"We're here!" Brick cheers, turning back to see his brothers, along with Blossom's sisters, flying in pairs behind him.

"Finally." Buttercup mumbles, turning so that she's on her back with her arms crossed over her chest. "Can we leave now?"

Bubbles giggles at her sister's bad attitude. "No silly! Blossom said we were going on an adventure!"

Buttercup sighs. "Bubbles, we are fifteen years old, I don't think you should be this excited about adventuring."

Bubbles smiles, shrugging in reply. "Well, fifteen year old's should be able to control their temper too, but that's never stopped you before."

Buttercup growls, lifting her middle finger towards the blonde angrily.

"Speaking of age" Blossom interrupts the two, looking at Brick. "We're fifteen, but how old are you three?"

The boys all look at each other, thinking.

"Let's see. . ." Brick starts counting on his fingers. "We were seven when we got here, and we've been here for nine years so. . . . we are sixteen!" He smiles turning back to face Blossom again.

Blossom nods, satisfied. "So, where to now?" She asks, looking from one boy to the next, waiting for an answer.

Butch smirks. "I know." His smirk grows. "Let's race back to the tree house! Girls VS boys! GO!"

He takes off, flying as fast as he can away from the girls, his brothers almost instantly following him, seeming to forget that the girls don't know where they're going.

Buttercup clenches her fists and follows after them, determined not to let something as unimportant as knowing where you're going stop her from beating them.

Blossom shrugs and starts flying too, grabbing Bubble's hand. "C'mon Bubbs."

"But. . ." Bubbles tilts her head. "Do you know where we're going?"

Blossom shakes her head. "Nah, we'll just follow them." she tilts her head towards where the boys are flying in the distance.

Bubbles nods, speeding up with her sister.

Princess grins, a plan forming in her mind as she races through the shortcut to the tree house. These girls weren't going to be a problem for her for very long.

She flies, quickly, into the fairy entrance at the base of the tree, and down to where the other boys would be messing around.

When she gets there she flies to the closest boy, Mitch, and lands on his shoulder, gasping for air.

Mitch looks down at her, smiling. "What is it Princess? Pirate got your wing?"

Princess scowls, but ignores his comment. She starts telling him, through a various series of chiming noises that all of the neverland boys had learned to understand, about how the boys were being chased by horrid, ugly birds that were going to kill them if they caught them. Then she told them about how the boys told her to fly back here, and get the boys to get all their arrows and shoot the birds down.

Mitch repeats the story to the other boys, already grabbing his handmade bow and running for the entrance. "WE'VE GOTTA HURRY!" He yells, opening the door and stepping into the hollow lift. "BEFORE THE UGLY BIRDS CATCH THE BOYS!"

Princess smiles and flies back out after them, ready to watch as her plan unfolds. If things worked out then the girls would be shot down, and she could return to being the only female on the island.

Updated because sometimes I do a reviewer thing and this time the winner was
xXDannii101Xx Who requested this story to be updated! I had honestly forgotten about it and now that I'm back into the flow maybe it'll get another update soon!