Road to new possibilities and beginnings

(A/N-I only own my OC. Everything else goes to the WWE and the respective artists)

OC information:

Name-Gail Allison Hart(sometimes called Allie by her youngest cousins)


Background-She wrestled for several independent companies such as Pro wrestling alliance, where she met both Kaitlyn and Booker T. Then, in 2008-she headed to Ultimate Pro wrestling in Los Angeles where she was scouted by long time ring announcer, Lillian Garcia. After she was able to convince her family that she wanted to be a Diva and actually had passion and talent for it, they finally accepted her decision.

Personality/back story-Outgoing, but if you're not family (or a close friend) she is very reserved and is cautious. She also is into classic rock and she also listens to some country as well as pop and J-rock. She and Dean were called up to the roster around the same time, but she arrived six months later due to the fact she had to wait for her ankle to heal, as she had suffered a sprain.

Looks-dark brown hair, blue/grey eyes, tanned skin, her hair being longish just past the shoulders with it being curly at the end with blond streaks going through it. Her height is 5'4.

Entrance theme-Give + Take by Death of Paris

Chapter 1

(Dean's point of view)-

The match had been over for at least twenty minutes when the call came in, he heard his childhood friend's voice on the other in of the line and her tone was panicked. That emotion that Dean didn't know his friend had. He however, was grateful that his stablemates were not in the room to realize his nature, at least to her.

He succeeded in calming her down. He would have to see if he could get permission for time off.

(Gail's point of view)-I knew that I could count on Jon, I just hope Dad or Uncle Stu don't find out about this. I was tired, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. Several moments later, my phone rings-I answer despite my voice being thick from sleep. I am awakened by Dean's soft but harsh voice, due on account of his northern accent; I loved his voice though considering I had a slight southern accent of my own which I was very proud of. When I go back to Canada, I usually get strange looks when I have a conversation or ordering something because of my accent-but if someone recognizes me from Raw or Smackdown people know who I am(and who my father was) several members of my family kept saying how much I looked like my cousin Natalya besides our subtle differences in height, and account of how much time I spent in Dallas for barrel racing, and how much tanner I am-but in winter, I am not tan at all.

(Bret's point of view)-

When Gail had told me she had the desire to train, I was honestly scared at first but I knew she could handle it due to the experience she's gained from watching and competing in the independent circuit. It was around 5:30 in the afternoon when I decided to check on Gail, when Dean had answered her phone. It was then that I knew she got injured.

(Gail's point of view)-

After my lesson and feeding my horse,I discovered that Dean was able to come to Canada, for down time. Currently, he was freaking out about the fact I had suffered a concussion and then hiding it from him. After I had taken a shower, he scoops me up bridal style and says, "Even though you were wearing a helmet while riding-I don't want to risk it." I sigh as I put my seatbelt on as he continues his thought-"Do you want me to call your Dad?" I nod, as I let my eyelids drop-even though Dean's urging didn't help. We arrived at the hospital a short time later, and after I fill out medical forms as well as next of kin forms. I am able to sit and am questioned by Dean until they call me back ten minutes later.

(Dean's point of view)-

It had been at least twenty minutes since the medical staff had taken her to the back. I was growing increasingly worried because I'd not heard from any doctors yet. Bret had come ten minutes after she'd been admitted-he kept tapping his foot impatiently and the longer we had to wait, I feared that he would pace a hole in the floor.

(Fifteen minutes later, Bret's point of view)

I was growing worried, and I had been able to reach Natalya and she was able to get time off and come help Dean and I with her. I knew that she would be surprised that her cousin was able to come, but she would know something's up. A male doctor, if I had to guess he was most probably in his late twenties, early thirties came up to Dean and I- he had told us that they had done the normal tests for concussions, and she had a low grade one. He had also mentioned that they had placed her on pain killers, and she was to take them when she was in pain and they were to keep her for the rest of the night for observation. Since it was so late, I decided that Dean and I should both stay. I head up first to the room that the nurse had said she was in. Once I got there, I realized that she was still asleep and didn't notice me come in-but I knew she was a hard sleeper when she's injured. I kiss her forehead lightly, so that she's aware I am here. Moments later, I hear Dean coming down the hall, the nurse on call was nice enough to bring an extra chair in here for him.

(Dean's point of view)-

I was honestly scared at seeing her in that hospital bed, I am used to seeing her strong and happy(especially when she hangs out with Natalya and Tyson). I remember when she got the news her cousin was getting married, she had invited me to the reception and the wedding where she was matron of honor. I remember that night like it was yesterday-she was dressed in a red dress, with her hair pulled up in a bun. She also had a pearl necklace on as well. I was flattered that she invited me to the wedding, and it would be only the second time she had invited me to her home in Canada.

(Bret's point of view, two hours later)-I saw the way Dean interacted with Gail when they were growing up, and I was happy when they reconnected in NXT. But when she told us that she wanted to head to the main roster a month earlier than expected-that's when she returned to Texas to check on her trainer and her lesson horse when she was helping her trainer get feed bags to the barn and she accidentally fell into a hole, and sprained her ankle. I knew she was crushed that she was not able to make her debut when requested, but luckily the fans understood. I could hear her stirring in the bed, and Dean got up to go inform the nurse. I looked up at her as she asked, "When can I go home?" I laughed and said, "You still have to wait a night, Nattie's supposed to come by in the morning and have some extra clothes for you." I could see her smile, then she asked a question that I wasn't prepared for-"When can I take a shower?" When the nurse came in a few moments later, she was finally able to.

(Dean's point of view, 3 hours later)-After she got settled again, she was finally able to sleep which in turn let Bret sleep. I watched her breathe, and I remembered what led to us meeting that day in Cincinnati. It was a couple weeks before I was to leave again for developmental and I had stopped in a record store, and that's when we locked eyes.

(Gail's point of view)-

I had hated being this way, but I knew that it is better to be safe than sorry. I just hope that I can still wrestle despite my current condition. I knew that once I got to Stamford, I'd undergo Impact testing, and since it was my first time doing it, I was nervous. I remembered when I had met Dean, I was trying to save up money for a rodeo in Cincinnati, when I had found a job in a record store. I felt at home, and 6 months later Dean and I reconnected when I was finally allowed to go to developmental.

(Natalya's point of view,forty minutes later)-

I had just finished my match against Alicia Fox, which I won-when I realized I had a few missed calls. I looked towards Tyson, curious to see if he had answered them and he nodded. "You're cousin Gail is in the hospital, Dean had called you" I was in shock, because I knew when she wasn't wrestling, she spent time riding horses to keep in shape. "TJ, I said turning to face him-"I have no choice, I have to go check on her." He nods in understanding , knowing what bond my family and I have. I quickly text Stephanie, explaining the emergency. After she okay's the off time, I quickly call the airline and get a ticket. After I finish repacking my bags, I head to the airport. About six hours later, I arrive in Canada.

(A/N-New idea, Save or Scrap?)