AN: This story is dedicated to Darth Taisha. Am, Merry Christmas! ;)


The keys shook in her trembling hands. With a shaky gasp, she brought them to a turn, locking the door, and memories, forever. She turned away, silent tears dripping down her face, and instead, grasped her luggage: a creamy lavender bag that held all of her memories, and entirely her essence. All her memories; they had managed to all fit in this warn, lavender bag.

But this would help Sasuke, and it was no use getting cold feet now. With that resolve in mind, her feet started clacking on pavement, as she made her way to the train station. A one way train ticket to Suna would be in order.

When getting the ticket, her firm, iron clad resolve almost broke. But it didn't, and now her lifeless form had boarded a train that was headed for hell: the desert.


Once there, she had come in contact with an estate agent; and, with her distinct lack of money, she was being shown a dingy apartment that was- she now decided- going to be her home. She hurriedly made a deal, ushering the agent out, before she ran for the toilet. Slimy liquid went down the toilet, a nauseating smell arising, only causing her to exude more vomit.

Her shaky, pale fingers gripped the seat, her skin growing a chalky white pallor. It had not been the first time; even back at her old apartment, with Sasuke, these fits had been a daily occurrence. Although, she had not told Sasuke, she was sure that he must have noticed.

When she was done, she flushed the toilet, and leaned back on the floor. It was time to check out this disease; it would only become a major setback when she found a job to work. But that could wait: it was time to find a job.


Newspapers lined the filthy, old table, as she searched for an appropriate, low skilled, job. Resumes also came in a large number; some crossed off, and most waiting a reply. Her phone lay expectantly beside her, and she was ready to answer if a call came.

There where many jobs; jobs that ranged from a maid to a waitress. She wouldn't mind either, as long as it provided food on the table. Her only mission was survival.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and her quick hands darted towards it, in what one might call hope. Dare she hope? Her life had already been filled with so many miseries... it wouldn't be anything new if she was disappointed, yet again. She fumbled, answering it with a cautious greeting.

"H-hello?" His or her name escaped her. It really was a pity that she was unable to save the telephone number unto her cellphone.

"Ms. Hyuuga?" A cool, dry tone answered her awkward mumbles. It chilled her spine, and it was so, very familiar to that voice that she had left... but she'd rather not think about that now. There was no point to, not now.

She nodded, before realising that the person couldn't even see her. An ashamed blush coated her face before she replied with a shaky, "Y-yes?."

"You have been accepted as the personal maid. You are to go to the Akatsuki Co. residence at three o'clock tomorrow." She answered a confirmation, before the man hung up on her. How rude.

She remembered applying to be a maid for a man, before. If she could remember correctly, he was a high standing business man, so the pay should be fit for her. All was well. Although she found it strange that he had no last name... No matter. She was free to go to the doctors', and check that strange epidemic that she seemed to have caught...


The doctor was female, with long blonde hair in twin pigtails, and beautiful caramel eyes. She smiled in reassurance, checking her over by various tests. She would be the same age as her mother, had she lived. Maybe that's why she had seemed so motherly?

Hinata checked her name tag. In bright, bold letters, it stated, Senju Tsunade. Hinata was somehow familiar with that name, but she wasn't sure how, not exactly. She watched as the doctors hands' tightened around her mahogany clipboard, as she turned to smile a motherly smile at her. "Well, you have nothing to worry about, Ms. Hyuuga. Your symptoms are entirely normal for a person with your situation."

What did she mean? Hinata did not have the brightest idea. "What do you mean, Dr. Senju?" She automatically assumed her as single, not because she wasn't pretty enough to be married- she was more than pretty, really- but because of the obvious lack of rings on her fingers.

"Oh, did you not know? Well, dear, you're pregnant." She announced cheerily, gaily, as if it was the happiest thing in the world. Which it was. But not for her. Her hands covered her trembling mouth, her eyes wide, and still in shock. Tsunade seemed to notice. "Is something the matter?"

Hinata shook her head, still in shock, but arose form her seat. "T-thank you, Dr. Senju." She left the hospital in a hurry, ignoring Dr. Senju's apparent frown.

She was pregnant... with Sasuke's child. And now, she would never be able to tell Sasuke. It would be selfish, and hinder him from his career, from his dreams. But, there was no way she was going to rid herself of her child. It was hers, after all. A smile curled on her lips, despite the situation.


Her family were a well off bunch. Arrogant and prideful, but they were still her family, even when they disowned her for falling in love. Never could they understand that love consumes. Hinata used to be a romantic, an idealist, but she wasn't too sure, not any more.

Her father, Hiashi Hyuuga, was the CEO of the Hyuuga Co., one of the richest companies in the world. Strict and prideful, he had always looked at her with sour disappointed, probably because she had never carried any of the Hyuuga traits. She had always disliked manipulating, and then using it to her advantage, and that was exactly what the Heiress, and the CEO, was supposed to do. Hinata was too kind at heart for any of that.

Her mother, on the other hand, was dead. Died after she had given birth to her little sister, Hanabi. Hinata's youngest memories of her mother was of her kind, and warm smile, the kind that was now extinct in the Hyuuga household. Hinata was sure that she had died with a smile on her face, giving birth to her youngest child.

Hinata, in all actuality, got most of her looks from her mother. Instead of owning the traditional chocolate, pin straight hair that her sister, and father adorned, she had inherited her mother's wavy indigo hair. Although her eyes were traditional Hyuuga eyes, with maybe just a tint of lavender in them. Yes, she looked like an uglier version of her mother. Maybe, though, her self-esteem was a tad bit too low...

Her sister, Hanabi, was a traditional Hyuuga, through and through. From the pin straight chocolate brown hair, to the hard, frosty white eyes. Their father's golden child. Not that Hinata felt bad about it: Hanabi was her younger sister, and she deserved the best. Sasuke had never understood, but it was probably because it was a feeling that only the older children understood, right?

While Hanabi being the golden child was genuine, it wasn't the complete... truth. Neji, she had to say, was the platinum child. Neji wasn't even her father's child, but was her uncle's child, her cousin. But Neji was a genius, and a male, so that automatically made him a favourite with her father, who, despite what he says, was slightly sexist.

Neji hated her. Or, he used to hate her, as it was more accurately said. Hinata didn't know all of the details, but she did remember Neji's malicious aura, threatening to eat her alive, if she lingered anywhere near him for another moment. Hinata had a feeling that he was going to inherit the company, main blood or not.


A large building loomed ahead of her, and for the thousandth time, Hinata wondered if she was at the right place. Sure, the person on the phone had stated the Akatsuki Co... but was this really the Akatsuki Co. building? It was large, and modern, and completely unlike the dump that she had been expecting.

She nervously bit her fingers as she went through the large, automatic doors, and immediately headed towards the reception, where they could possibly tell her that it was all one big mistake, and that they had meant to call someone else, not her. She approached a young, intimidating woman with blue hair and piercings.

"E-excuse me?" The woman, who was previously gazing at her computer, turned to stare at her. She raised a perfectly formed blue eyebrow, motioning her to continue. "H-hinate H-hyuuga. Appointment w-with Mr. Itachi?" She asked, waiting for the finishing blow.

The receptionist took one look at her screen, and then said, "Yes. Mr. Itachi is expecting you. Fifth floor, Room 512." She then motioned to the elevator. Hinata got the hint and left.

The moment she entered the elevator, she let out a breath that she didn't know she had held. Shakily, she let a course of disbelief race through her. So it wasn't a mistake? Someone, a boss in this building, really wanted her to be his maid? Hinata decided not to think too much about this miracle, in case it didn't last, and this all turned out to be one big joke.

The elevator opened with a 'ding'. It was strange, because she was only on the third floor, and she was certain that she had pressed the fifth floor. Her curiosity was answered as a man entered, a man that almost gave her a heart attack. Why? Well, she had almost mistaken him for Sasuke... almost. He had black hair and the same onyx black eyes. She instantly discarded the thought... she must have been hallucinating, because, as far as she knew, Sasuke had no family.

She avoided his eyes, and well, avoided looking at him. His aura reminded her of happy times, bringing her to the brink of tears. After all, she was a hormonal, pregnant woman.

'Ding,' the elevator opened (on the fifth floor). She rushed through the door, avoiding all communication with the man (Sasuke look-alike), as much as possible. To her relief, she found Room 512 almost instantaneously. Timidly, she softly knocked on the door. Thrice.

Fate laughed at her. The elevator companion came up to her, and politely asked her to move so he could unlock the door. She stepped aside, her face white, ready for the worst. "Follow me." His cool tone was the one from yesterday.

She followed him into a professional office, with no personal items. He motioned for her to sit on the leather chair, while he sat behind his desk. "You will be my personal maid starting tomorrow. Work hours are from eight until seven. Duties also include preparing breakfast and dinner. The pay..." His voice droned on as he explained the mundane details of the job.

With him as her boss. How ironic.


Itachi (Who had no last name... strangely enough. Paradoxically, when she asked, he said that he went by the name of 'Mr. Scarlett') was a slave driver. She didn't care, since she really didn't mind working. She cooked, and cleaned, and then some.

It had already been a month. No longer was she scared to look Itachi in the eye, for numerous reasons, but principally he wasn't like Sasuke, not at all. While Sasuke was somewhat egocentric, Itachi was not. While Sasuke was flashy, Itachi was classy. While Sasuke enjoyed the minuscule brush strokes it took to create art, Itachi would blankly stare at the paints and promptly put them away in an orderly fashion (Itachi was OCD like that).

They got along. Itachi was a cold, but simple man, a genius, and she had more than enough practice with those. He also had many fangirls- and, she had learned, that it was to his great relief that she wasn't one. He had to be asexual... she hadn't seen him with a girl ever since she started this job, and she would know if he'd been with one. Maybe he had some kind of trauma?

He was an unbelievably orderly man. His apartment consisted of a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, two bathrooms, and a guest room. It was relatively small for a billionaire (as she had learned). But then again, he was classy, and not extravagant, so it must have been enough for him.


She stood frozen, staring at the screen, which was showing the morning news. It was an interview of Sasuke. The lady, Ino, was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Obviously, she was flirting with him as she was asking him questions about his job.

"So... Sasuke, what are your thoughts on your gaining popularity?" Ino giggled, smiling at the audience, and at herself. Sasuke grunted, before deciding to answer.

"It doesn't matter to me. All I care about is the music." A standard Sasuke answered. The grin on Hinata's face was forced. But, she wouldn't let her hormones get the better of her, not in front of Sasuke. Even if Sasuke had no idea that she was watching.

"Well! Aren't you a serious guy!" Here, the audience laughed, in tune with the hostess ,"And what about that single that topped the charts?" Here, Sasuke shrugged.

The hostess, Ino, gave a sexy pout, and twirled her hair. "And any new ladies?" Before Sasuke had the chance to answer, Hinata turned off the television, its world turning black. She was happy for Sasuke... really, she was, but she wasn't ready to hear about his relationships, about any conquests.

Tears dripped onto the table as she continued eating the cereal, that by now, seemed so, so cold.


Tiredly, she poked her belly. She was starting to show. It was time to tell Itachi. She glanced at the clock, which showed 6 59, which meant that Itachi would be home in around ten minutes, to eat dinner with her, before she had to go home. If she could call that dingy, cold apartment a home, that was.

She almost jumped as the door opened (at exactly 7 00... Itachi was a bit too punctual, say). She heard a faint, "I'm home."

"W-w-welcome b-b-back." Her stuttering had increased, more so than usual, which showed that she was nervous about something. Extremely nervous, because, after two months, she was more than comfortable around Itachi. Speaking of Itachi, he walked in with a slight frown on his face, and sat down on the chair, his eyes intense as they stared into hers. And he waited.

Hinata, a scaredy cat, mumbled "D-dinner is s-s-served." As she dealt out food onto the plates. They ate in silence. It was time to tell him, as she knew that he had everlasting (and sometimes, quite irritating) patience. Putting a nervous hand on her stomach, she began. "I-I'm p-pregnant." She mumbled under her breath, hoping against hope, that he wouldn't hear.

She should have remembered that this was Itachi, and that he was able to catch out absolutely everything. In a calm manner, he said, "I see. How many months?" He took a break from eating, to observe her, it seemed.

"T-Three." She said, holding up three fingers, just in case. He nodded, satisfied with the answer.

"And were you married, or do you have a boyfriend?" What once would have been a personal question, now wasn't.


"And you're pregnant." He prompted.

"Y-yes." This seemed more like an interrogation, and not a conversation. Hinata seemed to keep her answers succinct, much to Itachi's frustration.

"I see. Do you know who the father is?" More questions. If Hinata was anyone else, she would have probably said for him to mind his own business, but she wasn't, so she answered.


"Does he know?"


"Are you planning on telling him?"

"N-no." Here, Itachi frowned.

"Your child needs a father. Unless you have any further objections, I suppose that I will take that role."


Itachi, in a round-about way, had confessed his feelings for her, and made her move in with him. She was now, instead of a maid, upgraded to what she supposed was a house-girlfriend, as they were now in a 'steady' relationship. Although it was unlike every other relationship that Hinata had encountered, it was good.

Itachi now went to the doctor's appointments with her, Senju Tsunade greeting them with a warm, motherly smile. It didn't matter that it wasn't his child, Itachi treated it like his own.

Around two months later, he proposed to her, and now they were engaged. Hinata had learned to deal with angry fangirls, and had met all of his not-very-normal friends.

And even though she didn't know very much about Itachi, the same being with Itachi, they were happy. Sasuke was no longer always in her thoughts, replaced with Itachi. It was for the best. Sakura had said so (she was his manager)... with Sasuke, she could never have the relationship she would want, and she would hinder Sasuke's job. No, now that she was gone, Sasuke was a famous musician (rock star). Just as he wanted. She no longer felt any pain when she saw Sasuke on TV, because, there Itachi was, smiling that weird, subtle smile at her.

No. She was happy. She was good. She placed her hand on her stomach, a smile on her face. Itachi's hand joined hers, as the baby kicked. Very good. Everything had turned out... for the best.

Ive decided this to be a three shot.

Review, Review, Review,
