"Deeks? Are you okay man?" Sam asked with concern. "You look like you're in pain."

"Nah, i'm fine, i was just thinking." Deeks responded. Callen smirked.

"As he said, you looked like you were in pain." Deeks rolled his eyes and waited for Kensi's witty response and sighed when he didn't get one. "What's up?" He asked, all serious when he noticed the sigh.

"I have this feeling. As in something extremely good like Kensi popping her head round or something extremely bad like-"

"Like Sam getting shot?" Callen offered. Deeks nodded.

"Woah, why am i the one that gets shot?" Callen rolled his eyes.

"Both of us have already been shot, it's got to be your turn soon." Sam glared in mock annoyance and was about to respond when Eric's tell tale whistle filled the room. They looked at the stairs and he gave the thumbs up before walking back into Ops.

"What have we got Eric?" Callen asked, as he looked at the big screen, arms crossed. Eric spun on his chair and faced them, tapping his tablet.

"A shooting on the beach." He informed. Deeks eyes lit up immediately. "One with a gun, not models." He quickly added, with a wink at the beach boy. "CCTV picked this up at three a.m." He tapped a few buttons on his tablet to make the video appear. The screen went black. "What?" Eric murmured in confusion before whirling around and quickly typing on his computer. Nell sat next to him doing the exact same thing, she glanced at him as he glanced at her and they both shrugged in confusion.

"What is going on Mr Beale?" Hetty asked, stepping into Ops. He tried to formulate an answer but didn't manage to. "Mr Beale? Miss Jones? Anybody?" She asked again. Everyone shrugged.

"It seems that someone is accessing our computers." Nell murmured to Eric, who nodded back in agreement. "But they aren't accessing anything besides the internet." She added in confusion.

"Progress?" Sam asked. Nell shrugged.

"Could be. If they're accessing our internet then we can trace them, depends how talented they are, could take minutes, hours or days. But firstly we have to find out why they accessed our internet and why not anything else. The big screen suddenly flashed white, before a man wearing a balaclava appeared. "Ah, that's why."

Michelle Hanna frowned at her boss. "What do you mean the computers have gone funny? How can someone manage to get past all our security?" He sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hands, elbows rested on his desk as Michelle paced before him.

"That's what we've got the technicians looking into. All they've managed to do is work out that they've accessed the internet, no important files." Michelle stopped pacing and frowned. "My thoughts exactly." He said, predicting her thoughts. "Why hack into the CIA's database if you're just going to go internet shopping?" They were interrupted by the phone ringing. "Anything new?" He asked down the phone. His eyes widened. "I'll be right there." He motioned for Michelle to follow him as he ran down the corridor to their technical room. The screen was white.

Michelle stepped closer and frowned. "Is that it?" She asked, disbelief coating her voice. "Do we have any idea on how they managed it?" A small computer geek looked up and shook his head. "I'm going to call Sam, we can get his team to help out. They have better resources for this as well." She said to her boss. He nodded and she grabbed her phone, scrolling through the contacts for his name. She was about to press call when a man wearing a balaclava appeared and she froze in shock.

Bates frowned at the computers before him. Nobody in the whole of the LAPD department had a clue on what was going on and they didn't have the resources to figure it out. "See if we can get a hold on the situation, i'm going to call Deeks. His team have the resources to help." Nobody argued, and all sat in silence, a few gasping whilst every screen changed from bright white to a man in a balaclava.

"Trace it Eric!" Callen called, panic in his voice. "Get a translator ready as well Nell." She turned around and gave a thumbs up, indicating that it was already done. Deeks shushed them all as their was movement on the screen.

"Look and be quiet. I think they're about to do something." His suspicions were confirmed when the guy stepped away from the camera, allowing a slumped body on a chair to appear in the picture as well. They were clearly tied and injured with a bag over the head too.

"You americans know no shame! You send your people to us everyday in the hope that we will relinquish our weapons and allow defeat to overcome us, but you are wrong! Defeat is not in our nature but it is in yours." He walked closer to the slumped body and slapped them round the head, where there was no response. "We have contacted many different organisations all in the same way, right now. If you are seeing this, then so are others. We have one of yours. We don't know who they belong to and we don't know how much they are worth to you loyal scum, but we will expect your co-operation, or this one dies."

"Eric?" Callen asked.

"I'm sorry Callen, they're extremely good with their technology, this could take me days to locate them."

Deeks sighed. "From the sound of it, they won't have days." He scrubbed a hand over his face. "Kensi would probably be able to tell us what country they were in just by looking at the floor." Sam sighed and grabbed his shoulder in a sympathetic way.

"She's safe Deeks." He nodded with reluctance.

"I expect the organisation that this one belongs to, to do everything in their power to get them back, or they will die a ugly and gruesome death that shall be recorded and played for everyone to see." He rested his hand on the bag and pulled it off.

Silence. Never had it been so loud. Everyone was frozen. Eric and Nell had both stopped typing, Eric with his hands still in typing position and Nell with her hands covering her face. Callen had uncrossed his arms and had stepped forward a step for a closer look. Sam had fisted his hands and stared in shock, paling slightly. Hetty didn't move a facial muscle at all, looking as calm as ever but showing grief, distress and a cold anger in her eyes. Deeks was crying silently, his hands rested on the big screen, rested on Kensi.