I do not own Hetalia~
In Due Time

A/N: : (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 ( Yay for Pirate Antonio~ I will try my best with this one as well, if you want me to continue, please leave an opinion~ If you don't know who the characters are, please ask!)

Pezzo di merda – Piece of shit – Italian

Chapter One: The Rich Brat

Sweat dripped from the neck of olive skin as they splattered in all directions. It was a chase. The boy darted from an obstacle, trying with all his might to escape. He had furrowed eyebrows, which were perfectly shaped and also damp from sweat. His auburn eyes focused on his pathway to freedom, and his body with small tanned muscles twitched quickly, giving him energy to run. Thankfully the men chasing him were middle aged; he had a youth's advantage and all seemed to be well until there was one obstacle he did not see in his way.

The brunette haired runaway rammed into a hard figure and fell on his bum. He cursed under his breath and tried to get back to his feet, as he looked up to see what he had ran into. He found himself staring straight into emerald eyes. The eyes had a certain gleam and before he knew what was going on, he was violently pulled against the mysterious young man's chest. He struggled, then shivered when he felt the man's breath on his neck; his deep voice echoed in his ears.

"I'll help you escape, follow my lead!" The boy was unwillingly dragged into an alley way and just when the chasers had caught up, auburn eyes widened in shock as the boy's lips were forcefully slammed with the man's. The chasers stared in confusion until the man broke the kiss and moved the brunette's head closer to his chest, effectively blocking his face. Acidic emerald eyes glared at the men, making them shudder.

"As you can see, I'm trying to have a moment with my lady friend here, won't you give us some privacy?"

"Could we see your "lady friend" now Mister? He may be someone we are currently trying to track down." The leader of the chase exclaimed, uncertainty in his voice.

"Do I look like someone who would sleep with a man? SCRAM!" Emerald eyes pierced the men and caused them to disperse, as they ran away in fear. When they were out of sight, the boy pushed the man away, glaring daggers as he brought his hands up to wipe his lips. However, the man only chuckled and provoked the boy further.

"Instead of glaring at me with that pair of beautiful eyes, why don't you say thanks with those soft lips of yours? I'm pretty sure I just saved your lovely ass."

"You needn't use such a revolting method. How dare you even shove your fucking tongue down!" The boy complained, a small blush on his cheeks as he continued to rub away at the intangible kiss.

The man smirked. He was curious about who the boy was; although he was covered in dirt and didn't have good manners, he was certainly gorgeous.

"Why are you running away from those men, did you steal something?"

The boy scoffed. "You must be fucking kidding me. I'm running because these bastards kidnapped me." The boy patted some dust off his thighs. This piqued the man's interest. Normally, one would not kidnap a boy if he was not of value and since it didn't seem like he was used for sex either. And judging from his attitude and language, the boy was probably rich, an aristocrat's son. Antonio licked his lips.

"May I ask who you are?" The boy asked, still wary of the man.

He answered in a proud voice.

"Captain Antonio Fernández Carriedo at your service." He said with a bow, quickly taking the boy's hand in his and leaving a small peck. The boy blushed furiously, whipping his hand away. Antonio had a captain's hat on which he took off with the bow, revealing brown locks of hair, which surprisingly looked soft to the touch.

"Captain of what?" The boy asked suspiciously. The man smirked.

"Of Pirates."

"I have a request." The boy suddenly states, staring straight into the slightly older man's eyes.

"For a generous reward from a young master, I will consider it." He said, smiling in his ominous way once more, making the lighter brunette gulp uncomfortably.

"If you return me to my family, I will reward you when we arrive." The boy commanded, then looked down to his clothes.

"And I would very much appreciate it if you'd offer me some new clothes." he added with distaste.

Antonio contemplated the offer. At the moment the crew had absolutely nothing to do so it could be a good direction. But it depended on what the boy could give him. As if his mind was read, the boy called out in an impatient voice.

"I will give you two hundred gold pieces and each of your crewmates a hundred. Sound good?"

Antonio smirked. "Perfect. Now tell me, what is your name?"

"Lovino Romano Vargas."

Antonio led Lovino to his ship which was docked behind the island. When Lovino walked up the plank set down by Antonio's men, all eyes immediately settled on him. Antonio had already bought him new clothes earlier and now he looked like a simple cabin boy.

"Who's this captain?" One man asked. He looked peculiar for a pirate; with shoulder length wavy blonde hair, a trimmed beard and some rather extravagant clothing, the man resembled a prince more than a pirate but the glint in his sea blue eyes made Lovino's face twist in disgust.

"Our mission Francis." Antonio replied, his eyes warning to stay away, upon noticing the hungry eyes of the Frenchman. Francis put his hands up in defense.

"How so Tonio?" Another man asked, his ruby red eyes staring straight at Lovino as he tugged on a rope to unravel the sails. Lovino started to feel his skin crawl at the unwanted attention. Especially at the albino man who inspected him with suspicious eyes and the obvious Frenchman who had a disturbing look of lust.

"We are escorting this young master here back to his home for an enjoyable reward of a hundred gold pieces for each member of the crew. Since no one else had an idea on what the hell to do I took the liberty of deciding," he turned to a man with slicked back blonde hair.

"Ludwig, set a course to Venice."

The man nodded blankly and started to walk away to a room. The other insignificant men mumbled to each other and watched them as their captain guided the stranger up to the deck.

"Men! Don't you have anything else better to do then stare at our guest? I said we're going to Venice, get your asses to work!" The crew quickly trotted off to do their respective jobs as Lovino followed Antonio to a cabin that was fairly big. The wall bore an over sized Spanish flag which Lovino assumed was where Antonio was from and there was a desk that was flooded with maps. Lovino observed the room, wondering where he could take a seat then his eyes landed on the bed. The bed was backed up against one wall of the cabin and had pale green covers.

"Sit anywhere you like young master."

"Don't call me that, I gave my name to you for a reason."

"Fine, then I must make use of it, Lovi."

Lovino twitched.

"What the fuck is a Lovi?"

"Lovi is my pet name for you."

"I'll reduce your reward to a hundred gold pieces."

"You never said anything about pet names~ you simply stated that if I bring you home, you will reward me when we arrive. Are you going back on your word? That's not very manly now." The pirate said with a chuckle. His companion's face flushed red in anger.

"Enough with this useless chatter! Where is my room?" The young master demanded, making the pirate captain sigh.

"Unfortunately you will have to share my room with me. We do not have any extra rooms and I think you'd rather stay with me than a couple of unhygienic men. Lovino shuddered as various images of sleeping next to garbage smelling men entered his mind.

"Will you be sleeping on the floor?" Lovino asked hopefully, unintentionally displaying his hidden puppy dog face. Antonio blushed.

"Hell no, we will be sleeping together. My bed is big enough for the both of us."

Lovino swore with frustration his native tongue.

"Pezzo di merda!"

"I know Italian Lovi." Antonio mused.

"Fuck you!"

A/N: Good, bad? Leave a comment~