Co-written by me and Tabbypie101. We don't own Total Drama Island.

Zoey was walking down the halls of Wawanakwa High as she found her locker and opened it, putting her stuff inside. On the other side of the hall, Mike came walking up to where she was, whistling as he carried his stuff to his locker. He was tripped by Duncan, who just laughed and ran off again mumbling something that sounded a lot like," Dork."

Zoey got the stuff she needed and shut her locker door before she turned to walk down hall when she saw Mike laying on the floor causing Zoey to go over to him. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" She asked, helping him up.

Mike looked up at her and into her eyes with a smile showing off his gap," Yeah, I'm fine." He said, accidentally singing the 'I'm fine' part as Svetlana took over.

Zoey gave him a confused look, wondering why he sang the last part, but chose to ignore it "Oh, okay good. I'm Zoey Nelson, by the way."

"Hi. Let me see, I'm Mike Wyatt, Chester, Svetlana, Vito, Manitoba Smith, and Mal...ted milk ball lover! Please just call me Mike though."

"... Okay, Mike." Zoey said 'Wow, he has a lot of middle names.' she thought.

"Hey, umm... What's your homeroom?"

"Mr. Franklin's English class, what about you?"

"Same here, ba-bay."


Zoey looked at him, weirdly "Who are you talking to?"

Mike turned his head in embarrassment and started walking to his class," Nobody."

"Okay...?" Zoey said and started walking to her class too.

Eventually everyone got to class and sat down. The teacher passed out textbooks. Duncan, the same one who tripped Mike, came into class late. Zoey look at Duncan as he walked in before paying attention to class again.

The teacher stopped and looked at him," Why are you late Mr. Barnes?"

"Cause class sucks!"

Zoey rolled her eyes as Duncan sat down behind Mike and kicked his chair. Zoey saw what he did and glared at him while Mike just ignored him and did his work. Zoey just rolled her eyes and went back to her work. Eventually, the class ended and Mike and Zoey went back into the hall to get their stuff. Scott came up to Mike and pushed him down as Mike looked down, sadly.

"Well, if it isn't the freak." Scott said.

"I'm not a freak." He muttered.

"Yes, you are." Scott said with a grin.

"Just leave me alone. Ok?" He said as he got up and gathered up his things.

"Hmm let me think about that ... No!" Scott said and kicked Mike in the shin, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Getting a thrill from Mike's pain, Scott grinned and kick him again. Unfortunately for him, Zoey saw and went to tell the teacher.

"Leave the young wipper snapper alone."

"Shut up Chester. Now's not the time!"

Scott laughed "See what I said, you ARE a freak." he said and kicked him again as Mike cringed in pain. Scott laughed and did it again when Zoey came back with Mr. Franklin.

Mr. Franklin stood there," Can I talk to you for a minute, Scott? In my room." He said, taking Scott into his classroom.

Zoey helped Mike, who kept cringing, up and took him to the nurse.

Scott groaned "What do you need to talk about?"

"What did I say about making fun of Mike?"

"I dont know." Scott said.

"You know very well what I said, Scott. You can't just say that about somebody. Especially one of your peers. He can't help that he's that way. He has 'Multiple Personality Disorder'. It's uncontrollable. Most people with MPD developed it from traumatic experiences. He could be or possibly has been suffering from something you're not aware of."

Scott just sighed. "And that is my problem, why?"

"Because you have detention after school with Principal McLean." He said, ripping a slip out of a detention book and gave it to him.

"Ugh, whatever! Can I go now?"

"Yes. You can go, but if I see you picking on him again, I could always change your duration to a week."

"Okay, okay whatever, bye!" Scott said and walked out of the room.