So I decided not to create a sequel for Moonlite University. But thank you to my readers, reviewers and followers. You guys are awesome!

"Do you, Serena Thompson, take Darien Shields to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the older male preacher said.

Serena stared at her husband to be. They were still together after all these years. Serena just turned twenty two a few months ago and now here she was marrying her best friend.

She remembered when they first met, their first kiss, their first…everything. Darien was the man that was meant to be with her. He was her true love. Serena was the type of girl that believed that, and here she was, in a wedding dress with her friends and family witnessing her unity to the man of her dreams.

Serena was the happiest person on this green earth. This was better than when he proposed. She remembered that day clearly.

"Serena, wake up!" Mina, her twin sister yelled.

"What?" Serena whined.

"We have to find a dress for me!"

"You have millions." Serena turned to her right side to avoid her sister's voice.

"But not with a belly!"

Mina was pregnant with her husband's Kunzite children.

"Wait," she said fully awake. "How did you get here? Don't you live with Kunzite now?" Serena yawned. Mina sat on her bed and began to whine even louder.

"But you are the only one that I can go shopping with. Everyone is busy."

"And I'm busy sleeping." Serena struggled to get out of bed.

"Well graduation is two days away and I know you don't have an outfit as well." The five month pregnant mother-to-be said.

Serena stood quiet as she entered her bathroom. Mina waiting several minutes until Serena came out with a towel.

"You look like you're going to pop any second."

Mina's hormones were wilder than normal. Her hatred for her sister was at an all time high.

"I'm having triples, you blond bimbo."

"You're my identical twin, don't forget that." Serena quickly changed to a simple blue baby doll dress with white flats.

"Don't get crabby with me because Darien hasn't contacted since he left to New York again."

Immediately after he graduated, the top bosses in the Tomoe Industries loved Darien so much that they asked him to be a part of their staff in the New York branch. Darien had been gone for almost two years. But recently he had hardly texted or called her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't argue with a pregnant woman. Come on, I'll drive."

The twins took twice as long because Mina wanted to stop to rest or eat snacks. She would give the excuse that she was eating for three, but she ate like that before she was pregnant.

"None of my favorite stores fit me anymore!" she cried.

As usual, Mina caused a scene. Men went over to console her, but as soon as they saw her belly they ran away. All Serena could do was laugh and call Kunzite.

"I'm fat, Kunzie!" She was bawling.

Her husband spoke to her briefly. Mina instantly calmed down. After her phone call, she declared that she was the best looking pregnant woman ever. As soon as their shopping fiasco was over, the girls went to go try on their outfits. Mina's dress was a light orange short dress with a pale blue sash to form a bow with matching flats. Serena's graduation outfit was a long off the shoulder white dress with gold trimmings on the breast area. Mina suggested that Serena should wear gold pumps. But Serena preferred to wear flats as well.

"I really don't like white on graduation day, but this dress was made for you." her twin complimented.

"Did mom tell you when we are leaving back to the campus?"

"Yeah, we leave when dad comes home from work. So who's staying with whom?"

"Well since Amy is also graduating with us, she and her mom are staying with Michelle and Amara. While her dad stays in a hotel since-you know. Mom and dad rented a house, so we staying there. It's not far from campus."

Mina clapped with happiness. "I'm so excited! I can't wait. You know I have a recording offer after I give birth!"

Serena and mina squealed in delight. "I'm so happy for you. Congrats sister!"

"What's going on?" Sammy said as he entered the room. "Did you sissies see a baby mouse and thought it was a rat?"

Both Mina and Serena stick their tongue at their younger brother. "Mina got a recording deal you dork!" Serena responded.

"Oh, well it's about time, thing two." He loved referring them to Dr. Seuss characters.

"Go away, brat." Serena pushed her brother out. Ugh brothers. Two older and one younger, why mother nature, why?

Later on that night, their mother, Selene, was making sandwiches for the road.

"Honey, are we ready to go?" Ken said as he, Sammy, and Andrew finish packing up both cars.

Selene packed the last of the sandwiches. "Yes, call your daughters."

Ken went to the girls' room and yelled. "Let's go!"

Serena ran out their room, while Mina waddled. The gang separated in the car. Serena stood with Andrew, Rita, and Luna. Mina went with her parents and Sammy.

Both twins were so excited for graduation day. Just receiving that fake diploma was the greatest accomplishment the girls could ever get. For Mina, getting married was a close second, but education was the most important for them.

Graduation day

It was a hot day in May; the sun was beaming down on each and every person in the field. Serena was having hot flashes, rapidly fanning herself with the program sheet. She was so happy that she didn't put any makeup on, but felt bad for all the other girls, including her sister. Having the black cap and gown was not helping.

The guest speaker was awesome, making his speech short, sweet and to the point. The dean of the school, however, made parents to want to riot for him to shut up.

"Someone that graduated from our school will be assisting us with handing the diplomas." the dean announced.

Darien Shields took his place next to the dean. They shook hands and the dean began reading the names. Parents, friends, and others got their cameras ready.

"Amy Rivers!" the dean announced. The crowd of students screamed her name. Everyone loved Amy. "Amy will not only receive a diploma today, but a plaque for her hard work in the medical department. She is a great inspiration to all future medical students." Amy cried as she made her way to Darien and the dean. She hugged them both and stepped off stage.

More names were called. They were up to the Ts.

"Mina Thompson!" Many men hollered, much to Kunzite's annoyance. "Or should I have called you Mrs. King." the dean joked.

"I haven't changed my last name yet." She answered as she grabbed the diploma and the microphone.

The audience yelled for Mina to sing. She sang a quick song and the audience was so amazed that this beautiful pregnant woman was able to belt out a note like she did. She couldn't bow so she blew a kiss to the crowd and left the stage.

"Serena Thompson!" the crowd was equally as loud as they were for Mina. They were famous twins and they were the younger sister of the equally famous Amara.

Serena knew she was walking normally towards her boyfriend. But her head was racing. This asshole was gone for two years and he has not called her for two weeks. Now he shows up at her graduation giving her the diploma.

Finally reaching him, Serena stood in front of him. Facing him was probably the hardest thing she could do without smacking him. When she finally has the courage to look him in the eye, he kneels down on one knee. The crowd is screaming. The dean places the microphone next to Darien's mouth.

"I love you. I'm so proud of you Serena. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. And I just want you to know that I asked the dean to give me this opportunity to ask you to be my wife on your best day ever."

Serena was definitely happy that she didn't put any make up on. The tears were overflowing.

"So Serena will you marry me?" Darien asked.

The crowd screamed, "Say yes! Say yes!"

Serena nodded. Darien took her up in his arms and twirled her around. When her feet touched the ground, the golden couple kissed.

This was the best day ever.

After the graduation, many of her former classmates and professors congratulated the couple. Serena was still in shock that she didn't notice hat four hours went by. She could only focus on Darien.

"Serena?" the priest's voice brought her back to reality, to now.

"Oh sorry," she said. The guests laughed lowly and Darien smiled, although his eyes screamed fear and rejection.

The priest cleared his throat and repeated the question.

Serena smiled so brightly that Darien believed that she a goddess, maybe a moon goddess.

"I do," she said.

The priest turned over to Darien. "And do you, Darien Shields, take Serena Thompson to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Darien said.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your wife."

The guests cheered when Darien and Serena locked lips. They separated and walked down the white aisle of the church. Serena was now Mrs. Shields. She always dreamed of her wedding and the perfect guy. Who knew she would find him at her college…at Moonlite University.

I'm done! Don't worry I will be making more stories, especially with the gang. Thanks for reading!