This Timestamp is for AssButtInTheImpala! I decided towards the end that this will be a two parter!

This takes place about 2 years after Dean and Castiel got married.

Warnings: this will be very smutty, dom/sub scenes, voyeurism, panty kink, male feminization, slight daddy kink (instead of using master or sir)

Note: I'm using Henry Cavill as inspiration for Joshua.

Castiel hummed softly with the music pouring out of the little radio he had set on his desk. He had about 20 minutes of the lunch hour left to grade the last of his mid semester projects. It was Thursday and soon, he'd be leaving with Dean to head back to Boston for their anniversary and he could not wait. Dean had wanted to take him somewhere else, preferably warm but Castiel wanted to go back to Boston. There was a reason but he was firmly keeping it away from his amazing husband.

And that reason was hiding away in a special little box that neither have opened for years. Dean had no idea that Castiel had smuggled the little box into the trunk already, underneath their already packed bags. They were leaving bright and early Friday morning and would be staying the entire weekend. Aiden would be staying with Castiel's parents and the little boy was so excited, he could hardly sleep last night.

Castiel grinned down at the last report in his stack and just out of sheer gratitude, he gave it a higher grade than it really deserved. But his class this year was amazing and the writer really was trying. He was a football player who secretly adored poetry. Castiel knew it wasn't really fair to pick favorites but he knew the kid was struggling against a head strong father at home. And all he wanted was for the kid to feel safe and wanted in his classroom.

"Hey Cas," Benny's southern drawl filled his empty class room and Castiel glanced up towards one of his closest friends. Benny sauntered in, pulling out his guest stool from the wall to plop down on. The bear of a man yawned loudly and kept his eyes closed, enjoying the peace and quiet no doubt. He and his husband Samandriel or Alfie as they so fondly called him had recently adopted a newborn making that baby number 2 for the couple.

"Are you guys getting any sleep?" Castiel snickered piling up the papers to put into his desk. He'd pass them back out when he and Dean returned from their little vacation. Benny made a humming noise and merely shrugged, his hand raising to smooth down his slight beard.

"I stayed up last night to let Alfie rest...Rhia's decided to stay up at night now," Benny grumbled, peeling his eyes open to stare down at him. Castiel shook his head with a little laugh, remembering all too well when they had first adopted Aiden...the baby had an amazing set of lungs on him.

"How's Lizzy doin? Still showing some jealousy?" Castiel asked. Benny smiled, shaking his head.

"Nah, she actually adores her new baby sister now. It's sweet...I guess I better go to my room now before the bell rings. Have a safe trip ok?" Benny requested as he stood. Castiel gave him a nod before getting up to embrace his friend. The bell rang as he let go, turning to pack up his desk the best he could. The next three or so hours he'd just let his class relax and do what they wished.

By the time the last bell of the day rang, he was a ball of nervous energy. He waved goodbye to his students and locked his classroom to hurry off towards the teacher's lounge where he could change in the bathroom. Though Dean loved his dress slacks and sweater vests, Castiel planned to change into tight dark blue jeans and a deep crimson red button up. The red matched perfectly with the lacy thong he had in the bottom of his bag. He grinned mischievously to himself as he pulled them out, thumbs tracing along the lace in the front and back.. Dean had been a very good boy lately and was definitely going to get a reward for it. His wonderful, kinky as shit husband had a weakness for him in panties...especially ones with little bows on them. Over the years his panty collections had tripled...including the ones he managed to get Dean to wear as well.

Castiel shuddered hard at the memory of last time...all the chiseled muscle and gold tan skin leading straight down to the white thong his husband had slipped on. His chest and cheeks had blushed beautifully but the embarrassment easily drained away to eagerness the second Castiel groaned, his fist closing tightly around his greedy erection. That had been an amazing night and it still made his groin churn hungrily.

He slipped on the panties slowly, goosebumps covering his skin as the soft cotton brushed over his smooth legs and ass. He remembered the first time he had ever gone to a he'd stammered and blushed his way through a waxing. It had hurt like crazy but the end result more than made up for it. Another one of Dean's little kinks that Castiel loved to oblige him with. Come to find out, both Benny and Dean shared that twink fascination and now he and Alfie went on regular salon dates. At first Castiel had been a little uncomfortable with it but it was actually Alfie who got him to rethink the idea. Now, he was perfectly comfortable buying panties for himself and going to the salon every other week. He loved how his body looked, especially his perky ass when donned in revealing thongs.

Castiel glanced down at his body, his fingers trailing down the flat panes of his stomach and sharp hip bones. Tonight would be a prelude of what he had planned for them this weekend. Castiel bit down on his lip and quickly pulled on the rest of his clothes, his phone buzzing as he was doing up his tie.


"Baby? Where are you?" Dean's voice came through the speaker and he grinned, quickly slipping his feet into his shoes.

"I'll be out in a second, love you," he answered, hanging up before Dean could reply. He was practically running through the hall, waving to students and his fellow teachers as they called out their goodbyes. Dean was still in the car, Led Zepplin playing loudly through the open windows.

"Sorry!" he called out, throwing his stuff into the backseat before crawling in, laughing as he was instantly pulled across the bench. He felt like a teenager when Dean kissed along his neck, teeth nipping at his skin.

"There's still kids around Dean! Come on, let's go home," Castiel grinned slapping at his chest. Dean gave him wolfish smile before pulling out of the parking lot, nearly speeding the few minutes it took to get home.

"So Aiden's already at your parent's, I figure we can pick up dinner and stay there until he goes to bed?" Dean asked. Castiel nodded, leaning over to kiss his husband's cheek.

"Sounds perfect."

"You be a good boy this weekend okay?" Dean said kissing the top of Aiden's forehead. The little 3 year old gave him a sleepy smile and a slight nod.

"Gonna miss you kiddo," Dean couldn't help scooping him up, hugging him tight. Aiden giggled, wrapping his little arms around Dean's neck while snuggling his face into his chest. Castiel made a soft noise behind them. Dean glanced over and bit his lip, his cheeks warming slightly. Aiden pulled away but not before kissing Dean's cheek, his body sagging back down into the soft blankets.

"Goodnight baby," Castiel said as he stepped over, peppering the kid's face with little kisses, getting a squeal of laughter out of him. Aiden grabbed the sides of Cas's face to kiss the tip of his nose.

"Alright you two, he won't get to sleep if you stay any longer," Anna laughed. Dean nodded, reluctantly getting up from the toddler bed to leave the room. The both of them waved one last time before Anna playfully shoved them out of the room. Castiel's dad, Joshua, was looking at them fondly, a huge smile on his face as he leaned against the wall on his shoulder.

"You boys be safe," he said moving over to hug them both. It always surprised Dean how easily Josh integrated himself in their family. Like he was always there...maybe it was because Zachariah was such a dick that no one even brought the guy up anymore. After the rather huge embarrassing shut down by his older son Lucifer, he literally dropped off the grid. Maybe it was also that he saw so much of Cas in the older man..from their shared love of bees to those amazing blue eyes. Even their wide gummy smiles were near identical. If Cas looked anything like Joshua when they got old...Dean would be a very grateful man.

They said their goodbyes as they grabbed up their stuff, moving slowly towards the car. It would be the first time really being away from Aiden and Dean knew it would take a few hours before either of them could relax. Castiel linked their fingers together as they sat close together in the front seat, his unruly hair tickling the side of Dean's face.

Dean was relaxed and was about to slip into that haze where the brain goes in auto pilot when Cas's fingers began to lazily trace the inside seam of his jeans. Dean bit his bottom lip, trying to be inconspicuous as he leaned back in his seat, allowing more room for Cas's hand to travel. His husband let out a soft sigh as he snuggled closer, his open palm pressing against the inside of his thigh, pulling his legs a bit farther apart.

"Mm...babe...whatcha doin?" Dean growled out, his voice deep and husky. Cas shrugged but continued to massage the muscle in his leg, slowly moving to his other one. By the time his fingers even brushed his zipper Dean was breathing hard, his fingers digging into Castiel's shirt. Lips met the frantic pulse in his neck and he was pulling Cas's shirt out to touch his skin.

"I want you Dean...I want you to pull over on the next abandoned road and fuck me over the trunk of your car. I need your cock so badly," Castiel whined in his ear. Dean's eyes rolled back, his head falling back against the seat as those talented fingers massaged his balls. Castiel chuckled as he swerved, sitting up quickly to find a road. There weren't that many close to Cas's parents house but he managed to find one that lead to an up and coming housing development. The street was dark and no other cars were around to hint that anyone was nearby. He let himself lean all the way back after shutting the car's engine off. Castiel reached over to turn the keys just so the radio turned on before crawling over his lap, sucking and biting at his neck. His hips started to move with the rhythm of the song drifting through the speakers and Dean couldn't bite back the low groan.

"Fuck Kit...what...oh god," Dean moaned at a particular delicious grind from Cas's hips, "What brought this on?"

"Just wanting to take care of you...and you've been such a good boy lately," Castiel whispered hotly in his ear. Dean's eyes rolled back again at the praise, his own hips bucking up against his husband's. Though the line between their roles were clearly drawn (and were still pretty damn vanilla compared to others), Castiel loved playing his part...but Dean couldn't deny how much it churned his belly to get his own praise.

"Mmm, anything for my baby," Dean groaned. Castiel smiled brightly down at him and Dean thought he was finally going to kiss him but he only flicked his tongue out at his parted lips. Dean growled deep in his chest and Castiel mewled, his hips jerking at the noise. Dean dug his fingers into Cas's meaty thighs, spurring him on to move harder and faster. Once he was doing exactly what Dean wanted, his hands moved higher, digging into that firm ass to bring their heated bodies closer. Castiel gasped against his ear, his mewls and whimpers coming out faster and breathier. Dean swallowed hard, keeping himself at bay even though the need to cum was climbing higher. He dipped one hand into the back of Castiel's pants to groan long and loud the second he felt the panties.

"Oh fuck baby you know just what to do to me...fuck...faster Cas," Dean panted bucking up, making Cas nearly hit his head on the roof of the car.

"You''re gonna make me cum," Castiel whined, his fingers digging desperately into Dean's shoulders. Dean slapped his ass hard, grinning when his husband cried out wantonly, his hips rutting almost in a frenzy.

"I may have been a good boy...but do you need a spanking to keep yourself in line sweetheart?" Dean asked with a quirked brow. Castiel almost stilled, his breathing was ragged and his eyes nearly black with arousal. Dean never called him sweetheart anymore...unless it was "play" time.

"Please Daddy," Castiel whimpered. Dean let out a low growl as he started off slow, alternating between both sides. Each hit becoming harder. He loved the little cries that left his baby's mouth, his lips shining with spit and warm gasps of breath ghosting over Dean's neck with every slap.

"That was you need more?" Dean asked soothingly, rubbing his fingers gently into Castiel's lower back.

"No Daddy...just need you," Castiel whined sucking eagerly at the bolt of his jaw. Dean smiled, pulling gently at Castiel's hair to get him to look at him. His eyes were focused but yet slightly glazed over, a dopey smile stretching his lips.

"Mmm, good boy...let's get you nice and fucked just the way you want okay?" Dean said, laughing as Castiel scrambled out of the car, nearly falling right on his face. Dean followed after, scooping Castiel up in his arms to kiss him deeply. Castiel hummed long, his legs wrapping around his waist to keep them pressed tightly together.

Being as careful as he could, Dean walked blindly towards the trunk of his car, setting Castiel on top of it. The kiss had turned into something slow and hungry, tongues wrestling against the other. Castiel's fingers were buried in his hair and Dean couldn't help doing the same, tugging at it with every thrust of his tongue. Castiel moaned, tipping his head just enough to allow Dean to fuck his mouth with his tongue.

"Fuck I love you so much," Dean gasped as he pulled away, both of their lips completely ruined. Castiel grinned wide as a very familiar tune drifted out of the car. Dean couldn't help chuckling, pulling away to turn it up. The opening chords of Ted Nugents Stranglehold made him shiver, the song bringing back extremely delicious memories of the very first time he had sex with Castiel. He sauntered back over to his husband who was breathing heavy, eyes set wide and almost wild. Dean yanked him off the car and spun him so that his back was pressed against his chest. He moved them slowly, grinding his hips against Castiel's ass.

"I love this song," Castiel laughed breathlessly, raising his arms to wrap back around Dean's neck. His back curved, pressing his ass even firmer against Dean's almost painful erection. Dean growled low and continued to dance with him until they were practically humping against the other.

"Oh fuck...Dean!" Castiel cried out when Dean shoved against the trunk, grinding shamelessly into his ass. Dean swatted his ass, tsking into his ear.

"I-I'm sorry...Daddy," Castiel whimpered.

"Better, bend over," Dean growled out. Castiel nodded, quickly doing as he's told. Dean yanked down Castiel's pants, the need to taste his husband driving him a little crazy. He got an eyeful of crimson red panties that dipped between Cas's ass cheeks, showing off how tight and round they were. The little bows on the back made him grumble out nonsense as he bit into one of his cheeks. Castiel yelped but pushed his ass out more, wiggling it back and forth as if Dean needed anymore enticement.

"Fuck you are so good to me," Dean grinned, slowly peeling off the panties. He had learned the hard way just how upset his husband would get if he ripped the panties. There were some that were meant to be shredded to pieces and some to be saved for later. Castiel wiggled his hips again and Dean shuddered hard, nestled between his cheeks was a red jeweled butt plug. No wonder he had reacted so strongly to Dean grinding against him earlier.

"Mmm, you poor baby. You need it so bad don't you?" Dean asked licking slowly around the plug. Castiel gasped, mewling out a strangled yes. Dean grinned and gently began to pull out the plug. It was one of the smaller ones that they owned and Dean couldn't help biting his lip hard. He fucked it in and out of Cas a few times, angling it up to rub right against his prostate.

"Daddy please!" Castiel cried out, his hips pushing hard against the plug. Dean gave his ass a swat, getting him to still his hips.

"I take care of you don't I baby?" Dean asked massaging his red ass gently. Cas gasped and nodded eagerly, dark blue eyes meeting Dean's over his shoulder. Dean gave him a knowing look, a silent question passing between them. Castiel smiled, giving him a shy nod before Dean leaned in, dragging his tongue slowly from his balls to his fluttering hole. Castiel cried out, his body trembling with the effort to remain still.

Dean couldn't help moaning as his tongue slipped inside, licking greedily at the taste of Cas and the flavored lube. It was his favorite, spicy cinnamon. He ate at Cas's hole hungrily, sucking and licking as his fingers held his ass apart. Spit and lube were dripping down his chin and he could feel something else leaking down his chest. He pulled away with a gasp and groaned, Cas was leaking steadily, his cock hanging long and heavy between his legs. He rested his forehead against Castiel's ass and counted to ten. Once he was more in control, he spun Cas around, swallowing down his cock in one breath.

"Oh fuck!" Cas cried, fingers finding their way into Dean's hair. He didn't try to control the frenzied movements of Dean's head, Castiel knew better than that. But if it became too much for him, there was a silent signal that Cas could give him to get him to back off. Dean could never get tired of this though, the feeling of his lips wrapped tightly around Cas's cock, the tip of him just nudging at this throat. He could very easily lose it to just Cas fucking his mouth.

Hell it HAS happened before. He never wanted Castiel to stop fucking his mouth and one night he didn't until Dean was cumming long and hard, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

There was a tap to the side of his temple and Dean pulled himself together with a deep shudder as two rather hard thrusts pushed Castiel's cock deep into his throat, cutting off his air. It was enough to get him into that needy space and he was pulling off Castiel with a hard suck. He stood up and grinned at just how debauched his husband looked.

"How did you want me to fuck you sweetheart?" Dean growled, nipping none to gently at his jaw. Castiel sucked in a quick breath and turned around again, pressing his chest against the cold metal. Dean quickly pulled off his shirt and made Castiel move off long enough to put it between him and the car. Castiel hummed his thanks and Dean quickly stepped out of his pants and underwear, kicking them away to join Cas's on the ground. His husband still had his shirt on and Dean grinned as he gently nudged Cas's legs farther apart. Gripping himself tightly in his fist he dragged the head of his cock against Cas's hole, letting it dip in just slightly.

"Do you want me to stretch you more?" Dean asked against his ear even though he knew the answer. Cas shook his head, turning his head to catch Dean's lips teasingly.

"I want to feel you tomorrow...mmm stretch me on your cock Daddy," Castiel groaned, his fingers closing around his wrist. Dean latched his mouth on Cas's neck and started to slowly push in, stopping at any sharp intakes of breath or if the grip around his wrist got tight. Both of them let out long groans of delight as he finally bottomed out, their hips pressed flushed together.

"What are you sweetheart?' Dean gasped out, fighting against every urge to start moving. Castiel swallowed hard, his hips twitching a little trying to accommodate for the deep stretch.

"G-green..." Cas stammered, his fingers dancing lightly along Dean's arm.

"You sure?" Dean asked again, turning Cas's face gently to peer into his eyes. There was no hint of pain or panic there, only clouded over with need and lust. Dean smiled and kissed him long and slow, only moving his hips when Castiel finally nodded. Dean kept his lips pressed against Castiel's neck as he began to pull out, keeping his thrusts shallow and gentle.

Castiel let out a noise that made Dean's toes curl...a mixture of a growl and a whine. Castiel tilted up his hips and slammed down on Dean's cock just as he was about to thrust back into him. Dean took the hint and started to fuck him a little harder but kept the thrusts shallow, knowing that he would get Castiel's prostate each time.

"Oh my god that...fuck that feels so good! Daddy I'm close," Castiel whined, spreading his legs even more, whimpering every time Dean's balls slapped against him.

"I'll tell you what baby...I'm going to cum first, fill you up until it's leaking right back out of you...then you're going to fuck my mouth until you're screaming," Dean growled. Castiel nodded frantically, clenching tight around his pulsing cock. Dean moaned, pulling off Castiel's back to slam hard into his body. It was another thing he would never get tired of seeing...or hearing. The way Castiel's ass stretched so dirtily around his cock and the breathy cries his husband would make. It was music to his ears, knowing just how good he could make him feel. It only took a couple of thrusts until Dean buried himself in that tight heat, his cum spilling out in pulses. He was still rolling on the high, the high needy noises he was making only amplified as he sunk down to his knees. Castiel didn't hesitate into turning around, shoving his cock down Dean's throat.

"So hungry for it Dean...fuck!" Castiel cried, fingers curling into his hair and this time Dean let him push and pull his head. His mouth only good for letting Cas fuck into. At that moment, the roles switched and Dean needed to hear Castiel's praise for him. He gripped onto Cas's thighs, silently begging for it.

"You're so good Dean...such a good boy taking my cock like this...gonna make me cum so hard!" Castiel cried out. There was a sharp tug on his hair and his eyes rolled up to watch Castiel as he began to fall apart. He hummed and Castiel shouted, pushing his cock down his throat as he orgasmed. Dean's eyes rolled back into his head as his mouth filled with the overflow of cum, dripping down the corners of his mouth. Castiel was a shuddering mess as he finally pulled away, nearly collapsing down on his knees. Dean smiled lazily at him, knowing full well that he shared the same dopey ass look that Castiel had.

"Oh my god," Castiel chuckled, "You are a fucking mess." He snatched up his pants to pull out the little package of tissues he always had on him, gently cleaning up his face. Dean just grinned, leaning in to kiss him slowly once he was finished. Slowly they managed to walk on wobbly legs to crawl into the back of the car, just clinging to each other as they calmed down. Dean was laying half on Castiel, his head resting on his chest, arms and legs wound tightly together. Fingers were slowly carding through his sweat damp hair and if he could purr, he so would be.

It was nearly an hour later when Dean finally sat up a little to gaze at his sleepy husband. He traced those pink lips with a finger and smiled before leaning in to kiss him.

"You ok?" Dean asked. Cas returned the smile and kissed Dean's fingers, pulling him back down to snuggle with.

"Mmhm," Castiel hummed. Dean sighed with content, nuzzling his face into Castiel's neck.