I'm here again to spread the Shein virus! The only virus that will make every blue moon fans happy! LOL.

The third renovated chapter! I know, I left the story hanging with this chapter. And I admit that it was harder than creating a new chap. But yeah, here it is. I'll keep the Shein heart of mine burning so that I could continue this till the end. *drama song*

Disclaimer: I do not own Fushigi Boshi No Futago Hime.

The Voice Of Her Heart

Chapter 3: A Fated Meeting

"Here he is! He looks a lot like you..." A familiar voice of a woman said, soothing him.

Then he heard a deep chuckle. "I can't disagree on that, love." The man said as he felt his hand gently touch his cheek. It was warm, very warm...

"I'll name him Shade."

He gasped for air as if he was contained in a huge tank of water for so long then was brought out at last. It was that dream again that Shade always had. Ever since he was a child, he kept on asking himself if he did or did not want to see that dream. It was like an open-ended story that kept him both hooked and terrified, unsure of wanting to know what happened next.

He shook his head to clear the thoughts away and decided to focus on the situation. He blinked a few times to adjust his vision, and then roamed his eyes around only to widen them in genuine surprise.

It was those brilliant blue eyes again.

He tried to move his hands but it was no use as if they were tied in front of him. He glanced at them and, in fact, found them bound together. He felt his blood boil at that. "What the hell is this, this time?" He muttered angrily.

Rein sat in front of him, a little braver knowing he was held captive, squinting as she scrutinizes him. "You don't have fangs." She said as if she had discovered something serious which made the prince furrow his brows.

Shade, now uninterested with her eyes due to the current situation, growled menacingly. "Do you think I'm joking here? If you don't need anything then please just let me go." He said, his voice lacing with venom.

Rein scowled at this, not liking his rude tone. "You came here intruding our place. You think we'll just let it pass?" She countered back, her arms crossed in challenge.

Shade exhaled slowly, trying to gradually calm his thoughts. "What do you want?" He hissed, trying to sound nice but failed miserably.

"I should be asking the same question, Mr. Stranger." Rein taunted, which did not help on Shade's inward task of calming himself.

A vein popped visibly on Shade's temple. "I want nothing from you." He spat angrily, his patience at the very edge.

"Then why did you come here?" Rein asked rather quickly.

It was like a bucket of water poured onto him that caught Shade off guard, a genuine look of surprise on his face. He formed his lips into a thin line, trying to think of a little lie that might save him from his predicament. "I... Was curious." He whispered, quite unsure though he actually told her half of the truth.

Rein raised a brow in suspicion, eyeing the boy meticulously. She has this look that Shade identified as dilemma, probably thinking whether to trust him or not.

Well, trusting people you just met hardly happens. Shade was sure the girl would not trust him.

Then Rein asked no further questions. What she said next surprised the boy. "Okay. I trust you." She smiled sweetly, which was completely ignored by the now relieved prince.

Shade twitched the side of his lips into a small smirk, a victorious gleam in his eyes. "Then you should probably let me go now. I'm not a bad person, after all." He said in a good mood.

"Good point." She said as she cut the rope loose, freeing him. That was easy. Shade thought as he stood up, dusting his clothes off and put his hat on. He ignored the suspiciously contented girl while he head out to the window, preparing his way down when she spoke.

"You should probably check your belongings before going out, young mister." She tauntingly asked with both of her hand on her waist.

Shade turned around to look at her, his suspicion increasing with each passing seconds. He did what she said as he touched his hat then his whip while he says- "I have everything with-" Then he touched his pant pocket, his whole body freezing.

He saw the girl smirk triumphantly, showing the sparkly crescent-shaped pendant off that was hanging around her neck.

Shade's nonchalant facade completely shattered, his eyes ablaze in frightening fury. "Take. It. Off." He growled, unconsciously gripping the handle of his grip.

Rein, unfazed by his raging anger, smirked widely, hiding the pendant under her clothing. "Do you want me to?" She said sweetly, angering the prince more.

"I'm not playing with you." He hissed as he unlatched his hand on his whip, finding it not useful.

Rein nodded rather playfully, to Shade's displeasure, her foot tapping the ground excitedly. "Then let's make a deal." She proposed.

Shade avoided his urge to strangle the girl. "What the hell made you think I would make a deal with you?!" He shouted, his patience draining quickly than he anticipated.

Rein touched the frame of the pendant behind her clothing, a provoking smile threatening to rip her face apart. "I have your precious pendant~" She sang jovially, a complete opposite to the response she got from the angered prince which was a deep growl.

Shade grunted in forced submission, lifting his hands up in surrender. The scowl in his face did not go away as he glared at her, completely regretting his decision to enter the tower. "What do you want?" He asked, not even hiding his displeasure.

Rein was in front of him in an instant, both of her hands clamped together against her chest. The shift of her mood unnerved the prince. "Take me to the glowing lights!" Rein practically squealed.

Shade raised his brow. "Glowing lights?" He asked, not aware of what she was talking about.

Rein tip toed, leaning further. "The blue lights! The one that showers all over the place once every year!" She explained enthusiastically.

Shade widened his eyes in realization, a look of horror in his face. "NO!" He immediately declined, thousands of thoughts plaguing his mind.

No, he would never want to see the Blessing of the Moon!

He despised that very day since he was born. It reminded him of the day his father died. It was also the day her mother would cry longingly in her room. It was a depressing day. He did not even attended Princess Fine's Birthday once.

"Why not? Don't you want this pendant?" The 'annoying' voice of a bluenette snapped his thoughts out.

Shade pinched the bridge of his nose, a headache forming in his head. This was a serious dilemma. He never wanted to see those horrendous lights, but the pendant is his kingdom's treasure. That piece of jewel was even his mother's favorite, handing it to him knowing that he would protect it as long as it's with him. And the necklace has its own purpose, a now disturbing purpose as he saw it being worn by a crazy stranger. He would never let anybody see her wear the necklace. That would be a complete catastrophe! A crazy misunderstanding! He thought. So what could he choose? Not watching the lights or his mother's most prized possession?

Shade bit his lip in frustration, frightened by the idea. He thought of a question to distract the girl. "Why would you even want to see the lights? Are you a child? And these lights shower the whole planet. You can just watch it here." He reasoned out, trying desperately to get out of the problem.

Rein pouted like a child, a defiant scowl on her face. "Because it's special!" She simply answered.

Suddenly, flashing images of his father's grave and grieving mother invaded his thoughts. Shade suddenly saw red, deeply offended by her statement. "Nothing is special on that day!" He bellowed rather intensely.

The bluenette took a step back in surprise, a look of horror in her eyes. Her hands fell limply on her sides, processing what the boy had said to her in her mind.

She wasn't horrified because of what the boy displayed. It was his words that left her pained.

He practically just told her that nothing was special on her birthday.

The sad glint of her eyes somewhat calmed the said boy. It was so sudden that his featured softened drastically, surprised by the girl's sudden shift of mood. Other than that, he was kind of bothered by how horrified she looked when he lashed out earlier. It must have been too much.

On the other hand, Shade's astonished reaction woke Rein up, not liking the way he looks at her. Rein never wanted to be pitied by someone. It was like proving that her mother was right; that she can't handle herself and will always depend on others.

The melancholic look on Rein's face only lasted for seconds, quickly diverting it into a taunting glare. "Is that so? Then suit yourself! You'll never get this pendant ever again!" She suddenly bursted, surprising the midnight-eyed boy.

Shade felt his anger rising again, regretting the guilt he felt earlier. It was like dealing with a bipolar child.

He scowled as he watched her angrily stomping away from him. She turned her head to him, for the last time, and stuck her tongue out. The childish action popped another vein on his temple, throbbing in annoyance.

Shade inhaled sharply, stopping his urge to lash out again. He was dead sure the girl is just playing with him, but the way she persisted with the deal makes it somewhat... Real.

"You acted as if you never got out of this tower. Why don't you just go out and see it for yourself?" He suddenly asked, a sign of annoyance in his voice.

Rein widened her eyes, a look of hurt and disbelief on her features. Shade rolled his eyes, not falling for her reaction until she fretfully fumbled on her skirt. He, after observing her gestures, surprisingly realized that he unconsciously struck the nerve, staring back at her to counter her astonishment.

Shade decided to start the interesting conversation knowing she won't have the guts to. "You... Never got out of this tower?" He softly asked, taking consideration to the sensitive topic. Now aware of the deeper part of the situation, he roamed his eyes around.

He just realized that there was no opening except for the huge window, and Shade does not need to know that the same goes outside for he experienced it himself. The entrance to the tower is also secluded, not easily noticed by anyone. If he didn't lean on the plants by accident, he wouldn't even be there at the moment. So she's completely alone? Shade thought.

Rein never uttered a word and diverted her gaze away from him. Shade continued, "Don't you have friends? Well except the flying rat." He persisted, very interested.

The mentioned fairy gawked in surprise, enraged once again by the taunting description. But Shade ignored this and kept his attention to the bluenette, who was pouting from the lack of response.

So she's really alone... Shade inwardly concluded.

Shade went further. "Who are you? Rapunzel?" His last comment finally brought the girl to speak.

"I am not Rapunzel!" She hollered out, immensely offended by his remark. Shade had to take a step back from the intensity of her voice.

Rein clenched her fist. "I can't tell you why I shouldn't go out, or why am I here in the first place, but I am not like Rapunzel! I may be in a tower, but I'm capable of taking care of myself!" She complained.

"It's just that mother won't let me go for a specific reason, and the lights are the only thing that makes a difference to my usual everyday lifestyle. I... I just wanted to see it for my birthday..."Her voice cracked, her eyes watery. The fairy flew to her shoulder, rubbing it soothingly.

Shade widened his eyes in a tiny fraction. For once, everything made sense. She took the pendant, knowing it was valuable, because she was desperate. And the sad look on her face a while ago was for his comment about the day not being special, which is actually her birthday.

Then a question popped in his head. "But won't you get in trouble if you get out? Your mother's against it, after all. And where is she, anyway?" He asked.

Rein fidgeted slightly, quite anxious about the question. "W-well my mother would come back in two weeks' time. So I have plenty of time..." She sputtered out, her hands waving in front of her.

Shade contemplated for a while, the compassionate side of him, a natural characteristic of a prince, showing slightly. He really felt bad knowing that the girl only wished for the simplest of things for her birthday, but he can't just force himself to see the lights either. And the pendant is still out of reach so...

Shade hopelessly tilted his head down. He finally settled on a solution. "Okay, I'll take you to the lights." He took a step back when the girl nearly jumped over him. "Really?!" She hopefully squealed, any trace of melancholy washing away from that simple statement.

"-But!" He chimed in, disturbed by her unusual mood swings. "I will only take you there. I won't watch it with you or something that will get me exposed with it. And for exchange, you will give the necklace back. Understand?" He ordered seriously.

Rein nodded excitedly like an obedient puppy, her eyes beaming in joy. Shade seemed content about that and lifted his hand up for a hand shake. "Then it's a deal." He finished.

Rein stared quizzically at the raised hand, her forefinger on her chin. "Um..." She hummed then clicked her fingers. "Ah! Got it!"

Rein happily held his palm and kissed the back of his hand.

Shade retrieved his hand in a flash like he had touched something dangerous, a faint blush in his cheeks. "What the hell?!" He cursed in embarrassment.

He can see the face-palmed fairy behind her, but his focus remained on the stunned girl. "B-but that's what I read in books!" She sputtered out.

Shade shook his head in hopelessness. "You... You don't know anything at all."

"Hey! What was that!" She screamed in embarrassment.

Shade, to clear things out, took her hand and shook it. "That's how you do it. The first one you did was done for ladies." He said as he let go of her ridiculously soft hand.

Rein beamed. "Oh, I remember now! You're right." She said, rubbing her head sheepishly.

Shade grunted and turned his back on her. "Let's go before I change my mind." He commanded, heading out to the window.

This alarmed the girl. "What? B-but I haven't prepared a thing yet! And it's past lunch time. Don't you want to eat first?" She fidgeted in her place, grabbing the attention of the boy.

The invitation is very tempting, but he also reminded himself that he just met the girl. Things may still happen if he let it be. "I'm not hungry." Right after saying those words did his stomach churned loudly.

Rein, unbeknownst to the reddening boy, smiled slyly behind. "Your stomach says the opposite, though." She teased knowingly and the boy gained another shade of red in his face. He did not utter a word both in annoyance and embarrassment. Damn your stomach, Fine. He inwardly cursed.

Rein chuckled melodiously, her fingers covering her lips. "Come on! Let's eat for a while. We don't need to hurry!" She said, grabbing his hand to pull him further. "Besides, I sincerely want to settle things between us since I called you a fanged thief." She added, chuckling.

Shade snorted at the childish idea but let her pull him, nonetheless.

"How would I know if it's not jinxed or poisoned?" Shade asked, bored.

A vein popped on Rein's forehead. "If you distrust me that much then don't worry, Poomo made that." She said, earning a nod from the fairy beside her. "Now, eat." She added.

"How could I trust the flying rat, too? The two of you were associates." He retorted.

"-pumo?!" The fairy gawked, his eyes in its strange shape again.

Rein furrowed her brows. "You made him mad now." She said. "We have the same food, if you can see-"

"How would I know that something was put in mine while none in yours?" He cut in, smirking.

Rein took her spoon in a flash and took some contents from his plate, shoving it on her mouth while her hard eyes stayed on him. She chewed slowly, savoring every taste, and then finally gulping it down. Shade just watched her with half-lidded eyes till the end. "I did not die, did I?" She mocked, crossing her arms.

Shade's smirk grew wider. "How would I know when the effect would take in?" He asked again, pulling the trigger on Rein's impatience.

Rein took his plate as fast as a lightning, startling the boy. "Then don't eat!" She bursted, her free hand twitching.

Shade stood up and took the plate, annoyed. "I'm just being sure! I just met you." He said, sitting again.

Rein rolled her eyes. "Why would l even kill you if I need you?" She retaliated, grabbing her utensils.

Shade took his and shoved his spoon on his meal's contents, a nonchalant look on his face. "Glad you know." He said as he lifted the spoon and took the food in his mouth.

"-pumo?!" Rein choked on her food, with the fairy gawking incredibly, when Shade practically dug in, shoving every contents in his food so quick that she can hardly see him chewing.

Poomo flew fast, took a glass full of water and brought it to Rein. She willingly handed the water to him, which Shade quickly downed in two gulps, and just watched him gobble up all his food.

He was finished while Rein never had a chance to touch her food after her first bite. His eating only lasted for 15 seconds.

Shade wiped his mouth with his sleeve, pushing his plate as if nothing has happened. Rein gawked at him. "And you said you weren't hungry. You're a pretty little liar too." Rein sighed and took his plate. "Poomo, get some more."

Poomo looked at her tiredly. "I'm not your maid- pumo." He complained.

Shade raised his brow in confusion. "I did not-"

"Doesn't look enough for you. You almost ate the plate, too." She said, presenting him the completely clean plate that was used by him.

Rein shoved the plate onto the flying fairy. "Poomo~" She called out childishly.

The fairy sighed listlessly. "You're so lazy- pumo." He grumbled as he flew his way to the kitchen. He came back and placed it in front of the prince, leaving listlessly after. Shade seemed pleased about it.

He almost shoved the spoon in his mouth when Rein spoke. "Now, try to take it slow. I'm eating with you here, remember?" She said as she finally took one bite. Shade, slightly embarrassed, cleared his throat and ate silently.

Rein decided to start the conversation. "You've been here for hours yet you never told me your name." Rein asked.

Shade, after chewing and gulping his food, glanced at her. "Same as you." He muttered, shoving another content in his mouth.

Rein pouted. "But I brought the topic first, so I should know yours first." She grumbled.

Shade stared back at her and contemplated, not really wanting to tell her he's the prince of the kingdom her tower was in, or rather half of the place. But he's not also good at naming people, especially himself. He named his sister 'Milky' as proof.

A waving hand distracted him. "Hello? Are you still there?"

"Eclipse," he blurted, instantly regretting it.

Yes, he did use his father's name when he was disguising a year ago when he found out the minister trying to take over their kingdom when said father has died. But it stopped when the minister was dragged into the palace jail by Shade himself and was exiled out of the planet as punishment.

"Eclipse, huh? That's a cool name." Rein said, taking the boy out of his reverie.

Shade grunted as response, shoving another spoonful of food into his mouth. "Your turn. What's your name?" He uttered despite the food his mouth.

Rein beamed. "I'm R-" then she clamped both of her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide. She earned a confused look from the lad.

I almost told him my real name... She said in her mind. She cleared her throat and sat properly, an uneasy look on her face. "Um... My name is..." Rein bit her lips, trying really hard to think of something.

"Have you seen my pillow somewhere Rei-AH! HMP?!" Rein dragged the tired fairy by his tail and shut him with her hand up.

Shade widened his eyes. "Wha-?"

"F-Flower!" She blurted out.

Silence loomed around them. Rein gulped.

"You have a weird name." Shade said, smirking.

Rein blushed madly. "N-not as weird as yours!" She sputtered out.

"But you said it was cool moments ago." He nonchalantly said.

Rein's face brightened up like a tomato, a combination of annoyance and embarrassment. "It's because... Ugh!" She raised her hands up, releasing the nearly suffocated creature, in submission.

She was biting her lip in embarrassment when an idea popped up in her mind, a hideous grin forming. "But Eclipse is too gloomy for you..." She smiled slyly.

Shade rolled his eyes. "Then call me all you want. I won't care." He muttered, lifting the glass of water to his lips.

Rein stood up, leaning over the table. "Then I'll call you..." She drummed her hands on the wooden table. Shade kept on drinking. "Sunshine!" Shade suddenly spat his drink to his side, eyes wide as saucers.

Shade stared at her, stupefied. "What the hell?" He cursed for the nth time.

Rein stood straight and chortled like an old rich lady. "It suits you very well!"

Shade crossed his arm, his brow twitching in annoyance. "Better than your name, though." The way Rein froze brought a satisfactory smirk to his face.

Rein cleared her throat then took the finished plates, a listless look on her face. "I'll go prepare. You stay here." She said then glared. "Otherwise, you won't get your necklace." She said as she sauntered her way through the kitchen.

"I'm not as stupid as you." He said, earning an intensified glare from the bluenette.

"I'm done~" Rein exclaimed, a small satchel across her shoulders.

Shade, working on the rope they will descend to, sighed. "Yeah, let's end this deal as soon as possible." He said.

Rein watched as he work with the ropes, her eyes gleaming in excitement. "I'm finally going out..." She whispered, delighted by the idea.

An anxious fairy flew near her. "Are you sure about this- pumo? If Grace-sama discovered this- pumo..." Poomo warned, his body fidgeting in worry as he envisioned a pink-haired woman with hideous long fangs. He shivered visibly.

Rein scowled for a while but shook it off, her hands tight into determined fists. "I've been waiting for this moment to happen, Poomo. Just this once, let me break some rules." She softly replied, glancing at the nerve-wracked creature.

"Hey, are you coming?" Shade called out, gripping a part of the rope.

Rein practically jumped up in excitement, trotting towards him. She abruptly stopped with only a feet distance between them. "I'm ready!" She squealed.

He turned to the bluenette girl. "I'm going first. You, after me. Understood?" he instructed with hand gestures.

Rein jumped happily. "Yes!" She shouted.

Shade nodded as he hopped over the window. He was descending slowly, much to Rein's impatience, until his feet finally hit the ground. Rein felt her heart stop when Shade tilted his head upwards and gestured the signal.

Rein felt like tearing up. "We're finally going out of the tower..." she sniffed, grabbing the rope nervously.

Poomo stared at her worriedly. "Rein-sama, please be careful- pumo." He said.

The girl shook her head and shot a fist into the air. "Outside world, here I come!" She happily screamed, jumping rather higher than she anticipated.

Poomo screamed in horror when Rein accidentally let go of the rope. She looked like she was frozen in the air for a second until she took awareness of it. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Rein screeched as she falls down the high tower.

Shade, on the other hand, slapped his forehead hard. "Idiot!" He hissed and prepared himself to catch the girl.

"Poomo, save me!" Rein desperately grabbed the flying fairy.

Poomo yelped in surprise. "I-I'm trying- pumo! But you're so heavy- pumo! I- GAH! I... Can't... Breathe- pumo!" He frantically uttered, his body held captive by Rein's cruel hands.

Rein kept screaming, letting go of the smothered fairy in the process, until the falling halted. She was whimpering for a while until she opened her eyes in surprise, seeing a tired-looking Shade. "You act so impulsively..." He muttered under his breath.

"S-Sunshine!" she squeaked, earning an annoyed scowl from the prince.

Then the scowl turned into embarrassment when she clung onto him, her chin on his shoulder. "I-I never fell that high from the tower! I was sooooo scared!" She screamed as if she was still falling.

"Oi! Would you let go?" The loud shriek made him cringe, but the blush on his cheeks never left him.

Rein pulled away and looked downwards, eyes widening as she marveled on the fresh grass. She tightened her hold around his neck, contemplating.

Shade formed his lips into a thin line. "The grass won't eat you, Flower." He encouraged, her name foreign in his tongue.

Rein's hesitation was washed away as she heard him, her folded leg straightening downwards to test it. It crunched under her shoe, which strangely sounded wonderful in her ears. She finally stood on her own, staying still.

Her eyes gleamed in wonder, a smile slowly forming on her lips. She was having a beautiful moment when- "Re- Flower-samGAH!" The fairy was stopped when Rein instinctively punched him.

Rein shrieked. "Ah! Poomo! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" Rein screeched, kneeling down and gently taking the abused creature on her palms. She received no response from him, but at least he's still breathing.

Rein sighed in relief and placed the incapacitated fairy on her blouse pocket. She then turned to Shade, a look of genuine happiness on her face. "W-were finally outside!" She clapped in excitement, wandering around.

Shade placed a hand on his waist, his eyes trailing her figure. "If I hadn't caught you, you would have been dead, though." He was left ignored by the gushing bluenette.

Shade instantly felt annoyed at that. "Hey, are you listening to me?" he called out.

She was roaming around like an innocent child, her hands flailing around her. "This is the best day ever!" She shouted, jumping repeatedly.

Shade felt his head throbbing painfully. "Hey- ugh it's no use. She's too pumped up for this." He said, turning his gaze away from the charged-up girl and to the waiting pet of his instead.

Regina was just sitting under the shade of a tree when she caught sight of her master, neighing and nudging him on his abdomen. "Sorry I took so long." He said softly as he knelt down, rubbing her neck soothingly.

He stood up and walked past her to retrieve some square-shaped hays at her back, grabbing two pieces and fed her as he sat down.

"Kya~ she's so cute!" Shade rolled his eyes knowing it was from someone he did not want to hear for the moment.

Shade placed his hands on both of his sides after feeding her, walking past his pet again to retrieve a map this time. "Can I touch her?" She requested, her eyes pleading.

Shade scoffed. "If she lets you." He said as he knelt down, working on Regina's saddle. He's very confident that his pet won't even let her finger graze her skin. Let alone touch her. He smirked at that, inwardly preparing some snide remarks that he will say to her the time she starts wailing.

He was finished securing the saddle when he noticed his pet's tail waggling slightly, a look of confusion etched in his face. "Regina, did you eat some-" then he stopped, completely dumbfounded.

Regina's head was resting comfortably onto Rein's lap while the girl hum a song, her head swaying from side to side. She was also stroking his pet's head softly, which felt pleasing for the said animal.

Shade raised his brows in genuine surprise. His pet wasn't that comfortable with anyone except him.

He grumbled, his prepared snide remarks now buried and forgotten. "I think she kinda likes you." Shade uncomfortably said, glaring playfully at his traitorous pet. "Traitor." he murmured at the animal.

He received a whack on the head by the animal's tail. "Hey!" He retorted to his laughing pet.

Rein chuckled as she stroked Regina's head one last time until she stood up, walking towards the physically hurt boy and sitting in front of him. "Sooooo, where are we going?" She said innocently.

Shade presented her the map and pointed his finger at the middle where an orb-shaped palace was drawn. "We're going to the Sunny Kingdom." He said, a bitter scowl on his face.

Rein beamed at this, his displeasure ignored by her. "The Kingdom in the middle of the planet?!" She exclaimed, her hand clasped together in front of her.

Shade smirked. "Oh, I'm surprised you knew about this." He teased.

Rein said nothing and stuck her tongue out childishly. Shade continued. "We're currently in the borderlines of Seed Kingdom and Moon Kingdom-"

"Eh?! Really?!" She chimed in, leaning on the map closer with her eyes shining. "Now I know where we are! Soooo... Are we Moony or Seedy?" She asked enthusiastically.

Shade rolled his eyes, not even surprised that the girl did not know her home's location. "Probably a Moon Citizen. Seed people are known to be small so..." He explained as simple as possible.

Rein sat straight, her hands clasped together with hearts hovering around her. "Oh~ I've always wanted to see Moon Kingdom." She said admirably as she envisioned herself in a field of flowers under the moonlight.

Shade shrugged his shoulders. "It's beautiful in its own way." He said, smiling knowingly.

Rein was still daydreaming when Shade spoke again. "So I just have to get you a balloon to fly up there. It won't take long, probably one to two hours." He explained, rolling the map close.

Rein snapped out of her thoughts, a sudden question popping on her mind. "Wait, we're going now? But the lights' will occur on the tenth day. What will I do up there?" She asked.

Shade stared at her with his eyes half-lidded, uninterested. "That's not my problem anymore, Missy." He answered nonchalantly, surprising the girl.

"Eh?! B-But I don't know anything up there! And how can I come back down here if you're not there?!" She snatched the map from his hand, frantically opening it. She squinted her eyes worriedly, staring meticulously at the detailed map.

Shade just watched her, his brow and hands twitching in annoyance.

Then an idea struck her mind like a lightning, a sly smile forming on her lips. "Hey Sunshine, the deal's about taking me to the Sunny Kingdom, right?" she said, the map covering her lips.

Shade cringed at name then nodded unconsciously. Rein's smile widened. "Well, it didn't exactly say 'when', did it?" She said.

Shade raised his brows in surprise. "Oh, I understand. That means I'll go back here on the tenth day? That made everything easier." He said, a tone of relief in his voice.

"That's not it!" She wailed as she gestured her hands around her.

Shade furrowed his brows, trying to understand what she was implying.

Rein rolled her eyes. "Well, ten days is a lot of time. And according to the books I read and to this map, there are seven kingdoms in the planet. If we-"

"No! That's not in the deal!" He suddenly bursted, all the pieces in the puzzle coming together.

Rein pouted. "You haven't even heard what I was going to say!" he answered back, her brows furrowed in determination.

Shade stood up, his hands turning into fists. "We'll do what's in the deal only and that's final. Take it or leave it!" He yelled.

Rein held his hand, which surprised the boy. "Sunshine! Please, please I'm asking you with all of my heart! This is my chance to see the whole world! The world I never knew! I was stuck in that tower for so long, and I know fate led me to you for this opportunity!" She held his hand tighter. "Please, just this once. I really need you." She whispered softly.

Shade drifted his gaze away from her, quite uneasy. It wasn't because of her face, or the way she hold his hand, but because of her eyes. Her eyes seem to glow and speak thousands of words; deep and sparkly like a sea of stars.

He will never admit it, but Rein has undoubtingly captivating eyes.

"And I still have your pendant. So you don't have a choice but to agree with me." Those words crashed his admiration severely, multiple veins popping against his forehead.

Shade turned his attention back at her, his brow twitching in complete annoyance. "You sly dog..." He purposefully insulted.

Rein smiled victoriously, her fist punching the air. "Okay, it's settled then! It's adventure time!" She exclaimed, charged up.

Shade glared menacingly. "I did not even-"

"Oh, don't be so gloomy! You might find something interesting along the way, too. Come on, just for ten days!" She cut him off, pouting defiantly.

Shade halted his movements, a look of realization etching his face.

Shade pondered heavily, his eyes closed shut. Well, it wouldn't be that bad. He will have a chance to gather more information from a bigger population, giving him a higher chance to find something. Nothing bad will happen for just ten days.

This is the perfect opportunity to investigate about his father's death around the whole planet.

Shade opened his eyes, standing up. "Ugh... Alright." He decided, giving up.

Rein squealed in delight. "Alright! It's official then!" She also stood up, her fist clenched tightly in excitement.

Shade sighed in hopelessness as he pulls Regina's reins, prompting her to move. "Yeah, yeah. Now move before I change my mind." He said as he headed to the dark entrance, deliberating in his head if he made the right choice.

Rein followed him behind, a genuine smile on her face. "Hey, Sunshine?" Shade's right brow twitched.


She closed her eyes happily. "Where are we going first?"


I knoooow! This chapter is messed up. I was running out of ideas so pleaaaase forgive me.

I really have nothing to say, though. So please review!