Helia pov

When I walk out of class I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walk by me. She has the most beautiful tan skin, amazing green eyes, long brown hair. She looks amazing even in the Red Fountain uniform. She looks so proud as walks down the hall. I couldn't stop thinking of her. Her smile, her face. She looks so perfect. I start to draw pictures of her in my notebook as I sat in class. I don't see the mystery girl until I see Throne push her against the wall and threatens my princess. I was angry when I see this. I started to walk to walk over to him until I see her talk back to him and walks off. I turn around to walk back to my room when I hear a growl. I look to see half the students on the floor and the girl walking away with a smirk. I walk to my room I share with Riven to get ready for the opening ceremony.

"Hey, Sky, who's the new girl?" Riven asks.

"Her name is Flora. Man is she something?"

"She beat every rider on the track! On foot! She's awesome!" Brandon cheers.

"Come on we're gonna be late to the welcoming ceremony," Nabu screams from the hallway.

"Let's go," Riven says leaving the room.

I couldn't wait to see this girl. We get to the arena and I see my princess sitting next to Codatorta in the stands. She starts laughing as he gets up to leave. He bends down to kiss her cheek and walks to his seat in the arena ring. I take a deep breath as I walk to sit next to her. She's wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans with her hair in a ponytail and a ring on her finger.

"Please don't be engaged or have a boyfriend. Please. Please. Please," I mental beg as I take the seat. "Is this seat taken?"

She looks more radiant up close. Her skin is flawless except the small little dimples on her chin.

"No please sit," she says patting the spot next to her.

"So what's your name?" I ask.

"Flora. Yours?"

"Heila. Nice to meet you."

"Your headmaster Saladin's nephew right," she asks as she extends her hand.

"Yea actually. Why?" I ask surprised as I kiss her soft hand.

"That picture on his desk doesn't give you justice."

"Please don't tell me the picture of me when I was four."

"Sadly on your part yes."

"Remind me to kill my uncle later."

It was when I was four at the fair and a clown came and scared me to death. I can't believe that he actually took a picture of me crying my eyes out.

"I thought it was cute."

"No, it wasn't. It was embarrassing." I said hiding my red face in my hands.

"It ok. I understand. At least you're not in a Halloween costume of princess Jasmine."

"That's you on Codatorta's desk?"

"Yep." She says cheerfully.

"You look so adorable. Wait, why does he even have that picture."

"He's my uncle."

"Cool. So you're going to be in the ceremony?"

"Yeah. Speaking of that I better go. It's about to start," she says getting up and walk down the steps.

"Ok. Bye," I whisper as my princess walks away.

"Dude, you're so in there!" Brandon screams over my shoulder.

"Brandon! Stop doing that! And how do you know that? I literally just met her," I screaming in annoyance.

"But you have to admit. She's kinda cute," Nabu says.

"Don't you have Layla?" I ask.

"Aren't you single?" Nabu argues back.

The guys start laughing at his joke. They always make fun of me because I'm the only guy in the school without a girlfriend or even an ex.

"Ha Ha Ha. Nabu you're a riot," I said jokingly.

"Quiet guys, it's starting," Timmy orders.

"Good morning students of Red Fountain. Most of you know me but for those who don't, I am headmaster Saladin. The headmaster of these school. Over the years, we had the honor of having many excellent students. But there is one student whose father and uncles attended this school. And now this student is here for her second year here. And yes I did say her. It's my honor and pleasure to present Princess Flora from Limphea," my uncle says with a smile on his face.

Flora walks to the where he is as the rest of the students clap for them. I could tell by her posture that she is nervous.

"That's the girl? Flora?" Riven asks.

"Yep. She is a piece of work in a ring," Brandon says.

"Good morning boys. As you know my name is Flora. I'm 16 years old and it's a pleasure to be back here. I was 9 years old when I first came here. My father and his brothers came here and I wish to take up the role. I am honored to be here as a student and honored to be here as a teacher. Thank you and the students that have me as a teacher, may the odds be forever in you favor," she said walking back to her seat as the audience claps.

"Alright boys, head to your dorms and have a great day back," Uncle says as the ceremony ends.

"So who has her class?" Timmy asks as we leave the

"I hope I do,"

"Guys what's on our doors?" Sky asks.

On the three doors connecting to our room, there were several pink slips. They had all of our names on them.

"What does it say," Riven asks flopping on the bed on his back.

"To Timmy, Prince Sky, Brandon, Prince Nabu, Riven, and Helia. You are to report to Princess Flora class for the rest of the semester. Good luck. Codatorta." Nabu read.

"Yes!" I cheer happily.

"I'm not going," Riven says.

"What!? Why?!" Sky asks.

"What can a chick teach me that Codatorta and REAL teachers can't?" Riven asks.

"If Codatorta says we go, we go. That's it." Sky says.

"Guys maybe we should take her seriously," Timmy suggests.

"Why on this bloody earth should I?"

"Have you seen her record. She is amazing. Speed, Stamina, Balance, everything. Perfect scores. Maybe we should go." Timmy explains.

"Alright, we'll go. But I won't like it." Riven grumbles.

"When do we go?" I ask to excitedly.

"Now actually. Let's go, I don't want to be late." Nabu says rushing out the door.

"Whatever" Riven mumbles leaving the room.

"5 bucks says he'll get his butt kicked by Flora." Sky challenges to Timmy and Brandon.

"Deal," Brandon says.

As we arrive at the room we saw half of the students there and Flora at the door. Let the lesson begin.