A.N. Just to prove that I'm good-for-nothing, I'm doing this drabble… no, well it's not just to prove I also wanna do it… :}

Warnings: yaoi – manxman, AU, drabble, LawLu.

Disclaimer: Have you ever seen… *sigh* actually there's no examples as almost everything these days is possible, though unfortunately, it's not possible for me to own One Piece…


Law's POV

The rhythm of music was almost earsplitting, the lights flashed in different colors and the smoke machine was working its job by making everything misty. The song that was on was a remix of Animals and the dance floor was going wild. In the mass of people one person always flashed in my eyes and when he did I couldn't take my eyes off him. When he would disappear into the crowd my eyes would immediately start searching for him.

The way he swayed his hips, as smooth as river water, his moves were steady, from side to side. His knees were bent a little and his hands were raised a little, they were moving in the tact with the beat. I saw a tiny trail of sweat run through his neck and gulped; damn, that's sexy and cute at the same time… He was surrounded by a bunch of odd looking people, four women and seven men they had formed a circle with women in the middle and danced.

My drink was getting warm in my hand, but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from him. The song gradually changed into remix of Timberlake's What Goes Around, the short haired guy I couldn't turn my eyes from started doing round hip moves that were even more mesmerizing then the ones before. I gripped my glass tighter; he's just like a sex icon right now…

I bit my lip, sighed and managed to get my eyes of him; I'm getting so worked up over a stranger who's probably not even bi… I took a big gulp from my glass and turned my back to the dance floor, away from sexy stranger with mesmerizing hip moves. I sat there for a minute or two before something patted my shoulder.

I turned around hopping to see some acquaintance which happened to notice me and decided to chat with me. But instead I saw the guy from the dance floor, now that he was closer I noticed that there's a scar under his left eye and that his eyes are a beautiful brown color. He grins to me with a huge smile and feel breathless; up close he's even more cute… "Will you buy me a drink?"

No matter how much those words made me happy, I didn't know him, maybe he's some wicked guy (which I really doubt) and just tries to get a drink from me… "Why should I?"

A little bit of his confidence melted away and I immediately regretted my words; it's obvious it wasn't easy for him to come here… "I wanted to join you on your drink, you looked kind of lonely sitting here…"

The guy had a fain blush on his cheeks saying those words; damn, he's so cute… I patted the stool next to mine. "Come, I would like some company. I'm Trafalgar Law and you…?"

He again grinned with a wide grin. "Monkey D Luffy, nice to meet you!"

A.N. I almost fell asleep yesterday when I started writing this… :D Why? Well it just happened that our school carnival was at a club, so naturally after it there was a disco… and it inspired me writing this! And now I REALLY need to get ready for the school trip I'm soon leaving… Bye! Hope you enjoyed! See ya on Saturday! ;}