Author's Note:

I can't believe we're finally here!

I've been working on this story series on-and-off for several years now, it's definitely been a labor of love. The good news is, the third and final installment of the Adrianna Fawley series is already mostly written! So, I'll be able to start posting that one very soon.

Thank you again to everyone who has read, commented, and enjoyed this story. I appreciate you sticking with me!


Ch. 16 – Moving On

August 1980:

"Lily, he's perfect!" Adrianna smiled at the green-eyed baby boy in her best friend's arms.

"I like to think so." The redhead smiled tiredly. They'd only been home from St. Mungo's for a little over a week, and were still adjusting to life as new parents.

"May I?" Adrianna held her arms out and Lily handed the baby to her.

"Hello, Harry." The half-witch cuddled him close and brushed a kiss across the mop of black hair he'd clearly inherited from James. "You are so loved, do you know that?"

The baby stared up at the half-witch, his eyes focused on her red lips as she spoke.

Sirius and James walked into the room. James brought Lily a cup of tea while Sirius stood next to Adrianna, with little Harry sandwiched between them.

"How's the lad?" Sirius asked.

"A bit mesmerized, I think." Adrianna smiled.

"Don't worry, chum. I still get mesmerized by her too." Sirius ruffled Harry's hair and planted a kiss on Adrianna's temple.

"Hold it." There was a bright flash.

"What gives, Prongs?" Sirius blinked away the spots dancing in his vision.

James grinned from the other end of a large camera. "It was too good a shot to miss, mate."

Sirius chuckled. "Want little Harry to know how attractive his godparents were in their heyday, eh?"

"Heyday?" Adrianna raised a brow at him.

"Actually…" Lily bit her lip and set her teacup down. "That's something we need to talk to you both about."

"What is it?" Adrianna and Sirius took seats on the couch across from James and Lily.

James took Lily's hand. "When we went to the Ministry about registering you both as godparents, they…had a problem with Adrianna being the godmother."

"What?" Sirius frowned.

"They're fine with Sirius being the godfather, but they won't approve Adrianna." James said.

"I'm so sorry, Adrianna." Lily teared up. "You know how much I wanted you to be Harry's godmother. These laws are ridiculous."

"What laws?" Sirius asked. "Why wouldn't they want her to do it?"

"It's because I'm only half human, Sirius." Adrianna said softly. "I knew there were a few old laws still in place, I just didn't think they'd care since my father is from an established wizarding family."

"This is bollocks!" Sirius growled.

"You're right, it is." said James. "We're going to appeal the decision. The laws that prohibit humanoid creatures, or descendants of humanoid creatures, from being legal guardians are up for review next year. We're going to do everything we can to petition them to drop it."

Adrianna looked down at Harry, he'd fallen asleep. One of his little hands had curled around a lock of her hair. Her eyes went misty and she hugged him close.

Lily came and sat on Adrianna's other side. She wrapped an arm around the half-witch and rested her head on her shoulder.

"No matter what those stupid laws say, you are Harry's godmother." Lily squeezed her. "You're a part of the family."


January 1981:

Adrianna was freezing her ass off while she waited for her aunt Izanami to make an appearance.

Outside of the tranquil, open air shrine the snow was falling in fluffy clumps. Everything beyond the wooden structure was white, frozen in time until the winter passed. The monks who tended this particularly remote mountain shrine lived nearby in a slightly more modern dwelling.

At least they had heat.

Adrianna wrapped her cloak tighter around her shoulders and shifted her sock feet on the polished wood floor. Her warm travel boots sat outside, no doubt collecting snow while Izanami took her sweet time to make an appearance. She would have prepared a warming charm or something if she'd known it was going to take this long.

Finally, she heard the tell-tale rustle of silk dragging across the floor. Adrianna turned just as Izanami rounded a corner and joined her in the shrine's main area.

"Aunt Izanami." Adrianna gave a stiff bow. Her words sent a cloud of steam around her head.

"Welcome, my niece." Izanami was unbothered by the cold. Her ruby red skin and jet black hair stood out in contrast to the solid white kimono she wore. She placed her hands on Adrianna's shoulders, and an instant feeling of warmth enveloped her. "What news have you brought from Lilith?"

Adrianna sighed gratefully. "The actions of the dark wizard Voldemort are truly disturbing the natural balance of magic in the United Kingdom and Europe. There is concern that it will grow worse and spread farther if the wizarding community is unable to stop him."

Izanami tucked her hands into the long sleeves of her kimono. "And what does she expect from me?"

"Lilith has decreed that the succubi will not get involved in a human war. But if Voldemort becomes a threat to us, she needs to know that you will lend your aid, if called upon."

With a graceful turn, Izanami walked to the center of the floor. She stared up at the intricately carved and polished effigies built into the structure, telling the story of a time long since passed. When she faced her niece again, her expression was stony. "I will not leave my shrine."

Adrianna's mouth dropped open. "But—"

"I will not abandon those who have faithfully tended by home since I was forced to surrender my place in it." Her black eyes narrowed. "I gave up my position as goddess, under Lilith's command, but I will not quit my home. Especially not if this threat could spread to my own doorstep."

Adrianna considered the possible arguments. She had learned as she made more of these visits that a succubus like Izanami, comfortable in her place and nostalgic for her former glory among humans, would not be easily moved. Only a direct command from Lilith, with all of her authority pushed behind it, was going to budge the ruby-skinned succubus from her mountain.

"I apologize for the intrusion." Adrianna said finally. "And I will relay your decision to Lilith."

"Thank you, niece." Izanami gave the smallest of bows before she disappeared in a wisp of red smoke.

Adrianna knocked as much snow out of her boots as she could and crammed her frozen feet back into them. Then she pulled out her wand, which got very little use now that she was out of school, and cast a warming charm over herself.

She pulled a folded piece of parchment from her pocket and looked at the list of names Lilith had given her. All of the known succubi living across the world, outside of Lilith's immediate reach.

"Ten down." Adrianna sighed. "And forty more to go."


October 23, 1981:

"I don't like this." Adrianna paced back and forth by the foot of the bed.

"Love, it's got to be done." Sirius ran a hand through his hair. "We can't let anything happen to James, Lily or Harry. I know you don't like that the Fidelius charm will block you from knowing where they are, but it's the best way to protect them." He sighed. "You're going to wear a hole in the rug."

"Why not let Dumbledore be the Secret Keeper, then? Like he offered in the first place?" She finally came to a stop and stood toe-to-toe with him.

"Not so loud!" Sirius hissed, resting his hands on her shoulders.

"Why?" She demanded. "There's no one else here—"

Sirius placed a finger over her lips. Taking out his wand, he cast a silencing charm on their bedroom. "Remus could come back any minute and I don't want him to hear. Listen, we know there's a traitor in the Order who has been passing information to the Death Eaters. We know that same someone has said something to make You-Know-Who target the Potters. And we know that Lupin has been acting strange lately…"

"Are you kidding me, Sirius?" Adrianna backed away from him, silver flashing through her grey eyes. "Remus would never betray us! And if he has been acting strangely, don't you think the fact that more people than ever having a deep hatred of werewolves has something to do with it?" She glared at him. "Or have you forgotten the look on his face when he saw that Prophet article about Voldemort recruiting werewolves?"

Sirius flinched. He could never get used to the fact that Adrianna had no problem saying that name.

"I haven't forgotten. After the charm is in place tomorrow, we'll find out what's really going on." He said. "But until the Potters are safe, we need to keep this between us."


October 31 - November 2, 1981:

Adrianna was dying. She was sure of it.

No one else was in the room with her, but as she read the words hastily written on the parchment in her hand she was certain her heart had been ripped from her chest.

She hit the floor, curling into herself as she wailed. All of the glass in the flat shattered. Books flew from the shelves and all of the furniture around her was smashed against the walls. Her succubus and human sides warred for control as she shifted back and forth. The paper in her hands disintegrated as silver succubus magic traveled over her skin in waves.

Someone somewhere was banging on a door, calling her name. She tried to answer, but another wave of succubus magic hit her and the nearest windows exploded outward.

Then, the room was filled with flashes of color. Hands were placed on her from all directions, and she looked into a pair of silver eyes much like her own before everything went dark.


When she woke up, Adrianna was lying in the bed she shared with Sirius.

A nightmare. It had all been a nightmare. It had to have been.

Sitting up with a groan, Adrianna saw her mother standing in the bedroom doorway, and everything came rushing back.

"Mom…" Adrianna choked on a fresh wave of tears.

"I know, darling." Celeste was by her side in an instant. She rocked her daughter gently and pressed a kiss on top of her head.

"Adrianna?" Remus peered tentatively into the room.

"Moony?" Adrianna reached out a hand for him and Lupin sat on her other side. His eyes were red-rimmed and his skin was sallow. "Moony, is it true? What you wrote?"

"Yes, I…" Remus looked over at Celeste and blushed at the stern look the silver succubus gave him. "I never would have sent the note…I would have told you in person if I'd known you would…"

"They're really gone?" Adrianna whispered.

"They are." Remus said.

"And Harry?"

"The boy lived." Celeste said. "It is a miracle."

"Where is he?" Adrianna turned back to Remus.

The werewolf tried, and failed, to hide a grimace. "Dumbledore has taken him to the Dursleys."

"So quickly?" Adrianna frowned.

"Darling," Celeste said. "You have been unconscious for nearly two days. Much has happened in that time."

"That's right." said Remus. "Your aunts were kind enough to help put the flat back together."

Adrianna wiped her eyes and looked around at the pristine room. Then, she forced herself to ask the next question. "And Sirius?"

Lupin's expression darkened. "He was sent to Azkaban without a trial."

"What…" Adrianna stared at him.

"He…he betrayed us, Adrianna. He betrayed us all."

Adrianna's chest constricted. It was as if all of the air had been sucked from the room. "No…"

Celeste cut in. "Mr. Lupin, I do not think this is the best time –"

"NO!" Adrianna lashed out and pushed Remus off the bed. He landed with a thud and a curse.

"This can't be happening." Adrianna grabbed fistfuls of her hair and shook her head. "Sirius wouldn't…he'd never…"

"What's going on in here?" Seshat came running into the room, followed by two of Adrianna's other aunts.

"He did it, Adrianna!" Remus stood up and shouted. "He turned his back on all of us. Now James, Lily, and Peter are dead, because of him!"

"That is enough!" Celeste rose from the bed and made to escort Remus from the room.

In a flash, Adrianna slipped into her succubus side and was up in Lupin's face before her mother could stop her.

"Why would he do that?!" She snarled, grabbing the front of his shirt. "WHY?"

Remus gripped her shoulders. He could feel the wild, uncontrolled magic sizzling beneath her clothes. "I. Don't. Know." Then, his own tears returned and he hung his head.

The silver light drained out of Adrianna's eyes. Her arms slipped around his middle and he let her hug him as tightly as she wanted.

"I don't know either." She whispered against his shoulder. "But I'm going to find out."

They stood there and held each other for a long time, with the four succubi watching.


New Year's Eve, 1981:

Adrianna downed the glass of wine in her hand and immediately poured another. Her succubus blood was burning off the alcohol faster than she could drink it, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She'd barely left the flat in the last two months. Not even to continue the tasks Lilith had set for her. She'd also abandoned the research paper a wizarding publisher had commissioned her to write. Most of her days, and nights, were spent staring at nothing. Sleep was rarely an option. But now she'd come up with a brilliant plan, to drink until she passed out. It was a race against her own DNA, and at the moment the wine was losing.

So what if Voldemort was defeated by an eighteen month-old child and the dark currents were gone. Look what it had cost them. Her parents had begged for her to come back to America with them, or to go stay with one of her aunts in the UK. But Moony was all Adrianna had left now, and he wasn't leaving the flat much either except to look for odd jobs.

The door opened and Remus trudged inside. He looked as exhausted as Adrianna felt.

He stopped and stared when he saw the five empty wine bottles sitting on the table.

"Merlin…Are you trying to get drunk?" Remus asked.

"Drunk! 'Course not." She snorted. "I couldn't even if I wanted to. Sssuccubi are incapable of getting drunk and I'm half-succubussss. Therefore, I'm getting mildly tipsy." Finishing the rest of her glass, Adrianna refilled it with the last of the wine in the sixth bottle.

"Adrianna." Remus collapsed into the chair next to her. "You can't go on like this."

"Me?" Her eyes narrowed at him. "You're one to talk, Moony."

"I know." He took the glass from her and drank it down himself. "So, let's help each other through this."


Spring 1982:

Adrianna stood at the great oak doors that led into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.

Professor Dumbledore was expecting her, they had an appointment for 9:00pm sharp, but she couldn't bring herself to walk in.

If it weren't for Remus, she wouldn't have even been standing there. The werewolf had pulled her out of the despair that threatened to consume her after…after she'd lost everything.

Finally, she pushed the doors open and strode quickly to the Headmaster's office. The gargoyle leapt aside when she gave the password, Chocolate Frogs, and the staircase took her up into the tower.

"Welcome, Miss Fawley. I had hoped to see you again soon, though not under these circumstances." Dumbledore offered her a seat. He sat in his high-backed chair and folded his hands together. "What can I do for you?"

"Professor, I won't waste your time. The reason I'm here is simple." She took a deep breath. "I would like to adopt Harry Potter and raise him myself."

Dumbledore regarded her from across his desk. The phoenix sitting on a perch in the corner squawked softly and preened its feathers.

"I am sorry, Miss Fawley, but that is not possible."

Adrianna's fists clenched in her lap. "But…but can't I at least petition to take care of him?" She pleaded. "You don't know how horrible Lily's sister and her husband really are! After Lily saw them the month before her wedding, she said she'd never speak to Petunia again."

"Miss Fawley, the decision has been made. The protection charms are in place and Harry will grow up outside of the intense scrutiny created by his survival of the killing curse. Also, despite your close relationship to his mother and father, you are not Harry's relative or his legal guardian. The Dursleys are his family."

Adrianna's eyes stung, but she refused to cry in front of her former Headmaster. She grasped at one last straw. "Being his family doesn't mean they'll love him! I was to be Harry's godmother, and half-human or not, I am still a better choice than the Dursleys!"

"I am sorry, Miss Fawley. Truly, I am." Dumbledore rose from his seat. "There is nothing I can do."


Adrianna stalked through the corridors of the school. A place that had held so many happy memories for her now felt cold and oppressive. She was crossing the foyer outside of the Great Hall, when something moved out of the corner of her eye and she heard a sharp intake of breath. She turned and caught Severus Snape standing frozen in the mouth of the passageway that lead to the dungeons. He was dressed in black teaching robes and looked as if he'd aged much more than the few years that had passed since she last saw him.


Without a word, Snape turned and disappeared back the way he'd come.

"Wait!" Adrianna ran after him, reaching the stairway to the dungeons just in time to hear the spell he threw over his shoulder. She slid face-first into a wall of magic. On instinct, her human side dropped away and she watched through the shimmering barrier as he turned a corner and was gone.

"Severus!" She hissed. The wall was strong but hastily constructed, she could break through it if she wanted. Silver light gathered unbidden into her hands and then…she let it go.

Stepping back, Adrianna waited there in the cold passage until Severus' spell wore off and the barrier dissolved. By the time she came out of the dungeons, she was back to her human self again.

"Can it be?" A voice cried from above. "Old Peevsie thought he heard his Pretty Lady in distress!" The poltergeist drifted down to hover at eye-level, his face scrunched up into a frown. "While Peevsie is so glad to see his Pretty Lady, he does not wish for her to be upset! Tell Old Peevsie who has caused this hurt and he will fix it, yes he will."

If Adrianna had been a more vindictive person, she might have taken Peeves up on his offer to defend her honor. Too bad she wasn't.

"That's very kind of you, Peeves." She sighed. "But unnecessary."

The spectre wrung his hands. "Is the Pretty Lady leaving already?"

"I'm afraid so." Adrianna beckoned him closer. "It may be a while before I see you again, Peeves dear, so I want you to promise me something."

"Anything, my Pretty Lady!"

She held his little chin and pecked the poltergeist on the cheek. "I want you to bring as much merriment and mayhem to the future students of this school as you brought to me."

For a split second, Peeves was frozen in midair. He touched the place where her lips had been, then rocketed straight up into the air with the loudest "WHOOOP!" she'd ever heard from him.

"Old Peevsie will keep his promise to the Pretty Lady, yes he will!" Peeves flew down the corridor, singing at the top of his lungs. "THE PRETTY LADY HAS GIVEN PEEVES A KISS! HER LOVELY PRESENCE HE WILL SURELY MISS! SHE LEAVES TODAY BUT MAKES HIM SWEAR! TO PRANK THE KIDDIES AND RAISE THEIR HAIR!"

Somewhere, farther inside the castle, Adrianna heard a crash and the sound of Argus Filch letting loose a glorious string of obscenities.

She left Hogwarts feeling more lighthearted than she had in ages.


Adrianna threw another pile of clothes into the open trunk at the foot of her bed. The enchanted piece of luggage began folding and layering them on top of the other items she'd already tossed into it. Remus would be home soon, and she wanted to be ready by then.

The front door opened as she was shrinking her collection of books down.


Speak of the werewolf.

Remus stepped into the room. "What are you doing?"

"I'm packing." She sent the miniaturized books into the trunk and started on her shoes. "And I hope you'll do the same."

"What?" Remus stared at her.

Adrianna stopped and crossed the room to him. "Come with me, Moony."

"Come with you? Where?"

"I'm leaving. I have to put some distance between me and…" She waved her hands around. "Everything. If I don't, I…I don't know what I might do."

"Are you giving up on it, then?" He asked slowly. "Trying to get into Azkaban to see Sirius?"

It was a touchy subject. Ever since Remus had helped pull Adrianna out of her depression, she'd been on a mission to visit Sirius and hear his side of what happened. She wouldn't let it go, despite all of the evidence the Ministry had to lock him away. Lupin had tried to talk her out of it, then gave it up. At the time he'd thought, at least she was starting to live again outside of the cocoon she'd wrapped herself in at the flat.

"How could you ask me that?" She cried out. "I have tried everything, everything I can! They won't let me in to see him. They won't let me send a letter. They won't let me make an appointment with the Minister of Magic." The events of that evening came rushing back and she fought hard to keep her composure. "I started making other plans. I even went to Dumbledore today to see if…" The Headmaster's rejection played over in her mind and a fresh wave of tears coursed down her face. With a sob, she sank to the floor. "What's the use?"

Remus knelt by her side and pulled her into a hug. Adrianna wrapped her arms around his neck and Remus held her until she'd calmed down.

Leaning back, Adrianna grabbed his hands. "Please, come with me Moony. We can stay with my parents for a while, they won't mind. They'll take care of you and you won't have to try to find a job again." She pressed her lips against the back of his hands. "Please. I don't want to lose you too."

"Adrianna, I…" Remus struggled to find the right words. "I don't know if I can."

"Why not?" She murmured.

"You know how hard it is for werewolves to travel between countries. There might be wards to keep me out, or I could even be arrested."

"We could go to my aunts' territory in Ireland. It's isolated there, but we'd be free to go or do anything we want. They wouldn't stop me bringing you, they—"

Lupin squeezed her hands. "I'm sorry Adrianna. It's…it's just not possible right now. Besides," He took a shaky breath. "I want to stay as close to Harry as possible. Maybe one day, after he starts school, I'll get to see him again."

Adrianna looked down at their joined hands, each gripping the other so tight. "You think I'm wrong for wanting to leave, don't you?"

"I don't! Not if it's what you need to do in order to completely heal. But, it also seems like this is a sudden decision because something you wanted hasn't happened. At least, think about it for a few days." He gave her a watery smile. "What will I do without you here to help me sleep?"

Adrianna cupped his cheek. Leaning in, she brushed her lips against his. There was no romance behind the kiss, but there was no other way she knew to tell Remus how much he meant to her.

"I'll always help you sleep." She smiled softly.

After turning off all of the lights in the flat, they both climbed into Adrianna's bed. With her head on Remus' shoulder, she placed a hand against his chest and let the silver light trickle slowly into his body. She'd also been working on another project lately, learning from her aunts how to pass on larger doses of succubus magic.

A couple hours later, Remus was dozing peacefully when Adrianna's voice roused him.

"Anytime you really need help going to sleep, just close your eyes, breathe deeply, and think of me."

"Think of you." He repeated, feeling like he was floating in a warm bath.

"That's right." She kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Moony."


Remus woke as the afternoon sun streaked through the window and fell across the bed, warming his face.

He stretched and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, feeling more rested than he had in a year. Sitting up, he found he was alone in the bed and Adrianna's trunk was gone.

Flinging the covers back, he saw a letter sitting on her pillow. His name was printed across the front in her elegant handwriting. Taking a deep breath, he broke the wax seal and unfolded the letter.

Dear Moony,

You were right. I do need to do this for myself, and no one else.

You've helped me more than you know and I hate to leave you. But there is so much sorrow here for me right now. I think some time away is exactly what I need. I've arranged for the flat's rent to be paid through the rest of the year. Don't argue, it won't do you any good.

You are always in my heart, dear Moony. Please write to me if you ever need anything, or just because you want to say hello.

