A/N: Here's the last chapter for you all! I really hope you've enjoyed reading this story. Please review and let me know :)
Chapter 6
Bilbo slowly and groggily began to regain consciousness. He felt decidedly better rested than he had been in a long time, and as he became more aware of his surroundings he felt the warm body pressed against his back and memories came flooding back of the previous night.
Bilbo's eyes shot open and he looked down at his chest, taking in the strong muscled arm pulled tightly around him in a warm embrace. A smile broke out on Bilbo's face as he remembered the evening, the heated looks that Thorin had sent his way, and he blushed as he remembered what it had all led to. It was this thought that made Bilbo realise that he and Thorin were still naked, and he blushed an even darker shade of red.
Despite how willingly he had entered into this with Thorin, he wasn't the sort of hobbit that went around sleeping with anyone and everyone. In fact, he was a well established bachelor and was not afraid to admit that Thorin was the first person he had ever been intimate with on this level. There had been the odd kiss with a hobbit lass or two as he was growing up, but nothing had felt as right as this feeling he had right now. Bilbo only hoped that Thorin would not regret his actions, or even tell Bilbo he had changed his mind about inviting him on the quest.
As Bilbo lay in Thorin's arms, pondering his feelings and what this would lead to, Thorin began to stir. Bilbo felt the dwarf's strong arm squeeze tighter around him in a sleepy hug, and heard a muffled "Good morning, Bilbo" breathed into his ear. Bilbo immediately felt swarms of butterflies fly round his stomach and he couldn't help but let a big grin appear on his face.
Turning round, he locked eyes with Thorin and grinned even wider, snuggling closer to him so he could feel the heat radiating off his body. A soft smile broke out on Thorin's face in reply, and he cuddled Bilbo even closer to his chest. It was almost overwhelming, this feeling of complete contentment, and Bilbo let it wash over him as he lay there in bed, losing track of time.
After a while he came to his senses again and realised he was going to have to talk to Thorin about where they stood. Would Thorin want an actual relationship with Bilbo after this, or was he just good fun for one night? The doubts began to creep into his mind, and his expression must have looked troubled because Thorin gave him a concerned look and stroked his thumb over Bilbo's cheek.
"What's wrong, Bilbo? You look like something is bothering you." Thorin looked anxiously at his face, and his concern gave Bilbo enough courage to speak his fears aloud.
"I was just thinking, Thorin, about...well, about us I suppose. I'm just worried that you might not want to pursue anything with me after this, that you have no interest in anything other than what happened last night..." He trailed off, refusing to meet Thorin's eye as he looked down at the bed sheet that he was anxiously twisting around in his hands. He heard a small sigh, and Thorin gently put his hand under Bilbo's chin, tilting his face up so he would look Thorin in the eye.
"Bilbo, I am not the kind of dwarf that would spend the night with you and then leave you the next day, as if you meant nothing to me. I would like nothing more than to repeat this with you, of course, but it's not just about anything physical. There's something about you, Bilbo Baggins, something that sets my heart racing. Dwarfs only love once, Mr Baggins, and unless I'm very much mistaken I believe this could be the beginning of something much more permanent...I don't want to scare you off, of course. You're under no obligation to stay with me..."
Thorin trailed off, looking as if he had said too much. Bilbo, however, was in awe. That a dwarf like Thorin, a king at that, could even begin to fall for him seemed so astounding that he almost needed to pinch himself to ensure he wasn't still asleep. He breathed a deep sigh of relief, letting out all the tension that had crept up on him during this conversation. Taking Thorin by surprise, he grabbed him round the middle and kissed him soundly on the mouth, feeling Thorin smile against his face and then return the kiss with much enthusiasm. They forgot their conversation for quite a while, and surfaced a bit later, flushed and grinning in each other's arms.
"Thorin, in response to what you said earlier...of course I want to stay with you. We have a very important quest ahead of us, and I'm sure it would do neither of us any good to get distracted along the way, but I believe that I was chosen for this quest for a reason, and that reason may just involve you. I know it's only early days, but I want to try. And anyway, as if I could keep myself away from you now! I'd have a hard time trying to ignore you all the way to the Lonely Mountain."
Bilbo grinned at Thorin, and the dwarf swept him up into what was becoming his trademark bear hug. They settled back down in the bed next to each other, Bilbo absentmindedly stroking his hand through Thorin's long, silky hair. He didn't know exactly what was ahead of them on this perilous quest to reclaim a lost kingdom, but the one thing he knew for certain was that something special was growing between himself and the king, and it was worth fighting for.
The End
So there you have it! Please please review, let me know if I'm going wrong and make me feel inspired to write more! x