Author's Notes: Well, the title and summary pretty much tell all there is to tell about this story. I wrote it as an exercise in first person writing, to see whether or not I can understand and convey Takato and Rika's personalities. Whether I succeeded or not, I'm not too sure. As for continuity, this story takes place somewhere near the beginning of the series, before the appearance of the Devas, and before any of the other characters get Digimon. I haven't seen how Tamers ends yet, so if that has any effect on this story and I get some things wrong due to it, then I'm sorry. I know my grammer and spelling may not be perfect, but the errors within the inverted commas (speech) are there on purpose, because people don't always speak with perfect grammer. My tenses are not totally consistent either, (i.e.- always in the past tense), as there are some places were I chose to change to present tense because those moments needed to be fast-paced and exciting.
Of course, I also wrote it because life isn't fluffly and waffy enough, so I decided to let my imagination show how I think life should be. :) Ah... I can wish, right? Oh, and also, thanks a lot for reading this story, as that is the reason I write fanfics after all. Questions, comments, criticisms, statements, flames, unrelated stories, anything at all: accepted and welcome. Just please, no spam. I hate spam. Enough with my rambling...
I don't own Digimon. I am not making money. I have no money. Please don't sue.
Woohoo! It's Saturday! Yeah! Okay, so I was excited, all right? I'm allowed to be, after all, 'cause weekends are everything to kids. I had planned to sneak some bread and creampuffs into my backpack after breakfast and then take them to Guilmon, but my plans were ruined when...
"TAKATO! What are you doing?!?"
...Mom busted me. Luckily for me, my Dad called in from the next room and totally saved me, by saying that its okay because he's already paid for them and said that I can have them! How's that for cool? I sure owe him big time. Still, I couldn't thank him right there, because then Mom would know that he
was covering for me, so I just agreed and ran out. I didn't go straight to the park though, because I ran round to the front entrance and caught my Dad's eye, mouthed "Thank you" through the window, smiled, waved, and ran off to the park.
"Heya Henry, Terriermon. How're you guys today?"
"Hey Takato. We're both fine, isn't that right Terriermon?"
"I'd be a lot better if Suzie would stop playing dress-up with me." Terriermon didn't look too happy.
"He's just bitter because Suzie has a much better fashion sense than he does." Henry teased.
"WHAT? You think I'd *WANT* to wear *ANYTHING* that she puts on me?"
"Huh? You mean you don't? That's not what you were saying this morning?"
"WWWHHHAAATTT?!?!?!?!" Terriermon was boiling at this time. I just had to laugh, and Henry couldn't keep as straight face for much longer either.
"Don't worry. I'm only teasing, you know."
"You'd better be sorry. Some things just should never be said even as a joke and any of Suzie's games definitely qualify."
"So is Rika coming?" I asked, wondering Where *that* question come from? Still, it would be rude not to invite her at least, even though she'd never be interested in just hanging around in a park all day with me- er, I mean, us. I'm sure she has a million better things to do than that.
"Um... I haven't spoken to her, so I dunno. Did you call her?"
"No... but I suppose I should, right? I mean, I don't wanna be rude or anything..."
"Yeah... but she might not come. You know how she is."
"Yeah, but still... I'll call, just in case she does want to. You know, she should join us more often, I think. It'd be good for the team and stuff."
"Um... er... Takato..." I thought I saw him mouth "Turn around" or something like that, so I quickly glanced over my shoulder, only to see a slightly-red faced Rika standing at the gate glaring right at me. My stomach knotted.
"Er- hi Rika. I- I was just about to go call you... you know, to ask... if you wanted to hang out today... and stuff..." I was scared 'cause she looked mad, and was going red. I figured it must have been because I said she should join us more often.
"Well, I'm here, but not because of you two, but because Renamon wanted to see Guilmon and Terriermon. Oh, And Gogglehead?"
"There is no 'team', and if there was, I wouldn't be in it. So I don't 'need' to do anything I don't want to? Got it?" I was right. She was mad. I tried to smile at her, but I don't think that she noticed, and I don't think that it came out too well.
"Takato! Henry!" Jeri was here too. We'd organized to just get the whole gang together in the park, 'cause Kazu and Kenta wanted to see Guilmon, and Jeri wanted to play with him. Why a girl would think a fierce, flaming red dinosaur is 'cute' is beyond me though, but I don't mind. I like having Jeri around. She's cool.
It was fun having everyone together. We mostly just ran around with the digimon, splashed in the fountain, and played the Digimon card game, even though Jeri couldn't play. Rika didn't join in unfortunately, except when we played cards, and only after I asked her to. Still, she won every match she played. I could have beaten her once, though, I think, but I decided it would be best if I let her win. She was already mad enough at me, and I didn't want to ruin her reputation in front of Kazu or Kenta. They're actually scared of her, which is pretty funny. I mean, I know she's cold and harsh on the outside, but I'm sure underneath she's probably different. In fact, I'm almost positive about it.
Renamon didn't do much either, and when she wasn't talking to Guilmon, Terriermon or Rika, she was just lying on a branch in a tree, watching over Rika I suppose. The two had come because Renamon wanted to speak to Guilmon and Terriermon, but then said that they should play and have fun, and that she'll speak to them afterwards. Rika seemed a bit annoyed, but I think Renamon knows more than she's letting on. Not anything bad or anything, but it seemed like she had a plan that Rika didn't even know about. Still, not that I was complaining. I was just glad to be able to spend any time with Rika at all, so a whole day was pretty cool.
--- --- --- ---
The sun was just starting to set, Kazu had already left, and Kenta and Jeri had to go.
"Bye Guilmon, Terriermon, Renamon! Be good, okay?" Jeri waved enthusiastically at the Digimon, and then at Henry and Rika too. I was about to wave to her, you know, just in case she'd forgotten about me or something, but just as I was about to, she came up to me and gave me a quick hug. I was so surprised that I didn't hug back immediately, but I quickly caught on, and she didn't seem offended. When we separated, we both smiled and said our goodbyes. I turned to go back to Henry and Rika, only to see Henry walking off with Terriermon, and Rika looking a little upset.
"Uh, Rika? Where's he going?"
"Home, Gogglehead."
"Huh? Wait! Henry!" But he just turned around, smiled and waved, so I just waved back and called out a goodbye.
"How weird. Um... didn't Renamon want to talk to Terriermon about something though?"
"I think they already did."
"Oh. Has she spoken to Guilmon yet?"
"I dunno. Renamon?" Rika asked. Renamon just appeared from nowhere, which always makes me feel a little nervous, even though it's a pretty cool skill. "Didn't you want to speak with Guilmon?"
"Yes. Where is he, Takato?" Can Renamon smile? She looked like she had a tiny one, a bit like a smirk, but I couldn't really tell.
"Um... I'll go find him, if you could just wait for a sec..." I was about to run off, when she stopped me.
"Don't worry, I'll go find him. You two, please wait here. What I must say cannot be revealed to you just yet."
"Renamon?" Rika looked even less pleased at this.
"Don't worry Rika, I will tell you everything afterwards." And she disappeared again. Well, I figured that it was now or never. I mean, I had to pop the question to Rika sometime, right? But it was just never the right time what with Renamon around all the time. I mean, I like Rika. I can't remember exactly when I realized this, but I slowly started thinking about her more and more, and started noticing her more and stuff. I also always had a little pinch in my stomach whenever she was near. Being alone with Rika made my stomach start doing flips, but I also realized that I kinda liked it. Still, I had to ask, so...
"Um... Rika... could... could I ask you a question?"
"What?" Great. She didn't look happy, so I used my fall back.
"Well... um... I was just wondering... where does Renamon appear from like that? Like, how does she just 'disappear'?" Not quite the question I originally had planned, but its so hard sometimes to ask these things.
"You wouldn't understand even if I told you, Gogglehead."
"You don't know either, huh?"
"I- ah- that's not what I said!"
"Should we sit?" I motioned to the bench in front of the fountain, she nodded, and we sat down. "So you don't know?"
"Well... no, actually. Was that all that you were going to ask?"
"Well... yeah. Kinda." We just sat in silence for a little while, until Rika finally broke it.
"No... never mind. Forget it."
"Oh... okay." More silence. I figured that I was too nervous to speak to her, and that she was probably thinking about something else. Some big, important, mysterious thing.
"Thanks." The silence was a bit awkward, so I thought I should say something.
"For coming today. And for staying, as well. It was really nice having you around."
"Oh." More silence. "Look, I'm sorry, but it's just... I don't usually get compliments... well, I mean, not genuine ones. So I don't really know how to react, or what to say." She seemed very interested in something next to her feet as she said that.
"'Thanks' is always a good place to start." I smiled at her, and she started to smile back. Not much, but a little, and that was enough for me.
"Well then... thanks, Takato."
"Oh... uh... er... thanks, to you too..." I was blushing, 'cause I knew how stupid I must have sounded, but all I could think of on the spot was my own advice.
"Its beautiful, isn't it?" I didn't know what else to say. It must have sounded so dumb and clichéd, but I couldn't turn back now, I guess.
"The setting sun."
"Yeah... sort of."
"I suppose you're used to being around pretty things, right? What with you being a girl, and your Mom being who she is, and... well... you being you." She was going a bit red again. Man, I must really suck at this. I've always wanted a chance to be alone with Rika, to get to know her a bit better, and to try and figure out why I always feel like jelly inside when she's near. (It's a good feeling though.) Now that we are alone, what do I do? I start trying to give her clichéd compliments and talking about sunsets! How dumb! She must think I'm a total moron. Still, I did mean it, but I didn't want to just say 'Oh, by the way Rika, I think you're beautiful.' -THAT- would have made her mad, and I would have sounded even more dumb.
"Thanks..." My thoughts were abruptly interrupted, and that thing near her feet must have come back or something. "But it's nothing like that, actually."
"Living with my Mom. Its not all its cracked up to be. She doesn't understand me at all. She thinks that nothing is more important than looking beautiful, and tries to get me to wear all these stupid dresses and hats and stuff."
"How come?"
"To try and make me look pretty, of course."
"But you're so pretty already... why would your mom want to try and make you prettier?" Silence. Nice going Takato! Why does my mouth work faster than my brain? ARRGG! I can't believe I said that! I wasn't thinking! What do I do? What do I say now? She's gonna think I'm a freak or something! I have to do something! "Um... I'm... I... er... Rika, I'm... I'm sorry." Might as well confess, 'cause I'm sure she knows what's going on with me already by now. I mean, I wasn't exactly discreet.
"Huh?" She looked hurt and... disappointed?
"Um... not for the pretty thing. I mean, you -are- a very beautiful girl, and I meant what I said, but... um... I'm sorry... for telling you... like this. I didn't mean to say anything like that. I know that when someone likes someone else, and they don't like that person back, then its unfair on the second person, and that it hurts the first one, but I don't mind feeling hurt because I know that its better for you and-"
"-I know that you know... uh, yeah?"
"What are you talking about? You're not making sense."
"Um... I like you Rika. A lot. But I know you don't like me much, so I know that if I said or tried anything to, you know, get you to like me back, that that would be wrong. And I didn't want you to feel weird around me if you knew how I feel. So I figured that if I just never said anything then it would just go away eventually, which is probably for the best, considering that you don't like me like that. "
"Um... I'm still not too sure that I follow you, but... you... you're saying that... you like...
"Yeah." Everything felt like a dream. I knew she was gonna just get up and leave any minute.
"Thanks... Takato." She was smiling at me! Smiling! I think I now know why Rika doesn't smile too
often: because she has the smile of an Angel. It's a bit like her own unique special attack: the 'Stunning Rika Smile', but so much more powerful than anything like an attack. I don't think I'd ever seen anything as beautiful as her face that evening just looking at me, smiling. In fact, I don't think that there is anything more beautiful than that in the world. After a few moments of silence, I realized that I was blushing like crazy, and I instinctively looked down.
"I thought you liked Jeri though..." She was also looking down, again.
"Huh? Yeah, I do. But not like that. We're just friends. She was the one that told me that, actually."
"But I saw you today with her. Like when she hugged you."
"Yeah. That -was- kinda surprising, wasn't it? But we both know that its nothing like that, because I
like another girl... But look, like I said, I know that you don't like me in that way, so-"
"I shouldn't say this... and if you tell anyone, you're dead... but..." She leaned closer to me, and
She kissed me.
"... I -do- like you Takato. And I do mean 'in that way'." She was a little pink, but I finally realized that it was actually her blushing. I know I was too, and I was just so stunned. Dreams like this... they don't actually come true, do they? Although here I was, and mine had. It was just a gentle kiss on the lips, but it had felt like Heaven should feel. My stomach was about to explode in a mass of butterflies, and I could feel my face burning, but it was all so good. Then, I suddenly got an idea.
"-I- shouldn't do this... and if you tell anyone, -I'm- dead... but..." I leaned in, and kissed her again, but this time with more passion. She kissed back, because she was also expecting it this time. I was back in Heaven for a few moments while our tongues quietly danced.
When we broke it off, we just sat for a bit looking at each other. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of blueish purple that I had ever seen, and I would have been lost for ever in them if she hadn't closed them and put her head on my shoulder. She just lay there staring at the fountain, and I just started looking too, taking in the feel of her warmth.
"So?" She spoke, but didn't move.
"Huh?" I looked down at her, but she was still looking ahead.
"How did I do?"
"Oh... you were great. Definitely the best kisser I've ever kissed. Without a doubt." I knew that she knew that I had never kissed a girl before, and I knew that she knew I was just teasing. "And me?"
"The same." I couldn't see her face, but I had a feeling that she was smiling her amazing smile again.
"You know what? You tasted a bit like those awesome icy mints that you sometimes get at restaurants and stuff. I love those things." It was true after all. She did taste a bit like that, and I do love them, although I'll never be able to eat one in the same way again.
"Hmmmm... I'm glad you liked it." We both started laughing, and I just realized that I had never heard her laugh before, and I was so very sorry that I hadn't. Like her smile, it was one of the world's best kept secrets.
--- --- --- ---
We were sitting like that for a bit when we suddenly heard a *crack* behind us. Rika jumped up and away from me, and I spun around, only to look face to face with a Guilmon sprawled just in front of a bush. We were both blushing like crazy, and the only thing Rika thought of was to pretend that she was angry.
"It's about time, Guilmon. Has Renamon finished with you yet? Can I leave Gogglehead now?" She glanced at me for a second, smiled quickly, and winked. I knew she was just trying to pretend that nothing had happened so that she wouldn't lose her reputation. I winked back, and stood up too.
"Yeah, can we go now, Guilmon? It's getting late." Renamon just appeared out of nowhere, and Rika let
out a sigh.
"Finally. Well, goodbye Takato." And just before she was about to walk away, she whispered "I'll call you later." I smiled at her, and thought about waving, but then decided against it. I wouldn't want to give her away, after all.
"Bye Rika. Thanks again for being so patient." And she left. On the way home, I started to wonder what Renamon had wanted Guilmon for.
"Guilmon, what did Renamon talk about?"
"Hmmm... some stuff about... 'a Tamer's space', or something. She wanted me to stand still in a bush for a while, too. Every time I tried to ask if I had done it for long enough, she put her hand over my mouth, and she wouldn't let me move. And then she just pushed me out of the bush, and we left. Takato... why did she do that?" I laughed. I wondered how much of what happened had been planned beforehand, but I really didn't mind at all.
"You know, I really have no idea." I said with a knowing smile. After all, I had so much to smile about now.
Of course, I also wrote it because life isn't fluffly and waffy enough, so I decided to let my imagination show how I think life should be. :) Ah... I can wish, right? Oh, and also, thanks a lot for reading this story, as that is the reason I write fanfics after all. Questions, comments, criticisms, statements, flames, unrelated stories, anything at all: accepted and welcome. Just please, no spam. I hate spam. Enough with my rambling...
I don't own Digimon. I am not making money. I have no money. Please don't sue.
Woohoo! It's Saturday! Yeah! Okay, so I was excited, all right? I'm allowed to be, after all, 'cause weekends are everything to kids. I had planned to sneak some bread and creampuffs into my backpack after breakfast and then take them to Guilmon, but my plans were ruined when...
"TAKATO! What are you doing?!?"
...Mom busted me. Luckily for me, my Dad called in from the next room and totally saved me, by saying that its okay because he's already paid for them and said that I can have them! How's that for cool? I sure owe him big time. Still, I couldn't thank him right there, because then Mom would know that he
was covering for me, so I just agreed and ran out. I didn't go straight to the park though, because I ran round to the front entrance and caught my Dad's eye, mouthed "Thank you" through the window, smiled, waved, and ran off to the park.
"Heya Henry, Terriermon. How're you guys today?"
"Hey Takato. We're both fine, isn't that right Terriermon?"
"I'd be a lot better if Suzie would stop playing dress-up with me." Terriermon didn't look too happy.
"He's just bitter because Suzie has a much better fashion sense than he does." Henry teased.
"WHAT? You think I'd *WANT* to wear *ANYTHING* that she puts on me?"
"Huh? You mean you don't? That's not what you were saying this morning?"
"WWWHHHAAATTT?!?!?!?!" Terriermon was boiling at this time. I just had to laugh, and Henry couldn't keep as straight face for much longer either.
"Don't worry. I'm only teasing, you know."
"You'd better be sorry. Some things just should never be said even as a joke and any of Suzie's games definitely qualify."
"So is Rika coming?" I asked, wondering Where *that* question come from? Still, it would be rude not to invite her at least, even though she'd never be interested in just hanging around in a park all day with me- er, I mean, us. I'm sure she has a million better things to do than that.
"Um... I haven't spoken to her, so I dunno. Did you call her?"
"No... but I suppose I should, right? I mean, I don't wanna be rude or anything..."
"Yeah... but she might not come. You know how she is."
"Yeah, but still... I'll call, just in case she does want to. You know, she should join us more often, I think. It'd be good for the team and stuff."
"Um... er... Takato..." I thought I saw him mouth "Turn around" or something like that, so I quickly glanced over my shoulder, only to see a slightly-red faced Rika standing at the gate glaring right at me. My stomach knotted.
"Er- hi Rika. I- I was just about to go call you... you know, to ask... if you wanted to hang out today... and stuff..." I was scared 'cause she looked mad, and was going red. I figured it must have been because I said she should join us more often.
"Well, I'm here, but not because of you two, but because Renamon wanted to see Guilmon and Terriermon. Oh, And Gogglehead?"
"There is no 'team', and if there was, I wouldn't be in it. So I don't 'need' to do anything I don't want to? Got it?" I was right. She was mad. I tried to smile at her, but I don't think that she noticed, and I don't think that it came out too well.
"Takato! Henry!" Jeri was here too. We'd organized to just get the whole gang together in the park, 'cause Kazu and Kenta wanted to see Guilmon, and Jeri wanted to play with him. Why a girl would think a fierce, flaming red dinosaur is 'cute' is beyond me though, but I don't mind. I like having Jeri around. She's cool.
It was fun having everyone together. We mostly just ran around with the digimon, splashed in the fountain, and played the Digimon card game, even though Jeri couldn't play. Rika didn't join in unfortunately, except when we played cards, and only after I asked her to. Still, she won every match she played. I could have beaten her once, though, I think, but I decided it would be best if I let her win. She was already mad enough at me, and I didn't want to ruin her reputation in front of Kazu or Kenta. They're actually scared of her, which is pretty funny. I mean, I know she's cold and harsh on the outside, but I'm sure underneath she's probably different. In fact, I'm almost positive about it.
Renamon didn't do much either, and when she wasn't talking to Guilmon, Terriermon or Rika, she was just lying on a branch in a tree, watching over Rika I suppose. The two had come because Renamon wanted to speak to Guilmon and Terriermon, but then said that they should play and have fun, and that she'll speak to them afterwards. Rika seemed a bit annoyed, but I think Renamon knows more than she's letting on. Not anything bad or anything, but it seemed like she had a plan that Rika didn't even know about. Still, not that I was complaining. I was just glad to be able to spend any time with Rika at all, so a whole day was pretty cool.
--- --- --- ---
The sun was just starting to set, Kazu had already left, and Kenta and Jeri had to go.
"Bye Guilmon, Terriermon, Renamon! Be good, okay?" Jeri waved enthusiastically at the Digimon, and then at Henry and Rika too. I was about to wave to her, you know, just in case she'd forgotten about me or something, but just as I was about to, she came up to me and gave me a quick hug. I was so surprised that I didn't hug back immediately, but I quickly caught on, and she didn't seem offended. When we separated, we both smiled and said our goodbyes. I turned to go back to Henry and Rika, only to see Henry walking off with Terriermon, and Rika looking a little upset.
"Uh, Rika? Where's he going?"
"Home, Gogglehead."
"Huh? Wait! Henry!" But he just turned around, smiled and waved, so I just waved back and called out a goodbye.
"How weird. Um... didn't Renamon want to talk to Terriermon about something though?"
"I think they already did."
"Oh. Has she spoken to Guilmon yet?"
"I dunno. Renamon?" Rika asked. Renamon just appeared from nowhere, which always makes me feel a little nervous, even though it's a pretty cool skill. "Didn't you want to speak with Guilmon?"
"Yes. Where is he, Takato?" Can Renamon smile? She looked like she had a tiny one, a bit like a smirk, but I couldn't really tell.
"Um... I'll go find him, if you could just wait for a sec..." I was about to run off, when she stopped me.
"Don't worry, I'll go find him. You two, please wait here. What I must say cannot be revealed to you just yet."
"Renamon?" Rika looked even less pleased at this.
"Don't worry Rika, I will tell you everything afterwards." And she disappeared again. Well, I figured that it was now or never. I mean, I had to pop the question to Rika sometime, right? But it was just never the right time what with Renamon around all the time. I mean, I like Rika. I can't remember exactly when I realized this, but I slowly started thinking about her more and more, and started noticing her more and stuff. I also always had a little pinch in my stomach whenever she was near. Being alone with Rika made my stomach start doing flips, but I also realized that I kinda liked it. Still, I had to ask, so...
"Um... Rika... could... could I ask you a question?"
"What?" Great. She didn't look happy, so I used my fall back.
"Well... um... I was just wondering... where does Renamon appear from like that? Like, how does she just 'disappear'?" Not quite the question I originally had planned, but its so hard sometimes to ask these things.
"You wouldn't understand even if I told you, Gogglehead."
"You don't know either, huh?"
"I- ah- that's not what I said!"
"Should we sit?" I motioned to the bench in front of the fountain, she nodded, and we sat down. "So you don't know?"
"Well... no, actually. Was that all that you were going to ask?"
"Well... yeah. Kinda." We just sat in silence for a little while, until Rika finally broke it.
"No... never mind. Forget it."
"Oh... okay." More silence. I figured that I was too nervous to speak to her, and that she was probably thinking about something else. Some big, important, mysterious thing.
"Thanks." The silence was a bit awkward, so I thought I should say something.
"For coming today. And for staying, as well. It was really nice having you around."
"Oh." More silence. "Look, I'm sorry, but it's just... I don't usually get compliments... well, I mean, not genuine ones. So I don't really know how to react, or what to say." She seemed very interested in something next to her feet as she said that.
"'Thanks' is always a good place to start." I smiled at her, and she started to smile back. Not much, but a little, and that was enough for me.
"Well then... thanks, Takato."
"Oh... uh... er... thanks, to you too..." I was blushing, 'cause I knew how stupid I must have sounded, but all I could think of on the spot was my own advice.
"Its beautiful, isn't it?" I didn't know what else to say. It must have sounded so dumb and clichéd, but I couldn't turn back now, I guess.
"The setting sun."
"Yeah... sort of."
"I suppose you're used to being around pretty things, right? What with you being a girl, and your Mom being who she is, and... well... you being you." She was going a bit red again. Man, I must really suck at this. I've always wanted a chance to be alone with Rika, to get to know her a bit better, and to try and figure out why I always feel like jelly inside when she's near. (It's a good feeling though.) Now that we are alone, what do I do? I start trying to give her clichéd compliments and talking about sunsets! How dumb! She must think I'm a total moron. Still, I did mean it, but I didn't want to just say 'Oh, by the way Rika, I think you're beautiful.' -THAT- would have made her mad, and I would have sounded even more dumb.
"Thanks..." My thoughts were abruptly interrupted, and that thing near her feet must have come back or something. "But it's nothing like that, actually."
"Living with my Mom. Its not all its cracked up to be. She doesn't understand me at all. She thinks that nothing is more important than looking beautiful, and tries to get me to wear all these stupid dresses and hats and stuff."
"How come?"
"To try and make me look pretty, of course."
"But you're so pretty already... why would your mom want to try and make you prettier?" Silence. Nice going Takato! Why does my mouth work faster than my brain? ARRGG! I can't believe I said that! I wasn't thinking! What do I do? What do I say now? She's gonna think I'm a freak or something! I have to do something! "Um... I'm... I... er... Rika, I'm... I'm sorry." Might as well confess, 'cause I'm sure she knows what's going on with me already by now. I mean, I wasn't exactly discreet.
"Huh?" She looked hurt and... disappointed?
"Um... not for the pretty thing. I mean, you -are- a very beautiful girl, and I meant what I said, but... um... I'm sorry... for telling you... like this. I didn't mean to say anything like that. I know that when someone likes someone else, and they don't like that person back, then its unfair on the second person, and that it hurts the first one, but I don't mind feeling hurt because I know that its better for you and-"
"-I know that you know... uh, yeah?"
"What are you talking about? You're not making sense."
"Um... I like you Rika. A lot. But I know you don't like me much, so I know that if I said or tried anything to, you know, get you to like me back, that that would be wrong. And I didn't want you to feel weird around me if you knew how I feel. So I figured that if I just never said anything then it would just go away eventually, which is probably for the best, considering that you don't like me like that. "
"Um... I'm still not too sure that I follow you, but... you... you're saying that... you like...
"Yeah." Everything felt like a dream. I knew she was gonna just get up and leave any minute.
"Thanks... Takato." She was smiling at me! Smiling! I think I now know why Rika doesn't smile too
often: because she has the smile of an Angel. It's a bit like her own unique special attack: the 'Stunning Rika Smile', but so much more powerful than anything like an attack. I don't think I'd ever seen anything as beautiful as her face that evening just looking at me, smiling. In fact, I don't think that there is anything more beautiful than that in the world. After a few moments of silence, I realized that I was blushing like crazy, and I instinctively looked down.
"I thought you liked Jeri though..." She was also looking down, again.
"Huh? Yeah, I do. But not like that. We're just friends. She was the one that told me that, actually."
"But I saw you today with her. Like when she hugged you."
"Yeah. That -was- kinda surprising, wasn't it? But we both know that its nothing like that, because I
like another girl... But look, like I said, I know that you don't like me in that way, so-"
"I shouldn't say this... and if you tell anyone, you're dead... but..." She leaned closer to me, and
She kissed me.
"... I -do- like you Takato. And I do mean 'in that way'." She was a little pink, but I finally realized that it was actually her blushing. I know I was too, and I was just so stunned. Dreams like this... they don't actually come true, do they? Although here I was, and mine had. It was just a gentle kiss on the lips, but it had felt like Heaven should feel. My stomach was about to explode in a mass of butterflies, and I could feel my face burning, but it was all so good. Then, I suddenly got an idea.
"-I- shouldn't do this... and if you tell anyone, -I'm- dead... but..." I leaned in, and kissed her again, but this time with more passion. She kissed back, because she was also expecting it this time. I was back in Heaven for a few moments while our tongues quietly danced.
When we broke it off, we just sat for a bit looking at each other. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of blueish purple that I had ever seen, and I would have been lost for ever in them if she hadn't closed them and put her head on my shoulder. She just lay there staring at the fountain, and I just started looking too, taking in the feel of her warmth.
"So?" She spoke, but didn't move.
"Huh?" I looked down at her, but she was still looking ahead.
"How did I do?"
"Oh... you were great. Definitely the best kisser I've ever kissed. Without a doubt." I knew that she knew that I had never kissed a girl before, and I knew that she knew I was just teasing. "And me?"
"The same." I couldn't see her face, but I had a feeling that she was smiling her amazing smile again.
"You know what? You tasted a bit like those awesome icy mints that you sometimes get at restaurants and stuff. I love those things." It was true after all. She did taste a bit like that, and I do love them, although I'll never be able to eat one in the same way again.
"Hmmmm... I'm glad you liked it." We both started laughing, and I just realized that I had never heard her laugh before, and I was so very sorry that I hadn't. Like her smile, it was one of the world's best kept secrets.
--- --- --- ---
We were sitting like that for a bit when we suddenly heard a *crack* behind us. Rika jumped up and away from me, and I spun around, only to look face to face with a Guilmon sprawled just in front of a bush. We were both blushing like crazy, and the only thing Rika thought of was to pretend that she was angry.
"It's about time, Guilmon. Has Renamon finished with you yet? Can I leave Gogglehead now?" She glanced at me for a second, smiled quickly, and winked. I knew she was just trying to pretend that nothing had happened so that she wouldn't lose her reputation. I winked back, and stood up too.
"Yeah, can we go now, Guilmon? It's getting late." Renamon just appeared out of nowhere, and Rika let
out a sigh.
"Finally. Well, goodbye Takato." And just before she was about to walk away, she whispered "I'll call you later." I smiled at her, and thought about waving, but then decided against it. I wouldn't want to give her away, after all.
"Bye Rika. Thanks again for being so patient." And she left. On the way home, I started to wonder what Renamon had wanted Guilmon for.
"Guilmon, what did Renamon talk about?"
"Hmmm... some stuff about... 'a Tamer's space', or something. She wanted me to stand still in a bush for a while, too. Every time I tried to ask if I had done it for long enough, she put her hand over my mouth, and she wouldn't let me move. And then she just pushed me out of the bush, and we left. Takato... why did she do that?" I laughed. I wondered how much of what happened had been planned beforehand, but I really didn't mind at all.
"You know, I really have no idea." I said with a knowing smile. After all, I had so much to smile about now.