Darkness fell over Youkai Academy as Tsukune left the classroom, having just finished research for his midterm essay, a study of youkai and human relations in medieval times. His soft brown eyes drooped sleepily as he ran his hand through his messy black hair. Gently the small silver holy lock chained to his wrist bumped across his head with a jingle.

Slowly he started walking toward the dorms, his tired eyes lowered to the ground. Almost as if on instinct he walked with a lazy pace, his mind blissfully blank for once. Bats fluttered through the trees, their squeaks nearly inaudible. Absently he wondered if Koumori, Kokoa's shape shifting companion, was among them on this starry night. Slowly he raised his eyes and realized he was staring directly into a pair of crystal blue eyes mere inches from his.

"Funny seeing you out here", Mizore mumbled, startling Tsukune so bad he fell back on his butt. Slowly, almost seductively, she straddled his legs and crawled toward him, pinning him in place with her lovingly frozen stare. "What took you so long?"

Nervously he reached his hand out to her shoulder, intending to halt her progress toward him. Somehow he just couldn't find the strength to push her away. Before he had a chance to reply her lips met his, the natural chill ever present in her lips sending a shiver of excitement up his spine. Instead of pushing her away he found himself pulling her closer, pressing her body to his as he deepened the kiss. A small happy moan escaped her as their tongues danced around each other. Slowly she pulled away from the kiss, a single strand of saliva fighting to keep them connected.

"I'm not Kurumu", she sighed as she stared into his eyes. "I won't try to charm you into doing something you don't want to." Slowly she turned her eyes away. "But I'm not Moka either, so I understand this kiss is all I will ever have."

Gently he turned her face back to him and passionately kissed her again, guiding her hands to his shoulders. Lovingly he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. With a fervor that surprised even himself, he kissed his way from her lips across her cheek and down the side of her neck, lightly nipping her shoulder as she shivered and moaned before placing several hot kisses on the hollow of her throat. "I wouldn't have it any other way" he sighed into her upper chest.

Tears of joy slipped from her eyes as she returned his kisses eagerly, struggling to pull his shirt over his head. Breaking the kiss just long enough to pull off the thin shirt and lay it aside, she returned to the task at hand with a passion she never knew. As if they had a mind of their own her hands flew to his belt, struggling to remove it as he tried to free her own body from her loose, striped shirt.

The sight of her flawless breasts heaving before him took his breath away. Slowly he dipped his head, taking first one erect nipple then the other into his mouth, his hands lifting her skirt to reveal the naked flesh of her most sacred area to him. Gently he slipped a hand between her thighs, eliciting another throaty moan from the ice maiden. With just a single touch he felt the slick wetness, amazed by her excitement. Slowly he removed his mouth from her breasts and stared questioningly into her eyes.

In silent answer to his question she finally opened the fly of his pants and exposed his swollen manhood, her eyes growing wide at the sheer size as it dwarfed her delicate hand. Slowly she ran her hand up and down the length of it, staring into his eyes as he moaned. Without a word she raised her hips, positioning the swollen tip against the tight opening of her sex. Passionately she locked her lips onto his as she lowered her hips, impaling herself on his throbbing shaft. Pain from the sudden loss of her virginity forced her eyes to squint as she slowly slid all the way down onto him.

Gently he pressed up into her as he massaged her breasts and deepened the kiss. Lovingly he held her close, waiting patiently for her pain to subside. Blushing from the mixture of pain and pleasure she began grinding her pelvis into his, trailing her hands across the scars that formed an x on his chest and up to the back of his head. Sighing happily she pulled him into a deep, hungry kiss.

Chuckling against her lips he reached around her, gripping her rear in his strong hands and forcing her hips up and down. With every push down he was rewarded with a small gasp or moan, her enjoyment of their union perfectly clear. Before long her breath started coming in ragged pants, sweat freezing to her bare skin as she came ever closer to her climax. Losing control of her youkai, a large sphere of ice formed around them, sealing them off from the world as her eyes squinted closed and her deepest muscles contracted and forced Tsukune's name from her lips in a scream of pure bliss.

Panting heavily she collapsed onto his chest, only to be rolled onto her back. One hand found her breast, the other coming to rest on her hip as the holy lock bounced against her side. Slowly he pulled out then slammed into her, hilting himself deep within her as she cried out at the sudden jolt of ecstasy. Repeatedly he slammed into her, grunting with each thrust as they came in shorter and shorter increments. A slight red tint snaked across his eyes, no longer pausing between thrusts. With a tremendous roar that shattered the sphere of ice he climaxed, lifting Mizore completely off the ground as he held her porcelain skinned body against his.

Slowly his grip on her eased, allowing her to slide down his thighs to the ground where she laid, her chest still heaving from her ragged breathing. Silently he reached for their shirts, pulling his on over his head as he handed Mizore's own shirt to her and helped her to her feet. Slowly she pulled her shirt over her head, smiling dreamily as they silently walked arm in arm toward the dorms. Out of nowhere she produced a lollipop, sticking it into her mouth as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Tsukune?" she began, rubbing his arm. "Please don't tell Moka. She would kill me."

Tsukune stopped walking suddenly and turned to stare at Mizore. Slowly his hand found her cheek, rubbing it as she blushed deeply. "Moka isn't going to be a problem. She had actually, in a drunken rant, complained about you not wanting her like you want me. Turns out she likes guys AND girls. Just start hitting on her, maybe a touch here or there. You may be surprised how she reacts."

A small smile spread across her face as they started walking again, her nerves somewhat calmed by his reassuring words and tone. Overhead hundreds of bats squeaked, wheeled and dove as they hunted their prey. One very familiar bat repeatedly dove at their heads, pulling up at the last second. Nervously Mizore stopped walking and glanced around, her breath starting to come in panicked rhythm.

"Tsukune, I think-"

A pale pink and silver blur flew in out of nowhere, cutting off Mizore's words as a hand clamped around her throat and slammed her back into a nearby tree. Crimson eyes filled with a mixture of hatred and hurt stole the very breath from her as she found herself face to face with Moka Akashiya, still in her school uniform. Her rosary clinked lightly from the sudden stop, the moonlight glinting off the silver surface. A hiss escaped Moka's lips as she bared her fangs at the ice maiden.

"Touch him again and I will fucking kill you, bitch!" she screamed, drawing back her fist.

Rage and betrayal caused her arms to shake, but something entirely different shadowed her eyes, something Mizore understood completely yet couldn't name. Deciding to take a chance, she swiftly knocked Moka's hand from her throat, grabbed her blouse and pulled her into a passionate kiss, pouring every ounce of regret and desire into the kiss as her hands snaked up into Moka's hair.

For several moments they stood as still as stone, shock apparent on Tsukune's face. As if time was slowed for this one interaction, Moka reached up to Mizore's face, her hands gliding across her tear streaked cheeks. Slowly and gently she pushed Mizore back, staring into her eyes before turning her gaze to Tsukune. A small blush crept across her face before she looked back to Mizore, tears still trickling from the corners of her eyes. Lovingly she kissed Mizore's eyelids, looped an arm over her shoulder and held her other hand out to Tsukune.

Tentatively he stepped forward and took her hand, unsure of what to expect next. Silently Moka began leading them down the path, heading in the direction of the dorms. Several nervous minutes passed as they walked in silence. Mizore raised Moka's hand and brushed her lips across it, drawing a chuckle from Tsukune as they all visibly relaxed. Moka glanced at both of them then smiled as Koumori flitted to her shoulder, squeaking contentedly as she kissed his furry head. With one final squeak he flew off, no doubt to return to Kokoa.

The trio stood together in the courtyard of the dorms, which stood across from each other. A slight chill filled the air as they said their goodnights, Moka giving Tsukune the most passionate kiss he had ever experienced from her, while Mizore decided a friendly hug would be the safest course of action despite their earlier coupling. Tsukune waved and walked slowly to the boys' dorms, the two girls blushing as they walked to the other dorm arm in arm. Gently Mizore laid her head on Moka's shoulder and sighed happily.