Chapter 1

I kissed my boyfriend on the cheek and quickly followed Grace out of the dojo. "I'll see you tonight Jack," I shouted behind me.

"I can't believe you've been dating Jack Brewer for 1 year and half." She said.

"I know, I really like him Grace,"I sighed. She laughed and we jumped in her car and drove down the road to Julie's house.

"JULIE, HURRY UP!" We shouted out of the car windows.

"I'm coming," She shouted, dress and bag in hand. Tonight is the school's prom, and also might be the night Jack and I...well you know. My friends didn't know though, I just didn't think I should tell them. We drove to Grace's house where we all grabbed our stuff and shot upstairs. Grace's house was huge because her dad was a famous film producer, but didn't want Grace growing up in Hollywood.

I went into the bathroom and hoped into the huge shower, washing my hair, I quickly shaved before getting out again. Drying myself off, I walked into Grace's room, to see her waiting patiently to use the shower.

"Sorry," I said. She laughed and got into the shower. I looked at the clock we only had 2 hours to get ready.. shit I thought.


I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I had a short, strapless, blue dress on that poofed out at the bottom and some blue high heels on. Grace had a long black dress on that had a slit up the side and Julie wore a cute pink, long dress that flowed around her body.

Suddenly we heard the doorbell go, and after applying the last bit of lipstick, Grace and Julie headed downstairs to see the boys. "I'll be there in a second guys,"I said trying to find my lipgloss.

Jack's POV

First in the doorway stood a very nervous Milton, and from behind the door Julie appeared.

"Holy Christmas Nuts Julie, you look amazing." She giggled and together they went into the limo. Then Grace appeared to an equally nervous Jerry. Jerry's knees buckled at the site of his date and he quickly pulled her towards the limo.

"Grace, is Kim coming?"I asked. She giggled, before nodding and finally pointing towards the huge wooden staircase that swept around to the hall. I looked around and saw the most beautiful girl in the world. Oh my god, I whispered to myself.

"Kim, you" She smiled. I pushed a piece of hair from her face before giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"You don't look to bad yourself, handsome." I smiled before dragging her into the limo.