Disclaimer | I do not own the clique.

Authors Note | I should be updating "damned angels", but I've always loved onexshot collections, and ones based off of songs are always my favorite.

Various pairings included, some dedicated to my friends, some off of songs I love, and some songs requested.

If you would like to request a song, leave it in the reviews in a format of song title ; artist ; pairing.

Dedication | the first onexshot is dedicated to lily / indie misery, because I know how she loves music.

Song | royals by lorde.

Pairing | cam and claire.

Cameron Fisher had always been gullible, seen as sweet and dumb to the people around him and the people who watched him.

He was always in the spotlight, but when the light shone on the raven-haired boy, he was shadowed still by a Derrick Harrington or Harris Fisher. He was hidden behind the glory of those surrounding him, bathed in the glamour of those close to him.

He didn't have the blood to absorb the limelight–it bounced off of him and onto his peers, fading away quickly.

He was famous for his eyes, one green and one blue, but any conversation directed to the sidekick was always directed to either his infamous brother or star goalie of a best friend. Their light overpowered his, yet he refused to fade.

The people around clawed at each other for a breath of attention, but Cam was both too gullible and careless to desire the affections of those who would never matter to him.

He was unlike others, and though the people around him thought him strange, they loved the boy all the same. There was an air to Cam that was impossible to resent, and people were drawn to him like a moth to light.

When they were drawn, they were distracted by the star goalie that Cam was always beside.

Derrick James Harrington had more differences than they did similarities, but somehow, their personalities mixed well. While Derrick was charming, loud, and quick-witted, Cam was clumsy, naive, and on the slower side. At times, someone would toss an insult Cam's way, and he wouldn't have the faintest clue it was a jab.

Derrick was radiant, and everything he did attracted attention. Eyes followed his every movement, and there was scarcely a movement Derrick could make that wouldn't be documented.

Cam was often trapped in his own world, hidden within the walls of his wild imagination. His thoughts were fueled by nuclear energy, yet he was too wild to ever sit down and write his ideas.

His mind was brilliant, but his ideas were too plentiful to contain, and slipped away before he could pencil a single thought down on paper.

He was always too clumsy, too strange, or too hyper to settle down with someone, or commit to someone. He believed that there wasn't a soul that matched his, and each passing day brought him closer and closer to giving up the dream that someone could understand him.

Brilliant as he was, he had yet to realize that perfection was something hidden in the shadows, hard to achieve yet perfect once the lips meet.


Claire Lyons was always the odd one out of a group, an outcast wherever she went yet barely accepted by all.

She roamed by the girls with the name of perfection, the most beautiful and superficial girls in her town. She was constantly misunderstood by them, the blonde girl and her childish habits a mystery to them.

Walk much, Claire?

Are you allergic to makeup? Then why are you acting like it'll give you a disease?

Try giving up the Keds, Kuh-laire.

She was criticized by them, and yet they still stayed close to her–something about her presence calmed them, and they fought less with the blonde girl trapped in her imaginary world.

She was always next to Massie Block, and whenever she was spoke of, she was mentioned indirectly through the queen of their city.

She didn't mind remaining in the shadows–she had more time to be herself when she was left alone, and she found herself to be happier when eyes were off her.

She had never wanted to be queen, and she had never craved the diamonds the people around her bathed in. She was one of the poorer families of Westchester, but she didn't mind–she had always preferred Converse to Chanel, and she would much rather be comfortable in sweats and sneakers than look like a Barbie in gowns and glamour.

She often thought of her friends as dress-up dolls, plastering their bodies with designer labels and makeup to look like the most artificially beautiful doll.

Claire had never been desirable to men around her–she was beautiful, with white blonde hair and wide green eyes, but she wasn't the standard of beauty that everyone seemed to clamor around.

She was outshined by each of her friends–she was smart, but Kristen was smarter. She was funny, but Dylan was funnier. She was beautiful, but Alicia was seen as perfection. She was elegant, but Massie was seen as a glamorous goddess.

Her happiness came more from her imagination than it did from admiration, and she didn't crave the attention from the watching eyes around her as her peers did.

Claire was strange indeed, but she was strange in the way a book was–confusing, yet intricate, begging to be read.


It had taken years for the two matched souls to meet, but their first college year had brought them together, and intertwined their gentle souls.

Cam and Claire were alike even without meeting, and they had the same minds beyond their beautiful faces.

This will be different.

Their thoughts paved the same paths in their brilliant minds, and though the path was difficult to follow, the end of the road was the destination where the lovers would meet, and their hearts would become one.


Claire had always had trouble reading maps, so it wasn't much of a surprise when her mind directed her to the room 34B instead of 34D like the map read.

Her light skinned fingers drummed against the door she believed her roommate to be behind, thinking of ways to introduce herself to the stranger behind the door.

She hadn't expected to find a beautiful stranger with alluring eyes, standing behind the door, watching her as though he had never seen a woman before.

"I'm Cam." He said almost too quickly, skipping past a 'hello' to introduce him to the green-eyed girl.

They were both watching the other's eyes as though they were burning diamonds, brightened in the flesh by the flames that licked them.

"I…Claire." The boy with the crystalline eyes of two colors chuckled softly, the laugh a sound of genuine amusement that she had heard from her peers only a few times before.

The eyes that she was already infatuated by were filled with a certain adoration, watching her as though she would be ripped from his sight moments later. Cam seemed to be trying to memorize her light hair and wide eyes and cherish her unique beauty, watching her in a way that even she could see as admiration.

"I think I'm at the wrong room." Claire's words were slow, speaking after a long moment of silence that was more peaceful than uncomfortable.

Cam cracked a small smile, showing white teeth and red lips, "Want me to help walk you to your room, Claire?"

She handed him her schedule without speaking, blinking slowly through long-lashed eyes and turning away once he took the pink sheet of paper.

"Come on," The raven-haired boy lightly touched her shoulder, ushering her out of her room. Her spaghetti straps left her light shoulders bare, and she felt a remaining brush of heat by his fingers. "I know where this is."

Claire followed after him, watching his back and noticing slowly how tall he was, how light his skin was, and the way he walked.

When he turned to look at her, his eyes shocked her. Claire was unsure whether or not she would be able to forget his eyes, looking like sapphire and emerald stones against his light skin. His lips were ruby, and his hair was coal.

He seemed more like the making of her imagination, too fragile and beautiful to fit in with the harsh realities of the world around her.


Cam found it difficult to stop watching Claire for even a moment.

Her face was burned in his mind with green-eyed flames, yet she was similar to a drug in the way that Cam could never stop looking at her or wanting to touch her, both addictive and destructive.

He had found excuses as frequently as he could to bring himself close to her, and made as much of an effort to be near her as humanly possible.

Cam was sure Derrick knew, but he didn't mind–he wasn't scared that the green-eyed girl wouldn't return his affections.

Being near her was enough.


They had flown around each other for months by the day the meeting of their lips came, landing on the day of Claire's nineteenth birthday.

The materialistic girls who surrounded Claire had invited her to the beach for a bonfire, filled with alcohol, scattered clothing, and white sand to match her hair.

There was more attention on her peers than there was on the girl turning nineteen, but Claire was used to that. They were in love with being queens, and fought their way to royalty anywhere they went.

No one knew that the bonfire was Claire, and only one man noticed when she slipped away to the rocks, far from the action of the party.

"Claire?" A soft voice shattered the stillness the blonde girl had created, and she looked up quickly.

Her green eyes crashed with his emerald and sapphire ones, and he offered her the adoring smile that was always present when he looked to her.

"Cam? Why are you–"

"I wanted to wish you a happy birthday." His hand shifted to his pocket, "Should I sing to you?"

Claire laughed, "No, please."

"Then close your eyes."


"It's a secret." Her green eyes fluttered closed, and she felt hands brushing against her neck. The air that tickled her was cold, but his hands themselves were hot.

A brush of ice landed around her throat, and when her eyes opened, she found it to be a pendant of silver. "Cam,"

"It's nothing."

"I didn't compliment you yet."

"I felt it coming." He leant forwards to flip her pendant to the correct side, and she could feel the heat from his lips radiating onto hers.

"I did too." Claire whispered, her nonsensical words making sense to Cam.

She wasn't sure who moved forwards, but the closing of her eyes led to a shock of heat on her full lips, warm and disorienting.

Cam's lips were on hers, and he was kissing her.

Cam is kissing me.

He was sitting next to her on the rock, his arms enclosed around her as his lips moved against her lips. Her body trembled lightly with the brush of sparks that came from his body, and chills and fire mixed ran over her body.

She was dizzy, unstable, and falling, but even her spinning mind assured her that she had never felt anything so delicate as kissing Cameron Fisher.

For once, she felt alive.


Love was blinding, but the meeting of the destined souls opened their eyes more than they believed was possible.

They were one entity, and their hearts tangled and intertwined so tightly that they were unsure that they could live apart from each other.

They would never need to.

In their imaginary world, they were the king and queen, and nothing else mattered.

They were royals in their fantasies, and together they ruled.

the ending was a bit fluffy, but cam & claire deserve that c:

hoped you liked it, lily!

my review box is hungryfeed it!!!