Jamie lead Jack through the hallways of North's workshop at a sedate pace, almost a leisurely stroll, but even though Jack tried everything short of wrenching his hand away, he couldn't seem to get free of Jamie's grip. Growing increasingly panicked with each step, his efforts grew more and more erratic until he actually was trying to wrench his hand away, but still the shorter teen held fast.

Jack suspected sorcery.

And indeed, in the corner of the room Jamie finally pulled him into sat a very overstuffed bookshelf. Very few of the titles were in english, Jamie apparently favoring Latin and Welsh over the commonality of his native tongue, and Jack even saw four or five books with runes on the spines.

He was quickly pulled out of his scan of the titles by Jamie pulling him down to sit on the bed.

"So." Jamie stated serenely, capturing Jack's attention completely as he fixed Jack with a slight smile and a cold gaze that made even him shiver, "What should we play?"

"Uhm...checkers, maybe?" Jack suggested nervously, but Jamie grew suddenly serious.

"They caught fire last week." he told him matter-of-factly.

Jack blinked and tried, "Er, chess, then?" but Jamie merely reached under the bed and pulled out a black and white Rubix cube.

"The board turned into this, and the pieces are inside. It won't let me have them back until I solve it, but I gave up after week six." he informed Jack solemnly, scowling down at the cube as if it had personally offended him before tossing it aside and resuming his slightly-distant expression.

"Ah, right. Well, uh, Snakes and Ladders? Monopoly? Candyland? Family Feud?" Jack listed, now less scared and more morbidly curious, but Jamie only sighed explosively.

"Turned into actual snakes and ladders that slithered away or were claimed by tiny workmen, had a stock market crash and threw itself into the ice canyon, eaten by Sophie when it turned into actual candy, and tore itself apart when two of the families started a blood feud that ended in explosives." he said, counting on his fingers before looking at Jack expectantly.

"Where did you get these board games?" Jack wondered aloud, and Jamie blinked as he actually had to think on this one.

Finally he said, "I think Phil said something about the elves being allowed to experiment?" looking slightly ashen at the prospect, and Jack had to admit the thought scared him too.

"So what can we play?" Jack asked in exasperation, and Jamie once again thought about it.

"I have a pair of handcuffs I wanted to try out." he finally said, vacant expression appearing, "Now's a good a time as any."

And suddenly, Jack Frost found himself lying sprawled out on Jamie Bennett's bed, handcuffed to the headboard with his staff nowhere in sight. His feet were similarly chained.

Oh yes. Sorcery indeed.

"A-Alright, they work." he stuttered out, tugging nervously on the metal to show that yes, they certainly did, "Y-You can let m-me go n-now."

'I lost the key." Jamie said with that same smile, and Jack gaped at him.

"WHAT?! Then why would you put them on me?!" he demanded, and Jamie looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Because I wanted to try them out." Jamie said, his vacant tone acquiring a 'duh' undertone. Jack sighed in aggravation.

"Fine then. Find a saw and cut the chain. I'll get the cuffs off later." Jack said in aggravation, but Jamie only cocked his head to the side with a small smile.

"Awww, why would I do that?" Jamie cooed as Jack's blood ran even colder than it already was, "This is a perfect photo opportunity. Just look at you, deliciously sprawled out on my bed. Shame you still have your clothes on, but I haven't quite mastered the cutting spell yet..."

"Cutting spell?!" Jack yelled, because of course, Jack Frost did not shriek, and whoever told you such nonsense should be whacked about the head.

Jamie patted his thigh and said regrettably, "Yeah. Shame, too. Those pictures would be drool-worthy." before giving Jack another serene smile and rising fluidly to retrieve his camera from the living room.

Jack began panicking.

Not in an 'oh-dear-Gods-whaddo-I-do' kinda way, oh no. Contrary to Bunny's belief, Jack was actually very smart, and when he felt threatened he immediately began to run through every available option he saw. And that is exactly what he did.

'Option one, get the keys. Not possible, I can see them on the desk over there.' Jack thought quickly, 'Option two, charm Jamie into letting me go and then run like the wind. Possible, but there's probably some sort of spell to stop me leaving. Still a thing. Option three, break the cuffs with my powers. Also not possible, that would take too long. Option four, lay here and let him do as he pleases.'

Just the mere thought of doing that sent chills up Jack's spine, but he furrowed his brow in confusion all the same. The chills were different than the ones he got when faced with danger, or the ones he got when he was scared. These were...these were like the chills he got before a fight. They were chills of anticipation.

Oh gods, he wanted to let Jamie do as he pleased.

Now, the thought didn't horrify him as much as you'd think. You see, Jack had come to terms with his attraction to Jamie years ago, so that wasn't the problem. The problem was, every time he thought of Jamie...in that way, he felt like a pedophile. He was three-hundred seventeen for the Moon's sake, he shouldn't be thinking of little Jamie like that!

Unbeknownst the Jack, though, Jamie had thought of this too. He had carefully weighed the issue, debating everything wrong and everything right, then used magic to personify the problem and literally threw it out the window, concluding that he didn't care. He liked Jack, though his realization came much later than the winter spirit's, and he had made it his mission to tease Jack to the edge of insanity until he finally cracked.

Then he forgot about it for a couple of years until the Popsicle thing.

No matter. He remembered now, and now that his plan was in motion, he supposed there were no real consequence.

Jamie slipped back into the room with his camera clicking nonstop, taking pictures of Jack from every angle and vantage point. Jack bit his lip and decided to just grin and bear it, but then Jamie made a little choking noise from behind his camera.

"That expression is amazing." he concluded after a moment of nondescript little noises, snapping even more pictures as Jack turned to glare at him, "Oooh, the 'resentful prisoner' look. Nice."

He took just a few more pictures before lowering the camera and flashing a bright smile.

"Alright, now the perspective shots." he decided, fiddling with the camera's settings a bit as he absently moved toward Jack.

"Perspective shots?' Jack questioned, half-curious and half-cautious, "What're those?"

"Pictures taken from the perspective of the, ah, 'rider'." Jamie explained with a slight fumble, and paying no heed to Jack's panicked expression, he jumped on the bed and straddled the poor spirit. His camera was going even before Jack's words.

"Don't you think this is a bit much?!" Jack shrieked, because okay, fine, he did do that, and you should apologize to anyone you may have whacked. Really, you can't just go around hitting people upside the head. What's wrong with you? Anyway...

"No." Jamie told him shortly, not stopping his shooting, "In fact, it's too little. Those clothes shouldn't even be there, but for the sake of your shyness I'll allow them."

The pictures didn't stop even once, but Jack didn't notice. He was too busy sealing his fate.

"Shyness? I'm not shy!" Jack protested out of habit, and Jamie froze.

He slowly lowered the camera to the bed.

And then he said, in a tone full of dark anticipation and barely-restrained smugness, "I suppose you don't need the clothes, then."

It was a stark contrast the the distance Jamie had been showcasing since Pitch had been captured, and so Jack was shocked into silence while Jamie crossed to the bookshelf and pulled a tome from it. He spoke not a word as Jamie flipped through the pages, his eyes scanning down until he found what he was looking for. He might've even stopped breathing as Jamie resumed his position atop the spirit.

However, when Jamie began dragging a finger glowing with orangish light down his hoodie, and the hoodie split as if cut with a laser, he sure had a few words then.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Jack protested as Jamie cut the top further, splitting it in half before moving to the sleeves, "Whattaya doin'?!"

"You said you weren't shy." Jamie said absently as he finished the left sleeve, "I took that to mean you were okay with the clothes off. Now hold still, I don't wanna cut you."

Jack obediently stilled, partly because he didn't want to get cut and partly because he knew struggling wouldn't get the boy to stop, and instead tried a different tactic. "I was just saying that out of habit, I really am shy!" he protested, whimpering a bit as Jamie finished the second sleeve and tugged the now-lacerated hoodie out from under him. He picked up his camera and began taking more perspective shots, inadvertently giving Jack more time.

"I mean c'mon, I may be a bit boisterous, but have you ever seen me take the spotlight?" Jack asked rhetorically, but he seemed to deflate when Jamie nodded immediately.

"Several times, yes." he agreed. His perspective shots done, he put his camera down again and slid down Jack's legs to kneel at the foot of the bed.

"W-Well, that was just pretend. A defense, to stop people from finding out I'm really shy and-and introverted!" Jack lied, growing a bit more anxious as Jamie began tracing a line down from the top of his hipbone to the bottom of his pant leg, "I can't stand attention, but I don't want people to know it!"

"That is the most backwards logic I've ever heard, and the worst lie too." Jamie commented with a wry grin as the first pant leg fell apart. He moved to the second, pausing a moment to say, "You really oughta' work on that."

"Y-yeah, I should. Let me go and I'll start right now!" Jack promised hysterically, giving a half-crazed grin to the focused teen cutting his clothes off.

Jamie merely raised an eyebrow and said, "I stand corrected. That's the worst lie." and then the second pant leg was cut as well.

With a quick tug, Jack was bare.

Now, you have to understand that when Jack was alive, they didn't have the comfy cotton clothes we do now. It was all woolly and scratchy, very irritating to the skin, and the fact of the matter was that Jack just simply didn't like underpants. He would often go commando, and the day he died was no exception.

That was evident, what with the raging erection pointing proudly skyward.

Jamie blinked as he stared at it, licking his lips in thought as he glanced down at the fabric in his hands and then back up to Jack. His face cycled through various expressions as he thought furiously about this new, ah, evidence, and Jack could practically see the conclusion as it lit his eyes up.

With deliberate slowness Jamie crawled forward, creeping up Jack's body until he was face-to-face with the boy. His eyes narrowed as he considered Jack's expression, and then suddenly his lips were on Jack's and Jack's lips were on his and oh gods Jamie's kissing me fwuuuuhhh...

Jack's brain momentarily short-circuited as the boy pulled back, and then it was jump-started back into life again as Jamie leaned in and whispered, "Somebody's excited."

"I have a bondage fetish. It is not because of you." Jack stated flatly, desperately trying to deny the conclusion that he knew Jamie had already come to, but Jamie only sat up and raised an eyebrow down at the wriggling spirit.

"Oh, come on. Admit it. You liiiike me." he stated, 'accidentally' grinding his jeaned ass down onto Jack's erection.

Jack winced for effect even as he face flushed, and he vehemently denied, "I do not."

"I have a truth spell." Jamie stated with a smirk, ironic in the sense that he himself was lying, "I will use it on you if need be. Now, one more time: You like me."

Jack gave him one last vehement glare, then swallowed and seemed to just...slump in defeat.

"Fine. Yes." he murmured, "I like you."

"Then why the resistance? I like you too, I'm old enough to make my own decisions, and I'm not drunk. What's the problem?" Jamie asked curiously, pressing his ass down again for emphasis.

Jack let out a short little whimper, then groaned in frustration as he explained, "Because you're nineteen. I'm three-hundred seventeen. I feel like a pedophile every time I so much as look at you oddly!"

Jack then scrunched his eyes shut in shame and frustration and let his head fall back with a thump of finality.

It started out small.

A sort of hiccup, really. A little shaking of his frame, as if he had gasped a bit too hard.

Then it came again, harder this time, again, and again, and then suddenly Jamie was collapsed on the bed laughing his head off. Jack lifted his head again to glare at him balefully, even as he felt his pride take a hit; what was he laughing about?

Jamie finally pulled himself together and resumed his position, planting both hands on Jack's chest and sitting on his erection. His face still held some amusement even as he fixed Jack with a hard stare.

"Pedophilia doesn't apply when I'm physically older than you." Jamie stated, his laughter threatening to bubble up again even as he clamped down on it, "So what if you've been alive for three hundred extra years? It's just a number. I, for one, don't count it towards your age, so you'll be seventeen forever to me."

"But I'm still three-hundred seventeen!" Jack protested weakly, and Jamie sighed explosively before trying a different tact.

"Alright, let's put it another way. Imagine if Sophie was stuck in a time loop: her mind was sent back to her thirteenth birthday at midnight on her fourteenth. She had to relive that year forever, her mind never getting any more mature, her body never changing beyond how it changed during that year. Would her liking somebody be pedophilia?".

Jack considered this before answering reluctantly, "No."

"And it's the same for you!" Jamie exclaimed, "You may not get sent back to your younger body, but everything else holds! You never get any more mature and your body never changes; the only difference is that time moves forward for you!"

His expression settled into a smug smirk as he prompted, "Now, one more time. You are...?"

"Not a pedophile?" Jack hazarded, and Jamie beamed.

"Correct!" Jamie cheered, grinning at Jack a moment. And then his eyes acquired an odd gleam in them as he leaned forward to whisper in Jack's ear again.

"Every correct answer merits a reward." he breathed, and with another smirk he once again slid down Jack's body to kneel between his legs.

Jamie's hand went forward, his fingers trailing up and down Jack's neglected length almost curiously as the spirit floundered for an argument, because really, you're going to do this now?

It seemed he was, because he didn't stop.

His fingertips tickled and teased Jack's cock back to attention, and then his hand circled Jack's member and began pumping lazily. His other hand went to Jack's balls, rolling them between his fingers as he watched Jack's face for a reaction.

The white-haired boy was flushed, his face a surprising shade of red for somebody so pale, and his breath was coming in pants. Jamie smirked up at him as he sped up his hand slightly, Jack's eyes fluttering at the feelings, before leaning down to lap at his new toy.

His licks were curious at first, tentative and small, but they soon grew longer and bolder as Jack began to groan a bit. His hand continued pumping as he sucked a bit on the head, his tongue flicking Jack's slit as the spirit moaned and writhed under him, and Jamie could feel him straining to break the cuffs. They were magically enhanced, though, specifically to hold the winter spirit, and with this in mind, Jamie gave a smug 'hn' and swallowed Jack entirely.

The spirit barely had enough time to cry out before Jamie was back to just licking again, staring up into Jack's eyes as if daring him to say something. Jack bit his lip to keep from groaning in disappointment, but the noise was coaxed out of him anyway as Jamie swallowed him again. Then he began a proper rhythm, his head bobbing up and down as a hand massaged Jack's balls, while the other was busy roaming Jack's body, flicking over a nipple a few times before trailing down to caress Jack's hip.

Jamie let go of Jack's dick with a pop, licking his lips obscenely as Jack watched on with a dark, feral gaze. Jamie grinned as he slid forward to straddle the boy again, winking as he drew a peculiar sigil in the air. With a puff of flame his clothes were gone, skin not even singed, and Jack raked his eyes over Jamie's body appreciatively. A second sigil's effect became apparent when, with a quick movement, Jamie lifted himself up and impaled himself on Jack's dick.

Jamie bit his lip as he felt Jack slide into him, the spell he had performed stretching him and providing lube. 'Magic's amazing.' he thought dimly as he rocked his hips a little, eliciting a gasp from Jack, before planting his hands on Jack's chest once again and beginning to bounce up and down.

"Oh Gods, Jack..." Jamie moaned, biting his lip a moment later when he realized he forgot to put a silencing rune on the door. Jack, though, didn't seem to share his concern as he moaned Jamie's name, loudly as everything that had ever had the audacity to be loud. Jamie whimpered, half from panic and half from the feeling of riding Jack, and leaned down to capture Jack's lips in a kiss.

Jack immediately began struggling against the cuffs harder than ever, determined to get his hands free to touch, to caress, to savor Jamie. The teen sat back up with a slightly glazed smirk and, never stopping his little 'ride', drew a glowing keyhole in the air with his finger. He thrust two fingers into the space and turned them, smirk widening as an audible clunk sounded.

The cuffs disappeared.

Jack pushed Jamie onto his back without even pulling out, hovering over the boy as he pounded into him with everything he had. Jamie had to bite down on a knuckle to keep from moaning as Jack somehow managed to pound into his prostate with every. Single. Thrust. It was a wasted effort: moans and groans tore their way past his impromptu blockade with startling frequency.

"Haaaah, Jack!" Jamie keened, wrapping his legs around Jack's waist as he pounded into him and looping his arms around his neck, "I'm gonna- ...gonna cum!"

And then Jack snapped out of his lust-filled haze, and without ever breaking his pace he leaned down to whisper in Jamie's ear, "Then cum."

Jamie felt his release overtake him with those words, the heat that had been coiling in his belly exploding outward in waves of ecstasy to splatter both their chests. He cried out as the spirit fucked him through it, long and loud and oh-so-attention-grabbing, and so he would be very grateful to learn afterwards that all the doors had been inscribed with silencing runes when they were put in.

Jack followed him over the edge a few thrusts later, moaning Jamie's name as he coated the mortal's insides and filled him to the brim. He leaned down to kiss Jamie fiercely as he began to slow, softening it to something tender and sweet as he slowed his thrusts. He pulled out and laid down next to Jamie with a contented sigh, gathering the mortal into his arms and pulling him to his chest even as he felt himself drift off. He felt Jamie pull the comforter over them, and he pressed a kiss to the top of Jamie's head and whispered, "Love you, Jamie."

The last thing he heard before he nodded off was a soft, "I love you too, Jack."