Yay, worst author award goes to... ME.
I'm actually quite stuck on how to end this... to be quite fair I just don't want to royally fuck up as it were. I guess I never imagined that this story would be enjoyable for so many of you. And to somehow create a good ending is just very hard... and something I'm not really good at...
But somehow I squeezed out this one.
Rather short chapter, but needed because of CLIFF HANGER
Chapter 35
Mixing fruits to smoothies, mixing more fruits to even more smoothies, baking bread to feed hungry mouths, and cooking even more to, well… it was his job. All Eren had done the past few hours was cooking, baking, yelling at Hanji to get the fuck out of his kitchen, seriously the woman was such a pain. Cakes, chocolate, pies, she ate everything and always came back for seconds. Fuck seconds, she ate so much Eren was scared he'd run out of sweets before the end of the day. He had to lock the doors to the kitchen and think of a secret knock to even let his staff to go on breaks.
It was so surreal to think that members of a sophisticated rock band were so… weird? Right, best not to let Levi know that. Ever. Maybe he'd get away if he'd call him weirdly sexy? No… pretty sure that 'd make things even worse.
He'd heard the man sing, he'd heard the band play, and no, not the I've-seen-them-on-television kind, no the real stuff. Eren was never one to be able to afford a concert ticket, heck he'd never had enough to even pay for a decent meal. Now he was able to enjoy something like a private concert. The entire concept was alien to him and even though he'd better not get used to it, he already couldn't live without Levi singing for him. He was afraid to even check the ticket prices for these shows. All he knew was that every single show was sold out. There were long lines to each and every show, some people even slept in front of the concert halls the day prior, just to get a front row spot, or something remotely close.
To think that for once in his life he was actually better off then the lot of them, that was the weirdest of it all. Maybe he deserved it? He scoffed at the thought.
He was tired, not so much of cooking, it might had something to do with the night before. Eren's eyes narrowed at the thought of yesterday's events, his cheeks might have coloured a bit as well as one of his staff members asked if it was to hot in here.
'Eh? I'm sorry what?" Eren stammed when her was startled by his own stupidity. Right, he was in a public space. Come on, Eren. For fuck sake! Can't you for one second… you know, NOT think about tha- ah fuck, who was he kidding. No he could not. Ever. He snorted at his stupidity.
'Ah no I'm all right.' He decided to answer. Better to avoid awkward silences. "I might take a few hours off today, though. I feeling a bit…" he was feeling a bit? " Tired…" he finally decided upon. Guess that was the safest option.
'Sure thing. You've been working loads. Best not to get carried away. I can take over today if you want? Just take it easy, okay?'
He had the best staff in the world.
'Thanks. That'd mean a lot to me, Connie.' Now he could get some real sleep, something he needed after last night's events. He was getting old.
'I'll finish up this bit here. Also I wrote down what still needs to be done for today. Not too much.' He laughed when he saw Connie tense up a bit. 'Don't wory, we only make food for the staff, not… every visitor. Good riddance. Just promise me one thing…'
'Which is?'
'No Hanji.'
'I think I can do that.' Connie laughed.
'Then you're good to go.'
'And so are you. Get some sleep. You look a bit overworked.'
Overworked. Oversexed? Same thing right? Best to keep that to himself.
'Yeah, sleep. Yay!' he cheered and threw his hands up lazily while he let his head fall back.
' Get out of here!' Connie laughed while he saw the sad gesture.
'Will do boss!'
'Aye. I like that… boss. Sounds good. Matches me.'
'Well… don't get used to it. I'll still mister boss man around here.' Eren winked.
'Go to sleep.'
Eren wondered back to his room. It was quite amazing that this concert hall had everything, from of course the stage to the kitchens, but to even house facilities such as a hotel, a gym (with a swimming pool mind you), and even a small cinema so the artists could relax. How big was this building and how many people could fit here? But more importantly when was the show?
Wait a minute…
'Oh.' Somehow he had a feeling it was today, scratch that in a few hours. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted Levi. Okay, so how not to sound too obvious?
Eren: So… When's the show?
Nailed it.
At times like this Eren could just hit his head against a brick wall and that was just what happened. While texting he had forgotten he was still walking to his room, or better yet, face first into a wall.
He groaned at the impact, covering his face with his hands, of course, dropping his phone on the concrete floor. Score. As soon as he realized he dropped his phone he wanted to pick it up instantly, forgetting yet again he was a bit too close to the wall, and yet again banged his head against the stone work. 'FUCK!'
This was not his day.
'Are you alright?' it was a clear voice that belonged to a young girl, well someone of his age at the very least.
He spun around to be greeted by Mina.
Fuck my life. Of all the people on the face of the earth…Yep, it just had to be her. Was there something he did to mess up his karma? He wasn't quite sure.
'Yeah, I'm doing just great.' He groaned while he rubbed his sore forehead. He didn't even bother to mask the fact he was in pain. What was the point? Yes his face hurt because of said wall, and yes he was in even more pain because he ran into her too… in a way, let's not forget he hadn't even had the chance to check the state of his phone.
His battery had proven to be alive when his phone buzzed, but his screen, status unknown. Must be Levi. He thought. He moved closer to his phone, however when he reached out he saw Mina was just a bit faster.
She held it out towards him. Eren could see the light of his screen shine bright.
'It's taken quite a beating…' she sounded genuinely sad. 'I'm sorry. You'll probably have to have the screen replaced.'
'What?' Eren whined. Fuck, could this day just end?
'It could have been worse?' she tried to make him feel better. ' And hey, I wanted to let you know that the show starts in 5 hours. The doors for the public opens in 2, so you might want to eat, etc before everything starts. '
'Um… right.' He took the phone she offered to him. 'Thanks?'
'No problem.' She smiled 'Oh and be careful for walls… they have the tendency not to move.'
She meant well but Eren couldn't just, gah… couldn't stand her for some reason. He managed a fake smile and squeezed out a ha-ha-thanks-will-do. He would never win an Oscar for this performance as he sounded like a sad old man that didn't get his favourite cake, but than again he wasn't an actor. He was a grumpy cook, that needed some sleep. And a new phone, or at least get his fixed. Perfect.
Mina spun around and headed toward the special room they had prepared for the fan meeting in just an hour.
His eyes were bright and shone with anger. She had read the message that had popped up on Eren's phone.
Eren: So… When's the show?
Levi: Shit, Eren! I'll let you sleep more next time, are you a complete idiot? My private concert for you is every night ;) … no but for real it's today. In 5 hours. You better be there or I'll make you regret it 3
It might not be the proof she needed, but she knew something was going on between the two.