Will You Ever Be Mine?


Pairing: Enma x Tsuna (0027)

Rating: K+ (for now...)

Warnings: none for now


He was Simon Decimo.

He was Vongola Decimo.

He was the Earth.

He was the Sky.

The Simon and the Vongola still had a tension, and a bit of rivalry between both families' guardians. The green Earth could never reach up and touch the beautiful blue Sky. The beautiful blue Sky never lowered down to graze the Earth. This was their relationship. Forbidden. Impossible. Unrealistic.

Yet... Enma felt that he still had a little bit of hope to hold on to, when it came to Tsuna loving him.

Water dripped off of his skin as he stood in the shower. An adorable pout was etched onto his face, his brows furrowed in confusion and sadness. The memory of his friend running up the stairs with such an anguished look on his face replayed in his mind, over and over, and he couldn't shake it out, no matter how hard he tried. Brown eyes welled up with tears, but it would be impossible to tell if he was crying, what with the water dripping down his face. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and he looked up, bringing his hand up and touching his lips lightly.

Funny...Enma had almost tasted like...strawberries...

How he longed to feel those lips against his, just one more time, for closer. Maybe another time, after that, and then after that. He laughed. One more time...what a joke. He'd ask for a kiss when he saw him, ask for a kiss when they parted, ask for a kiss when he spoke, ask for a kiss after they fought...Oh...

"It seems like I'm already addicted to him..." he whispered.

'But too bad you can't have him.'

A sad smile crawled up his lips, and he turned off the water. Yes...too bad he couldn't.

Enma sneezed. It seemed like someone had been thinking about him all afternoon; he'd been sneezing nonstop. Adelheid patted his back, handing him another tissue, before resuming her explanation of the homework in front of them.

"Enma," the Ice Guardian spoke up. "Is there something wrong?"

He froze. "A-Adel..? There's nothing wrong! What makes you as that?!"


"Like seriously! I'm perfectly fine!"


"Honestly, what could possibly make you think-"

The redhead stopped mumbling when his Guardian picked up the book and smacked him with it. He whined, clutching his head as it pounded. "Enma!" Adelheid exclaimed. She took one glance at Enma's tear-brimming eyes and breathed. "Enma, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's something wrong with you," she said. "It isn't about what I think it is...is it..?"

Enma cast his gaze downward. She knew. In fact, everyone knew. It wasn't like he tried to hide his pain; he had given up doing so a long time ago. He let out a shaky breath, clutching his fists. Adelheid hugged him, something she never did often. The Simon boss tried to stay strong, but he felt his walls crumble as his Ice Guardian comforted him.

"It's okay, Enma," she said quietly. "It's okay. Cry all you want."

But he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried to cry, he couldn't. His well of tears had already dried up years ago, and after spending his entire life in pain, he'd known to take it as it was. He found it funny that someone so small, one person out of a million people, could get past all those barriers that he had put up, and snuck into his heart, only to crack it, piece by piece, without even knowing. He patted his face, and sat up.

"Adel..." He murmured.

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone. Just don't expect me to be like this so much," Adel shivered.

Enma laughed, something he hadn't done in a very long time. Suddenly, he felt something buzz in his pocket, and Adelheid let him go. Enma took out his phone, shakily bringing his finger to swipe across the screen. There was an incoming call from...Tsuna.

"Answer it, boss," she said.

"What do I say..?" Enma asked.

"It can't be too awkward. C'mon, answer it before I give you extra homework."

The redhead fumbled with the phone, wiping across the green little phone icon. He brought the device up to his ear.


He suppressed a sigh when he heard the soft, angelic voice. "T-Tsuna-kun..? Yeah?"

"I was planning to go to the mall to pick up some stuff for a project with Yamamoto-san and Gokudera-kun. Would you like to come with us?"

Enma looked over at Adelheid, who nodded. "S-sure... When..?"

"Is now good?"

"Y-yeah! I'll meet you...at the mall then...?"

"Yup! Bye Enma!"

'You really, really shouldn't have done that,' a tiny little voice spoke in the back of his mind.

Enma shook his head, and turned to Adelheid, only to find that she had already laughed. He chuckled, typical Adel. He stood up, ignoring the slight feeling of worry creeping into his soul, and set upon putting decent clothes in. He three on jeans and a band T-shirt over a black hoodie, gifts from Dino when he had returned from a business trip to America. He walked downstairs, slipping on his shoes and going outside.

His eyes burned at the sudden brightness of the world. He was so used to the darkness of his room, it almost hurt to be outside. 'I need to get out more,' he thought bitterly before setting off towards the mall.

Enma passed began walking, his mind preoccupied by the thoughts of seeing Tsuna. Ever since the brunet had been taken away by that bomber friend of his, they hadn;t talked. It had been almost a week, and the redhead had made good work of ignoring any calls to his cellphone. It wasn't until Adelheid had burst into his room today, about to go absolutely crazy if she didn't find him, did he interact with another human.

"You're really going?"

He froze, and turned. He saw no-one near him, but a long shadow peeking out of the alleyway. Enma scowled, he already knew who it was.

"I thought you said you were going to give up?"

"I gave up," Enma muttered. "Doesn't mean I can't see him."

"Suit yourself. When you get hurt though..."

The young boss turned heel and took off, running towards the mall. He reached the tall glass building, and looked behind him, making sure that that person hadn't followed him. Confirming that no-one unwanted was there, he looked forward. His heart dropped to his stomach.

Tsuna stood in front of him, alright, waving happily, and looking as adorable as ever. Except he was alone.


Oh...all of you so despise me right now...But...Hey, look, a new chapter! *hides behind a big rock* Please don't hurt me for being absent so much...Please! I beg for forgiveness! Like...I know it's been a damn long time...but...hey, I'm almost done with finals? and my freshman year? Awesomeness?

Well...I hope you guys still find the heart to favorite...follow...and review...

By the way guys...

...percy jackson...

*evil laughter*