Hi guys! I'm back with the new chapter! A big thanks to those who left a review and to Magic Basher54986 my super beta reader! Enjoy!

Chapter 5:

Kim woke the next day feeling like she could fly. She was happy, as in really happy. She had confessed her true feelings to her green skinned goddess the day before and even if Shego hadn't said that she returned them, she said that she was willing to give it a try.

The redhead was satisfied with that. At least for the moment.

She slowly rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands to get the sleep out of them when she noticed something laying on the pillow next to her. It was a piece of paper. The cheerleader didn't remember a piece of paper when she went to bed. But then again, she had other thoughts in her head the night before.

She picked it up and saw that it was a note written in a beautiful handwriting that wasn't hers. Curious about what it was, she began reading it:

Good morning Princess,

I know you're wondering how this note got on your bed so here's your answer, I put it there last night, I snicked into your room when you were asleep. Don't be so surprised, I AM the best thief for a reason.

Kim smiled at that and then kept reading.

I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go see a movie and maybe eat tonight. Just dinner and a movie, nothing special. Write you answer on this note, see you soon,


P:S: I'm sorry I couldn't ask you in person but I'm kinda busy today, you know Drakken and his plans…

The redhead smiled once again and quickly grabbed a pen to write a response.

Sure I want to. Just tell me what time...

Kim thought that it would be a great opportunity to get to know each other better, she knew the thief pretty well after all the years they had fought, but it wasn't enough anymore. She wanted to know everything Shego liked and disliked.

She put the piece of paper on her pillow and then left for school.

"Hey, KP!" Ron waved at her as she entered the school cafeteria.

"Hi, Ron! How are you? Isn't it a good day today?" Kim greeted him with a big smile.

"Wow, Kim, what happened?" he questioned her when she went to sit beside him. "You're practically glowing!"

"Oh you wouldn't believe me if I told you"

"What? Bueno Nacho is selling Tacos for free? Finally!" he exclaimed.

"No! This has to do with…" she looked around to make sure that no one was listening to their conversation "Shego" she whispered.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Shego came to my house last night.."

The redhead told him every detail of what happened the night before and she watched how his expression changed as she talked and was amused by it.

"WOW KP! This is absolutely great! I told you since the beginning to tell her the truth, didn't I?"

That afternoon, when Kim arrived at home, she went straight to her room and found the folded piece of paper on her desk, meaning that Shego had been there again.

She rushed toward it and began reading Shego's response.

Good. I'll pick you up at 7:30, we'll go diner and then at the cinema. Dress casual so your parents won't get suspicious. See you later,


Kim looked at her clock, it was 5:30. She had two hours to shower and get dressed.

She quickly showered, then she spent almost half hour deciding what to wear. The redhead eventually picked a cute new pair of jeans, a light purple blouse and a scarf to hide the hickey Shego gave her the night before.

She then put on some light make up and did her hair in a pony tail with some loose strands which framed her face.

At 7:25 the teen hero came downstairs and her mother noticed that she was going out.

"Where are you going Kimmie-cub?"

"Out. I'm going to see a movie and have dinner with Ron."

It wasn't a total lie so she didn't have many problems lying to her mother but she still blushed.

"Oh, ok. Don't stay out after midnight young lady."

"Ok! Later!"

The redhead said goodbye to both of her parents then she went out to wait for Shego to pick her up.

About two minutes later a black sport car pulled up beside her and she could see the thief inside.

"C'mon, Princess, or we're going to be late for dinner."

Shego was wearing an outfit similar to her own. She had black jeans and under her jacket she could see the edge of a green blouse.

"Hi Shego. This is your car?" The villain nodded slightly. "It's so cool!"

They talked all throughout the journey to Upperton about the simplest things. Kim was coming to know things about Shego that she would have never imagined. Who knew that the green skinned villainess liked poetry?

They eventually arrived at the restaurant and then made their orders to a waiter.

"No way!" Kim exclaimed when Shego told her she had a degree in child development.

"It's true," she stated.

"So you're a teacher? That's just… wow! I didn't expect you to have a degree in child development of all things."

The thief chuckled. "Why not?"

"Well I've always seen you as a more… I don't know, a physics girl I guess."

"Ahahah no… physics, or math in general, is really not my thing. But tell me Princess. What would you like to do after graduation?"

"I'm not sure. My mother wants me to pursue a medical career and my father wants me to become a rocket scientist. But to tell the truth... I like psychology." The redhead sighed. "There's also the fact that Betty keeps asking me about once a week if I would join GJ as a special agent after high school… It's not as if I dislike the idea, but I'd like to do something other than saving the world on daily basis all my life."

Their food arrived and it was as good as it looked.

"Pumpkin, don't let other people make your decisions. If you don't want to join GJ, just tell the cyclops no. Personally I think you'd make a great psychologist," the thief told her as they ate.

The redheaded hero and the green skinned villainess continued to talk all throughout dinner until the waiter came back with the bill. Kim was about to take out her wallet but Shego was faster.

"Don't even think about it, Princess. I asked you out, I pay the bill." She put some money on the table, then they returned to the car.

"So…" the cheerleader started when they pulled up in front of the cinema. "What kind of movie would you like to watch?"

"I don't know" Shego responded "You pick while I buy us some candy."

She went to the bar while Kim decided which movie to see. There were some comedies but she didn't think Shego would like them much, then there was a cartoon and a horror movie. The redhead figured the thief liked horror movies even if she herself wasn't a fan of them. She eventually bought two tickets and then went to meet with Shego.

"What are we watching?"

Kim showed her the tickets.

"A horror movie? Seriously Pumpkin?"

"Yeah, why? You think I'll be scared?" she pouted a little.

They sat down two rows from the back. There weren't many other people in the room, so Shego could put her arm around the girl's shoulders without fear of drawing attention. You never know who could be in the same room.

The lights died down as the film started. It was a good horror movie, but Kim was not interested in it. She was focused on watching Shego's profile and how the light reflected on her pale green skin. She found it really entertaining and beautiful.

Halfway through the movie, when on the screen a psychopath wrote letters with blood, the redhead wondered if the villainess had ever done this before.

"Shego," she whispered.

The woman turned toward her, "Yeah?"

"Have you ever done this before? I mean, going out with a woman?"

"No," she stated simply. "Have you?"

Kim blushed and shook her head. Shego smiled softly then she placed a kiss on the girl's cheek. Sometimes she was just too cute for her own good.

"Don't worry, Pumpkin. We'll make this work."

The cheerleader nodded and smiled back. At that point, a man turned toward them and shushed the two.

Sighing, Shego embraced the younger girl close to her body and they turned their attention back to the murder that was happening on the screen.

A/N: here it is! I hope you enjoyed, please leave a review and let me know what you think!