I am sooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long and I honestly feel so bad about it. I'm really really sorry. I feel so ashamed. feel free to shun me. I really am extremely sorry. *bows in sadness* Forgive my sins.


The Pharaoh sat on his throne and watched the partygoers laugh and talk to each other freely. Scarlet eyes narrowed in absolute boredom as he scanned the smiling faces. How come he wasn't having a good time like them? He cast a glance over to the wine bearers, all wearing a happy smile as they walked around, making sure that everyone had a full goblet. The Pharaoh glowered.

'Even the servants are having more fun than I am!' He thought to himself angrily and snatched up the wine goblet next to him, finishing its contents in three gulps. His eyes scanned the room before they landed on the one person he had been watching all night. Yugi walked through the crowded throne room with ease and chattered happily to the other performers. The material of his clothes billowed gracefully around him, revealing a fair amount of skin that would have any eye automatically latching onto him with interest. The young ruler was no exception. The Pharaoh's eyes traced over his form approvingly and he found a small smile gracing his features for the first time that night. The little circus performer truly was a sight to behold. He had enraptured the young ruler since the first time he had laid eyes on him and all at once, Atemu knew that the boy was meant to be his. No other should be able to possess such a rare and talented beauty except for him. Atemu chuckled to himself at the thought. No one else would have the boy to themselves.

"Is something amusing, cousin?" A smile voice interrupted Atemu's thoughts. He looked up to see the sparkling ice blue eyes of his cousin and high priest.

"It's nothing, Seto. Just admiring my possessions." He smiles and his eyes returned to watching the boy.

"Getting attached, are we, cousin?" Seto chuckled. "I never would have thought." Atemu rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Is it wrong that I admire what is mine? Last I checked, I made the rules here and I highly doubt that that was against the law." Seto laughed loudly.

"No, cousin. There is no such law, but it certainly is interesting that you would take such interest in him. Performers like him only seem to hold your interest for a week or so, yet he has managed to captivate you for months. Why is that, I wonder?" Seto asked teasingly to which Atemu scoffed.

"Nothing like what you are thinking, cousin. He simply is more interesting than others." Atemu responded smoothly, half lying to the both of them. It was clearly more than interest that kept the Pharaoh's eyes on the little performer, but Seto knew that it would take much to make the ruler acknowledge that. Atemu fumed in his seat and glanced over again to the small performer only to find that he was no longer where he last was. He scanned the crowd in front of him, worry blossoming in his chest, looking for the amethyst-eyed boy, finally finding him in one of the far corners. But it looked as if someone was holding him there by force. Yugi was squirming and had a look of terror in his eyes.


Yugi so far was having a pretty good time at the party, despite all his protests and disagreements with the others. After he and the others had finished their performance, they were allowed to stay and enjoy some of the festivities. The twins were currently sneaking as much food into their clothes as possible to take back while simultaneously stuffing their faces. Ren walked up to him and slung an arm around his shoulders, chuckling.

"They never change, do they?" Yugi laughed and shook his head.

"Not in the slightest." He replied and smiled. It was at times like these the he momentarily forgot that he is a captive held against his will by the Pharaoh himself and not with his family and the circus that he loved. Just the thought of his family and friends sent a pang of homesickness through him so strong that he nearly doubled over. Ren looked over in concern.

"Hey, are you ok?" Ren looked Yugi over with all the concern of a mother hen. Yugi nodded and straightened out, gently pushing him away.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit woozy. I just need a drink and then I'll be fine." Yugi assured him. Ren looked unconvinced, but didn't say anything, pushing Yugi in the direction of the refreshments. The smaller boy expertly wove in between the crowd, enough parties had at least taught him how to so that, to reach his goal only to have his arm grabbed and he was spun around so he was left facing an aqua haired man in white and gold robes. His face was split in a smile that seemed warm, but that warmth did not reach his eyes.

"My, my, what a spectacular performance, my dear." The man smiled and Yugi tried not to shiver. The man's eyes flashed with something that Yugi had seen many times in his years of service with the Pharaoh. Lust. Yugi plastered a smile on his face and nodded, hoping that he would be able to get away from the man as fast as possible if he just accepted his compliment.

"Thank you, sir. I tried my hardest." Yugi replied cheerily and tried to walk away but the man still had a firm grip on his upper arm.

"I'm sorry for introducing myself. My name is Dartz. I am the ruler of a small kingdom in the north. And who would you be, dear little flower?" Yugi tried his best to suppress a shiver and kept smiling.

"What an honor to meet you, my lord Dartz." Yugi bowed and tried to discreetly tug his arm away from Dartz but with still no success. "My name is Yugi." Dartz chuckled and pulled him close so he was whispering in his ear.

"I can see that you are quite flexible, my beauty. I wonder if you are like that all the time?" Dartz breathed into his ear. Yugi squirmed in his arms, not even trying to disguise that he was trying to get away. He looked around desperately for any of his friends, but they were nowhere in sight. Dartz wrapped an arm around his waist and braced them both against the wall.

"How would you be in a bed, I wonder? Screaming with me under the sheets?" Dartz purred in to his ear and Yugi was panicking.

'No, no, no! This can't be happening! Someone! Help me!' Yugi wriggled in Dartz's arms helplessly and thrashed around. No one would help him, he knew this, so there was no use calling out. Even if his friends were there, they wouldn't be able to help him. Dartz was royalty. There was no way that any of them could touch him without they themselves being killed. Yugi couldn't help himself either, he had to stay alive so he could one day get back to his family and the circus. Even if he had to go through the underworld to get them. Yugi braced himself and closed his eyes so he wouldn't be able to see what he had been dreading. Dartz got closer and Yugi could feel him breathing on his neck and he whimpered softly. Suddenly there was a cool breeze where Dartz had been pressing against him. He cautiously opened his eyes and was immediately shocked at what he saw. The Pharaoh was holding Dartz up by the front of his robes and far away from Yugi as possible. Red eyes were glaring up at the man with all the fiery fury of the flames from hell.

"You will stay away from him if you value for your life and our alliance." Atemu growled and Yugi shivered in fear. It was not a good idea to get the Pharaoh mad and right now, he looked absolutely furious.

"M-my Pharaoh! I-I meant no disrespect!" Dartz stammered, terrified under the furious gaze of the younger man.

"Whether you meant disrespect or not, you have done so!" Atemu boomed and the guests flinched at the tone. "You do not take what is mine, do you understand?" Atemu growled lowly and released the older man. Dartz stumbled back and fell on the floor, trembling and nodding in fear. Even is the shorter man was younger than him, he was absolutely terrifying. After all, this was the notorious Pharaoh of Egypt, absolutely ruthless towards those he held in contempt.

"I-I understand, Pharaoh." Dartz nodded and scrambled to get up before hurriedly rushing out of the room.

"Everyone out! The party is over!" Atemu boomed and the crow immediately began rushing for the exit. The guards around the room helped to herd the crowd out and Yugi looked around to see that his friends were leaving too. Yugi turned to leave, but his arm was caught by the Pharaoh.

"Not you, Yugi. I need to speak with you." Yugi froze in place and shot Rei a desperate look, but Rei could only look at him helplessly as he was led out. Soon, only the Pharaoh and Yugi were left in the room. Yugi was extremely aware of the hand still gripping his arm and tried his best to not fidget in place. He didn't dare to look up at Atemu's eyes in case that would earn him a beating by the guards. What had he done wrong? He didn't think that he had done anything to deserve this. But then again, he never really knew what happened in the minds of the royal.

"Are you ok?" a quiet voice snapped Yugi out of his thought and he look at the Pharaoh in surprise. He sounded so...concerned? No, that couldn't be right.

"I-I'm ok, Pharaoh." Yugi stuttered quietly and Atemu nodded, looking him over to make sure.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Atemu asked and Yugi felt more freaked out. What the hell was going on?

"I-I'm fine, Pharaoh. Nothing I'm not used to." Atemu frowned and looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it.

"Go back with the rest of them. I can tell you're fine. Stay out of trouble." The Pharaoh turned around and quickly swept out of the room, leaving Yugi extremely confused. He turned to go back outside and followed the rest of his friends surrounded in a confused haze. As he went back inside the complex, he was rushed by his friends.

"Hey, are you ok?!" the twins asked and clung to him.

"What happened?!" Hiruka hugged him and looked at him worriedly.

"What did the Pharaoh want?" Ren asked quietly. Yugi sighed and pushed them all away.

"Guys, I'm fine. Really. And he just wanted to see if I was fine after I was attacked by that Dartz guy. That's all." Yugi reassured them and they all looked relieved.

"But what did he say?" Peter asked and Yugi shrugged.

"He just wanted to know if I was ok." Yugi said and the rest stared at him.

"Really? That's it?" Ren asked and Yugi nodded.

"Yeah. It was…weird." Yugi said softly and shivered "And mildly disturbing. Please don't let this be a reoccurring thing." Ren chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah. Definitely the scariest thing that has ever happened." Ren said and Yugi laughed, nodded and walking back to his room.


Once again, I feel really bad about not updating in so long, so as an apology, I am putting in a bit of another story that I'm working on. It's a Rise of the Guardians fic with Jack Frost. :) I hope you like it.

Jack flew high in the hair, tears trailing down from crystal blue eyes and freezing before they even got to the bottom of his face and falling down like glittering diamonds to the Earth. His white hair was blown awry by the Wind who held him up. He soared through the sky while his heart screamed in agony and he shuddered at the pain that radiated through his body. He flew to the only place he would ever feel completely safe, his lake, and he let out a sigh of relief as his feet touched the frozen, icy surface of the pond. He stood for a second before dropping to his knees, his staff dropping beside him with a clatter and drops of blood falling to the ice, staining it a dark red, almost black and freezing to the spot. Sobs racked through his thin frame as he gripped his bleeding side, but it wasn't the physical pain that made him cry. He had had worse than that, but the complete and utter agony that pierced his heart made him feel as if he was dying. The betrayal he felt was too much for him and he curled up on the ice, trying to block it out. Friendly hands had caused this pain. On purpose.

And there it is. Give me a shout and tell me if you actually want me to post this new one. Please Rave and Review and stay true, my friends! Cookies and brownies all around!