Have I fallen in love? (The Inbetweeners Fanfic)
My old school was perfect everyone got alone with each other, nobody got bullied, everyone looked out for one another and everyone seemed very happy. I had been a pupil there for three years, everything was going well for me. I had a nice circle of friends and my grades were very good. My brother Will on the other hand had done 5 years at the school, his GCSE grades were immaculate, he had a secure place at the sixth form and couldn't wait to get stuck in to his A levels. It wasn't until last month that we found out the news that we would be leaving. It was August the 8th to be exact, I want to forget that day for as long as I live but as much as I want the memory gone it will always stick in my mind forever.
I was out shopping with Molly and Tabitha my two best friends we were having such a lovely time, shopping was one of our favourite things to do together. While Molly and Tabitha were trying things on in the fitting room I was distracted by my phone going off in my pocket. I reluctantly answered it...
M- Hello
W- Hi Tilly, How long are you going to be?
M- I'm not sure why
W- Dad has given me some money for you and I to have dinner out
M-Did he mention why as we only ever eat out as a family
W- How about you meet me outside The House of Frasier in 10 minuets? He didn't give me a reason he just said order whatever we wish.
M- Okay I'll be there, that's kind of him, see you in a while
W- Bye for now Tilly
M- Bye.
I said goodbye to Molly and Tabitha and made my way to met Will, He suggested that we went to the new Sushi restaurant which had recently opened in the shopping complex. The food was nice, once we had finished eating we went home. The house was unusually quiet and faint sobs were heard coming from one of the rooms "Will I'm worried" I fretted as the sound of sobs began to get closer. "I am too, go upstairs I'll come and get you shortly" he announced. I nodded and did as I was told. Why was our always cheerful mum crying and why had our Dad sent us out for something to eat?
Before my thoughts were able to get too deep, Will came to my room and told me that mum wanted to talk to us about something important. We both made our way to the living room where mum was, her eyes were red and puffy and she had a tear stained face." Please sit down" she said as warmly as possible, I looked at Will who now had an uneasy look on his face, He was first to sit down he sat on the left side of mum, I sat on the right side of her. " Is everything okay" Will nervously asked " I'm so sorry but your father and I are no longer together" she announced with nothing but anger in her voice. Tears filled my eyes. "I don't understand, everything was fine when I left the house this morning" She put her arm around me and gently pulled me into a hug " Tilly, please don't be upset it's for the best" She reassured me. "I'm so sad, why does life have to be so unfair" Will said as tears fell from his eyes. " I know petal, but we've got to stick together and keep strong for one another" she soothed. Soon after this news we were then told that she would no longer be able to pay for our schooling. I made it clear that I never wanted to see or speak to my father again from that moment on.