A/N: Hey guys, how's your new year going? Anyways thank you all for the great reviews and feedback, I usually keep these short so here's the fic.

The Legend of the Banished Hero, Chapter 6

Big House, war meeting: Annabeth's POV

Shouting, shouting, was all I heard. It was starting to give me a headache, I couldn't think of any plans or strategies because of all this arguing. This 'meeting' is exactly what the gods meetings were like. Arguing and more arguing, they never get anything resolved. Unless it was in a war, even then they didn't get it right most of the time.

Now you're probably wondering how I'm alive as well as most of the other campers. Well after the Titan and Giant wars, the gods saw it fit to have all cabin leaders and most of the warriors from the wars immortal. Except one person. One person didn't accept the gift of immortality. Instead he got eternal banishment to Tartarus. He was most likely dead, but we couldn't be certain as any souls banished to Tartarus, will stay in Tartarus, so this meant Hades couldn't even tell if anyone was dead inside of Tartarus. But it didn't matter anymore since I used to date him, but now I got Jacob. The best man ever.

''SILENCE'' shouted Chiron, everyone clearly saw that he was enraged, stopped arguing immediately. As we all knew an enraged Chiron was not something you wanted to deal with.

''Now that we finally have some peace, Annabeth, would you like to tell us any plans at all to capture this being.''

''Thank you Chiron. Now as we all know a direct full assault on him would kill us all-'' Annabeth stated until she was interrupted by Jacob.

''Pfffft, we all know that I could easily take him down and kill him as well!'' exclaimed Jacob. You see this was one of the things I loved about Jacob, he was a lot more honest with what he can do, whilst Percy would always try to downplay his role in everything.

''Well yes apart from you, but everyone else will die, you wouldn't want that now would you? Anyways, what I'm suggesting is that we surround him and trap him in a celestial bronze and imperial gold net.'' I mean, no one will be able to break out of the net, right?

''Yes, a very apt idea Annabeth. Well then you all know what to do, so get to it!'' yelled Chiron, and we all scrambled out of the war room and got started our jobs.

Two days later

It's been two days since the war meeting at Camp Half-Blood, and we had the net assembled within a day, the next day we spent tracking this so called Phantom Spartan. Although something did not seen right. A great warrior, or so to speak, would not leave his tracks behind. Unless he wanted to be captured, no, no he must be too dumb.

We had finally caught sight of him staring at a fire, crackling at his feet. We all got in our positions, surrounding him, we all waited for my signal. On that we would throw the net over him and pin him down. Then teleport to Olympus.

3, 2, 1, NOW! I mentally shouted to all the others hidden within the trees. As soon as I had given the command the net was over the being and our entire force was surrounding him. Until we noticed him didn't even react, he just sat there, content on staring at his fire, as if nothing happened. We were all wondering what was going on until I decided to look at the fire, he was staring into as well. What I saw was completely mesmerising, It looked as if it was dancing around, as if people were actually dancing in the fire, so gracefully and beautifully, that was until we heard a voice.

Percy Jackson POV

I was setting up my camp, until I felt a presence creep towards me from every direction. I quickly finished up the tent and fire, then I put an enchantment on where I would be sitting. I made a clone. An exact copy of me except this one couldn't do anything. It just sat there staring into the fire. Satisfied with my work I then leaped up a tree concealed myself, and waited until they came.

5 minutes later I noticed shuffling in the bushes around the camp, and I knew they were here. Out of nowhere a net came out and trapped 'myself' in it. The net appeared to be made out of the usual, celestial bronze and imperial gold. 'They are so boring' I thought, they could never be bothered to look in other places for other more interesting materials.

As they surround 'me' I watched with increased humour as they had begun to be trapped in the fires spell. I decided it was time to reveal myself. I jumped down, landing ever as gracefully and as quietly as ever. I let a deep, rumbling chuckle escape from my mouth and watched as the campers faces turned around.