
Chapter 9 Acceptance

Disclaimer: I do not own The Powerpuff Girls. But I do own the plot/story line because I made that up with my brain. No copyright intended.

"Get out, Ruff." Blossom said with venom in her voice.

Brick was about to fight back but one look from me said otherwise.

"Please, just go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

He got his pants on and his shirt, kissed my forehead then left, flying out my window. I sighed and looked back at my sisters who were still in their pajamas.

"Let me explain." I say but am cut off by Blossom.

"Explain what! You did exactly what I told you not to do! A Puff and a Ruff do not mix, it can NEVER happen, but obviously you don't care!"

"Blossom, stop! Let her speak." Buttercup shouted at her.

"Alright, what do you have to say for yourself." Blossom said, arms crossed at her chest with hip out in classic pissed off stance.

"I just couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take shutting my heart out. I fell in love with a Ruff, it just happened. I love Brick more than anyone I have ever been with, I haven't ever really felt about someone the way I do about Brick. I can't explain it and I really shouldn't have to. I love him and I'm done denying it. And if you want to be mad at me forever for following my heart then go ahead, be mad. But I am not taking anything back and I'm not going to stop seeing him just because you don't want me with a Ruff. You don't know him like I do, he's changed. They all have, we are not 5 years old anymore Blossom, we've all grown up and changed. If you love me as your sister like I know that you do then please, just accept who I love and leave it at that or just don't accept me at all."

"Bubbles, you never listen! You deliberately disobeyed me, I do love you and that's why I forbade you to see him. He is evil, they were created that way, and if you think for a second that because of his supposed love for you that he has fought against the very fabric of his being just to be with you, you are sadly mistaken my dear. I was only trying to protect you. I see now where that got me, I'm done Bubbles. If you want to love this Ruff then go ahead, and when you get hurt because he will, don't come crying to me. I'm done trying to protect you."

With that Blossom turned on me and left my room leaving a very distraught Buttercup. She just sat there on my chair that goes to my desk while I stand next to her. She's silent and not saying a word, her silence is deafening. I don't know if it's minutes or hours that pass by as she just still sits there quiet as ever, I've never seen her like this and it's worrying me.

"Please, talk to me. Don't shut me out!" I yelled through my tears.

She just looked back at me, a mix of emotions flashing across her face.

"There's nothing to talk about, Bubbles."

I swallowed back my tears, "You're my sister. I already lost Blossom, I can't lose you too."

"Bubbles, you could have just told me. I would have understood, or do you forget when I dated Ace. But you kept it from me and worse Blossom knew about it while I was kept in the dark. We tell each other everything, I thought we were closer than that, why couldn't you trust me? I would have kept your secret."

"I-I was just scared that you would hate me and not want anything to do with me. Li-like Blossom." I said barely above a whisper.

"Blossom doesn't hate you, she's just pissed at you for not listening to her. She still loves you, she's just very disappointed in you and so am I. You betrayed us both, better yet all of Townsville. She is right you know, Puffs and Ruffs aren't supposed to mix, she knows better than anyone on that one. I could never hate you, Bubbles. You are my baby sister and I'm always going to want to be there for you and to protect you but how can I when you are the one that shut me out?"

"I know, I should have told you. I'm sorry."

She sighed and got up, that look on her face is a look that I don't ever want to see again. Disappointment and betrayal.

"I'm not Blossom either, I am not going to give up on you or be done with you just because I'm pissed at you, you should know me better than to do something like that. I just need time, okay? Time to process all of this and when I do, I'll come talk to you. I still want to know how this all started." She said offering a small smile.

I tried to smile back but it fell, she sighed and hugged me.

"Nothing you could ever possibly do would ever make me hate you. Nothing. I still love you, Blossom still loves you and Professor still loves you. It's just a lot for us to take in, I will be the one to tell him, better me than Blossom. Our anger will pass but our love will stay forever, you just have to be patient with us. Now go get cleaned up, the only reason we came in your room was to get you because Professor is taking us to Denny's for breakfast as a congratulations for us all passing our classes in school, he got our report cards yesterday. Okay?"

I nodded and sniffed, "Okay."

*2 Weeks Later*

It's been 2 weeks since my sisters found out about Brick and I, and when his brothers found out about us because he told them. The boys didn't really care but it took awhile for my sisters and Professor to come around to accepting us being together. I'm just glad now they my family is accepting of whom I chose to love. Blossom eventually got over it and Buttercup had understood and forgave me for keeping it secret as she knows how it is, because of me, I helped her owning her relationship with Ace, they've been having an on and off thing for years and by me coming out about Brick, it helped her to do the same with Ace.

"Come on Bubbles, we're going to be late!" Buttercup yells from downstairs.

We are getting ready to go out on a double date, the guys are taking us to a club called Pinz. I dressed in a baby blue one strap halter top, dark blue skinny jeans and white wedges, my hair is curled hanging loosely over my shoulders as a silver headband is in place. I grab my purse and put my phone in it.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I yelled back as I quickly went down the stairs only to trip and fall.

A pair of strong arms catch me, a smirking grin looking down at me.

"What do you know? You are literally falling for me."

I play punch his arm, "Shut up, Brick."

We laugh and he kisses me, then we meet Ace and Buttercup at the door ready for a night out on the town.

- The End -

Writing this story was really fun and I hope you all loved it as much as I do writing it. I am honored by all my fans for supporting me in writing this and those who kept motivating me to get this done. Thank you all for your love and support, it really means a lot to me. Now, onto the next story.
