Mission Marvel Redux: Part 4

[Open up where we last left Phineas and Ferb, still fixing up the suit.]

Phineas: Man! We've got a lot to do if we're gonna get this suit back online. I think we can get 60% function back if we reroute the power flow through the backup circuits. I only hope we can finish in time. Isabella, can you hand me the...? (looks and remembers Isabella is gone.) Oh, yeah, Candace and Isabella left. (pauses) Ferb, was I too hard on Candace?

[Ferb gives his normal expression.]

Phineas: Dude, I hate it when you give me that look. It's just that, well... (pauses again) You know, I'll talk to her after we're done with this.

[Cut to Downtown Danville, where the villains are all waiting.]

Enchantress: The heroes are not coming!

Red Skull: Oh, don't worry. They'll come.

[A bus arrives and stops at its designated stop.]

Red Skull: Perfect! Zey're on ze bus!

[The villains approach the bus. The doors open and a little old lady exits with her walker.]

Little Old Lady: Outta my way, you weirdos! It's worse than Portland!

[The heroes all come out of the bus. Ben yells and attempts to punch Venom, but Venom attacks Ben.

Doctor Strange tries to go after Venom, but he grabs Doctor Strange, trapping him against the bus. Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are cornered by Red Skull, Enchantress, and Juggernaut.]

Red Skull: Ve have zem now!

Enchantress: What about the old hag?

Red Skull: Eh? She is not vis zem!

[Cut to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, where Doofenshmirtz, Perry, and Black Widow are still trapped.]

Doofenshmirtz: (to Perry) So you're a superhero, huh? (looks to Black Widow) By the way, Miss...

Black Widow: Call me Black Widow.

Doofenshmirtz: Ooh, like the spider. That's cool. (looks at her clothing) Do you and my daughter happen to shop at the same stores?

[Perry pushes a button on his utility belt and gets a tool out and uses it to pick the lock on his cage, freeing himself. He then frees Black Widow, and finally Doofenshmirtz.]

Doofenshmirtz: Hey, Miss Black Widow, you doing anything this weekend?

Black Widow: Yes, yes I am.

[Perry and Black Widow rush out.]

[Cut back to Candace and Isabella as we left them.]

Candace: (pacing back and forth) There's one thing I don't understand about the lost superpowers. In all the comics I've read, energy can never be destroyed. Only morphed into a different form or contained somehow.

Isabella: Candace, when we were up at the space station, we were collecting and containing data!

Candace: You were up in what?

Isabella: Come on!

[Cut to the backyard.]

Isabella: Have a seat.

Candace: What are you talking about?

Isabella: Just go with it.

[They sit down on the ground and the module from the beginning of the episode reappears.]

Candace: Oh, that's where this thing was!

[Cut back to S.H.E.D.]

Phineas: (sitting in the Beak suit with Ferb) We've only got half the server motors on the right side online, but that'll have to do. Bacaw! (launches, but starts flying all willy-nilly) Whoa! Whoa!

[Cut back to downtown Danville]

Red Skull: (to Ms. Marvel) Pasetic! Look at how you've vasted your lives! Protecting zees humans, who are so qvick to abandon you in your hour of need! Look around you! Now zat you have no powers, you have no friends, no allies, you have nussing!

Ms. Marvel: We may not have our powers, but we other things.

Red Skull: Like vhat?

Ms. Marvel: Well...

[The boys arrive in the Beak suit.]

Ms. Marvel: This thing.

Phineas: Bacaw!

[Just then Perry and Black Widow arrive.]

Ms. Marvel: And one of S.H.I.E.L.D's top agents and a platypus!

Spider-Man: Captain Australia!

Ms. Marvel: We got them! (Waffles fall from the sky) But I gotta level with you, I have no idea who's shooting waffles.

[Cut to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc to reveal Doofenshmirtz firing waffles from his Waffle-inator like he's using a machine gun.]

Doofenshmirtz: Woo-hoo! Top of the world, Ma!

Spider-Man: Yo, Red, (holding the reactor core) is this doohickey important?

Red Skull: Ze mundanium finite reactor core!

Spider-Man: Huh. I guess it is important. (runs off)

Red Skull: Go get him! I shall guard ze inator! (gets waffled) Ack, Belgian style! I hate everything about Belgium!

[Cut to the park. Spider-Man runs off with the reactor. Venom crashes into some springy kiddie rides. Enchantress attempts to attack him, but hits an umbrella. Juggernaut crashes through the umbrella. Perry crashes into Juggernaut. Venom goes after Spider-Man, but the boys blocks him.]

Phineas: Bacaw!

Spider-Man: Woo!

[Enchantress goes after Spider-Man, but gets saved by Ms. Marvel and Black Widow driving a golf cart.]

Spider-Man: Fast cart!

Black Widow: I souped it up!

Spider-Man: (gives Ms. Marvel the reactor core) Here! Hold this! (goes to the back and gets the caddy bag) You mind if I play through? (Unzips the front pocket emptying it of all the tees. Enchantress slips on the tees. Spider-Man gets out a club with dog-shaped cover on it and throws the caddy bag at Venom.) Go get 'im, boy! (Throws the club at Juggernaut.) Good dog!

[Red Skull walks up, but is startled by Buford in a bear suit holding a fish.]

Bear Boy: Beware Bear Boy! (slaps the fish at Red Skull)

[Baljeet then leaps out of another bush. He wears a mask shaped like a bowl of curry, and a CK emblem on his clothes.]

Baljeet: And the Curry Kid! (tosses a handful of curry power into Red Skull's eyes)

Red Skull: Ack! Mein eyes!

[Ben and Doctor Strange approach two little kids who are watching the battle.]

Ben: Now you kids stay back!

[Ben and Doctor Strange then look at the bike and skateboard the kids have with them and get an idea.]

[Cut to inside the space station.]

Candace: You don't think it's weird the space station looks like Phineas?

Isabella: If by "weird" you mean "dreamy".

Candace: Oh, brother.

Isabella: Look! The collection tank! There's something glowing in there! It's gotta be the powers!

Candace: (looking through a telescope) Looks like the fight's begun! Now make the powers blast out...down there and stuff.

Isabella: I don't know how to do that!

Candace: Whadaya mean? Didn't Phineas explain how to...?

Isabella: Yeah. It was like, "Isabella...blah blah blah blah blah...Isabella...blah blah blah blah blah..." (pause) He was dressed like an astronaut! I was distracted!

[Cut back to the battle. Black Widow, Spider-Man, and Ms. Marvel hit Juggernaut with their golf cart. Enchantress blasts it in two. Ms. Marvel gets surrounded by the villains. Ben, now riding the kid's bike, grabs the reactor core from Ms. Marvel. Doctor Strange appears on the other kid's skateboard. Ben throws the reactor core. Enchantress is about to intercept but gets slapped by Bear Boy's fish. Doctor Strange catches the reactor core. Juggernaut attempts to charge Doctor Strange. He nearly retrieves the reactor core, but gets waffled. The boys finally catches it. However, Red Skull tugs on it. It falls apart, scattering the orbs.]

Red Skull: Ze mundanium finite! (to Venom) Get zose orbs!

[Venom slashes the Beak's torso and Ferb peeks out. The heroes and the gang chase after the rolling orbs. Cut to Doofenshmirtz.]

Doofenshmirtz: Ooh, these waffles aren't enough. I wish I could just disintegrate them all. (gasp) Oh, right! The Disintegrator-inator! Duh! (switches it on, nothing happens) Hey! (flips the switch up and down) Hey, what's wrong? Hmm. (picks up the unplugged plug) Oh, here's the problem. (He walks up to an extension cord outlet, but the plug is too short.) Okay, I just need an extension cord this long. (Runs off.)

[Cut back to the space station.]

Candace: Isabella, (points to a big red button) I think this is the button that'll release the superpowers!

Isabella: How can you tell?

Candace: Well, it's red, see? And there's some red detailing on that collector thingy, so it's gotta be it.

Isabella: That's a very irrational and reckless deduction.

Candace: No, Isabella! I've got this, I just know it. (presses the button)

[Isabella gasps loudly as Candace pushes the button. An alarm goes off. But the collection tank is simply released and set down.]

Candace: Well, that wasn't disastrous.

Isabella: There's no time to take the module back to the house. We'll have to take an escape pod right to the battle.

[Candace and Isabella hoist up the collection tank and they make their way to an escape pod. The pod ejects and starts back to Earth.]

[Cut back on Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, where Doofenshmirtz searches for an extension cords.]

Doofenshmirtz: Okay, this long. This long, let's see. (gets out a few extension cords) Too short. Too short. Too long. Way too short!

[Cut to Linda and Lawrence on their tour. Behind them, the battle still rages on.]

Tour Guide: If you look to your left, you will see the J.P. McHenry Building, built in the art deco style. And on your right is Danville's oldest arcade, built in 1982.

[Cut back to the battle. One of the orbs is on a fountain, and Spider-Man attempts to reach to it, as do Juggernaut and Venom. They are tripped up by Black Widow. The boys catches the orb, but Enchantress teleports in front and takes it, then teleports away. The boys try to chase after her, but Juggernaut interferes.]

Phineas: That's not good.

[Cut to another orb rolling on the ground. Venom goes after it, but Buford's fish swallows it.]

Black Widow: Hey! Over here!

[Buford throws the orb to Black Widow, but Venom intercepts it. Doctor Strange and Perry carry the other orbs, but get zapped by Enchantress. The villains put the orbs back into the reactor core.]

[Juggernaut grabs the Beak suit and then charges and plows through a brick wall, some playground equipment, and then a piece of public art. He then gives it a pounding similar to what Hulk gives Loki in The Avengers. The suit is battered severely and rendered immobile. Parts fall off, exposing the boys.]

Juggernaut: Bye, bye, birdie. (lifts foot to stomp the Beak suit)

Candace: Hey, Jughead! Leave my brothers alone!

[Juggernaut and the boys turn to see Candace.]

Phineas: Candace, what are you thinking?

[Candace challenges Juggernaut further.]

Candace: What's the matter, scared to fight a girl?

Juggernaut: Nobody taunts the Juggernaut!

[Juggernaut starts to charge Candace.]

Phineas: Ferb, get us over there! We gotta help Candace!

Ferb: It's no good, every system's down!

Phineas: Candace, get out of there!

[Juggernaut closes in on Candace, who stands her ground. At the last second, Candace produces a bottle and sprays the oily contents. Juggernaut steps in and starts slipping about, missing Candace. Back at the inator, Red Skull gets hold of the reassembled reactor core.]

Red Skull: Enough of zis foolishness! (Places the reactor core back into the inator) Our triumph is at hand! And now, behold, ze destruction of ze entire Tri-State Area!

[Suddenly Juggernaut comes barreling in, and seeing this, the other villains scatter. Juggernaut crushes the inator.]

[Candace helps her brothers out of the wrecked Beak suit.]

Candace: You two okay?

Phineas: Yeah, but what are you doing here?

Isabella: Oh, we got a little somethin' for the heroes! (rolls along the tank)

Phineas: The data collection tank! Of course!

Isabella: Candace figured it out.

Spider-Man: Great job! Somebody's using their spider sense.

Candace: I learned from the best, Spidey!

[Phineas and Ferb activate the tank as the song "Feelin' Super" starts. A spout appears out of one end of it and zaps the heroes. After the heroes get zapped, Spider-Man leaps and clings to a statue, Doctor Strange is surrounded by an aura of magic energy, Ms. Marvel flies, and Ben returns to his Thing form. A quick note, from here he will be called Thing once more.]

Thing: Hey, Candace, you still got your phone?

[Candace gets out her phone and readies the recording option.]

Candace: Ready.

Thing: It's clobberin' time!

[Candace smiles and giggles giddily.]

Candace: Hee-hee-hee-hee!

[The villains cringe at the sight of the re-powered heroes.]

Red Skull: (growls) I zink perhaps our window of opportunity has closed.

Enchantress: We told you we should've destroyed them back in New York.

[Ms. Marvel looks down to the kids.]

Ms. Marvel: Why don't you kids take five? Enjoy the show.

Ferb: Oh, this is going to be sweet.

Phineas: Yeah it is!

[The song "Feeling Froggy" starts. Thing yells, and we see an Avengers-style revolving camera shot of all the heroes, including Agent P. The fight begins once more as the kids sit inside a gazebo and eat popcorn as they watch.]

[Perry takes on Red Skull, and Spider-Man looks to Black Widow.]

Spider-Man: Been meaning to ask, your platypus partner friends with Rocket Raccoon?

[Black Widow rolls her eyes and goes after Venom. Meanwhile, Enchantress hits Ms. Marvel with a magic blast, only for it to be absorbed by Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel unleashes a photonic blast, which knocks down Enchantress.]

Candace: Whoo! Go, Ms. Marvel!

[The fight continues, and while watching, Phineas looks up to Candace.]

Phineas: Hey.

Candace: Hey.

Phineas: So earlier, I said some things I shouldn't have, I'm sorry. It's just that I was afraid you'd get hurt.

Candace: No, I'm sorry. What I did was reckless.

Phineas: It's okay. I knew you meant well and were trying to help. And hello! You guys saved the day! I mean, you took down Juggernaut!

Candace: Thanks!

[By the end of the song, heroes defeat the villains, ending the battle. Ms. Marvel takes a photo with Candace.]

Ms. Marvel: Candace, I just want to say thank you.

Candace: Hey, if you ever need a sidekick, call me.

[Black Widow signs as photo for Carl, and kisses it, leaving a lipstick mark, then hands it to Perry, who smiles and gives a thumbs up.]

[The S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier flies in and lowers to the ground. Nick Fury and Maria Hill emerge from the aircraft. The heroes approach them with the tied up villains.]

Nick Fury: Toss 'em in! Excellent work, heroes.

Ms. Marvel: Thank you, sir, but we couldn't have done it without these tiny heroes.

Nick Fury: Of course. Nice work, kids! You didn't just get back our heroes' powers. You showed true courage fighting alongside them! (salutes) S.H.I.E.L.D. owes you a debt of gratitude. (Phineas and Ferb salute back.)

Phineas: Oh, yeah, about our space station, you can have it if you want.

Fury: That's a generous offer. Thank you.

Phineas: And you can take that as well. (points to the remains of the Beak suit) It's pretty beat up, though.

Maria Hill: Stark should like that.

[Thing chuckles at Baljeet and holds out his fist.]

Baljeet: Uh, okay. (fist bumps Thing)

Thing: Ow! Hmm. Ha ha! Gotcha!

[The heroes, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill all go into the Helicarrier, while Black Widow boards the Quinjet. Buford waves his fish in the air. The Helicarrier and Quinjet take off as the heroes wave goodbye to the gang.]

[Just after the heroes leave, Linda and Lawrence enter, as part of their tour. They see the kids.]

Linda: (shouts) Hey, kids! Oh, wait. (takes off her headphones) Hi, kids, you have a good day?

Ferb: You can say it was quite marvelous.

Linda: Candace, I got a little surprise for you. I was going to give you this when we got home, but here.

[Linda gives Candace a bag and when Candace opens it she finds a comic book.]

Candace: (gasp) The newest issue of Ms. Marvel! Cool!

Linda: I remembered you had a thing for comic books. So, did you kids want to join us on the rest of the tour?

Phineas: We've had a busy day, so I think we'll head back to the house.

Linda: Okay, we'll see you at home.

[Linda turns the audio tour back on and she and Lawrence resume their tour.]

Candace: Cool! I got to part of adventure, now I get to read about another one!

[The kids all start to head home.]

[Cut back to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.]

Doofenshmirtz: Aha! Finally found an extension cord the right size! (plugs in the inator) Take that, bad guys!

[Doofenshmirtz gets the Disintegrator-inator ready and goes to fire it, when he sees the battle is over and everyone is gone.]

Doofenshmirtz: Hey, where'd everybody go? Man, you step away for a few minutes and miss all the action.