Disclaimer: Is it even necessary? We all know to whom Harry Potter belongs.
In their engagement party, many expressed their admiration for her valiant, unwavering solidarity with him in the war, she gave a nonchalant shrug, a soft smile gracing her features when she caught his eyes, "I simply did what was easiest for me actually."
She felt a warm hand on her waist as he draped his arm around her protectively. He flashed a social smile at the guests, " One Gryffindor I was, I 've been too coward to ever allow Hermione to leave my side, and my fiance' has a reputation to pamper me quite badly, I must say."
His emerald eyes blazed with passion as he held her gaze for a moment before turning back to the guests, who were now getting even more eager with the arrival of the famous hero, and speaking with the same carefully polite manners. " Excuse us, it's our great pleasure to have you all here to join our happy day, but we have a party to tend to. "
He smoothly led her away, pulling her behind the willow tree by the lake. Without warning, he swooped his head down and crushed his lips to hers while his grip on her waist tightened, one hand messing with the tidy knot in her hair, making it fall loose in frizzy locks down her back. She playfully protested against his avid mouth, half moaning in pleasure, " mmm... Harry…you ruined my hair…took me the entire.. mmm... Harry…three hours…"
"I miss you like crazy…" He said rather petulantly, his breath setting her lips on fire.
She gave a soft laugh, tremor of pleasure reverberating through her as she cuddled in his strong arms, "silly, I was right beside you."
"Not the way I want. This bloody party went on for an hour and a half, and we could barely hold hands for no more than 5 minutes."
Sliding her arms around his neck, sticking her tongue out at him, she said half-teasingly. "Mr Potter, are you aware that you are berating your own engagement party?" He waggled his brows suggestively, but she went on, deliberately ignoring the rush of desire through her body, and mocked a grave tone, " or is there something you are not satisfied with Mrs Potter-to-be?"
"You know it's nothing of the sort, love" he gave her a peck on the lips before dipping her backwards, his eyes boring in hers, flashing bright with mirth, a roguish grin stretched on his colored face, " Say, beautiful lady, why not escape this party a little early and start getting acquainted with your husband-to-be instead?"
"Deal!" She winked at him.
His smile was as radiant as the glory of sunset glittering on the lake. He shoved her back up rather roughly, rendering her mouth to crash unceremoniously to his already puckered lips. Once again, he swept her away from any plane of reality with his hypnotizing kisses as they both vanished with so much as a tiny pop that one wandering guest tore his eyes away from the rowdy party to the lake, suddenly excited about fishing.
Meanwhile, even after reappearing in his childhood home in Godric's Hollow, the two lovebirds were still wrapped up in their snog fest on the couch in front of the crackling fire…
As automatically assumed, the party ended well, despite the less than mysterious absence of its two so-called hosts.
a/n: I miss our lovely couple dearly. Please take this drabble as a little Christmas gift from me to all my fellow Harmony lovers out there. And certainly, Merry Christmas to all!