Draco's Premonition

Summary: Draco escapes the dark lords clutches taking a young girl with him and flees to the dark forest. There he runs into Harry and his two best friends but is it a good thing the three found Draco and his companion or did they run away only to be captured and made prisoner once again yes, summary sucks but it's a really good story. (A Harry/Draco story with some side pairings also.)

Even though I have edited this story does not mean there are no errors so please refrain from pointing anymore out. Also, if you find differences it is because I have added and taken away parts so there is no need to panic. I am looking forward to reviews.

The forbidden forest, a place so silent you could hear a cricket chirp a mile away. In this forest dwelt the unimaginable, the dangerous, and oddest of creatures you have ever laid eyes upon. There where spiders that easily towered over the average sized man and animals that could rip you to shreds in a matter of minutes. But on May 12, 1996 was a sound that was rarely heard in this forest of terrors, the sound of foot falls belonging to a boy and a young girl who were running away from their horrifying fate and into a bright future.

The night before

Draco Malfoy sat up in is bed heaving with sweat glistening on his forehead and arms. His eyes were wide as they looked back and forth sure there was another presence in his room. He sat with the blanket pooled around his waist silent and waiting for any sign of movement. As time ticked by with only the cool night breeze as an indicator he inched his way off his king sized bed with dark blue satin bed covers onto the soft rug on the floor. With his heart still hammering in his chest and his fingers shaking by his side Draco went over to his wardrobe and took out a dark grey long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark slacks and slipped them on quickly. As he neared the door that lead into a hallway on the second floor He grabbed his winter cloak off its hook and slipped out into the stale air that occupied the rest of the manor's interior.

Every step he took was silent and cautious, taking great care to listen for any footsteps that did not belong to him. When he reached the first floor landing Draco slipped into an alcove near the stairs and scanned his surroundings. When he was positive no one was following him he continued on to a doorway that opened to another set of stairs that would lead him to the basement of Malfoy manor and to his intended target.

Halfway down the stairs Draco quietly incanted a disillusionment charm then continued on his way even more cautious now that he was near the dark lords prisoners and no doubt a few death eaters . With just the dim lights of the lanterns overhead Draco barely saw what was in each cell as he peaked in them when he past, scrunching his nose at the smell of decay, feces, and vomit.

Nearing the second row of cell he was about to give up thinking the dream was just a dream and not a premonition like so many were as of late when the faint, almost non-existent, sound of weeping was heard. Not one to be caught this late at night Draco took two steps forward before listening again and with still no sound but the faint weeping he took a few more. Every few steps he would listen before proceeding towards the sound that gradually got closer until he came to a stop right in front of a small cell door that reeked of death.

Using what little wand less magic he knew Draco flicked a finger at the lock and a small white bolt was produced making the lock break in two; making a load clang has it hit the rock floor. Swiftly walking in the cell Draco came to a stop and gently put a hand on each shoulder of a small girl that sat with her knees to her chest and her head on top of them; trying to muffling the sound of her crying.

"Have you come to kill me too?" the soft voice sound so frail and young Breaking young man's not so black heart.

"No I've come to take you away and bring you back to your family when it is safe to do so."

"Why?" was the only thing the girl could say before what little strength she had left diminished and she was unable to stay awake any longer.

"Because little girl, with what I saw you deserve to go home to the family that cherishes you and to a future you decide." Draco whispered as he picked the small body up, cradling it in his arms, and left the same way he had come.

Knowing that he now had this little to watch over Draco moved with even more caution as he clutched her to his chest protectively. Gliding up the stairs the only thought whirling in his brain was that he had to get himself and the girl out of the Malfoy manor's property wards before anyone noticed he was no longer in his room, because not only was this girl a prisoner but so was he and they both played an important part in the dark lords plans in making a dark and morbid future.

With his mother dead and his father under the imperious curse the dark lord took it upon himself to use Draco in any way he saw fit and that included using him as a sacrifice during a summoning to call forth a demon to take control of his body and making it do his bidding.

Shuddering at the memory of when he was told this and then being locked in his room Draco burst through the front door and onto the lawn and in a matter of minutes he was running past the property lines and Apparating both of them thinking only of getting them to Hogwarts as safely as possible.


Draco had been running non-stop for what seemed like days when in reality it had only one. Not wanting to waste any time he refused to stop to rest until he was sure the party of death eaters that was bound to be looking for them was far behind them. But with each moment that ticked by his precious cargo was feeling heavier and heavier until he had no other option but to stop.

Keeping his eyes peeled for any movement Draco lowered the body onto the ground, propping it and him-self on a tree. Taking in big gulps of air He could feel the cramps in his leg and arm muscles loosen and disappear. With the cramps gone and his breathing and heart rate slowing down to a healthy speed Draco turned to look at the little girl who had been only hours away from being slaughtered and presented to an alter as a child sacrifice to the demon, Marquis Leraje(1).

Pictures swirled around in Draco's head of what would have happened to them if they had stayed in that hell hole of a house. Not only was this little girl on death row but he would have been offered as this demons body and second live sacrifice. As his mind kept replaying the dream he had the night before he faintly heard the unmistakable sound of feet hitting damp, dead leaves laying on the forest floor. With the sound came an urgency that made Draco's body go into fight or flight mode. Picking the girl back up Draco rushed in the direction opposite the sounds, going as fast as his weakened legs would go. All the movement had the girl in his arms waking up and as she did her big brown eyes snapped open and stared up into Draco's face. Knowing the girl was now wide awake he had no other choice but to talk and run at the same time unless he wanted her to panic and give away their location.

"Now…. girl, I know you are scared but I'm not your enemy. Right now we're headed to a place I know is safe, so please do not scream or move I'm already using my reserves to get us there." huffing as he spoke Draco was having a hard time keeping his speed up and hearing if the sound had gotten any closer. Taking a sharp right he spotted a giant oak with its roots over lapping each other making a perfect hiding place for two small bodies. Stopping at its base he gently set the girl down and nudged her underneath following close behind to shield her tiny form with his own.

"What's your name?' was the first sound Draco heard after everything else in the forest was once again dead silent, including the sound of their pursuer's footsteps.

"Draco Malfoy, yours?"

"Melody Maselo"

"Nice to meet you Melody, Seems you have been woven into this mess as tightly as I have, haven't you?"

"I guess, I mean I don't know why but one minute I'm playing outside and the next I wake up in a dark and stinky place with no windows." tears began to stream down her face as she looked up; her eyes big as plates as she said two words so quietly Draco struggled to hear. "Why me?"

"It's too hard to explain now so I will explain when we reach safety but right now. I'll answer any other question If that will make you fill better alright?" bringing the small girl closer to him Draco gently stroked her long black hair, soothing the girl instantly.

"How old are you? Where are your mama and papa? Why do you look so sick?"

Chuckling softly Draco began, "I'm seventeen, my mother died a few weeks ago, my father is forced into servitude by a mad man, and I look sick because I am. Now if you don't mind may I ask you some questions?"

"Sure" came the sleepy reply.

"How old are you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Um, let's see, I'm five years old and I have an older brother who is seven and a younger brother who is two."

"Where do you live?"

"In old Colwyn (2)"

"Well I'm glad you have a family to go back to." Looking down watched as the small face relaxed in sleep before falling asleep himself.

That morning the two awoke to the sound of yelling close by and with great speed Draco picked Melody up and ran straight ahead, following his instincts as he made his way through the forest. With the sound now far of Draco set Melody down and they walked side by side, listening intently for any noise; Draco clasping Melody's hand in his own.

They walked throughout the day only stopping earlier that morning when Draco had spotted a berry bush with dark luscious black berries covering every inch of the whole bush, and ate until their bellies were, full. At what would usually be supper time the two were exhausted and their tummies were grumbling, and to top it all off the last remnants of daylight was fading from the sky. With no food in sight and only tree roots for shelter they were forced to spend another night in a forest that at any moment could kill them.

When all was still and silent the pair made their way to a tree with roots like a witch's hand; curving down into the dirt as if to keep itself from being dragged away by an invisible force. As they neared a flash of color caught Draco's eye and in a haste to get away he all but ripped Melody of her feet and ran like a scared deer from a pack of wolves.

Hearing people running behind him, Draco veered off to the left then right trying to shake the unknown pursuer of his trail. When everything he could think of failed and his legs were about to give out Draco veered once more to the left and slammed up against a tree standing as still as possible with his hood up and Melody tucked underneath his cloak on his right, hiding her from any prying eyes.

As he sat there shaking as fear took over all the while holding Melody close to his body three cloaked figures made themselves known. Their wands raised the two in back stopping a few feet away from him as the third took cautious steps towards him and flipped his hood off revealing knotted white hair, hollow cheeks, thin lips, and dark circles under foggy grey eyes.


Looking up he could barely see inside the other's hood but what he did see made his blood run cold, "P-Potter?"

(1)Leraje is a mighty Great Marquis of Hell who has thirty legions of demons under his power. He causes great battles and disputes, and makes gangrene wounds caused by arrows. He is depicted as a gallant and handsome archer clad in green, carrying a bow and quiver.

(2)Old Colwyn (Welsh Hen Golwyn) is a small town just to the east of Colwyn Bay, in Conwy County Borough, Wales.

Dun Dun Dun, is it a good thing Harry and his gang were the ones that found them or is it a bad thing? Find out in the next chapter of 'A woven Blanket of Fate.'