Warning: This is an M-rated story for good reason. This will be dark and angsty, and not for the faint of heart. It includes themes of physical abuse and sexual molestation. Do not say I didn't warn you.

Pairings: Benny/Ethan [male/male slash]

Chapter 1: Evil Benny

"Ethan, Benny's here!... I think…"

Ethan was half way up the stairs when his father's voice reached his ears. He frowned slightly as the last words his dad said. What did he meant by them? Rolling his eyes at the oddness, he walked down the stairs and raced for the door.

He got to the porch, and just as his father said, Benny was right there waiting. It didn't occur to Ethan in that moment how strange that was, because Benny usually just entered the house as if he owned it, without even knocking at the door. But since he was so surprise to see his friend earlier than anticipated, he didn't thought of it.

"Hey Benny, you're here early. That's a first." He grinned.

That grin faltered however, when Benny started to stare at him with a sly smirk playing on his lips. It made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm also not here at all, Ethan. Give me a call at home."

Ethan's frown returned to his face as he picked up his phone from his pockets. "What, you and your grandmother changed your voicemail again?"

As he dialed, he didn't see the immense look of annoyance Benny shoot at him. As he waited, Ethan noticed Benny had a toothpick in his mouth. Just when he was about to ask about it, the rings went off and surprisingly, a juvenile voice he recognized too well spoke to him in the other line.

"You got Benny!"

Ethan's face dropped as he saw Benny's smirk stretched out wickedly, as if he just had played a naughty prank on someone. He felt his heart quickening inside his ribcage as he understood what was happening, and couldn't help pressed the phone harshly into his ear.

"Hello Ethan? Ethan, I have caller ID, I know it's you."


"Dude, I think I won't be there on time. I told grandma about the camera and I'm in big trouble now, so I'll talk to you later… or tomorrow."

"Benny, wait!"

"Gotta go, see you!"

The real Benny hanged up, and Ethan stood there watching the doppelganger version of his best friend, eying him viciously with the unwavering smirk.

Ethan swallowed hard the lump in his throat and took a step backwards. "What are you?"

Benny tilted his head to the side, and something shifted in those green eyes. "Me? Why, I'm your best friend!" Benny took a step forward.

"No, you're not!" Ethan hurried to close the door, but unlike real Benny, this Benny was strong enough to push him out the way and let himself in.

Benny looked around with an indifferent look, before returning his attention to Ethan, his smirk again on full-force.

"I know you," He took a step forward, and Ethan headed for the staircase. "I know you're going to try and stop us from our plans."

"Get out of my house!" Ethan shouted as he continued to walk up the stairs, but Benny followed him at a steady speed.

"No, I don't think so," Benny sounded almost apathetic, and that just made Ethan feel even more nervous. One thing was to fight witches, vampires, and evil dolls. Another thing was to fight his own best friend, even if this wasn't real Benny. They arrived to the second floor, and Ethan headed for his room in a mad dash. Benny followed a second later.

"Why are you running away from me? I thought we were friends," Benny said mockingly as he locked Ethan's door from the inside. Ethan stumbled into his bed, but quickly rolled over to the side, away from the person who claimed to be his friend.

Ethan's back was pressed against the window panel, and from the corner of his eye, he saw his dad getting into his car and turning on the engine. Ethan's mother and Jane had gone to the groceries half an hour ago and now, his father was leaving the house too.

He was completely alone with an evil Benny who was slowly advancing on him.

"What do you want from me?" He whispered.

"I want to warn you," Benny sounded almost cheerful, but his eyes were ice. "You better stay out of our plans,"

"Warning accepted," Ethan said, his snide remarks never missing in moments like this. Benny had him cornered in that small space of his bedroom, and he had nowhere to run, or hide.

"Also, I guess I could have a little fun with you," Benny said in a husky low voice, and Ethan's eyes widened slightly.


He never saw, or expected the backhand that smacked his face and made him twirled. He hadn't thought Benny possessed that much strength, but he did, and now his head bobbed as it hit the wall beside him. He fell onto the floor, a blooming headache forming at his temples.

"Yes, isn't this fun?!" For the first time, Benny's laugh, which he had always found warm and reassuring, was now the scariest and most horrible sound he had ever heard. Benny's leg lifted and he gave a nice pointed kick into Ethan's stomach, and the poor boy on the floor started gagging for air.

"S-top.." Ethan tried to said, but his voice abated.

"You're pathetic, you know that? Benny has always thought so. Too scared to ask girls out, and still needing a babysitter to watch over you. So weak, so stupid, so helpless…" Benny's voice echoed over the sound of his blood rushing inside his brain, but he understood each word.

"My nicer side, of course, would never say it, but he pities you." Benny gave him another kick, this time to his ribcage. He wasn't that sure he fractured something, and gave him another kick for good measure

"T-that's a-a l-lie…" Ethan tried to say. Benny knelt before him, and grabbed the front of his shirt in a quick motion. Before Ethan could try to push him away though, Benny's large hand became a fist, and it hit Ethan square on the bridge of his nose.

"No, it's not. I still can't understand why the nicer me would hang out with you. He has the potential to be great, if he only learned to master his spells and magic and spent less time with you. He's falling to his imminent failure, and it will be all your fault, so don't be surprised if the real Benny one day comes to beat you up just like I'm doing."

Benny grabbed him by the short hair on the back of his neck and gave him a harsh tug before smacking his head against the floor boards, one, two, three times. Ethan choked on his blood before throwing it up all over his clothes.

He was in pain, but it wasn't a type of pain he couldn't deal with. He had been the target of bullies ever since he could remember, and he had been beaten up to a pulp more than once. What was making this unbearable was that fact that it was his best friend who was attacking him, and for the life of him, he couldn't find the strength inside him to fight back. All those words, said by Benny's voice, were scarring on his mind, and they played again and again, as Benny continued to hit him and break him.

He didn't feel himself move, until he realized he was laying down on a soft surface, which he later recognized as his bed. He felt dirty thanks to all the sweat and blood and all he wanted was to take a long bath to sooth his aching muscles. And maybe alert the others of just how dangerous the evil twins were. He thought evil Benny had finally left him alone, but to his misfortune, he was wrong. Benny's head was hovering over him, and Ethan wished he had the power to wipe off the devious grin off his face.

"A-are y-you d-done?" He managed to ask, his cheekiness never missing.

"That's another thing Benny dislike about you. You're so cheeky to your betters. I was thinking about leaving you alone finally, but I guess you still haven't learned your lesson, eh?"

Curse his mouth, Ethan thought privately as he wondered what Benny would do next. He didn't think he could stay conscious enough to stand through another beating. He just wanted everything to be over with.

He didn't notice Benny was watching him, as if he was an animal trapped in a cage at the zoo, with eyes filled with spitefulness and just plain malice. Ethan suspected something was going on inside that terrible mind, for Benny to be so quiet all of a sudden. The fear settled in his heart as he waited for what was to come.

"Has Benny ever confessed to you he thinks you're really cute?"

What? Ethan struggled to keep his eyes open, even though all he wanted was to fall in a dreamless sleep, with his body covered in blood and all. The words barely registered in his mind, but he did felt confused at them.

"Now that I'm seeing you clearly, weak and fragile, I can see the appeal. You're quite a beauty, Ethan. Benny seem to have good tastes, even if it's you. Too bad my nicer side is too much of an idiot to do something about it."

"W-what a-are y-you—"

Benny bent his head over and laced his lips with Ethan's, running his lips over the trace of fresh blood, swallowing it quickly. Ethan was too numb to realize he was having his first real kiss with a guy who just beat him up and the guy being an evil shadow of his best friend. The kiss didn't stop, and it became more heated every passing second, as Benny's tongue violated through his mouth and tasted every spot and corner.

Benny's cold hands ran down Ethan's body, his caress more like a harsh scratch to his skin. He held Ethan's body firmly into place, and with a free hand, he lifted Ethan's shirt, revealing the now purple bruises over his torso and a pair of pink small nipples. Ethan tried to move his hips away, feeling greatly disgusted with himself, but Benny pinned him down by straddling him, and Ethan couldn't help groan at the feeling of friction on his crotch, which just made Benny smile widely.

"You like that? It seems like you do. Don't worry, if you're a good boy, I might even make this enjoyable for you."

"N-no…" Ethan coughed.

The right side of Benny's lips rose into another devilish grin as he lean down and took one of Ethan's nipples into his mouth, making the smaller boy moan unwillingly. The hisses and the groans were like music to evil Benny's ears, and he craved for more. He wondered what other sounds he could get the smaller boy to emit if he continued with his ministrations. If his nicer side wouldn't have a taste of the boy currently under him, he would. It just came to him that Ethan was an exquisite creature, one he would love to taint and ruin. After he was finish with him, Ethan would never be the same again, and he feasted in that powerful feeling as his hand traveled further down Ethan's precious body.

Evil Benny was sure that after this, the real Benny's and Ethan's relationship won't be the same, which is exactly what he wanted. He didn't mean to go overboard, but he was enjoying him greatly and he wasn't going to stop. Once Ethan was completely broken, his nicer side would see what a bleeding fool he had for a best friend and finally abandon him for good. Ethan didn't deserve the amount of attention he was receiving from Benny, not someone as worthless as Ethan Morgan

Evil Benny rejoiced on the future of his plans as another painful groan escaped Ethan's mouth.

A/N: Like I said, mature themes. If you read through all that, don't complain.

I have a thing for evil Benny xD and I hope I get to include in some other story soon.

I hereby apologize for any mispelling/missing words in this chapter. English isn't my first language.

I don't own My Babysitter's a Vampire, all credit due to its creators.