Disclaimer: "I so totally own both these programmes"-not!

This is set in two universes (which I will explain later) where 10 year old Raj, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Penny each accidently meet one of the Avengers and are sucked into another universe and have to fight someone/something/a load of aliens/help me I haven't decided yet, but any ideas about who they should be fighting would be appreciated-a lot! There will probably be no pairings in this fic, although Howard will try to hit on Penny and The Black Widow :D

Chapter one - A hawk at a Party

Raj stared around him in the warm Indian night. As people boasted in Hindi in the noisy garden he decided, that although being rich had benefits, this wasn't one of them. He wished that he could be at home studying the stars or reading some of the comics that his father had reluctantly agreed to ship in from America, (muttering about how they would influence him) not at some millionaires party, where no one paid any attention to him. Well, apart from one girl, from whom he had promptly fled.

As Raj looked up at the sky he thought he saw something in the trees surrounding the house, but dismissed the thought as when he looked again he couldn't see anyone. He was a scientist; he dealt with facts for the gods sakes, not tricks of the semi-darkness!

Suddenly there came a series of screams from behind him and Raj whirled around, staring in horror as one of the over-opinionated, drunken guests pointed a strange gun at the hosts head.

"I need-" he started, but didn't finish his sentence. There was an arrow lodged in his brain. Another hit the gun and it disintegrated.

Whist everyone gathered round the dead man, comforted the host and didn't bother to think logically about where the arrow had come from Raj snuck off towards the tree he'd seen earlier. Looking back at it later it probably wasn't the most sensible thing he could have done.

There came a snap and a yell as a tree branch broke and a man fell to the ground with a loud thump, accompanied by a sickening crunch. Dreading what he was about to see Raj rushed into the clearing and saw Hawkeye, unconscious. His bow and now mostly broken arrows had been on his back so he hadn't had time to shoot a grappling hook at a branch and as the branches had started high up there wasn't anything he could have grabbed onto to stop himself from falling.

Raj, of course, didn't know it was Hawkeye. It was 1991, the film hadn't even been thought of yet and he looked a lot different in the comics.

To cut a long story short, basically, The Avengers come from one universe where there are no films, TV programmes or comic books (about superheroes), only the real things, everyone knows superheroes exist, and it's 2013. Raj comes from a universe where comic books exist but the films don't cos it's the 20th century. SHIELD has a machine that can let the agents jump universes, but only under special circumstances.

Slowly, Clint groaned and opened his eyes, looking up at the concerned face of Raj.

"Shit, Fury's going to kill me," he cursed.

"Who is fury?" Raj asked in a heavy Indian accent.

"Doesn't matter," Clint replied, mentally checking himself for injuries; medium concussion, probably a sprained ankle and a fractured wrist, he tried to move it, make that definitely a fractured wrist, this is gonna make shooting the remaining arrows difficult, not to mention the array of cuts and bruises that littered his body.

"Are you okay?" Raj enquired, seeing his face momentarily clench up with the pain that he quickly hid.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," he lied, standing up with some difficulty. Clint pulled out the device that would take him back to his own dimension.

"You killed that man didn't you?" said Raj conversationally.

"Coulson, get me out of here now!" Clint yelled and he began to glow with multi-coloured light.

"What's that?" Raj questioned, being a scientist, he undeniably, had a natural curiosity. He grabbed onto the object, and his head exploded!

When he came back into consciousness he looked around.

He was not in India.

So, what do you think will happen next, should they end up in a SHIELD base or should something go wrong and they end up in the midst of their enemies…it was originally going to be the first one but then I thought the second would be kinda cool too…so, cast your vote…it's up to you reviewers! Duh, duh, dummm…

Next time, Sheldon tries to build a nuclear reactor (sorry I'm in TV show mode :D)