When Rin awoke the following day, Lord Sesshomaru had already left the manor, taking Master Jaken with him. Ah-Un remained behind, Rin's stalwart protector. They both sat in the gardens, Rin plucking petals off a dying flower and watching the grimy pond swallow them up. The garden saddened her, almost as much as her lord's departure did. She didn't like dead things.

The dog demon, Ve'elma, who Rin had instantly taken to calling "Velma", wandered into the garden around midday, seeking out her master's ward.

"Do you wish to accompany me to town?" asked the demon, her ears twitching at the sight of Rin sitting amongst the decaying plants and foul-smelling pond.

Rin shook her head. "No, thank you. I will stay here."

Velma cocked her head to the side. "Do you like gardening, mistress Rin?"

Mistress? Rin didn't know why the demon had called her that. "I love flowers. The sight of this place saddens me."

"Perhaps you'd like to tend to it, then?"

Rin's head lifted. "Can I?" She gave a small smile. "I would love that."

Velma nodded. "Of course." The demon started down the path. "I'll be back tonight. Stay out of trouble, mistress Rin."

Rin felt there wasn't much trouble to be had around this place. If not for Ah-Un, she would be completely alone in the manor. She'd explored parts of it earlier, when she was feeling especially hurt by her lord's sudden departure. Her room was in the west wing, close to a library and den. The kitchens were near the centre of the manor, along with the dining area and a room to entertain guests—not that Lord Sesshomaru had many of those. She assumed his living quarters were in the east wing, though she hadn't gone that far, and didn't dare to do so anyhow.

Most rooms were covered in a fine layer of dust, the evidence of many years of neglect, and some rooms even had spaces where things seemed to be missing. The house keeper wasn't entirely active since Lord Sesshomaru's last visit, but now everything was to be cleaned and updated for his ward.

Rin's bedroom was not small, but not large, either. It contained a wide bed, dusty curtains—to be thrown out tomorrow and replaced with whatever Velma brought back from the market—a chest for storing things, and a vanity. She'd hardly looked around before going to bed, too disappointed by her lord's news for her curiosity to wander.

Being in charge of restoring the gardens improved her mood a little, though.

Rin rose to her feet and brushed the flower petal remains off her kimono. Restoring something so lost would be a challenge, but she would see it done. When Lord Sesshomaru returned, his manor garden would be the finest in the land.

From behind, Rin heard Ah-Un growling and she looked over her shoulder to see him abruptly stand, his eyes narrowed upon the garden wall. Rin followed his gaze to see movement along the top. The brown vines were shifting and branches were pushed aside as a face popped into existence. Rin jumped and bumped into Ah-Un as she stepped back. The person didn't seem to notice her, though, and continued over the wall, landing on the other side, his boots crushing lifeless flowers.

When he turned and finally caught sight of her, his face went slack and his brown eyes widened in shock.

"Who're you?!" he demanded, pointing at her.

Rin shook her head to clear to her mind. "Who am I? Who are you?"

They stared at one another, Rin in her pink kimono and hair ribbons and this stranger in tattered clothing with a bag slung over his shoulder. Her equally dark eyes mimicked his.

"You are a thief!" she cried, hands balling into fists. "Do you not know who owns this house?"

The thief weakly shrugged. "It's been abandoned for years." He gave a crooked smile, his head ducking. "My apologies, lady? I never meant to steal from your home if you intended on returning."

"It is not my house you were stealing from." Rin sighed and crossed her arms. "Well, I suppose you have sold everything you stole, so there is no point in asking for anything back."

The thief again shrugged. "Sorry."

"You will just have to work off your debt."

"Whoa! Hold on there, lady—"

"I am certain the Great Lord Sesshomaru would not argue with my decision," said Rin pointedly.

"The Great Lord who now?" The young man scratched his head, confusion plain on his face, and Rin's mouth fell open.

"You mean … you didn't even know that? You are lucky he was not here to kill you."

"Geez, your lord sounds like a real picnic."

Rin's face heated and she pushed her tongue against her cheek. "Are you to work off your debt or do I have to report you?" She didn't know who to report to—maybe Velma or a guard at Tsunada—but perhaps the threat would be enough to spook him.

"Okay, sure," said the thief quickly, laughing awkwardly. "No need to get so hostile. I can work—I'm a great worker. Anytime, anywhere."

"Good." Rin placed her hands on her hips. "The manor needs cleaning and fixing and organizing."

"Geez," muttered the thief, sighing. He dropped his bag to the ground. "I guess I won't be needing this for a while."

"Or ever?" suggested Rin.

"Or ever," he repeated, grudgingly. He offered another crooked smile, the freckles on his cheek rising. "So, what's your name? Or should I call you 'lady' forever?"

Her face flushed again. "It is Rin."

"Rin? Easy to remember. I'm Hans. Also easy."

Rin smiled and bowed. "Nice to meet you, Hans." She inwardly winced. Well, sort of nice. He was a thief, after all. She wiped the smile from her face. "You can ask the house keeper when she returns what exactly to do. For now I'll find you a room to stay in."

His eyebrows rose. "I do have a home, you know."

"So you won't need one?" Despite him being a thief, and perhaps an obnoxious one at that, she grew saddened by the thought of not having another person living in the manor. It was so vast and empty, even with Ah-Un and the dog-fox demon. Having another human around would help vanquish the loneliness, and would perhaps please Lord Sesshomaru somewhat, considering how he desired Rin to be more like them for some reason.

"Hey, I didn't say that." Hans gave an extravagant bow and folded his hands behind his back, causing Rin to giggle, though she hid it poorly with a cough. "I'll be happy to stay here, so long as your Great Lord so-and-so doesn't eat me."

"Lord Sesshomaru," corrected Rin, "does not eat humans. I think it would repulse him."

Hans rose his eyebrows. "Good to know." There was something hidden on his face, something else he seemed to want to say, but he spoke no further on the matter. He simply smiled. "Well, Rin, would you do me the honour of showing me to my room?"

Rin nodded and allowed him to follow her from the garden into the manor. A job healing flowers and a new potential friend—all in one day. She grinned at the floor as she walked, her heart lifting somewhat. Perhaps she wouldn't be terribly lonely or sad, after all.