Teaser for The Evil That Men Do
So this is a little teaser for what may be coming in the next installment called "The Evil That Men Do"
Bagheera stood in front of the cell. A smirk pulled at the sides of her lips, but she did not allow it to take over her features as she stood in front of his dangerous brown eyes. Dark bruises covered his eyes and a deep cut lingered on his plump lips.
"Well you wanted me," she stated with a shrug, "Here I am."
"You never disappoint, Baggy," he licked his wounded lip as he took her in, "and you are dressed impress," his voice was high pitched, "is that for little ol' me?"
"No," she answered, "Crawford seems to think that I can make you talk. He wants me to ask you his questions. He says that you think he's your mortal enemy."
The Joker laughed loudly at her words.
"No," he answered as he calmed his chuckles, "I just wanted to see how you were holding up after our, uh," he looked around as if he were about to spill a juicy piece of gossip, "little nights together."
"I'm fine," she answered in an emotionless tone, "You don't look too peachy."
"That's why I need you here," he informed her, "I can't do anything about the…ugh…sick things they try to do to me."
"I'm not your caretaker Joker," she informed him harshly with a lifted brow as she eyed his wounds, "You have a lawyer for that."
The Joker looked up at her with a wicked glint in his eyes as he added, "Not anymore."
"You're really somethin' ya know," the thick Jersey accented woman announced, "He likes talkin' about you. There's a sparkle there. What makes you so special, huh?"
Bagheera smiled at the young woman and shrugged her shoulders and replied in a matter of fact tone, "I don't know. I don't even want to try to get inside of his mind."
"She's dangerous," Bagheera warned the officers that she was to oversee, "I've arrested her twice. The first time the Batman interrupted out sting op. She was carrying a nine millimeter in her purse with the rounds ready, a bottle of mace hooked on her hip, and a pair of freshly sharpened scissors in her bra. She was like a wild animal. The second time, I asked her to surrender and she surrendered without a problem."
"She don't look like much," a male officer announced.
"She's even more unpredictable than the Joker," Bagheera informed them, "If she doesn't surrender peacefully, I expect some real help. Now, gentlemen, don't think this is going to be some cat fight between two girls that you can hoot and holler for. She is very dangerous. She is HIV positive so be careful around her, she could spit, bite, cut herself just to get away from you. Be careful when you place her into custody, she could have dirty needles in her hair or needles adorning her outfit. I can not reiterate how dangerous she is."
"Well one look at me-"
"No," Bagheera interrupted, "She is not interested in men. In fact, she would rather you be dead than walking. She has been seen with a string of female lovers. One of which died under mysterious circumstances when she was going to testify against her."
"Bagheera, darling," the almost purr like voice whispered as she glared down at the detective, "You always surprise me at how you made it in a world dominated by men."
"It wasn't easy," Bagheera answered as she trained her weapon on the woman, "Now you want to help me continue climbing that ladder until I break that glass ceiling by surrendering to me?"
"Where is he," Bagheera cried as anger and fear bubbled inside of her as her legs moved forward in a violent rage, "WHERE IS HE?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"
"The Joker has escaped, Bagheera," Gordon informed her as she stood in shock after everything that she had been through.
"I can't do this anymore," she whispered as she turned away from the Batman, "This heartache, this pain. I don't know how to handle it anymore."
"I didn't touch him," Joker informed her, "Are you sure he's what he is? How can you be so sure that your darling love isn't a criminal himself? How can you be sure that he's not lying to you?"
"Shut up," she whispered as the shred of doubt entered her mind, "He's good. He's decent."
"That's why you were standing outside of that building right before I blew it up," he said in a knowing, sing song voice.
"If you kill him, you better kill me because I am going to kill you and I will do it very slowly."
"Do you really know what happened to your mother and father?"
"Who are you?"
"He goes by different names," Bagheera announced to the man in charge, "Jack Napier is an assumed identity that he takes when he's not wearing the make up. Fingerprints in VICAP gave no matches to any matching Jack Napier in the system. The only Jack Napier is living in Dallas with his boyfriend. It's believed that the Joker's main henchman, who goes by the name of Bob, is a world class identity thief who had ties to the mob in New York City before coming to Gotham."
"Robert Burton," Bagheera announced as she cornered the man, "Also known as Bob," she smiled with a knowing, wicked glint in her eyes, "Hello Bob. Remember me?"
"You act more and more like him each day," he informed her with a smile, "He's had an effect on you."
"It would be a lie to say that he hasn't," she answered.
"And just for the record Detective Bagheera Lewis hasn't read me my rights yet, so I am assuming this isn't about what I had to do to you."
"No," she answered, "I need to understand."
"Business isn't that busy right now," he asked, "I'd figure you'd be really busy with that killer you got running around here."
"He wants to copy what the Joker has done. I need to know why the Joker did it. You are the only one he never tried to kill."
"He never tried to kill you either, Detective Lewis. In fact, you became his little hobby when your picture hit the papers."