(A/N) And I am finally back to writing again! I've decided to not go with an update to either Tossing Away the Masks or Resonating Hearts as my first update since my hiatus, but to start a new story about Rosario + Vampire. The story will be TsukunexMizore, without a real shared harem, but Moka and Kurumu will both like Tsukune at the start, until they each meet someone else for them to love. Who they get together with is currently undecided, and, as always, I'm willing to hear the ideas that you readers have. Who they get together with doesn't even have to be somebody from the canon story. Feel free to create your own OC for me to use, just tell me a little about his personality, why he would be a good match, and most importantly, what kind of monster he is. What kind of monster he is will probably weigh the heaviest on my decision. If you have read my other stories, you may have picked up on the fact that I like unique things, and I always throw my own personal twist on everything that I do. That being said, I want unique ideas, as they have a higher chance of being used. So get creative on those monster types. I don't care what sort of mythology that they are from, but they have to be a preexisting monster that I can research a little about (so no creating a strange being from scratch).

Now about this story that I am starting, as I said above, it is TsukunexMizore, and Tsukune will not be a vampire. Him being a vampire sort of ruins the chances of him and Mizore getting together since he would feel more inclined to being with the same species than others (or at least that's my reasoning. Also, Tsukune being a vampire is overdone. I like uniqueness!). That being said, Tsukune will also not be a snow person like Mizore, as that has been done quite magnificently by lord of the land of fire in his amazing fic My Snow Girl. I definitely would recommend checking it out. Finally Tsukune will also not be a human, not even at the start. He thinks that he is a human, but he really isn't. What he is will be revealed in due time.

Anyways, I've been rambling too long (again), so let's get this story started!


Chapter One: New School, New Life

My name is Aono Tsukune. I'm your average fifteen year old human. Except for two things. The first is that no matter what I do, people don't ever notice me unless I make myself known. This has led to me having a lot of problems, and is the reason that I am in the current situation that I have found myself in. That is, having failed my high school entrance exam. The problem really wasn't that I failed score wise, but the fact that when the tests were being graded, the grader didn't notice mine, and therefore, gave me a zero. When my parents were told what my exam results were, they were in an absolute panic, until my dad happened to find a pamphlet that somebody in front of him dropped that detailed of a high school that you didn't have to have any particular exam scores for. So of course they immediately signed me up without asking me about it, and completely disregarding the fact that a school that doesn't need any exam results whatsoever is really suspicious.

So now I am currently sitting on a bus on route to my new high school. In fact, I'm sort of surprised that the bus driver even noticed me waiting at the stop. I've had that problem a lot before where if I'm last in line to get on some sort of public transportation, said public transportation tends to leave without letting me on, since they don't notice me. However, I do have to say that the bus driver creeps me out for some reason. Every time he looks at me, I swear his eyes glow.

Speaking of creepy things, the second thing about me that is not like your average human is the fact that I have an amulet around my neck that apparently only I can see. It's a simple amulet that has a white chain that ends in a small one inch hollow sphere made of glass. Inside the sphere is what appears to be a cloud of smoke. However the creepiest thing about my amulet is that if I try and take it off, it will just sort of disperse around whatever would remove it from my neck and reform afterwards. However, if I don't try and take it off, I can hold it just fine.

Anyways, it looks like the bus is almost out of this tunnel that we've been in.

The school bus screeched to a stop as it exited the long tunnel it had been traveling through. The driver opened the bus doors and said to Tsukune "We are here. Travel along the path and you will get to the school. Report to the auditorium for the welcoming speech. Your belongings have already been sent to your dorm."

Tsukune stood up from his seat and walked to the front of the bus. As he passed the bus driver, the driver grabbed Tsukune's shoulder, then looked him in the eye and said "You had best be careful. Yokai Academy is a very scary place!"

With that said, the driver shoved Tsukune off of the bus and drove off. Tsukune got up and dusted himself off and muttered "Jeez. That wasn't called for. And can that driver get any creepier?"

Having gathered himself, Tsukune took a look at the scenery around him and felt a chill down his spine. The sky was overcast no matter how far he looked, and all around him were dead trees. Behind him was a cliff that had a sheer fifty foot drop into an ocean, and the ocean for some reason was tinted a dull red.

After taking in the creepy scenery for a moment, Tsukune began walking down the path that the driver had pointed out. Along the way, he saw several different graveyards, what freaked him out even more were the skulls that were littered around some of the graves. Human skulls.

Finally reaching the end of the path, Tsukune walked out of the forest of dead trees and into the school grounds. Tsukune quickly noticed that the buildings had a creepy gothic design to them. However he was quickly relieved as he noticed a large crowd of normal looking students of his age filtering into a building which he quickly realized was the auditorium. Tsukune quickly joined the ranks of the crowd and eventually found a seat inside the auditorium. He then sat through a speech from the academy chairman, which to Tsukune's surprise, was a normal speech about doing your best in school and becoming the best adult that you could.

After the speech ended, the freshmen were divided into their homeroom classes, and each of the homeroom teachers led them off to their own homerooms. Tsukune followed his assigned teacher to his classroom and sat down in a desk in the row closest to the windows. His desk was the third from the last in his row.

When all of the students had settled down, the teacher, a young, blonde haired women whose hair had two tufts that reminded Tsukune of cat ears, began taking role, and when she finished, she spoke up and said "Hello everybody and welcome to your first year at Yokai Academy. My name is Nekonome Shizuka, and as you all should know, this school was built by monsters for monsters to attend."

Upon hearing this, Tsukune's eyes shot open and he glanced around to see if anybody was as confused as he was. Apparently nobody was, which just confused him even more.

Nekonome continued on saying "The point of this monster school is for us monsters to learn how to blend into human society, as humans are currently the dominant race on this planet. Therefore, it is mandatory for everybody to stay in their human forms at all times while at school."

At this, a large, delinquent looking boy spoke up and arrogantly said "Why should we have to blend in with those weak humans? I say that we just go kill the males, and molest the females!"

At this, Nekonome frowned, looked down at her class roster to confirm the boy's name and then said "Well, Saizou-kun, the reason that we don't do that aside from the obvious moral issues is that there just are not enough monsters in the world to stand up to the sheer number of humans. Even if we fought, we would just end up losing to just how many humans there are, regard of how strong or weak they may be."

At this, Saizou grunted and slumped back into his chair. The classroom door then suddenly opened and a very pretty girl with long pink hair stepped in and said "I'm so sorry that I'm late! I got mixed up with the wrong class and then I got a little lost."

Nekonome perked up and said "No problem, Nya~. Since you're late I'll have you sit next to Tsukune-kun in that empty desk over there."

Tsukune barely noticed the ongoing events, as well as the rest of the rest of the class, as his thoughts were preoccupied with one thing: I need to get out of here.

When Nekonome dismissed the class for the rest of the day, Tsukune quickly hurried out of the classroom and out to the school grounds. Once he got to the pathway he quickly ran along the path towards the bus stop. Tsukune knew that the bus would leave again in around an hour, so he figured he could hurry home and write up a withdrawal notice later.

As he was running along the path, Tsukune suddenly tripped on a stray skull, and tumbled to the ground. Lying there, he reached his hand up to the sky and muttered "What the hell is up with my life? And what the hell is with this place? Monsters? Killing humans? Why do I have such terrible luck?"

Suddenly, something poked him in the side, and he heard a soft voice say "Maybe you are just an unlucky person."

Tsukune glanced over to the side he was poked on, he saw a girl crouching next to him, which resulted in him quickly scrambling away from the girl. "W-Who a-are you?" stuttered Tsukune.

"You're weird." Said the girl. "And that's not a very nice way to greet the person who sits behind you in class."

"Somebody sits behind me?" muttered Tsukune, before he focused his thoughts and asked "That's beside the point! What the hell is with this place? I feel like I've been flung into some sort of manga!"

The girl laughed and said "You feel like you are in a manga? You're definitely weird."

It was at this moment that Tsukune realized just how cute the girl he was talking with was. She was a pale girl with long purple hair and deep blue eyes. She wore a white sweatshirt with navy blue sleeves that was cut off at her shoulders, a short plaid skirt, striped purple leggings, and white shoes. She also had a gold necklace around her neck and she was sucking on a lollipop.

Not lowering his guard despite the girl's cute appearance, Tsukune warily asked "You are a monster right?"

The girl rolled her eyes and said "Obviously. However, from your general reaction to your current situation, I can safely assume that you are not a monster."

Tsukune froze and then said quietly "And if I was a human, what would you do?"

The girl shifted her lollipop from one side of her mouth to the other before saying "I don't know. I've never met a human before, so I would probably observe you for a while."

"Observe doesn't mean "make ready for eating", does it?" asked Tsukune.

The girl laughed again and said "Nothing of the sort. I would never want to eat a human. They probably taste bad. I would much rather have some ice cream. I would just watch you to learn about what humans act like. As a bonus, I can promise you that you won't be eaten while you are here. Or die. However I can't observe you if you go back to the human world. By the way, my name is Shirayuki Mizore." She then walked over to Tsukune and held out her hand to him.

Tsukune took her hand and she helped him up. He then said "My name is Aono Tsukune. You promise me that you won't let me die?" Mizore nodded and Tsukune continued "Well, if I went back home my parents would kill me. If it's guaranteed that I will be able to survive here, it's better than me being killed at home. Besides, I might be able to actually make some friends here."

Mizore giggled as they began walking back towards the school and said "The human wants to make friends with monsters. It will certainly be interesting to observe you. I guess that I am your first monster friend. Congratulations. By the way, that's a really cool amulet that you are wearing. Where did you get it from?"

Upon hearing this, Tsukune's eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. Mizore turned towards him and asked "Did I say something weird?"


And that's a wrap! I'm really out of practice when it comes to writing. I need to get back into the swing of things. Anyways, please leave your thoughts in reviews, as I always like to hear them!

In general, the amulet that Tsukune has is the biggest hint that I'm giving you to what Tsukune's monster form is. More specifically the amulet's properties. Tsukune being unnoticed by people is also one of the amulet's properties, by the way. I would like to see if someone can guess what Tsukune is before I reveal it. Currently, the only person other than me who knows what Tsukune is is brown phantom, as I told him. He's the main person that I like to bounce ideas off of.

Until next time,

Slice N Dicer