Leah watched as the Volturi (or whatever the hell they were called) disappeared into the shadows, vampires and werewolves (or, apparently, 'shapeshifters) celebrating around her. She sat back on her haunches, letting her eyes skate across everyone. Jacob was barking happily, running around Bella and Edward as they hugged Renesme between them. The Cullen leader, Carlisle was talking to a couple of blood suckers while his wife hugged Alice and Jasper. Behind her, Leah could hear her brother yipping, Quil, Paul, and Embry copying him, and even Sam seemed content.
She still didn't trust the vampires, she doubted she ever would, but she counted it as a victory. They had won… sorta. No one had died; no one important that is; though even she was smart enough not to mention the blood sucker that had been burned in front of them. She could still hear the screams, could still see the other two vamps react to her death. She could relate; if something like that had happened to Seth she'd react the same way.
With a sigh, she decided to sneak away from the celebration, head home, take a shower, wear some real clothes for a change, and slowly stood up to leave, only to freeze when her eyes landed on someone across the field.
He was enthusiastically kissing a tall, blonde blood sucker, holding her tightly, probably thanking his lucky stars that they had survived to live another day. Leah hadn't had much contact with him. In fact, excluding Bella and Edward, she hadn't spent any time around the vamps, but if she had she probably would have realized a lot sooner.
Her universe seemed to click into place, just as her stomach dropped in horror. She had imprinted on a vampire, but not just any vampire. She had imprinted on Edward Cullen's brother: Emmett.
Oh, shit…
I, um, I don't know what I am doing. So, please forgive me if this is bad, but this idea has been bugging me for quite some time, and the urge to write it has overtaken me.
My plans to continue are iffy right now, it really depends on the response from you, and I'm not even sure if this couple is shipped by anyone. So, yeah.
Uh, thanks for reading, I don't own anyone remotely affiliated with this series, and let me know what you think.