Chapter 3

Miku Hatsune, the new assistant, was enjoying her time at Shion Psychic Research, but there hasn't been a case in a while. Even so, she enjoyed being there and always did what her boss asked her.

Her boss was Kaito Shion, and eighteen year old male with matching blue hair and eyes. Sure he may be a little young to be running an entire company, but his older brothers, Nigaito, Taito, Kikaito, and Akaito, wanted him to own the company because he was the smartest out of all of them. He also had others working in the company alongside them: A pair of blonde twins spiritualists who were named Rilliane and Allen Kagamine, a monk named Gakupo Kamui, and a Shrine Maiden named Luka Megurine.

It was a quiet Friday morning. A woman wearing a red tank top and white shorts entered the office. "Hello, may I help you?" Miku asked the woman.

"I'm here for Kaito Shion." She replied. "I've got a little problem."

"Hey guys." Miku said to the twins. "Can you go get Kaito? There's someone here to see him."

"Roger." Both twins saluted before exiting the room. "Would you like to have some tea?" Miku asked the woman. The woman shook her head no. A few minutes later, the blue-haired teen walked inside the room. "My name is Kaito Shion." He introduced. "I run the company."

"Oh uh." The woman stuttered. Miku showed no expression. She was used to people's reactions when they find out that the leader of an entire company is barely an adult. "Well I have some kind of ghost problem going on at Tokyo Beach."

"Wait. Are you a life guard there?" Allen asked as he raised an eyebrow. The woman nodded. "Lately, people were disappearing and their bodies wash up on the beach a few days later. I don't know if they drowned or were attacked by marine life. It's starting to get scary."

"What does this have to do with a ghost?" Miku asked as she served tea to the woman and her boss. The woman took a breath. "Well, after the beach has closed, I keep seeing this white shadow. When I try to get close to it, it disappears and I hear this high-pitched scream. Will you please come help?"

Miku, Rilliane, and Allen turned to the bluenette male, who was crossing his arms. He looked up at them with a small smile. "Grab your things." He said. "We're heading to the beach."

"Alright!" The trio yelled while jumping in the hair and high-fiving each other.

The next day, the Shion Psychic Research Team headed to the beach, to find out more about this case. "Remember we're here for work, not to play around." Kaito reminded them.

"But can't we have fun while we look?" Miku begged. "Please Kaito!?" The teen shrugged. "As long as you're working."

"Let's go!"

Kaito sighed as he watched the twins and his assistant run on the beach. He decided to ask the other lifeguards about what's been happening. In the meantime, Luka and Gakupo decided to go swimming in the ocean. "When this case is over, what do you say about us going to a movie sometime?" Gakupo asked as they reached the surface.

"I'll think about it." The pinkette replied. The two dove back underwater and started to swim further down. Gakupo tapped Luka's shoulder and pointed downwards, where he saw a shadow of what he thought was a building. They both swam towards the shadow until something whooshed in front of them, and hid in a field of seaweed. Luka reached out her hand, wanting to see what it was.

She pulled her hand back when the something rushed forward and almost bit it off. A shark with strange markings on its body glared at her with black eyes. Luka felt something pull her arm away from the shark and saw that it was Gakupo. He pulled her even farther away from the shark and started to make his way to the surface, with the shark following at high speed. As soon as they were close to the surface, the shark turned back.

Luka and Gakupo rose out of the surface, shocked and confused of what they experienced. "The hell just happened?" The purple-haired man asked. The pinkette shook her head before diving back in the water a few feet. She noticed that the shark that had been chasing them was no where to be seen. She came back to the surface, and said "The shark is gone, but why didn't it eat us?"

"I think it's because of that underwater building it was hanging around." Gakupo replied. "It just wanted us away from it. We'd better tell Kaito about this." Luka nodded as they both swam to the shore, unaware of what the hell just happened, but they knew it was important.

Me: Sorry it took me so long to update you guys. I ran out of ideas for this story and/or because I got so hooked up on my newer or more popular stories. Anyway, my name is animelover276, and I will see you guys next time.

P.S: Sorry if this chapter was short.