Hello all! I'd like to welcome all these new followers. Sorry I haven't been updating so well, I have to take summer school classes and they are really not fun or easy, which means I have to try (both to stay on task and to actually get the answers right) which means I can't post as often. Sorry. But it should be ending soon so that's nice.

Recently I was super surprised to find this tumblr post by "the rat lady," which was like a master-post of all the Adlock fics she could find. I was like "I hit the jackpot!" And then I saw my own story and I was surprised and pleased it even got recognized in the Adlock community. Yay! You can send you prompts to my tumblr as well: s0ul_phara0h. Okay, moving on.

This story was requested by patrickthenobleman. As you can sort of glean from the title, there's a bit of trouble in paradise. I thought this prompt would be fun to write even though I didn't really know how I was going to go about it, I just dived right in, and this is what I got. Enjoy!

"Where are you going?" Lestrade demanded. They'd only just finished up a case, and Sherlock was bolting out the door like someone lit a fire under him.

"I have to go. If the housekeeper drives red sedan, arrest her. If the sister owns a wooden rake, arrest her. Bye." The consulting detective said swiftly, then strode down to the curb, hailed a cab, and drove away.

"Nero, where are you going, I thought we were gonna hang out today?" Jane called, confused by her boyfriend's behavior.

"My mum texted me; I have to go."


He gave her a peck on the cheek. "I'll call you." With that, he walked briskly toward the tube station.

Sherlock arrived at Baker Street first. "What?" he said to Irene, who was waiting by the door.

"Hold that cab."

Nero walked up within five minutes. "What?"

Irene ignored both of their irritated expressions as well as their questions. "Get in."

All three climbed into the cab, Irene handed the diver a slip of paper and he drove off. She then positioned herself across from her lover and her son. Both refused to look at one another. She sighed inwardly.

There had been nothing but tension between Sherlock and Nero these past few days and she was at a loss for what to do. It had become increasingly unbearable. Sherlock continued to be condescending, it could no longer be considered anywhere in the ball-park of "constructive criticism," it was just downright rude. Nero wasn't helping: he purposely annoyed his father and refused to be involved with anything to do with him if he didn't have to. They used to go to crime scenes together, and mock the idiots at Scotland Yard while solving a murder like it was as easy as tying a knot. But now that Nero was getting ready to go off to university, something had broken between them, and Irene wasn't having it anymore.

It was uncomfortably silent in the cab. Nero pulled out his phone and began fiddling with it, and Sherlock did the same. Irene huffed and reached across the aisle, snatching the devices from their hands.

"Mum, what the fuck?" Nero grouched.

"Don't talk to your mother that way."

"Shut up, Dad. You've never cared what I've said or done, you're just being a dick."

"Maybe I should have cared. I didn't know that my not actually disciplining you for things that others thought represented bad character would make you turn into an incorrigible, disrespectful ass!" Sherlock said, his voice rising as he ended his sentence.

"You're one to talk! In fact, just don't speak to me, I was perfectly fine when you had your unreasonably condescending foot in your mouth."

"I don't need to take this from a child."

"I'm not a bloody child, I'm an adult deal with it." Nero grumbled.

"You aren't acting like one." Sherlock argued.

"Well you're turning into Mycroft." Nero said, glaring at his father even after he'd turned away.

Irene recognized a trump card when she heard one. She watched Sherlock turn away and from her vantage point, she could see the hurt in his eyes. She could also see Nero's triumph, then his regret when he realized what'd he'd said and done.


"Quiet, Nero." Irene said. And the three of them rode on in silence.

The hurt didn't last long, and by the time they'd reached their destination, Nero and Sherlock were at it again. She was glad her plan worked, she knew that she'd never get them this far without their squabbling.

"—and why do you always have to waste my time with this stuff. It was fun when I was a kid, but I don't have the time anymore. Mum likes going, why don't you drag her to your crime scenes." Nero said taking a seat.

"Because your mother is an adult with her own job—questionably ethical as it may be—and she doesn't depend on me for stupid things like food and shelter. You're still a minor, which means legally and I can drag you wherever I want." Sherlock retorted, mirroring his son's actions. He then looked up, seeming surprised, then confused.

"Where are we?" Sherlock said, looking at Irene.

"Yeah, what the hell is this place?" Nero asked, looking around. Sherlock began to glance about too. Irene willed the doctor to hurry before Sherlock could storm out in annoyance, it was only a matter of time before he—

"You brought us to a psychiatrists' office?!" Father and son exclaimed simultaneously.

Just then, a pretty blonde nurse opened a door. "Holmes?"

Cliffhanger! Obivously, patrickthenobleman, this will be a multipart prompt. As soon as I figure out how to write the therapist, I will. Sorry it was so short.

Be sure to let me know how you like the story so far in a review! And if you have prompts, you may review or PM them to me. You can also now use my tumblr (s0ul_phara0h) to send prompts as well. Promise I'll try to be quicker with the updates.