Housekeeper chapter-4
On with the chapter. Okay I made you wait long so I made this longer.
Kiba had his own way of dealing with neighbors', he never really liked neighbors, too friendly, too fake and too annoying in general, he had his own methods of dealing with them. Depending on whether the new neighbor is a respectable adult (Hi, I'm Inuzuka Kiba, pleased to meet you!) ahot guy a (Hi, I'm Inuzuka Kiba, and I have a foot-long tongue and can breathe through my ears) hot girl(Hi, I'm Inuzuka Kiba, but my friends call me Ten Inch)or a pedophile (Hi, I'm Neji Hyuuga, would you like my phone number?) .
The only exception to his solid by heart rule was his insanely hot housekeeper with luscious and round ass who was glaring at him with an on guard look, probably knowing what was going though his head just now.
The hottie was a psychic too; he didn't have to voice out his desires. He has never been shy in voicing out his interest in anyone who crosses his path, mostly girls, frankly he was so hot had to hardly voice out his interest before he person before him was falling on knees in front of him. Except his housekeeper, who was a male, his first male attraction he has to make a move on him before others. Especially the Uchiha whose company they enjoy until he is eventually kidnapped by hordes of fan girls, Itachi was so scared for his brother that he decided to give him body guards and issued thousands of restraining order.
"Are you listening to me?"
Now to the main issue at hand, his sexy housekeeper demanded they send housewarming presents to their new neighbor when he had found out they had just moved in. He was quite horrified that they haven't sent one to Rock Lee as well when he moved in so decided to send him belated housewarming and of course Gaara nominated to do that even though Naruto was perfectly willing to do it himself.
"Why can't Neji do it?" Kiba whined while pointing at the longhaired brunette on the couch who smirked at him, before winking and turning back to the T.V screen in front of him which plays Titanic, Who even are you?
He really hopes his new neighbor is a pedo now.
He takes the pie from Naruto and huffs out very aware that the Hyuuga was watching him go with a smug look.
Naruto was too old for taking care of these people, he couldn't understand any one of them, especially Sasuke; but all were surely acquired the second place.
After what happened Naruto woke up in bed with Sasuke, but the Bastard acted like it wasn't a big deal making him all warm and fuzzy from inside. He stared up at the ceiling sadly.
"Why did everyone think of me only as a friend?" he asked the plaster sadly and if it were somehow acquiring the ability of speech, he was sure it would friend-zone him. He was seen as the nice cute guy, but not hot enough for him to be a more than a friend to anyone. He was seriously jealous of these people who had crazy stalker everywhere.
Why doesn't anyone go through elaborate plans to stalk him?
The main point was he has not seen Sasuke in three days, the guy hasn't come home since that morning, was not replying to his texts or calls. He was so worried.
"Neji." He called and the brunette, who wore purple bath robe, bunny slippers and rollers in his hair, thinking it's acceptable to dress like that, turns to him, his eyes puffy red from watching the death scene when Rose pushes Jacks body down the ocean.
Or something like that. Weirdo.
"Sasuke hasn't been home for three days." Naruto tells him and Neji shrugs.
"Let me guess you got him pregnant, you told him you're not ready to be a father and he runs away in tears." He says indifferently and pretends not to notice Naruto glaring daggers at him, and his daily attempt at humor.
"You're not funny."
"Safe sex is no joke."
The daggers are now acidic.
"Aren't you worried about him?" Naruto questions.
"No, he's an adult, he will be fine. It's probably because of the sexual tension crackling between you two. Stop worrying too much, come on I am putting on Legally blond next, want to watch?"
Neji is no help.
"I haven't seen him in three days Lee! THREE!" he practically hear Lee's frown through the phone
"Whoever do you mean Naruto-kun?" he asks and Naruto sighs.
"The one that lives with you? Sasuke Uchiha?"
"Of course," Naruto scoffs, "How many Sasuke's do you know Lee?"
"My Uncle's name is Sasuke."Lee replies thoughtfully.
"Is he gone because of the sexual tension between you guys?" the question makes Naruto groan, "Can everyone just shut up about the sexual tension? There is no such thing!"
"He's an adult Naruto-kun, I am sure he is fine, why don't you come to my house for lunch? I made pasta."
Lee is no help.
"I am worried about Sasuke darn it!" Naruto makes an emphasis by pounding his fist on the dinner table while Gaara his only company doesn't even blinks at the display.
"The Uchiha?"
"Of course Gaara. Honestly! who else do you know by the name Sasuke?"
"Lee's uncle's name is Sasuke." Was the quite reply in which Naruto stares at Gaara's indifferent face with his own mouth gaping.
"How do you even know that!"
Gaara didn't think of him worthy enough to be graced with a response, Gaara's attitude was becoming borderline stalker'ish, what purpose did he have to know Lee's uncle's name? Maybe he should warn Lee about Gaara, after all he was the only person keeping him sane in the crazy environment.
"Hey Naruto." Gaara called and Naruto perked up and turned to him with a hopeful look.
"You have Lee's number right?"
Gaara is no help.
Despite his earlier hesitance, Naruto ended up going to Lee's house to have some pasta, Neji left for his soccer practice and Kiba didn't come back and well no one really knows what Gaara is up to anyway.
Lee was setting up the table for both of them and humming the tune of 'you belong with me' by Taylor Swift which made Naruto think that he was on a date, which was a ridiculous thought. Suddenly the door bell rang and he saw Lee frowning.
"Were you not expecting anyone?" Naruto asked the frowning man who gave him a puppyish look and shook his head, with apron still tied to his waist Lee went to answer the door with the blond trailing behind him.
Lee opened the door and to both of their surprise a pretty girl neither of them recognized stood nervously at their door step looking nervous she was dressed in a check skirt which reached just above her knees and a black crop top and a white jacket pulled over it, her hair tied up neatly in two buns and she wore a pair of black platforms.
She was blushing which made a light bulb appear on his blond head and realization drawn of his face.
"Ah…Lee…is she your girlfriend?" Naruto asked a leering grin on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively looking back forth between the girl and Lee. Both Lee and the girl blushed and Lee spluttered, "No! No- Of-Ofcourse not Naruto-kun!"Lee denied and turned red as a sliced cherry.
"Um…"The girl said and both of them turned to her, "You rescued me yesterday from those thugs….. Emmm my name is TenTen, thank you for saving me."The girl said and bowed gratefully.
"Oh…no...please…I did what everyone else would've done in my place. My name is Rock Lee" Lee told her, "and my friend Naruto also helped me took care of them." He made a gesture to Naruto who waved smilingly.
"Thank you too then, "TenTen told Naruto and turned to Lee, "A few people did pass by but didn't help me…so you really are special."TenTen told Lee and Naruto smiled like a proud mother.
Her eyes were filled with respect and adoration and Naruto suddenly became nervous.
' Oh uh, well I only joked if she was his girlfriend to make Lee blush but looks like, Shit is about to get real.' Naruto nervously thought as he looked between Lee and TenTen, 'Shit, I don't think Gaara will like this.'
"Ummm.." The girl began shyly, "If your free sometime….w-ould y-ou like to-"
"Naruto." A voice interrupted and TenTen turned around while Lee and Naruto peaked out from behind her to see the person who interrupted the girl.
It was Gaara with an uncharacteristic frown on his face as he addressed Naruto; who saw Lee freeze from the corner of his eyes which led him to question not for the first time the relationship between them.
"Gaara….What is it?"Naruto asked the red head who glaring at the girl with them, who was staring at the handsome man because of her beauty and not knowing why he was glaring at her.
"I am hungry, I wondered where you went."
Though Naruto was pretty sure he told Gaara where he went he didn't comment on it, already knowing why Gaara interrupted them although Lee remained obvious; it seemed like TenTen understood as well and turned to Lee, "It was nice meeting you, thank you again for saving me." She hurriedly said and turned to leave, Lee caught her hand.
"Wait, come inside. I couldn't let you go without you at least having tea first." Lee insisted like the proper host he was clearly obvious to TenTen's blush and Gaara's eyes narrowing as he glared at their hands.
"Ah…no I should be leaving." She said and left but not before casting a scared look towards the attractive red head.
There was a moment of absolute silence where Lee stared at her retreating figure confused, Naruto watching Gaara nervously who glared at the pavement.
Lee turned and saw Gaara glaring at him and looked startled and confused, "Can I help you?"
"Who was she?" Saying that Gaara demanded the answer would be an understatement, though the voice sent cold chills to his spine, Lee remained unmoved as he crossed his arms over his apron covered chest.
"She is none of your business." Lee answered him coldly and Naruto thought he was developing an ulcer,' Damn, what is it between them!'
"Oh look it's Gaara-san!" They heard a shriek and soon Lee's lawn was full of girls squealing at Gaara who looked highly murderous, with Lee's response or the flocks of girls he will never know. Their mansion consisted of guards and no one was allowed in the premises accept a few people like Lee who was now Naruto's friend; but still people were always around trying to catch a glimpse of the inhibitors' of the house but couldn't.
"Let's go inside Naruto-kun." And before he could peep a word, Lee grabbed his arm in strong grip pulling him in with one hand and closing the door behind them with the other.
The blond watched concerned as he saw Lee leaning against the door, expression pained and he couldn't help it, he moved and pulled the miserable and pitiful guy in a hug, "Hey, I know it's not any of my business but won't you tell me what up with you guys I am really worried about you man." He told Lee who was clutching at his shirt.
"Yeah, I think it'd better too if I talked about what happened to someone." Lee answered, he took a shuddering breath and what he said next almost gave him a cardiac arrest, "I was in love with him."
"I'm exhausted." Sasuke groaned as soon he entered his dressing room collapsing on the chair and moaning as he finally let his body relax after a while of photo-shoots, the dinner the day before with his family was horrific but yeah, what else is new?
His mother rarely ever cooked she was always busy and he and Itachi always ate food made by housekeepers, but it never had a mother's touch. Since they did it as chore. In these three days away from the mansion, he had never wanted to go back more, he had left for weeks and months even but never had he missed living there as much as he did now, they were celebrities living in the same place but that didn't mean they were friends and that was okay.
But since the blond housekeeper had came in their life, they had started interacting more, spending more time at home and at a level enjoying each other's company.
The food was absolutely delicious; he stared drooling just thinking about the cooking of the blond in only an apron-
Sasuke jolted upright at the dangerous train of thoughts and cursed, "What the hell."
His assistant came in and with a smile she said, "Uchiha-san that's it for today."
As soon as he heard the word he had to clamp a hand on his face to calm the smile threatening to appear on his face, "I can go back to see him.'
He couldn't wait.
Hope you all liked it, let me know. Lee's and Gaara's history will be revealed in the next chapter but for a sort will be more Sasunaru, in the next chappy.