Chapter 3: Bonding

(A/N) Hello ladies and gents! How are we all on this lovely day? Again, and I know you are all fed up with my apologises, but I need to say sorry for how long it took me to update. Though again I made this a reeeeally long chapter to make it up to you all. Over 12,000 words! I love how I can write that many words for a fanfic but I can't write 2000 for a Geography essay lol xx

Important notes! This chapter was beta'd by the lovely PhoenixGirl on Archeive of Our Own. I cannot thank her enough for this! xx

Also, and this is heart soaring news... the amazing LaDyRvE drew a gorgeous piece of art work based on the story. So please check it out along with her other awesome works! Here's the link: workart/Trip-to-another-World-Valentines-Day-433811844

Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of The Guardians or Frozen. By this point if I did I'd make it so that every fanfic ever written about them was converted into a movie or TV show. xx

Dawn broke hours ago and the sun had risen high up before they eventually found Olaf. Elsa had been stricken with worry. High and low, on foot and in air, they had searched throughout the night and nowhere could they find the little snowman. It wasn't until about mid-afternoon that Baby Tooth ecstatically tugged on a loose strand of Elsa's braid, pointing excitedly down at a small but bustling park on the outskirts of the grand city.

Jack swooped down with Elsa flinching and squeezing her eyes shut as he descended. Despite several hours' worth of flying, she still hadn't felt any more comfortable streaking through the skies than before. As far as she was concerned feet on the ground was good, feet not on the ground was bad.


"Baby Tooth, where did you say you saw Frosty?" Jack asked as he touched down on the ground, Elsa still in his arms. They both looked through the crowds of people who all seemed to be heading in the one general direction.

Baby Tooth fluttered in front of Jack's face, pointing to a nearby ice cream stall that was surrounded by swarms of people, all pushing past each other as they tried to get a better look at something. Some at the back stood on their toes, peering over others shoulders, while parents lifted their children above their heads to let them see.

"What are they all looking at?" Elsa enquired, facing Jack.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Jack mumbled quietly.

"Come one! Come all! See the amazing, living, breathing, talking snowman!" a loud, jolly old man's voice boomed across loud speakers perched atop the ice cream stall.

Elsa blinked. "Are living snowmen common in these lands?"

Jack shook his head, "Nope."

He would bet his bottom dollar he knew exactly which snowman was being used as a marketing enhancer.

On the loud speakers a pop version of the song 'Frosty the Snowman' began to play loudly. Many of the people began clapping, cheering, singing, and whistling along as something at the front of the crowd began to happen.

"What's going on now?" Elsa asked, pushing herself up as far as she could to see better.

"Let's find out," Jack said, taking flight to hover above the crowd where they could see what was happening. There was a large, clear space in front of the ice cream stall and dancing and singing, being praised by all, was none other... than Olaf. On his head perched to the side was a fetching black top hat and in his hands he twirled around a matching baton.

The children at the front of the crowd jumped up excitedly, delighted by the snowman's performance.

"Oh, Olaf…" Elsa groaned, burying her face in her hands. After a second of self-pitying she looked up, her eyes narrowing in confusion. "How is it that they can see him yet they could not see me?"

Jack turned his attention from the rising star to the girl in his arms. "What do you mean they couldn't see you?"

"Earlier on..." Elsa hesitated, unsure how to explain the strange phenomenon. "I... I tried to get the attention of a gentlemen to ask him how to get back to Arendelle but... he... he couldn't see or hear me. At first I thought he simply hadn't noticed I was there or perhaps was ignoring me but then my hand..."

Elsa trailed off, her eyes travelling down to her hand as she brought it in front of her face. "My hand went right through him... as though I were some kind of... ghost," she breathed, her eyes closing momentarily as she relived the memory and the tingling sensation that had overcome her.

Jack stared quietly at Elsa, his curiosity and confusion deepening. He had pondered the thought that she was a spirit like him as he had been able to touch her and interact with her. He now fully believed his suspicion to be true after she had confessed that people hadn't been able to see, hear, or feel her. Only people who believed could do any of those things with a spirit. But from what she had said, he doubted that she knew what she was.

'All the more reason to take her to North.' Jack thought to himself. 'Hopefully he'll be able to help me explain everything to her.'

He didn't want to have to tell her, at least, not by himself. He felt that if she had more people who had gone through and were going through what she was then she'd feel more comfortable, filled with the knowledge that she wasn't alone in the world, that there were others just like her, that there were others who would support her and help her.

He dreaded telling her though. How do you tell someone that the life they had once lived was over? That it could never be the same no matter how much they craved for it to be so? She would be condemned to be surrounded by everything she knew and would have to stand by and watch as the withering hand of time stole everything away from her, as it changed everything she knew and loved about the world.

Nothing ever stayed the same.

And there lied the true curse within the blessing she had received.

For whatever reason the Man in the Moon, the only one Jack knew that was capable to grant such gifts of immortality and power onto people, had chosen her. She had been blessed with gifts much like his own. If they went to the North Pole, then North could get a hold of Mani who would hopefully explain to Elsa why she was chosen. He could help her understand and have an easier transition than he had had. And even if Mani refused and played the twisted little silent game as he had with him, then Jack promised himself that at the very least he would be there for the girl. He knew all too well the hardships that came with becoming a spirit and he refused to let her go through it on her own as he had.

She would not be alone, that he could guarantee.

At the very least she'd have him there. And he knew that the other Guardians would be more than happy to help her too.

"I take it you don't believe in spirits?" Jack ventured to ask, wanting to confirm his suspicions on whether or not she knew or not.

"Of course not, don't be silly." Elsa sighed exasperatedly. Her brow furrowed as she thought more on it. "Mind you, after everything that's happened of late, they very well could be."

That was all Jack needed to reach his conclusion. She had to be a spirit. Unaware of what she was. For whatever, reason Mani had neglected to tell her. He was certain that unlike him, she still had all her memories, though he didn't believe that she still had the ones of how she came to the other side of the living.

"Olaf!" Elsa called out.

Olaf stopped his dancing, looked up in the air and waved.

"Hi Elsa! Hi Jack! And is that Baby Tooth? I've been looking everywhere for you guys!"

Everyone in the crowd looked up, trying to see who or what the little snowman was talking to.

The ice cream man frowned, kneeling down beside Olaf; he asked in a hushed tone, "Who on Earth are you talking to?"

Olaf pointed in the sky to his companions, grinning and waving.

"Is the robot broken?" A little boy licking an ice cream asked.

"Robot? What does that mean?" Elsa frowned.

"Don't you know what a robot is?" Jack asked, puzzled.

"I've never heard of such a thing." Elsa admitted.

She looked back down at the snowman. "Olaf! Come on! Meet us over their by those little buildings! We don't have time for singing and dancing!" Elsa shouted and pointed to the nearby bathroom stalls.

"Aww, but Elsa-"

"Olaf..." Elsa said warningly, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh... okay then. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it was an honour performing for you!"

Olaf bowed lowly before scurrying through the crowds and heading for the bathrooms. He waved behind him, ignoring the sad groans of the audiences and pleas from the ice cream man to come back.

"I'll change the deal! We'll split the profits sixty forty! No? How about forty-five fifty-five? Olaf! Wait! Come back! Business hasn't been this good in months!" The ice cream man shouted, racing after his little marketing goldmine.

When he reached behind the bathroom stalls, however, there was no sign of any snowmen.

Jack, Elsa, Baby Tooth, and Olaf travelled up north in relative silence save for Olaf, who was more than happy to prattle on about his experience in the big city, or the Big Apple, as he had heard people refer to it as, which he had found strange.

"Why did people name a city after fruit?" Olaf asked, genuinely curious. "Do they name all cities after fruits here?"

Elsa tried to listen in as Jack explained, though she was too busy keeping her eyes shut, trying to pretend that she wasn't soaring thousands of feet in the air. If Jack dropped her from this height then it was all over. She still held tight to the idea of being wary around him, even with the time that she had spent with him. And though she was beginning to doubt that he was a spy of a neighbouring enemy kingdom, experience taught her to remain on her guard. People often showed their true colours when you least expected it, at the moment you needed them most and fully believed in them. For now, she would still question her trust in him, only allowing him small crumbs of information and trust if she thought it could benefit her in gaining more insight into her current predicament.

Her eyes continued to remain shut and it was only when snowflakes fell upon her skin that she opened them, a gasp escaping her as she took in the never-ending land of snow.

"Is this..." Elsa trailed off, looking up in wonder at the billions of tiny flurries descending from the heavens like the falling feathers of angels.

"Yup. Welcome to the North Pole." Jack smiled, swooping down lower in the air. "And that over there... is North's Workshop."

Elsa looked up ahead, noticing a magnificent building perched dangerously atop an icy ledge, nestled between a fortress of snowy, ice capped mountains. If she had ever once imagined what Santa's workshop would have looked like, it would certainly have never been anything as amazing as this.

"Hold on tight!" Jack grinned and sped up towards the opening that allowed North to leave the mountain via his sleigh. He raced through the ice tunnel, narrowly missing stalactites and stalagmites of ice, only decreasing his speed when turning a sharp bend.

Elsa wrapped her arms around Jack's neck tighter, biting her lip and scrunching her eyes closed. She heard Jack laugh and scowled at the sound. He was enjoying this a little too much.

After a few more seconds Jack flew into the launch bay where the sleigh was stored. It was a large spacious cavern, with towering ceilings and icy walls. Over on one side the reindeer's were grazing on hay, tucked away safely in their brightly painted stables.

Jack landed. Carefully he placed Elsa down, one hand still supporting her around her waist as she found her feet. Elsa took her first shaky step, gently pushing away Jack's support. Jack obliged, taking a few steps back to give her space.

"So where is this...North that you were going to introduce me to?" Elsa asked, taking in her new surroundings.

"Just wait here and I'll go get him. It'll be quicker if I look for him without any extra baggage," Jack said, flying off towards the door that led to the main factory.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, a large hand covered his mouth while another yanked him into the room, the door slamming shut behind him. Instantly Jack tried to shove the hand preventing him from speaking away but to no avail.

"What are you doing? What is wrong with you?" Jack shouted, though it was muffled and came out more as a series of mumbling gibberish.

"So," North drawled excitedly, inconspicuously creaking the door open an inch to peak at the young women standing at the exit of the launch bay, her hands clasped neatly in front of her. Beside her Olaf chattered away to Baby Tooth who fluttered above him happily. "That is the girl who fell like an angel from the sky?"

Jack finally shoved aside North's enormous hand. "Yeah, that's her. Plunged me right in the ocean."

North bellowed out a laugh. "That must have perked up your evening! I wonder who she is?"

"Her name's Elsa. Ring any jingle bells?"

North shook his head.

Jack frowned. How could North not know who she was? He had watched over every child since birth, gifting them according to their behaviour as they grew into adulthood. Surely he should know who she was. Then again, there were billions of children and billions more adults so one could hardly fault the man if he couldn't recall on command each one who had grown up.

After all, grown-ups weren't in their jurisdiction. He supposed there was less of a need to remember things about them.

"The snowman says she's from some place called Arendelle, do you know it?" Jack offered the information, hoping the name would prick at North's memory and make it easier to recall the girl.

North pondered for a moment, rolling the locations name around in his tongue. "Arendelle. Arendelle. Arendelle... yes... I know this place," North replied before lively light in his eyes faded, a frown settling on his old wrinkly features. "Wait... they claim to have come from Arendelle?"

"Yeah," Jack replied, eyes narrowing at the queer tone in which North spoke.

North folded his arms, shaking his head. "That cannot be possible."

"What do you mean? Why not?" Jack enquired, leaning back against the wall. Did North think the girl was lying? If so, why? He couldn't see any reason for her to lie and she had been pretty ardent on returning there.

"Because Jack... Arendelle is no longer-"

Two high pitched screams, one gruffer than the other, abruptly interrupted North. Both Guardians went for the door, banging into each other as they tried to squeeze through to see what had caused the blood curdling screeches.

Jack cursed under his breath.

He forgot to mention the yetis.

Poor Phil stood entrapped in a block of ice, his little beady eyes wide with fright and mouth frozen in mid-scream. Elsa rose up against the wall horrified, hands held out defensively in front of her. Olaf was behind her, grasping hold of the back of her cape as he stared at the frozen furry creature before them. Baby Tooth flitted about wildly, waving her wings in an attempt to calm the two down.

North turned to Jack. "She has ice magic! You never mentioned that!"

"To be fair, I only found out after I had sent Baby Tooth to fill you in," Jack explained, flying over to the yeti and tapping the ice with his staff. "Ouch. Unlucky there, Phil."

"What is that thing?!" Elsa shouted, pulling her hand towards her racing heart.

"That would be one of my faithful workers, Phil," North said as he fully entered the room and approached Elsa. "Pleasure to meet you, my dear!"

North took her hand, shook it, and then placed a small kiss upon the back of it. Elsa smiled nervously, her eyes still fearfully glancing towards the yeti wrapped in a block of ice. She gave North a polite curtsy, "My name is Elsa, Queen of Arendelle."

Although Elsa didn't see it, Jack noticed how North stiffened as the girl stated that. Jack wanted to know what North had been going to tell him about Arendelle before they had been interrupted, though it looked like he would have to wait until later. Still, the way North straightened up, his eyes dulled over, and his room lightening smile replaced with an empty one was rather strange. And far from comforting.

"Ah…" North drawled, releasing Elsa's hand. "I remember you."

Elsa blinked. "Pardon?"

"On your fourth Christmas, you asked me for a new sapphire blue pendant after you accidentally broke your first one. When you were five, you asked for twin dolls of you and your younger sister, Anna," North listed off, a full out grin back on his face. "Dolls which you later gave to her as a present when she was five."

Elsa just stared at him in utter astonishment, taking a step back, unsure of how to react. No one but her parents had ever known what she had asked for at Christmastime

"How do you know that?" Elsa whispered, uncomfortable with anyone knowing such intimate details about her.

"Because it is my job to. I am the bringer of wonder to children of the world. the Santa Claus. But I wonder dear queen, do you still believe in me?"

Elsa wasn't too sure what to believe anymore. Her grasp on reality had been continuously questioned and shaken in the last few hours, casting her beliefs and knowledge of how the world worked into a pit of doubt.

"I... I'm not sure what to say, sir. To be fully honest, I am still unsure whether or not this is a dream or hallucination or... or something else. Surely you can understand how difficult this all is?"

"I completely understand. Baby Tooth and Jack have glossed over your evening to me, though I believe there is still much to tell. In the meantime, some rest would do you good," North said, placing his hands on his hip in a zero tolerance stance. "I will have some of my workers take you to the guest room where you can freshen up and get some well-deserved sleep. I hope you will forgive me for saying this but you look exhausted, my dear."

Not only did she look it, but she certainly felt exhausted, both mentally and physically. Her entire body ached. All she wanted to do was curl up in her bed, bury herself within the depths of her blankets, go to sleep, and forget this crazy night. But right now, sleep was the furthest thing from her mind.

"Forgive me. I thank you for your humble offer of hospitality, but I must decline. You see, it is of vital importance that I get back home to Arendelle. My sister will be worried sick." Elsa said, twisting her hands. "Mr. Frost said that you may be able to help me?"

'Mister Frost?' Jack turned his attention away from Phil at the mention of his name.

"You know what, Elsa? I think North is right, some rest will do you good. All this travelling has really done a toll on me too and North's reindeers are only able to fly at Christmastime," Jack lied with a yawn, stretching his arms nonchalantly. North frowned at the reindeer comment, looking at Jack with a questioning look. "I could use some sleep myself to be honest."

Elsa wanted to disagree. She had to get home immediately. Worrying over her sister and her kingdom was not something she wished to!

But now she found herself at an impasse. She had no way of getting to Arendelle, and certainly no way that offered the quickness that flying did. If she went by foot, it would take months. And even if she did have transportation, then she still had no clue as to where Arendelle was from here. These people were the only ones who could get her home and fast.

Besides, they had been kind to her thus far. Well, North had proved far more hospitable but Jack, admittedly, had helped her greatly since first meeting her... even if he had pulled some very questionable antics. Politeness and etiquette refused to allow her to repay their generosity by rudeness and demanding that they take her to Arendelle.

She had no right to do so.

So despite the pressuring desperation to get home, she conceded. They could take her back home when Jack was rested up and had gotten direction from...Santa Claus, or North, as he seemed to prefer being called.

"I know you're in a hurry to get home and all, but unless you want to experience a nose dive into another ocean when I fall asleep when we're halfway there then, I suggest resting up for the day. If that's okay with you?" Jack continued laying the bait before she could say anything. He already knew what her answer would be.

Elsa conceded with a soft nod. "Of course."

"Well since that is settled…" North clapped his hands and out from the stables several elves scurried out, bumping into and falling over each as they scrambled over to North, their bells creating a choir of jingles. Elsa stared wide-eyed at the creatures.

"Are those...?"

"Elves? Yeah." Jack grinned, watching in amusement as her eyes lit up in fascination and wonder.

"Now take Miss Elsa to the guest room upstairs. Can you do that, yes?" North asked the elves.

The elves nodded, their bells rattling and jingling in agreement. The four wobbled over to Elsa, tugging at the bottom of her dress and pulling her along to a door at the far end of the room. Elsa turned to Jack and North questioningly.

"On you go, dear. They'll take good care of you. If you need anything at all do not hesitant to ask." North called over to her. "We shall discuss everything later on when you are rested up!"

Jack waved, shouting over to her "See ya later, princess."

Elsa rolled her eyes at the title and went with elves. Once she was gone Jack turned to North.

"So what do we do about Phil?" Jack asked, indicated to the block if ice behind him with his head.

"Oh." North turned to his worker. Phil's pupils darted from Jack to North. "I forgot about him. Perhaps we should have asked her to unfreeze him while she was here."

"I'll go get the blow torch" Jack shrugged, casting a wicked grin at Phil whose pupils dilated in fear.

"Now why exactly did you lie to her about my reindeer?" North asked as he closed the door to his office.

"I guess I was just trying to protect her," Jack replied quietly. "Well, try to anyways. She has to find out sooner or later, so I guess I was just... delaying the inevitable. At the very least she deserves one more restful night?"

North crossed his arms, his sleeves pushing up to reveal the tattoos upon his arms. He tilted his head at Jack, examining the boy. "Protect her from what, Jack?"

Jack shrugged, an unreadable expression on his face, "The truth."

North remained silent as Jack paced the room a few times, gathering his thoughts and ran a hand agitatedly through his hair before speaking, "She... she's a spirit... and she hasn't realised it yet. If she goes to Arendelle what will happen? She'll be none the wiser about what's happened to her and when people continue to look through her like she's invisible then what?"

"Arendelle's her home," he continued, "Everyone there is either a friend, a family member, or someone she knows. I... I don't want her to have to experience the people she loves and cherishes not being able to see her. What's more is she wouldn't even know why it's happening."

North nodded in understanding. "I understand, Jack. However, what concerns me is whether you are certain she is a spirit?"

Jack looked at North puzzled. "She said people couldn't see, feel, or hear her, and to top it off she has ice magic. What else could she be?"

North unfolded his arms and began pacing the length of the room himself, stroking his chin in thought. "Mani has told me nothing of any new spirits. Whenever he chooses someone to become one he always, without fail, informs us, The Guardians. I see no reason for him to change this and not tell us of our newest arrival."

Jack shook his head. "So...what? You're saying she isn't a spirit?"

"I am not saying anything for sure. Alas, I do not know. I shall have to discuss it with Mani." North said, picking up a cookie from a tray on his desk. "What I suggest is until we find out exactly what she is, we make her feel as comfortable here as we can. We will not worry her until we have all the facts at hand, agreed?"

Jack nodded, blowing a rebellious stand of hair from his face. "So what's the deal about Arendelle then?"

North turned to reply but a yeti, Derrick, raced through the door, arms flailing wildly in the air. He grunted out a series of gibberish grumbles and mumbles.

"What do you mean Bunny's cake was eaten?" North snapped, marching up to the yeti. "That took an entire week to prepare! We have only but a few days until-"

The yeti cut him off with another series of rushed grumbles.

"The elves ate it? I told you not to leave them with anything unguarded!" North face palmed, dragging his hand down his face, mumbling as he did so. "кто-то спасти меня сейчас."

"Hold up! What about Arendelle?" Jack drawled out the last word, realising North was too preoccupied with scolding Derrick for his lack of surveillance over the troublesome elves.

"Never mind then. Find out later shall I?" Jack scoffed sarcastically.

Jack threw his free hand in the air in gesture of frustration as he watched North chase after the annoyed yeti. As far he was aware, the cake in question was for Bunny's birthday party in a few days. In honour of the Easter Guardian reaching another hundred, North and the others had opted on a private ball to celebrate.

A ball that Jack was being dragged to.

He was all for celebrating the kangaroos' big day and all, but balls meant dancing, and that was something he refused to participate in. He was no fan of dancing, singing, or anything of that sort. But of course he had little option. North and Tooth would hunt him down to the ends of the Earth and make him attend. They would drag him kicking and screaming to the dance floor if they had to.

Seeing as he had little choice he favoured the easy option. Make an appearance and pray that that was enough to appease both Tooth and North. Maybe they would take mercy on him and let him off the hook in regards to the dancing.

A resounding 'coo-coo coo-coo' noise rung throughout the room. Jack glanced up to see a small yellow canary bird popping out of the old grandfather clock. Six o'clock. Unsure what else to do until North had a chat with The Man in The Moon, Jack opted for a quick flight before he went to check on Elsa to see how she had settled in.

Elsa watched the snow fall from her place at the heavily cushioned window seat, a small knitted blanket spread out across her lap. In her hand was a steaming cup of hot chocolate that the elves had been ever so kind as to give her.

They were such strange little creatures. A tad clumsy, but certainly well hearted. Elsa smiled fondly at the thought of them.

She supposed the elves weren't the only strange things around here though. Everything she had experienced since she had fallen through that black hole was strange and unusual. Everything she had never thought possible was happening. Creatures of legends that she had stopped believing in were now proving their existence before her very eyes.

She didn't know how to take this all in. Granted one could argue that she should take it with grace and ease, considering her own unusual brand of magic and knowing of the existence of trolls.

But that wasn't the case. To Elsa, her powers and the trolls were something she had grown up with. She had never had reason to question their existence. They were just always there. Everything else however, such as Santa Claus, yetis, elves and flying boys were not something she was accustomed to. Never had she had any proof to suggest that those things were real, in fact, all the evidence pointed to them being nothing more than fictional fabrications.

And yet here they were. As real as she was.

It was a startling, terrifying knowledge to behold, for with that knowledge came questions. Questions such as if Santa Claus and elves could be real...what else out there from all those wondrous tales her mother had told her could be true as well?

Dragons that sailed across the sky, breathing fire? Creatures of overwhelming sizes, like the lindworm or Leviathan, lurking within the depths of the oceans, silently waiting to pray on unsuspecting ships at sea? Or what of Fossegrimen or its cousin the Nøkken? Or witches and wizards? The list of possibilities were endless!

Some of the creatures within her countries folklore were fearsome monsters to behold. And the thought that they could be real... was unsettling.

Shaking her head, Elsa took a sip of her hot chocolate, letting out a content sigh as the sweet taste filled her mouth. It tasted perfect.

As she stared out into the distance her thoughts drifted off to what Sir North had said. How could he have known those things about her? What she had asked for so many years ago when she had been a child. Only her parents knew those things... but then again, her rational mind urged, several servants knew as well. It was possible that he found out through them. But what purpose would that serve though? Why go through all the trouble just to convince her that he was indeed Santa Claus?

'Maybe... he really is Santa Claus?' Elsa humoured the thought, nibbling on her lower lip.

After all that had happened today, surely she could bring herself to believe that he was who he claimed to be?

A wisp of a memory echoed through her mind. There was a way she could prove what he said was true. If he claimed that as Santa Claus he knew all her desires for Christmas then surely he would know the one wish she had most desperately yearned for... the one wish she kept secret to herself, locked away close to her heart. Never aloud had she told anyone this most cherished wish and if he could tell her what it was... then she would believe in him, without a shadow of a doubt.

'Next time I see him... I'll ask if he knows.' Elsa decided, sipping her drink.

It was her most secret of wishes, even Anna didn't know of it.

Thinking of her sister caused Elsa's mind to flash back to the strange vortex. She could have sworn she had heard and seen Anna when she had plummeted thought the vortex, meaning Anna had seen what had happened and knew she was missing.

Her sister had to be frantic with worry. And who could blame her? Imagine watching the last of her family suddenly vanish through some strange anomaly. No explanations as to how or why.

The thought of Anna panicking and being left to rule over the kingdom by herself churned Elsa's stomach. It was no easy feat ruling a kingdom and Elsa couldn't help the awful feeling that Anna may not be able to handle it all for long.

This was not to say that Elsa doubted her sister's capabilities. Elsa had full confidence that Anna could do it. Anna was so much stronger than she realised and had the potential buried within her to be a great ruler.

Even someone with natural talents, though, she needed direction and teaching in order to reach their true brilliance and potential. And that was all Anna needed, guidance. Just a little direction was all it would take to unearth the beautiful queen who could rule over Arendelle and help make it an even more prosperous and magnificent kingdom than it was now.

But this guidance had been withheld from Anna.

Very little effort had gone into preparing Anna for the throne. It had always been expected that Elsa would take it and therefore Anna was not required to learn how to rule as in depth as Elsa had been. And now Elsa was beginning to see that that had been a mistake.

Anna knew the basics of course, and after Elsa's coronation Elsa had insisted that Anna attend more lessons on how to rule. However, Elsa knew her sister to well, and knew how easily distracted she could be. The girl was infamous for having her head in the clouds.

As much as she hated herself for it, Elsa's confidence in Anna's capability dwindled a little more at the thought. Anna could keep everything in check yes, she knew that, but what she didn't know... was for how long.

'It's fine. Everything will be fine until I get back.' Elsa reasoned quietly, sipping more from her hot beverage.

Anna could keep everything in order until Elsa got back... so long as Jack Frost kept his word and helped her get back to Arendelle.

There was a timid knock door, snatching Elsa from her musings. With a sigh Elsa gathered her dress and headed for the door.

"Hello. Can I help-" Elsa was greeted by an empty hallway.

Frowning, Elsa went to close the door, writing off the knocking as her imagination playing tricks on her. It was only when someone cleared their throat did she look down towards the noise. It was one of North's elves.

"Oh, hello there." Elsa smiled softly.

The little elf held out a silver tray filled with freshly baked steaming hot cookies. There was also a refreshing glass of milk to go along with it. Elsa's smile widened and she knelt down, carefully relieving the elf of his tray.

"Are these for me?" Elsa asked politely.

The little elf finally looked up from the shiny ball attached to its shoe to look at the young woman before him. Its eyes widened ten times the size, its jaw hitting the floor; speechless, the little elf nodded, completely enraptured by Elsa's beauty.

"Why thank you, kind Sir," Elsa smiled softly, leaning forward and placing a chaste kiss atop its head.

The little elf's heart sped up, thudding uncontrollably against its ribcage. A vibrant blush stained its cheeks and a shy smile took over its face. It twisted its bell coyly around one finger, its left foot idly drawing little circles on the ground. It was official. The little elf was head over heels, in love at first sight, with Elsa.

"What's your name?"

The little elf came out of his stupor long enough to mull over her words, before throwing its head forward, jingling its bell. Elsa frowned. "You do have a name, yes?"

It grabbed hold of its hat and jingled its bell, tying to convey to the girl its name was Jingle. Elsa didn't quite catch on.

"Hmmm, I think I'll call you Bashful if that's alright with you?"

The elf pondered over it for a few seconds before giving a shrug. If the winter angel wanted to call him that, who was he to argue?

"Well Bashful, it was a pleasure meeting you. And thank you most humbly for the refreshments." Elsa bowed her head, giving Bashful a small wave before closing the door.

After having a few of the cookies she decided to give her head a break and try and get some rest. Heaven knows she needed it after this wild and adventurous day.

Staff dangling at his side, one hand in his pocket, Jack made his way down another corridor where more of the guest rooms where. He wasn't quite sure which room Elsa had been given and for the last half an hour he had been wandering through the endless corridors, knocking on doors and receiving no answer.

Then again it was fully possible that he had already come across her room and she had just elected to ignore him. Despite civility between them he could tell he wasn't in her good graces yet. He'd have to work hard if he wanted that privilege.

And that was something he intended to do.

Jack was ready to give up his search and go find North to see if he knew where the Elves had hidden Elsa away when he turned the corner and noticed something peculiar.

Standing outside one of the doors, a small white daisy in hand, was one of North's elves. Surrounding its tiny feet were a cluster of white petals that had been plucked from the flower. The little creature sighed lovingly as it smelt the daisy, tweaking off another petal and jumping up and down excitedly.

Jack narrowed his eyes. Staff thrown over his shoulder, he carefully crept along the hallway, watching the elf curiously. The next petal it pulled off the elf stopped its excited jumps, instead opting for a glum, dull, pitying look before letting out a sorrowful wail.

Jack blinked. Was that elf...?

The elf threw another petal in the air, grinning madly and twirling around on the spot, his feet hoping from place to place in uncontrollable excitement.

Jack smirked. He was. He was picking flower petals to see if the object of his affections returned the feelings. A distant memory, flicking by as quickly as the beat of a hummingbird's wings, fluttered in his mind briefly. His little sister had often played games like that, hadn't she? The thought was gone as quickly as it came and Jack brushed it off, instead continuing his silence approach towards the elf.

'Now I wonder who he's smitten with,' Jack wondered, rubbing his chin.

"Hey there, little man," Jack called out, waving with one hand.

The elf's ears perked up, and it turned its focus away from the withering flower in its hand to the Guardian. It looked at him questioning, looking around for someone else before pointing to himself with the flower.

"Yeah, you. Is that the guest room where Elsa is?" Jack asked.

The elf hesitated for a second, narrowing its eyes in suspicion before nodding.

"Awesome. Now if you don't mind could you move over?" he asked, moving to stand in front of the elf. "I need to see Elsa."

The elf just stared up at him, its nose twitching in annoyance. It swung its head, ringing its golden bell heatedly. Jack rose an eyebrow at the gesture. A light bulb clicked above his head as he realised what the elf meant.

"Ah," he drawled. "You wanna know why I want to see Elsa, huh?"

The elf nodded, placing its hands firmly on its hips.

Jack chuckled to himself, moving forward. "That's for me to know and Elsa to find out. And as you can see you're clearly not a part of this equations. So if you don't mind. Move."

The elf scowled, pointing with two fingers to each of its eyes before turning the fingers towards Jacks eyes, the gesture warning Jack that the elf was keeping an eye on him. Head held high the elf turned to leave.

Jack stood up, a smirk twitching on his lips as he reached for the handle.

Like a flash lightning the little elf swirled around, jumping up in the air and kicking Jack right in the shin before scurrying off as fast he could down the corridor. Jack let out a yell of surprise, his hand instantly going to his throbbing knee as he hopped on the spot in pain, hissing under his breath. He hopped towards the door, leaning against it.

'Curse that little-wahh!'

Jack's venomous curse upon the elf came to an abrupt halt when the door he was leaning on swung open as Elsa opened it to see what all the ruckus was about.

"What in Arendelle's name is going on out-?" Elsa finished her sentence with a startled scream as someone collided into her, sending the pair flailing to the floor with a loud thwack!

Elsa felt the air rush out of her as her back crashed into the floor and a surprisingly heavy person fell onto her, only worsening the fall. Both individuals let out a groan. Blinking, Elsa looked up to see just who's fall she had ever so conveniently cushioned. She could hardly see anything through all the snowy, surprisingly fluffy, white hair in her face, tickling the bottom of her face.

'Wait a second... white hair?'

"Jack?" Elsa said, a twinge of her anger glistening through her voice.

"Ow. Of course you would choose the very moment I leaned on the door to open it wouldn't-" Jack's words stalled when he realised his rather... compromising position.

Elsa was pinned under the full length of his body; his legs had somehow become entangled around hers. His head had landed at her neck, his nose squished uncomfortably were her shoulders met her neck. He couldn't help but notice the sweet fragrance of lavender on her.

Jack didn't move immediately, too stunned to do anything. It was then he heard Elsa's breath hitch and could feel her heart thudding madly against his chest as she too realised their positions.

Jack gulped. Great. This would end well...

"Oh, dear winter! Get off of me!" Elsa cried, her cheeks turning scarlet as she pushed her hands against Jack's chest.

Jack scoffed under his breath. "If you give me a second I'll happily oblige, princess!"

Although he couldn't see her face he imagined it would be contorted in anger. "Queen. Not. Princess!"

Jack, rather flustered himself, pushed himself up a bit with his elbows, blowing several strands of hair from his face. He peered down at the flustered queen underneath him, her hands on his chest, trying to push him off of her.

"Why please forgive me, your Majesty!" Jack said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "It's not like I meant for this to happen."

"Please will you just move!" Elsa grunted. "You aren't exactly a bag of weightless feathers!"

Jack muttered something inaudible under his breath and was about to move off the girl when an ungodly, high pitched, ear piercing war cry came roaring from behind him. Jack glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a small mass of red and green descending from above like some fearsome beast from another world, hands out stretched, ready to sink into the Guardian.

Jack blinked. Was that the love struck elf?


Too late. The little elf crashed into Jack, knocking him off of Elsa. Instantly the furious little elf was clutching onto Jack's head and attacking, pulling at his hair and kicking its legs into him. Jack let out a cry, desperately trying to unlatch the thing from his head.

Elsa just stared up in utter confusion, bewildered as to what was going on.

"Get this thing off of me! Ow! Oh, come on!" Jack cried, clumsily raising to his feet and crashing into furniture as he stumbled backwards around the room, trying to pull off the elf. "Elsa! Do something for the love of-Owe! What the heck is wrong with this thing!?"

Jack's angry pleas snapped Elsa out of her stupor. Gathering up her dress, she bolted to her feet, her hands instinctively rising to hurtle ice at the creature. As quick as her hand was up, however, she lowered it, refusing to resort to such means. She spun round on the spot, looking for some inkling of inspiration of how to help.

"Elsa!" Jack cried out as he banged into the wardrobe.

Elsa let out a helpless gasp. What did he want her to do? She was trying to think of something! The least he could do was give her a few seconds to think!

Rushing over to the other side of the room, she made her way over to where Jack had just slammed into the desk, toppling it over and sending all the contents upon it scattering to the floor. Awkwardly, Elsa tried to make a go for the elf, but each time Jack staggered out the way, unable to see that she was actually in front of him due to the elf blocking his vision.

"Stay still!" Elsa instructed, trying to grab the elf again.

"Stay still? Easy for you to say!" Jack shouted, outraged. He clutched onto the elf by its shoulders, pulling it away from his face a few inches. The elf still clung on like some desperate leech trying to suck the life out of him.

"How about you just... get... it... off...!" Jack hissed out with every time he tried to thrust the elf away.

Elsa scowled, diving forward and grabbing the elf by its waist and pulled with all her might.

"Bashful, please let go of him!"

"Bashful?" Jack snapped. "That's its name?"

Elsa pulled harder, one of the elf's hands finally losing its grasp due to the combination of Jack pushing and Elsa pulling at it.

"I don't... know" Elsa grunted, pulling harder. "That's just... what I call him. He isn't much... of a conversationalist!"

The elf lost its grip on Jack's hair and quickly dived for his ear, sinking its nails in viciously, earning him a howl of pain from Jack.

"Oh that does it!" Jack growled. With all his remaining strength, and with Elsa's help, both ice wielders managed to pry the elf from Jack's head. Elsa's hands snaked fully round Bashful's waist, securely holding him against her. Still the elf kept snarling and swinging its legs and arms in a futile attempt to reach Jack.

"What did you do to Bashful to make to make him hate you so much that he'd try to kill you?" Elsa asked, her voice strained as she struggled to keep the elf captive.

"I didn't do anything, princess! If you hadn't opened the door-"

"You're blaming me!?" Elsa cut in, appalled.

"Yes, I am blaming you for summoning your little minion to attack me! It only came in after you cried out!" Jack snapped, combing his hand from his hair to tame the wild tussles and stands. "If you had just kept calm and let me get up then that thing wouldn't be trying to kill me!"

"What? Am I not allowed to open my door now? I heard all the commotion so I went to investigate and then you flattened me! If anyone is to blame it's-"

"You know I genuinely don't want to hear it princess. How about you learn to control that bodyguard of yours from now on!?"

"If it wasn't for me you'd still have him latched onto you!"

"If it wasn't for you it wouldn't have attacked me in the first place!"

Elsa's eyes narrowed. He was really going to blame her? Even after she had helped him? Fine then, if that was the case. "Oops," she said in monotone, releasing Bashful.

'Oh snap,' Jack inwardly groaned. Quick as a flash, Jack tossed himself across the room, rolling across the floor and landing right beside his staff. As the elf jumped into the air he smirked, and using his staff, froze the elf inside a block of ice.

Smugly, Jack rose to his feet, dusting off his trousers. "Well... now that that's taken care of-"

A blast of snow collapsed on top of Jack, burying him head to toe.

"How dare you!" Jack heard Elsa snap. Popping his head out the snow, he saw her kneeling down beside the elf-sicle. With a wave of her hand the ice entrapping the elf began to melt, freeing the stunned elf from its icy prison.

"Are you alright?" Elsa asked worriedly.

The elf shook his head, blinking rapidly as it came to his senses. It looked up to Elsa, giving her a miserable sob. Elsa felt the cry tug at her heart strings and she tenderly picked the little fella up, holding him close to her chest, offering him kind words and apologies for his predicament.

Jack's jaw dropped. She... she was siding with the elf! It was the blasted elf that had attacked him! Why was the elf the one getting sympathy?

"Oh dear, you're as cold as ice. Come on, let's go see if we can get you something to warm you up. Okay?" Elsa smiled.

Bashful's face lit up like a Christmas tree. He nodded vigorously, his bell chiming cheerfully. Elsa smiled fondly at the creature before going to leave the room, carrying the elf with her. Bashful stuck his tongue out at Jack, a pleased, content, smug smile on his annoying little face. Jack glowered at it with pure contempt.

Just as they passed, Elsa briefly paused beside him. "I would like to speak to you. Can you meet me in an hour outside by the gazebo I saw when you brought me here?"

She didn't wait for an answer, leaving without another word.

Jack dropped his head into the snow, letting out a frustrated moan. Well this encounter hadn't quite gone to plan. Maybe, just maybe, this next one would. Though with the trend of their interactions thus far he wasn't going to hold his breath.

One thing was crystal clear though... he really hated elves.

An hour later Elsa found Jack outside of North's work shop, lounging atop the snow covered gazebo, one hand dropped to the side, idly holding his staff. The moonlight bathed down on him, giving him an almost unearthly glow. Elsa tilted her head as she approached him. He looked rather tranquil from where she stood. The playful spirit was seemingly in slumber... for now.

She didn't stare at him to long, instead casting her eyes downwards, for she knew that he knew of her presence. Her feet were making soft crunching sounds as she walked in the snow, alerting him of her approach.

"So," Elsa called out to him once she reached the base of the tree, "is freezing harmless elves another one of your talents?"

"What can I say?" Jack shrugged, eyes never leaving the twilight sky, "I'm a man of many talents."

"Do you always throw around your powers so carelessly?" Elsa asked, her tone disapproving.

"You're one to talk," Jack retorted, casting a glance over to her. "You froze Phil earlier on and yet you're pulling me up for freezing an elf?"

Elsa took that as a yes to her question. From what the little elf had managed to communicate to her, Jack was quite infamous for throwing his powers around without a care in the world.

"That was an accident," Elsa corrected him.

She had been frightened. Never before had she came across such a creature. When fear filled her heart she did what she always did, she reacted without thought. It was instinctive.

Elsa shook her head, looking up at him. "You wield your power like a careless child with a toy sword," Elsa scolded, no trace of mockery in her voice. She was serious. "You could have hurt him or worse."

Jack sighed, not in the mood for scolding. "The little rodent attacked me and here you are complaining that I was in the wrong?"

"You're older are you not? Try being the mature one and not retaliating. He explained everything to me."

Admittedly, it had taken her a while to decipher what he had to say, but she was sure she had got the gist of it.

"From what I gather he thought you were trying to hurt me and was protecting me," Elsa explained. Though even she admitted that the elf, although well-intentioned, had been a tad... extreme to say the least.

"I can't believe you're taking his side," Jack muttered, tsking under his breath. His eyes left the moon and glanced over to study Elsa. It was then Elsa caught a glimpse of several vicious red scratches and cuts on his face lightened by the moons rays, stingy reminders of earlier on.

"I'm not saying what he did was right. What I am saying is that you shouldn't have retaliated how you did. Your powers... they aren't a toy. They can be dangerous." Elsa tried to explain calmly, though her voice was strained with a painful anger.

This boy... he held powers just like she and yet unlike her he used them with absolutely no reserve from what she had heard from the elf, as well as some of the yetis who had assisted in helping her with Bashful. He held no fear. Like they were a plaything. Something to amuse himself by. But that's not what they were. The powers that they held, although as Pabbie had once told her a thing of beauty, they could be dangerous, deadly even.

Seldom did Elsa let her powers completely free as he did. Granted, on occasions she would indulge in a little child's play with them, but never too often for fear of being reckless.

"Why didn't you... why didn't you tell me about your powers earlier?" Elsa asked quietly, her fingers entwining with one another.

Jack sat up, gripping onto the edge of the gazebo he was sitting on and allowing himself to fall backwards so he was hanging over the edge by the back of his knees. He looked at Elsa upside down and shrugged. "To be honest the conversation never really presented an opportunity to tell you."

Elsa nodded, accepting the reasoning. "You shouldn't be so careless with them. People get hurt when you aren't mindful of how dangerous they can be."

Jack's studied Elsa, watching as her eyes glanced away to the side as she recalled a memory. He saw how her teeth nibbled at her lower lip and a sorrowful twinge of guilt came alight in her eyes. He wondered if experience was what had taught her that her powers were dangerous and something to be feared. Not wanting to pry, he didn't ask.

He flipped down, rolling in the air before landing on his feet. The motion stirred Elsa from her reminiscing and she averted her eyes back to his.

"They're only as dangerous as you let them be," Jack said, leaning back against the wall and putting his free hand into the pocket of his hoodie. "So... Bashful was it? How is he? Still plotting my imminent demise?"

"Bashful is fine," Elsa began carefully, glowering at Jack as she added, "No thanks to you."

Jack shook his head, smiling. "So, what did you ask me out here for?"

"You said early that you had some questions for me and I have some for you."

"Alright then, question game it is."

Elsa held up her hand, stopping the Guardian saying anything else. "But first, we're tidying up your injuries."

Jack blinked. "Injuries?"

"The cuts and scratches that Bashful was ever so kindest to leave you with," Elsa said. "Do you have a medical room or anywhere with medical supplies?"

"It's just a few scratches, I'll be fine," Jack tried to explain with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I've had worse, trust me. This, this is nothing. They'll heal."

Elsa rolled her eyes, stepping forward and grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him back towards the factory. "Stop complaining and come on."

Despite himself, Jack smiled.

"You do realise this is pointless? They'll be healed up eventually," Jack told Elsa for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

The Guardian was currently sitting atop the counter inside of North's kitchen, his legs hanging off the edge, feet touching the floor. Beside him leaning on the counter was his staff, a comfortable distance close by just in case a certain elf decided to inflict some more wounds in the name of love upon him.

"Stay still," Elsa murmured quietly. Delicately, she placed a cotton bud onto one of the more nasty looking scratches, having to go on her tippy toes to reach. Jack visibly winced, causing Elsa to hesitate before continuing. Gently, she started cleaning the wound.

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" Jack said, digging his nails into the counter as the cotton bud was dug in a little deeper. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry!" Elsa fretted apologetically.

She binned the cotton bud she had been working with, picking up a fresh one and placed it in the disinfectant water. "Bashful really did a number on you, huh?"

"Yeah... he's certainly, uh... pretty protective," Jack chuckled.

Elsa stood on her tippy toes again, leaning over him to better scrutinise the cuts on his face. Jack suddenly felt rather awkward. Her face was directly in front of his, taking up his entire vision. From this close he could make out barely visible scatter of freckles across her cheeks. Unsure as to where to look, Jack tried averting his eyes to the left, suddenly afraid of making eye contact with Elsa at this close a distance.

His eyes moved over to the window and it was then he took notice of something that put a smirk on his lips. Peering in, a glower on its features, was the horrid little elf Bashful from earlier. What Jack couldn't see was the five other elf's outside all piled up onto each other's shoulders in order for Bashful to peek into the kitchen window.

"Do you have any bandages?"

"We have plasters," Jack offered, startled out of his observations. He pulled away, now able to breathe more easily. He leaned back across the counter, picking up a small green box with a white cross on it. Opening it up, he took out some plasters. "These any good?"

Elsa frowned, taking them from him. "And how are you supposed to bandage a wound sufficiently with these?"

Now it was Jack's turn to frown. He watched as she examined the sealed plaster. It almost led him to believe she had never seen one before. "They'll do the job fine. Just umm... open it and stick it on."

Elsa pealed the plaster open, her eyes brightening like a child who had just discovered something. Nimbly, she placed the plaster over the cut across Jack's cheek, smiling when it stayed in place rather than falling off as she had assumed it would. She picked up another one, smiling in fascination. "These are quite impressive for something so simple."

Jack let out a small laugh under his breath. "You do know it's silly doing all this though. The cuts will heal up within a few hours."

"You keep saying that but no matter how small cuts and scratches this deep aren't going to heal up overnight. If you're not careful they could get infected and then what will you do?" Elsa chided as she started cleaning another one of his cuts.

"I don't get infections."

"Everyone is vulnerable to infections," Elsa sighed, scrapping off some hardened blood from his face.

"I'm not like other people."

Something dawned on Elsa then. Still cleaning the cut she asked "Earlier on when I... when I thought I had... killed you... I checked for a pulse but you didn't have one. Why was that? And then when I said that you were alive you said... not quite... what did you mean by that?"

"Well…I'm not really alive, strictly speaking," Jack said slowly, watching Elsa's face closely to gauge her reaction.

Whatever Elsa was feeling she kept it well hidden behind a masquerade of calm, all her focus being on the cleansing the scratches. She nodded her head. "What are you then?"

"I'm a spirit," Jack confessed, not beating around the bush.

"Which means you're..." Elsa trailed off, not wanting to finish that statement.

"Dead? Yeah. I died a very long time ago. Three hundred years give or take," Jack shrugged, not feeling overly comfortable with getting into such a deep conversation. It wasn't exactly the most lively of topics they could be talking about. Already he could feel the grim atmosphere settling in.

Elsa was quiet for a long time after that. Jack grew nervous as he waited patiently for her to respond. "So," she said, breaking the silence, "what's it like being a spirit?"

"Has its ups and downs," Jack shrugged. "Ow, ow, ow! Though I still feel pain so try and not apply that thing too hard."

Elsa muttered an apology, sticking another plaster over the cut. "There's starting to be more plasters than you," Elsa laughed lightly.

"Oh well, maybe it'll hide my good looks enough that all the girls will stop chasing after me," Jack joked, giving Elsa a quick wink.

A light bang on the window pane caused him to cast a quick glance towards it. A furious Bashful was on the window sill, fighting angrily to get towards Jack. Thankfully two other elves had made their way onto the window sill and where holding him back. Elsa didn't seem to notice all the commotion.

"Hmmm you think so? To be honest I think the plasters hiding your face are an improvement," Elsa teased with a wicked a smile.

Jack scoffed in mock offence, raising a hand to his heart. "You wound me, fair lady."

Elsa smiled, finishing off cleaning the last of his scratches. She busied herself with putting away all the utensils she had used. Once she was finished, she dusted off her hands then took the seat next to Jack.

"I would like to apologise for when we first meet. I was rather drastic and made accusations of you without any evidence to suggest my hunches to be correct," Elsa apologised, bowing her head.

"Don't worry. I completely understand. I can only imagine how difficult taking all this in must be," Jack said delicately, pulling his feet up onto the counter and crossing them. He rested his chin in hands, observing the queen before him. "So... what was it that exactly happened that took you away from Arendelle? Do you remember?"

Through half veiled eyes Elsa retold Jack the events that occurred, of how she had been finishing off her work when suddenly the ground beneath her feet suddenly gave way to a black vortex and how the last thing she heard or saw was her younger sister reaching out to her.

"Anna's your sister then?" Jack asked, though it was more of a statement. Elsa nodded. "I was wondering who that was. When I first found you, you mumbled her name."

"She was the last thing I saw before blanking out. Next thing I know I'm flying through the skies in some stranger's arms. It's been an... an interesting night to say the least," Elsa laughed the last part emptily.

"What's she like? I take it's she as ice as you," Jack joked, stressing out the word ice in hopes she would pick up the pun.

Elsa did and she wasn't impressed by it slapped him playfully on the shoulder, Jack recoiling with a laugh. "You'd get along perfectly well with her. She's forever making puns when the opportunity presents itself."

They both laughed and continued talking. Elsa told Jack all about her sister and about the Kingdom of Arendelle. She didn't go into too much detail, glossing over most of it, but she said enough to keep up a light and surprisingly delightful conversation.

It was only when some of yeti's came into the kitchen to begin dinner that they realised the time. Jack escorted Elsa back to her room, leaving the queen for some much needed sleep until dinner was ready.

"Would you like me to come get you when dinners ready?" Jack offered, just before Elsa closed her door.

"I would like that," Elsa smiled, closing her door.

Jack stared at the door for a few seconds, a faint smile twitching at the corner of his lips before he left, unaware of a certain little elf stalking along the rafters on the ceiling above him, waiting for him to let his guard down.

Pabbie alone watched solemnly as Kristoff rode off on Sven into the distance, the mournful princess ridding beside him on her mare. All the other trolls had left for their homes, retiring for the night. For the troll king, however, his night was far from over.

He hadn't been quite honest with the princess, withholding information from her. But there was a reason for it... a reason he was about to address. He just prayed he still had the courage and strength left in him to do so.

"I know you are there spirit!" Pabbie called out into the surrounding darkness. "I believe I have already told you that your presence is not, and never will be, welcome here!"

A dark disembodied laughter echoed through the air, sending a chill down the troll's spine. Pabbie closed his eyes, raising his head. He would not show fear... not to this accursed spirit... not again.

"Why look at you," a silvery, bodiless voice said, "all grown up. No longer the mere gutless, pathetic, weak little pebble you once were. How long has it been, Pabbie?"

"Not long enough," Pabbie stated, opening his eyes to find the owners voice looming over him.

Pitch Black grinned darkly, his eyes like an eclipse alighting brightly. He knelt down on one knee, leaning down so he was face to face with the troll. Darkness surrounded them, the only breath of light coming from the moons dulling rays. Pabbie eyed the darkness all around warily. Within he could make out faint movements, as though there were creatures lurking within the shadows.

"Aw, and here I thought we were friends. We use to be so close," Pitch smiled sarcastically.

"What is your purpose for being here, spirit? Whatever it is you are after I can assure you that you will not find it here," Pabbie said, wishing to have their meeting over with.

The presence of the dark entity was bringing back old memories that he had hidden away. Memories he didn't want to relive again. He had dealt with this spirit before, long ago when he had been but a child. He remembered the nightmares inflicted upon him. He remembered how Pitch had used all his fears and worries against him, hurtling the young troll into despair and agony.

It was not something he wished to go through again.

"All I want is one thing," Pitch said, holding up a single digit. "Give it to me and I'll leave you and your people alone. This will be the last time you have to see me. Sound like a fair deal?"

Pabbie narrowed his eyes. "And what is it that you want from me, spirit?"

"Oh come now, must you call me that?" Pith tasked, rising to his feet. He took a few steps away from the troll, his hands clasped behind his back. "I think we're familiar enough with each other that you can call me by my name. We are old friends after all. Or are you still afraid?"

Pabbie had no desire to speak the name that had plagued his childhood. It was like bitter poison on his tongue.

"Tell me what it is you are after. I have no time for games."

Pitch turned from the troll, shaking his head. "I see friendship is still such a fickle thing."

A bright flare of anger burned inside of Pabbie. He wanted to tell the spirit that friendship did not consist of torturing their companions. He wanted to tell the spirit that it was a thing of beauty. It was built of trust. It was a promise to look out for those you called friend, to put their needs before your own.

It was something that Pitch would never own or could ever hope to comprehend.

"What I want," Pitch continued, slowly pacing in front of the troll, "is to know where exactly the Snow Queen is. Or should I say when she is? I know you know and for whatever reason have neglected to inform the princess. I suppose it would do her no good in knowing. Not like she could use the knowledge to save her sister."

Pabbie stilled. Why did Pitch want to know where Queen Elsa was? The reasons could only be sinister. Nothing good would come of telling Pitch the truth.

"I know not where she is. I am afraid my magic cannot tell me that much," Pabbie lied.

He hadn't told the princess what timeline her sister had been sent to as he had known the spirit was there. He had sensed him immediately, picking up on the dark aurora that screamed of terror and fear.

"Liar." Pitch snarled lowly.

Pabbie took a cautious step back, lifting his hands in front of him, ready to conjure forth his magic. He was the ruler and protector of the trolls... he would not go down without a fight should the spirit attack. He may be old but that didn't mean he was weak.

"I demand that you leave! You have long out stayed your welcome!" Pabbie demanded, raising his voice.

Pitch smirked, lowering his head, casting a dark shadow over his face.

"Wrong decision."

Pitch snapped his fingers and the shadows all around darted forward, penetrating the moonlight in the form of long, menacing tendrils of darkness. Pabbie raised his hands to ward off the shadows with his magic, but from behind him a dark tendril lashed forward, curling itself around his wrist and preventing him from doing so.

Within seconds, more tendrils leaped up from the darkness, coiling around the troll until his entire body was wrapped up tightly, making it difficult to breath. Pabbie struggled again his bonds, curling under his breath.

Pitch made his way with a flawless elegance over to the troll and leaned forward. "Now... tell me where she is and I'll spare your pathetic little village. Or would you rather that all your fellow trolls experience the same unpleasantries you did, once upon a dream?'

Pabbie's eyes widened, a look of horror etched onto his face. He shook his head, a single tear tripling down his face. He hung his head in defeat.

"No," was the simply reply.

"Good. So tell me... where is Queen Elsa of Arendelle?"

(A/N) What do you think of Jack's love rival? Think Jack can fall in love with Elsa and woo her before the elf does? (Don't worry I'm just trying to play that triangle for laughs. Nothing serious there. The little elf simply fell in love with Elsa at first sight, and really, who can blame him?) I want Jack and Elsa's love to be deeper than skin deep though xx

I was going to reveal what has happened to Arendelle this chapter but I decided against it. Instead opting for some jelsa moments and creating the setting for the future ball... guess what's going to happen there (wink wink wink.)

Also, I took a little inspiration from Santa Claus 2 for Elsa's and North's first meeting. In the next chapter Tragic Truths (name may change) I'm hoping to have some more interaction between the two so we'll see how that goes xx

P.S A plaster is a band aid. Through my beta I humorously discovered that some places don't refer to plasters as plasters but instead as band aids. So just to clear up any confusion there lol xx

Anyways, onto the reviews!

Bigby the Big Bad Wolf: Sorry you didn't find it funny, I know a few others weren't too impressed by his antics either lol xx In full honesty Jack dropping Elsa was a spur of the moment thing. It allowed me to create friction between the two characters and also catch all my lovely readers off guard, well at least i hope it did. xx Wish granted with Pabbie interacting with others. Your review inspired me to add the end scene with Pabbie and Pitch, so I hope you liked it xx Thank you for your review, it's appreciated! xx

Guest: I'm actually (spoiler) planning on having a moment between them like that XD I think Elsa's teeth would enraptured Tooth's attention lol xx

AffyRainbws: Nope, Olaf's not a spirit, I'm afraid. Originally he was going to be but I decided against it so i could have the ice cream stall scene which was for everyone who commented on adoring Olaf in my story :D Also there is another reason but that would be a spoiler xx

Akatsuki Demon Kiera666: Aww thank you xx I hope you liked this chapter. I decided to try and add a lot more humour xx

res123: I'm glad you're enjoying my story this far xx I'm not sure how much trouble Olaf will get into so we'll just have to wait and see xx To be honest I prefer slow burner romances. I'm okay with instant romances too but I think for these two it would be a gradual fall, especially with certain aspect of their personalities clashing. xx Your comment about what The Guardians will think when they find out that Jack has fallen for Elsa (when he does that is) has inspired a few ideas. I hadn't actually thought about what the Guardians would think but I've definitely got a ruff idea now xx

First Movement: Here's the next chapter, mon ami. I hope you enjoy it xx

HopelessRomantic183: The reason for Elsa not being transported to meet Jack of the past was mainly because I didn't want to mess about with the canon stories too much. I wanted them to go through their movies and develop rather than messing about with their histories (I actually love stories like that but for this one I decided again it) xx Also, another reason is sort of secret to the plot so I shan't give that away yet xx

Otakugirl 13: Aww thank you! I'm really happy you're enjoying the story! xx

Acinorev17: I'm glad you like my story :D Here's the next chapter! xx

Lavenian: I'm glad you found it funny. There was an interesting mix reaction with it lol xx p.s are you psychic? I love hearing people's theories on where my stories are going. I have to say that's a really good guess though and as you can see with this chapter Arendelle certainly has experienced a certain... misfortune. I do have a few tricks still up my sleeve so hopefully I'll be able to catch you off guard in future chapters. xx

Guest: Here's the update! Hope you enjoyed xx

StormyRebel: Aww thank you! Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed! xx

007: Hello 007, the names Forever...Foreverdelighted (raises wine glass). Lol sorry, couldn't resist. Here's the update xx

Tanoshii Shurui: If you ever have any questions feel free to ask :) Hope you liked this chapter xx

Katarina Aguilar: Aww thank you for your lovely review. Here's the next chapter and as for Elsa joining the fight against Pitch and Jack being all badass, I'm afraid I'll have to keep you in suspense for that one xx

MegamiTenshiHime: Thank you! xx

amybawesome: Knowing you did a happy dance has made me do a happy dance! I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I hope you managed to finish your homework though! I don't want any of my lovely fellow shippers getting into trouble from their teachers! xx

Littlefox109: I'm happy you liked that line. I've added some more Olaf so I hope you enjoyed it xx

LadyRve: Can i just say i think i died and went to heaven when I saw your piece of art! An amazing artist actually drawing something based on one of my fanfics! Dream come true! I literally burst into tears (tears of joy!) So thank you soooo much! (throws air hug!) xx

moon 72: Thank you for your lovely reveiw! You have no idea how much of a smile it put on my face. Again I'm terribly sorry for how long its taken me to update, hence the reason I try to make the long so that it makes up for the lateness a bit. xx

Alyssa5757: Aww thank you! xx

the-clumsy-one: Here you go my darling xx

Thank you for taking the time to read this xx I hope you enjoyed xx