Renovated story! It's been a long time, FBNFH Readers!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fushigi Boshi No Futago Hime. If I did, you'll see who would be the canon pair in the anime instead :)

The Voice Of Her Heart

Chapter 1: The Moonwish Flower

The Mysterious Planet has been in turmoil after hearing the news about the Queen of Sunny Kingdom diagnosed with an incurable disease.

And the worst of all, the Queen will surely die.

The other kingdoms gave their support to ease out the on-going commotion and their best to help find the cure that may keep the Queen out of her ill-fated situation. But as time pass by, the symptoms seem to drain the life out of its host.

And King Eclipse of Moon Kingdom, King Truth's ever loyal friend, can't take any more of it.

"Malia, I need to do this."

Moon Malia, Queen of Moon Kingdom, took a sharp inhale, her eyes narrowing in fear and worry. "But Eclipse... You know what may happen if you do this. I-I've seen many people suffer from... From... No, please Eclipse d-don't do this..." She whispered, her vision hazy by the tears threatening to fall down.

Eclipse bored his eyes lovingly at her wife, moving forward and wrapping her strong arms around her. Malia responded by burying her head against his chest, clutching tightly on his robes like a lifeline. "Truth's my best friend. I can't just abandon him."

"But I am your wife. Eclipse please... I can't bear to lose you. And Shade needs you. I can't raise him all by myself..." She pleads, her voice muffled by his clothes.

Eclipse chuckled at that. "Now, now, you're talking to me as if I'm going to die."

Malia jerked her head up, her eyes wide with surprise and pain. "Eclipse, you know exactly what I'm talking about! You know what that thing can do to you-"

"I know." He sadly whispered.

Malia flinched, her eyelids lowering sadly. "T-then why..."

Eclipse pressed his lips against hers softly, pulling back after a second and gazed lovingly at his wife. "Because I have to. Truth has been there for me all this time, now it's my turn to return the favor." Malia lowered her eyes, trembling slightly out of worry.

He gently cupped her face between his palms, his eyes gleaming. "Don't worry, love. I'll do my best to come back. And if otherwise, remember that I will always be there for you, no matter what." That single statement brought Malia to tears, her shoulders shaking intensely.

"Just come back safely." She said, her voice lacing with despair.

Eclipse did not utter a word and kissed her on the forehead before leaving. Malia stared longingly at his fading figure before collapsing on her knees, her vision blurred by her uncontrolled tears.

Queen Elsa is currently breathing heavily in the bed, clutching the sheets due to the unbearable pain. The rare disease has unfortunately taken a liking of her, picking her body out of millions of people on the planet. She hopefully stared at her bulging tummy- carrying two lovely twins- and touched it with love and anxiety; love for knowing that the thing she currently has will start their family, and anxiety because there's a huge risk that she may not have them due to her illness. It's been almost 9 months since she has been pregnant and the thought of losing her precious babies will surely lose her sanity. Mind in shambles, she turned her head to her husband with obvious pleading reflecting her eyes. "Truth, I-I can't die. I w-won't let... I won't let my c-children die!" She said with panic.

Truth stared back and hugged her lovingly. "You will be alright. Trust me." His embrace to his wife tightened. Elsa had nothing to do but to tremble and cry in his arms.

"King Truth," A knight stated firmly.

The King looked over his shoulders and nodded, a signal for the knight to continue. "The King of Moon Kingdom has sent a request to meet you."

"I'll meet him." Truth said almost unconsciously, mind wandering off to somewhere important. Truth kissed her wife on the forehead and smiled assuredly, standing and heading up to the door. His mind was still completely a mess, his worry directed to his wife. But just when a sight of black and purple invaded his eyesight did he decide to focus on the situation. "Eclipse," he said, dropping the formality.

Eclipse strode forward by his side, his eyes stern yet concern. "How are things going?" He said, glancing at Truth's wife beyond the open door for a second.

Truth gazed on the floor, his hands forming into tight fists. "There's still no progress. The disease is consuming her. We can't find a cure. My children are at risk. I... I don't know what to do anymore." His voice finally cracked, shattering his cool facade.

Eclipse frowned. The problem was more complicated than it seems. To see your wife and children slowly fading while keeping yourself strong enough to support them... Eclipse cannot blame his best friend to feel worst.

"There is a cure." He abruptly informed, earning an astonished gaze from the Sunny King.

"W-what?" Is all he could muster.

"The Moonwish Flower." Eclipse said.

Truth narrowed his eyes, a frown etched on his face. "But that flower is surrounded by darkness. Anyone who comes near it suffered for a lifetime." He said sternly.

Eclipse then never said a word until Truth nodded his head, his eyes lit with fire. "But if it was the only way to save my family, I'll take the risk." He said with utter determination.

This was the time Eclipse decided to speak. "No." He disagrees.

Truth widened his eyes in surprise, completely taken aback. "What?" He asked again.

Eclipse closed his eyes thoughtfully, his arms folded across his chest. "The flower is in my kingdom. As King, I should be the one doing the task."

"What are you talking about? My wife needs this flower. I, as his husband, should do this. I should be the one taking the risk!" He bellowed defiantly.

Eclipse opened his eyes, staring directly into his. "Taking the risk of losing your life to save your family, do you think Elsa will approve of this?" He countered, earning another astonished gaze from Truth.

Eclipse decided to continue. "Truth, your wife needs you. You can't bear losing her, so what makes you think it will be different for her? You have to stay here and keep her alright. This is the only way."

"I know." Truth said silently, his gaze shifting from him to her wife through the open door.

Eclipse nodded and turned his back, ready to leave when he heard another word from him. "But..." He heard, halting his movements.

"I won't just sit here and wait for what might happen to my family. Yes, Elsa will never approve of this, but I'm willing to take everything, even death, just to make sure they are safe. If they could open their eyes to see the future by closing mine, I wouldn't mind." Eclipse tilted his head to the side, staring on those blazing gold orbs.

"I can die for them." He finished.

The Moon King's mouth twitched into a smile, his eyes closed in amusement. "You're just as stubborn as you were before. You're not changing your mind, are you?"

"Not at all." Truth assured, forming a genuine smile to counter his.

Eclipse opened his eyes and nodded, crossing his arms against his chest. "Then we need to hurry. We're running out of time." He said.

Truth nodded, "Right. I will take knights-"

"No, my troop will be enough. Let us go." He cut him off, his head turned towards the exit.

Truth contemplated for a while but did what Eclipse said eventually, completely oblivious to the plan the latter had in mind.

I'm sorry, Truth. I will do this for your own good.

"We're here."

Truth beheld at the giant crescent-shaped mountain in front of him. The scenery is truly magnificent, with the peaks of mountain pointing at the glowing moon. Below the moon, and in between the crescent mountain, is a dark square hole with stairs leading underground.

Eclipse cleared his throat. "Let us go." He commanded, Truth by his side and his troop behind, and started to move forward.

The place underground is a cave. The way is illuminated by the gleam of the moon, enough to see anything around them. The surrounding looks fine but as they go deeper, the stranger the Sunny King felt. There was something heavy lingering throughout the cave that he cannot identify, but he was sure it was far from good.

"It was the darkness. Do not let it consume you." Eclipse spoke as is he read his mind.

Truth shook his head and smiled despite the growing feeling of negativity. "Y-yes." He stuttered.

Eclipse grunted as a response. After a moment, he halted his movements. Truth followed as well as the troop behind. In front of them is a faint yet visible purple air. Beyond is nothing but a very faint gleam of blue surrounded by darkness.

Truth gasped audibly. "There it is!" The Sunny King uttered. He dashed forward without thinking but an arm pushed him forcefully aback, his body landing on the ground in a good distance.

"Guards!" Eclipse bellowed. In Truth's surprise, the knights pointed their swords at him.

Truth gaped at Eclipse. "What's the meaning of this?!" Truth shouted accusingly. But the moment he met Eclipse's guilty orbs, his eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm sorry. This is for your own good." He muttered, dashing through the fog.

Truth stood up. "Eclipse!" He cried, striding forward only to be stopped by armed knights in front of him.

Truth grunted, pulling out his sword. "You can't do this alone." He whispered.

The moment he entered the fog did his body reacted oddly. Eclipse felt his head throb painfully, his heart racing as if it's going to burst.

He tried to move forward but his body seemed heavier than usual. He can't even lift his fingers.

He tried to roam his eyes around. He was in the deeper part of the cave that no one ever had the guts to be in. He thought that the experiences told by people who dared to go in here were absurd, but the situation he has at the moment made him realize his grave mistake.

This is terrifying.

Eclipse desperately shook his head, freeing all his negative thoughts away. I have to be strong. I have to be strong. Eclipse chanted in his head, tightly closing his eyes.

Instantly, he's gained control of his body again. He narrowed his eyes, his focus solely on the gleaming blue light. He dashed forward, reaching for the light when it vanished into grains.

Eclipse's eyes widened and turned around warily, the light in front of his eyes. He frowned upon realization. "Illusion..." He muttered.

He reached once again, only for the light to distort and form an image he never wanted to see. "Eclipse!" The image cried as it was sucked into the darkness.

He froze, completely terrified. "Malia!" He shouted desperately, reaching out.

She just vanished after he screamed her name, a horrified expression in his face. "This is no good... The illusion felt real..." he grunted.

Then... "Father..." A voice of a boy. Eclipse turned around to find a boy looking exactly like him, except his eyes that resemble one he adores so much. "S-shade?" He contemplated for a while, not quite sure if it was his year-old child.

"I will kill you." That statement alarmed the King. He was too slow, slow enough to be caught off-guard by the boy who's rushing forward with a blade in hand.

Eclipse took a step back, his arms shielding his closed eyes. It almost felt like forever while he waited for the impact, but nothing surprisingly happened. He hesitantly opened them once again only to find the boy gazing at him, horrified. The expression immensely unnerved him at first, but just when Eclipse decided to see what happened did he realize what truly occurred.

There he was, standing with his sword impaled deeply through the boy's chest.

Eclipse stumbled back, his arms supporting his weight. He gawked at the boy, completely immobile.

"Shade!" The voice of a woman invaded his ears once again.

Eclipse jerked his head up to the source of the voice. It was Malia again and Eclipse felt his relief wash through him. "Malia! You're okay-"

"How can you do this to our son?!" Malia yelled back, holding the immobile child onto her lap.

He gaped at her, shaking his head frantically. "I didn't do it! Malia, you know I can't!" Eclipse pleaded, reaching out to her. But Malia stared at him in horror, or at the blood staining his gloves.

Malia cried harder. "You... I will never forgive you! You're a murderer!" She shrieked, her arms shielding the boy from him.

"No! Malia-" He touched her, only for the two people to vanish like a puff of smoke.

He stared dumbfoundingly onto empty space, his mind already driving him crazy. He clutched a handful of his hair, pulling them out of frustration. This... This isn't real! He said in his mind.

Then a gleam of light sat in front of him, stopping his movements. There was the flower, soft and warm. Eclipse unconsciously held his hand up to touch it, but the response only made the situation worse.

It blackened, and then was pulverized. After a moment, thousands of lights illuminated the place, all imitations of the flower. The silence was eerie, but enough for Eclipse to take a break from all the hell he'd been through.

But when he touched one of them did the worse came. That one flower he touched flashed images of horror his heart can't take, and that effect passed on to another flower like a domino. It spread around him wildly to the point that these horrifying images were already overlapping with each other.

It was an absolute nightmare. Everyone he loves were either dying or leaving him. He almost gagged to some of them, very disturbed and unsettled. But the more he felt uneasy, the more the images were escalating, leaving his mind and feelings scarred and tortured.

"No... Please stop..." He whispered, his eyes closed tightly with his hands covering his ears.

Please help me... Malia, Shade... Truth.

Then his eyes flashed open.

"I don't have any friends. Why are you being so stubborn?" Eclipse asked, his eyes stern yet hopeful.

The blue-haired boy grinned, his hands behind his head. "Because I want to. You're a nice person. I want to be your friend."

The lights started to fade, only to reveal one strange gleam.

"Eclipse! She's Princess Malia." He said excitedly.

Malia held out her hands, a friendly smile on her face. "Hello. And you are?" She softly spoke, earning a faint blush from the boy.

Eclipse cleared his throat, shaking her hand. "Prince Eclipse."

Eclipse slowly took steps forward near the light, his head throbbing as he walks.

"Congratulations Eclipse! You're a father now!" He shouted unking-like, earning giggles from the women.

Eclipse smirked, punching him slightly on the shoulder. "Yeah. Thanks to you." He said with his voice hinting a tinge of glee.

Eclipse could see the flower more clearly, assured that it was the real one.

"Seems like you're going to be a father too." Eclipse chuckled, his amusement caused by the overwhelmed blue-haired king.

"Yeah. This might be the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my whole life." He chattered like an innocent child.

Eclipse chortled, "You sounded so gay, Truth." He said.

Truth chuckled back, staring at Eclipse. "I'm just expressing what I really feel."

Eclipse, now with a new-found determination in his eyes, took the moment to reach out for the flower.

"You could always count on me, Eclipse." He said, his eyes soft and caring.

Eclipse closed his eyes, smirking amusedly. "I know. You're my friend."

The Sunny King chuckled. "Well not anymore." This took the Moon King by surprise.

"What are you spouting about?" Eclipse said, annoyed.

The King only laughed, flashing him a genuine smile. "Because we're brothers now. And brothers help each other." He said, patting the astonished and awestruck guy on the shoulder.

"Always remember that."

"Truth," He whispered thoughtfully before touching the flower, and then a blood-curling scream filled the whole place.

"I command you to step out of my way! I'm the King of the Sunny Kingdom!" He bellowed, his body tired and worn out.

A knight stepped forward. "Our King commanded us to keep you away. We have no rights to disoblige."

The thin string that kept Truth from bursting finally snapped. "I said get out of-!"

A blood curling scream filled the entire place, gaining all of their attention, especially Truth.

"Eclipse!" He cried, dashing forward and was completely ignored by astonished knights.

But the moment he almost entered the fog did it vanish into nowhere.

Truth halted his movement, completely alarmed. He observed his surroundings warily until familiar colors flashed his eyesight.

His sword clattered on the ground while he rushed forward. "Eclipse!" He yelled.

On the cold ground was King Eclipse, lying unmoving with his eyes devoid of emotions... And life.

"Bring him to the Moon Palace! Now!" Truth ordered. The knights gave him direct responses and rushed to the kingdom.

The flower, which was taken care of by some knights, was already heading its way to the Sunny Kingdom. Truth was about to run along with the knights to Moon Palace when a guard from Sunny Kingdom suddenly emerged. "King Truth! Queen Elsa ordered me to bring you back." He said.

Truth halted, his eyes widening. But Eclipse... He stared at the fleeting men carrying the Moon King before shutting his eyes close tightly and nodding to the Sunny Knight, heading to the Palace.

The oddest thing that Truth first noticed was the strange glow of the blessing of the sun. It was currently blue. Not only that, though. It seems that some of the light is floating everywhere like fireflies.

Truth furrowed his brows in confusion, quite wary about the strange gleam. That was a strange phenomenon he never encountered in his life.

Once they landed outside the palace, the king rushed in, his sole focus on finding the royal chambers despite the unusual color of surroundings.

He increased his pace when a struggling voice reached his hearing range, fully aware that it was his beloved. He halted once he was in front of the huge doors and slammed it with all of his might. "Elsa!" He boomed, his eyes wide with worry.

"T-Truth... I need you, p-please- ah!" Elsa inhaled sharply, beads of sweat dripping down her pale temples.

Truth stopped his tracks, dumbfounded. The royal doctors and midwives were currently taking care of his wife, who's clutching the sheets of her bed for dear life.

Elsa's delivering the babies.

Truth's instincts snapped him awake, rushing forward to kneel at her level and hold her hand. "Elsa, you're going to be okay. You have to be strong. I'm right here." He comforted. His hand tightened his hold on her hand when Elsa felt another shot of immense pain.

"D-don't leave me." She pleaded, her eyes filled with tears.

Truth's features soften, now holding her hand with both of his. He kissed it, soft yet tender, and nodded his head. "I won't."

Elsa, out of exhaustion, slept on her bed right after giving birth to the twins.

Truth moved a couple of strands off her face, smiling softly to the sleeping woman. "You did well." He whispered, kissing her forehead.

Truth stood up and walked out of the room. He felt the need to ask some questions to someone who might know the answers with regards to these strange phenomena.

"Omendo," He called, walking inside the observatory room.

"Your Majesty," Omendo hailed, bowing down.

Truth raised his hand up, signaling him to rise. "I want to ask you some questions." He directly asked.

Omendo closed his eyes, his hands clamped together on his back. "I may have an idea on what you want to ask, Your Majesty." He said.

"Proceed," Truth ordered.

Omendo opened his eyes again, a strange gleam on his eyes. "The Moonwish flower, which was produced by the moon and stars, gave the blessing of the sun this strange effect of glowing blue since the light of the moon came to the sun itself. So when the flower was brought in the kingdom, the energy radiating from the flower was attracted by the energy from the blessing of the sun. The combination gave this bluish effect, and the floating particles indicated that it will not last that long."

Truth nodded his head. "Then how long will this last?"

"Based on our calculations on the fleeting lights and the fading color, it may last for a day." He answered.

"I see,"

"But not only that, Your Majesty," Omendo added. "Since the energy of the flower is mixed with blessing of the sun, it will slowly reproduce itself until it was enough to give us this blue effect again."

"You mean this phenomenon will become a cycle?"

"Yes, Your Majesty,"

"How long would it take to reproduce?"

Omendo smiled. "For one year." He said.

Truth raised his brows, surprised. "You mean, this blue effect will occur on my children's birthday every year?" He asked.

Omendo chuckled, his eyes gleaming in amusement. "Yes, it will."

Truth smiled, his eyes focused on the light swirling beyond the glass window. "Then I shall call it something since it will be an annual phenomenon."

"And that would be?" Omendo asked.

"Blessing of the Moon." He said, smiling knowingly.

It was a fulfilling name for the king. The flower gave him the safety of his wife and children and that he will be forever in debt with the moon's capability.

Then another question struck him. "How about my daughter?" He asked.

Omendo raised his brow, completely oblivious about what he was saying. Truth hesitated for a while, but asked eventually. "She was... Something. She almost resembles the flower, like she was the flower in human form. I mean, her features were so accurate..." He explained.

Omendo nodded thoughtfully, his finger resting on his chin. "Theoretically, it's possible since the Queen consumed the flower. But I suppose that was understandable. Why do you look so troubled though, Your Majesty?" he asked back.

Truth hesitated again for a second but shook it off anyway. "I don't know if I was seeing things but... Her eyes... Her eyes were glowing. It was a sight." He finally said.

Omendo widened his eyes for a fraction, genuinely surprised. "Glowing? Like these lights outside?" He asked.

Truth was taken aback, now noticing the lights he calls the blessing of the moon. "Yes. Her eyes looked exactly like these lights..." He added, a smile creeping up.

Omendo grunted happily. "Then I assume I don't need to explain that to you, Your Majesty." He said.

"Indeed." He answered.

He was smiling fondly, watching the lights. The warm glow seem to contrast perfectly with the cold night sky, which reminded him of himself and-

A thought struck his mind. "Eclipse!" He yelled frantically.

Truth headed to the door and turned to Omendo, his face filled with fear. "I'll be back later. I'm heading to the Moon Kingdom." He said before dashing through the door.

Truth has been nervous while taking his way to the Moon Palace. He felt his heart race frantically inside his chest, making it hard to breathe. Not only were his emotions but his mind as well was in chaos, invaded by negative thoughts he would never desire.

Eclipse has been his friend all the time. They were brothers by blood, willing to do anything for the security of each other.

That's why when Eclipse tried to take all the risk by himself, he felt so lost and afraid.

Truth was taken out of his reverie by the huge and intimidating palace in front of him. First, he strode forward without waiting for his guards, and then found himself running along the halls of the palace, frantically seeking for Eclipse.

"King Truth! We have been-"

"Where's Eclipse?" He interrupted.

"This way, King-" he was again cut off by the King, who hastily ran to the direction he pointed.

At the end of the hall is a big door. Truth, without thinking, slammed the door open, only to reveal a devastated Queen.

"Malia... How is he?" He whispered, his heart beating faster in each second.

Then what crumbled him was the sight of Moon Malia giving in, nearly collapsing on her knees if Truth himself didn't react by catching her in his arms. She was in despair, clutching his clothes like a lifeline.

But Truth did not focus on her but on the man lying unconscious on the bed, his chest void of any breathing movement.

"He's g-gone... E-Eclipse is... This is t-too much..." Malia stuttered out.

Truth stayed frozen at his place, his body tensed and shaking. He can't seem to take his eyes off him despite the growing pain gnawing his chest like scavengers. He doesn't want to believe any of it. He can't seem to accept the things that have been already done.

But Eclipse is dead, and that's reality.

"N-no..." He mumbled, breaking his strong facade. He let go of Malia and walked slowly, his eyes wide and filled with surprise.

After walking his way by his side, he touched his shoulder. That one action brought him to tears.

"I should have known this was coming! If I was strong enough to follow him to that place he should have been alive!" Truth cried out in agony. His hands were clenched into fists, almost making them bleed from the hard grip.

Malia kept silent, her eyes red and puffy. She clutched her chest tightly, feeling the familiar sensations once again that she was sure will bring her to tears for the nth time. Not wanting to drown herself again to despair, she closed her eyes.

Truth's eyes softened at the display. "You know, you can hate me if you want. I'm the cause of this mess after all." He said.

Malia shook her head, flashing him an assured smile. "No. My husband has been decided before you knew. He's willing to help you. How can I hate someone that my husband dears so much that he can lose his life for?" Malia opened her eyes again, soft yet glassy.

"I just wish he will be at peace now." She said her voice cracking.

But just when the queen wished for his husband's safety did the worst came for the two royals.

Eclipse's body started to fade, purple smoke swirling around him. The King and Queen watched horribly, frantically holding him. "Eclipse! W-what's going on?!" Truth screamed, slightly raising him into a sitting position with his hands gripping his arms tightly.

Malia embraced him around his torso, not wanting to let go. "No! Eclipse, don't leave! You can't just fade and leave me! NO!" she cried out, clutching his clothes.

Malia started to weep drastically, her face in the crook of his neck. "No! Please, please... I love you. Eclipse, I love you..." She chanted, the torso she was hugging gradually lessening.

Truth can't seem to focus and kept his hold on the fading person. Several emotions were attacking him at once, confusing and prevent him to think straight. His eyes seem to water again, hopelessly staring at him. "Eclipse... How could you..." He muttered.

Time seems to slow down when the last part of Eclipse fully vanished, leaving the two royals flabbergasted and frightened. They stayed on their position for a while, unable to process what had happened.

When everything seems clear now, the first to react was the Queen. She screamed with all her might, clutching the clothes tightly in her hands. She felt she was going insane, crying her heart out in desperation.

This acquired the attention of the guards all over the palace, invading the room for the Queen's protection.

Everyone gathered around the weeping Queen, assisting her. "Y-your Majesty, what-" a maid worriedly asked but was cut off by the Queen herself

"He... v-vanished! I... Smoke-! Losing his...!" She rambled, clutching her maid on her clothes.

Everyone gasped when the Queen fainted, completely unconscious. Everyone did their jobs and assisted the Queen, taking care of her.

On the other hand, Truth lost his balance and was held up by his own guards. He has this traumatized look in his face that no one can explain. "G-get me out of here..." He mumbled, which the guards willingly obliged.

While on their way to the balloon, Truth can't seem to take one thought away from his head.

"This is all my fault."

Elsa was immediately informed by the news of King Eclipse passing away and she can't do anything but to stay strong for his crumbling husband.

She was in the nursery with her husband and children, holding him while he silently weeps. Elsa knew how important Eclipse was to him and it breaks her heart to see this side of him.

The gloomy effect around him seems to attract Elsa, salty waters forming around her eyes. "Truth, it's going to be alright..." she consoled, rubbing his back soothingly.

"No, this is not alright!" He finally snapped, his body going stiff. "He's my best friend. He's like a brother to me. How can I leave him like that...?" He said, voice cracking. Elsa sobbed, her hands covering her mouth.

"I could have been there for him. I told him I'll never leave him but what happened? I... I was too weak. I can't even handle his knights." He continued.

He laughed humorlessly, eyes starting to water. "I failed him. And I lost him." He whispered.

Elsa can't seem to find anything good to comfort him, but still tried her best and held his hand, squeezing it. "You have to stay strong. Eclipse would never want you to be like this-"

"No! This is all my fault." He countered.

Elsa felt her heart clench, "Truth!" She cried.

The loud noise seem to attract the blue-haired baby and started wailing, her arms held up with hands clenching and unclenching impatiently. Since his husband is in the waters of despair, Elsa decided to grab the baby.

Elsa cooed her baby, but the tiny bundle seems to reach out for her father. She's still wailing, her hand pointing at her father. Elsa furrowed her brows worriedly. "But Rein, Father's really sad now..." She told her softly, but the baby kept on wriggling, wanting to be in his father's hold.

Elsa sighed hopelessly and started walking her way to his husband's side. The moment she sat beside him did the baby stopped, gazing at her father with those wide and innocent blue eyes. Truth, noticing the baby on Elsa's lap, stared back.

The baby, without breaking her gaze to her father, reached for his forefinger. Truth was taken aback, now focused on her big blue eyes.

The baby started mumbling words he can't understand. He can't identify what she was doing until he realized the increase and decrease of pitch and intonation in her mumbling. She was actually singing, and Truth was currently drowned into her deep azure eyes. It was glowing and he can't keep his eyes off them. Her eyes were like a sea of stars.

And in his utter surprise, the image took his heart and mind at peace.

He was snapped awake by the clapping of the baby, her eyes closed in glee.

Elsa was just watching in awe, completely absorbed by the interaction between the father and the child.

Truth, then, smiled lovingly at his baby, ruffling her hair in happiness. "Thank you, Rein." He chuckled when the child took his hand and started biting it.

"Elsa," Elsa jerked her head up to him. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was not thinking straight." he softly whispered, squeezing her hand.

Elsa smiled warmly and squeezed back, gazing at her husband lovingly. "It's alright. I understand." She answered back.

The night stayed like that, with the Blessing of the Moon swirling outside the palace.

A loud wail woke the royal couple up by surprise.

Truth's the first to react and dashed through the halls, with Elsa trailing behind hurriedly, heading to the nursery.

Truth slammed the doors only to widen his eyes in alarm, finding his bluenette daughter bawling and floating in the arms of a dark entity. What made it more appalling is that the dark entity itself has no form, only a fog of darkness that surrounds his frightened daughter.

The audible gasp of Elsa snapped him awake in a second only to find himself watching the dark entity motion its abstract form to surround the baby.

"REIN!" Truth cried, his hand reaching out for her.

"NO!" Elsa screamed.

Right after they screamed did the dark entity vanished with their child.

Elsa rushed in and looked around frantically, her eyes searching for the criminal. The hard ground thumped loudly in each of her anxious steps, her hair wildly disarrayed yet she doesn't seem to mind. When she just took awareness of the situation did another thought snapped in her head. "Wait, Fine!" She shrieked, her body moving on its own towards the pink crib.

Elsa seem to calm down when she saw the red-headed princess sleeping soundly with her two bottles of milk tucked in each of her arms. But that never stopped the Queen from collapsing on the ground by her knees, the harshness of reality finally sinking into her mind. "M-My baby! T-Truth, our baby is kidnapped!" Elsa said, her eyes wide in fear.

Truth didn't waste any moment and dashed out of the room. He took his cape and his sword, his eyes ablaze in frightening fury. "Guards!" he boomed.

An army of men hastily moved towards the king, stopping in front of him. "The princess is kidnapped! Search all over the kingdom. Do not tell a word to anyone about this. Disperse!" He ordered, his voice sounding a lot deeper and commanding.

Truth trotted towards his distraught wife. He pulled her close and kissed her head assuredly. "I will find her, no matter what." He stated, his hand rubbing her head soothingly.

Elsa held his hand pleadingly. "T-Truth... Please... Please find Rein... And be c-careful... "She sobbed, her vision completely blurred.

Truth hugged his wife tightly, his eyes gleaming in determination. "I will."

The search for Princess Rein has been thorough for years, only known by the Sunny Kingdom staffs and royalties. They decided to keep her identity hidden and announced her dead throughout the planet. At first, Elsa was against all these, not wanting the idea of her daughter being dead. But when Truth explained her that it was the only way to protect their child from the eyes of criminals who want to take advantage of the situation, Elsa hopelessly agreed.

5 years has passed and the search completely died out, leaving the King himself the only one determined enough to find his daughter in every corner of the planet. Elsa badly wanted to help but Truth explicitly said no, not wanting to endanger his wife.

Other than the actual search is the annual phenomenon in the planet, the Blessing of the Moon. Aside from celebrating their daughters' birthday, the Sunny Royalties would be seen outside the kingdom, watching the floating lights in the night sky. They would bow their heads and pray silently, hoping that the lights illuminating the entire planet for the special day will one day become a guide to their daughter's way back home.

Unbeknownst to them, beyond the forest, in a tower surrounded by green plants and a waterfall, there stood a little bluenette girl watching the tiny lights fall down in awe, secretly clutching a baby bib stitched with a word Rein.

"I want to see you someday." said by the voice of her heart.


This is sooooo long that I thought this chapter would never end. But oh well, congratulations to me!

This is actually long because unlike the old chapter, I've added emotional values to some characters with Truth being more of a father and a friend than a kingdom's king, Elsa being a supporting wife and loving mother, and Shade's father being a loyal friend to the aforementioned king. Other than that, I kind of let go some of the "Disney's Tangled" scenes to make it more original. Long story short, I made the story more realistic (To the FBNFH world, I mean).

If you have anything to say, I would gladly hear it through your reviews. Thank you for reading!