A.N. 'It's that time of years again, but this time the StrawHats won't be celebrating alone. Off on an unmarked island many ships dot the coast with pirate flags and marine flags waving alike.' (dialacookie) Believe or not I still haven't finished all of the prompts I received during my birthday week… And this not the last one at that! And I wanted to finish all of them until the New Year, but I just don't wanna do them anymore...! Well there's several that I'll do when I get less lazy and my sense of duty comes back and until then, enjoy! :}

P.S. I have a poll on my profile about what my story should have a sequel… ^-^

I almost forgot! This story is distributed into different pairings by every chapter, so if you don't like any of the pairings, don't worry, they won't even be mentioned in the chapter! :}

No pairings (yet)

White small snowflakes were falling from the sky on a big island somewhere in Grand Line, numerous ships had already docked near it and more still had to come. It was the party of the year. Christmas party. The island had a lot of spruce trees growing and a lot of them were decorated. In a middle of the island there stood a huge building. If you could talk with animals they could have sworn that it wasn't there two days ago. It appeared when a big ship with a funny looking sun docked to this un-habited island.

The big house had a huge hall that had to seat several hundred friends. The Straw Hat captain did invite all of his friends and allies here. The first floor also had a kitchen, it wasn't as perfect as the one blond cook had abroad Sunny, but it was good enough. The second floor contained bedrooms, not everyone will be able to go back (or simply don't want to) to their respectful ships after a party of this scale. So the blue haired shipwright was very thoughtful and built two kinds of bedrooms. Shared ones with several beds per room and simple bedrooms with a double bed for people who even as pirates had found love in their life…


Luffy's POV


I saw a yellow submarine emerge from the water and felt my heart beat faster in my chest; he's finally here! After several minutes that went on like eternity, the hatch opened at the top of the submarine and a hat that I favored right after mine showed up. Remembering my past mistakes when rocketing into him at a moment like this led to both of us drowning, I waited till Traffy stepped from his ship on the ground and then I rocketed at him. "Traffy!"

The so called surgeon of breath or something along those lines, managed to open his arms just in time, so when we fell I ended up in his embrace. Law chuckled and stood up with his arms still wrapped around me. "Mugiwara-ya."

I looked up at Traffy's eyes and grinned. "What?"

A small playful smirk appeared on his lips. "You seem as cheerful as ever."

My grin widened. "That's because today is a nice day!"

Traffy leaned so close I could feel his breath on my lips. "Really~?"

He particularly purred the last words and closed the remaining distance between our lips. When I felt his lips touch mine a wave of warmth went through my body, his tongue brushed through my lips and I opened them welcoming it in. I enjoyed the feeling his tongue created while conquering my mouth, but soon gave myself in to him completely. For some reason it's a fight I never try winning, I'm fine with being beaten in this situation.

The hot tongue suddenly left my mouth and I was left panting for air with Law's playful eyes studying my face, a small self-confident smirk appeared on his face. "As irresistible as always."

He brushed his thumb though my red cheeks and I puffed my cheeks. "Idiot…" I took his hand and completely ignoring the stares of his crewmates who never saw us together, started dragging him towards the middle of the island. "You're gonna love this party! It's going to be the party of the year!"

A warm chuckle escaped his lips as he started walking next to me with my hand in his tight grip. "Really? You better keep that promise…"



My brother turned his head at me and grinned, he walked closer and his expression changed into cold one. "Who are you?"

His question was directed to Law who had his hand wrapped around my waist, the places his hand touched were warmer than the rest of my body and my heart beat might have been a little faster than usual. Law extended his free hand to Ace. "My name is Trafalgar Law."

For several moments Ace simple stared at the extended hand and I even started wondering if he's going to shove it away, but in the end he shook the hand through he still looked rather disapproving. I could clearly see an inner battle he had, in the end he eased up a little, sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Too much for one day…" That mumbled sentence probably wasn't meant for us, but it got my curiosity up. "Well Law guy, what is your relationship with my brother?"

I looked at Law and saw a small smirk appear on his lips. "I think it's pretty obvious, don't you think?"

"I just hoped that I was mistaken, you know what will happen if you hurt him?"

Traffy rolled his eyes. "Slow and painful death, you're not the first person who saying this to me."

My brother nodded. "You better brace yourself."

With those words Ace walked away, a sigh escaped my lips; why does everybody think that Traffy will hurt me? He's a good guy! All he ever did was help me! I pouted and looked up at Law. "Why is everyone so unfriendly to you?"

Traffy smiled and ruffled my hair. "It's not that they're unfriendly, it's just that they're worried about you, they're afraid that you will get burned, but with time they will get used to it."

"But I won't get burned, right?"

A gentle smiled appeared on his lips, he leaned closer and put a peck on my lips. When he straightened he had a raised eyebrow. "Luffy-ya, are you sure that the only one whose jealousy I should evade is Boa Hancock?"

I nodded. "Well yea, nobody else ever showed interest in me, well there's Alvida, but I'm not sure…"

"We will talk about that later, but there's that blond man who's staring at me like I'm the worst criminal in the world…."

He pointed at someone in the crowd and I followed his gaze, there, not too far from us, I saw Sabo staring at Law and me with his jaw open. "Oh! That's my brother!"

Traffy rubbed his forehead. "Brother? Another one? How many brother do you have?"

I shrugged; what's the big deal? "Only two."

Law sighed. "Here he comes."

Sabo really was making his way towards us, he still looked shocked, but serious too, he stopped in front of us and looked through Traffy almost in a same manner that Ace did no too long ago. Sabo extended his hand to Law. "Sabo, Luffy's brother."

Traffy got a little surprised by how different Sabo was from Ace and shook the extended hand. "Trafalgar Law, his lover."

My blond brother stared at Law for some time then looked at me. "You sure?"

I grinned and nodded. "Absolutely."

Sabo's eyes fell on Law. "You seem like a smart man, you will do everything to make him happy, right?"

Even though it was put as a question Sabo made it sound like a statement, Traffy nodded and my brother walked away; is none of my brothers gonna stay and chat with me? Well there's still two more days, there will be more than enough time to catch up… I looked up at Traffy. "I'm hungry, do you thhinkwe could find snacks?"

Law nodded. "Alright."


"I'm so full!"

Traffy smiled. "Well, all you did for the past several hours was eat."

I pouted. "But the food was very good!"

Law looked around. "It seems that everyone is leaving one after another, should we go too?"

I looked around and in truth, there weren't one third of the guests left, I turned at Traffy who was already standing and waiting for me. I stood up and went to the second floor, we visited our room earlier to leave our coats there, so now that I could see Traffy's back I couldn't help, but wonder if there's going to be something more tonight. Just thinking about it got my cheeks redden, Law noticed it and smirked. "Why are you so embarrassed Luffy-ya? Is there something on your mind that can't give you a rest~?"

I looked down and felt even more blood got up to my cheeks. "Idiot Traffy…"

The taller male chuckled and we finally reached the door to our room. Law got out the key and unlocked the door. After we went in he locked the door and put the key on a small table near the door; Franky is the best craftsmen ever…

Traffy turned at me and I saw that his facial features had become gentle and caring, he slowly walked to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "You know we can just go to sleep if you're not ready…"

I looked up in his eyes and brushed my hand through his cheek, his hair was messy as usual and kind of matched the feathery neckline of his black hoodie and the black natural lines under his eyes. I brushed my thumb through his goatee and let my hand travel to his earrings. A gentle smile found its way on my lips as I tiptoed and pressed my lips to his, after that I looked into his eyes again. "Do you need any other invitation?"

Law smirked and leaned down to kiss me. "You won't regret this…"

His lips brushed through mine teasingly. "Hey…!"

He scooped me in his arms and brought me to the bed; I have a hunch that a good night is awaiting me…

A.N. I planned on adding some lemons here, but I don't have time! I'm sorry! But I promise that during my vacation there will be a lot of new stories and continuation to old ones as I got a new phone and I need to rewrite EVERYTHING from the old one… -_- Hope you enjoyed! :} (More chapters will come soon!)