "Believe it!" Naruto had started to fidget next to Sasuke because he was so nervous about the raven's reaction. He knew that the necklace was a bit feminine but when he saw it in the jewellery shop when he had went to get Sasura's present he knew he had to get that necklace to Sasuke. The necklace had been quite expensive because it was made of gold so when he bought it he didn't have money to by Sakura the bracelet she had wanted but to Naruto Sasuke's present was far more important.

"Um…So…I'm sorry it's a bit feminine and all…but…when I saw it…I just…thought about you…and then… I had…to get it for you…"

Naruto stuttered nervously. Sasuke turned towards Naruto smiling at him. He wrapped his arms around Naruto's neck and pulled the kitsune closer.


Sasuke whispered against Naruto's lips and kissed him. When Sasuke felt Naruto wrapping his arms around his waist he opened his mouth and ran his tongue over Naruto's lips asking for an entrance to his mouth. For a moment Naruto teasingly kept his mouth shut until Sasuke just pried his lips open with his tongue. Naruto met Sasuke's tongue and immediately started to fight for dominance until Sasuke submitted and let Naruto to explore his mouth. Slowly they pulled apart and opened their eyes to gaze at each other.

"Thank you Naruto, it's beautiful."

Sasuke said softly and handed the necklace to Naruto so that he would help him to put it on. Naruto took the necklace from Sasuke smiling happily and fastened it around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke fingered the heart tenderly as it rested against his chest. Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke from behind and pulled the Uchiha to rest against his bare chest and kissed the top of Sasuke's head. Sasuke leaned on Naruto and whispered:

"I love you Naruto"

"I love you too Sasuke"

Naruto replied and kissed the raven's cheek. Sasuke sighed in contentment and leaned further against Naruto. The two of them were content to stay like that until Naruto's stomach crumpled.

Sasuke couldn't help himself and started to laugh while Naruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head a small blush dusting his cheeks. When Sasuke was finally able to calm himself he got out of the bed and extended his hand to Naruto.

"Let's go get something to eat dobe."

Naruto beamed at Sasuke as he grabbed his hand and also got out of the bed. They cleaned themselves and dressed and then they headed to Ichiraku's hand in hand fingers intertwined.

I hope you enjoyed!

Love, Black!