(A/N) Context: the story is set in Dauntless (no war) about a month after the final rankings. Tris and Tobias are together.

DISCLAIMER: As much as I would love to be Veronica Roth and own Divergent and write about Tobias (well I can already do that, but you get the idea), I, sadly, do not own Divergent. Boo-hoo. Now enjoy!

"Hey!" I call. "Tob-Four!"

He turns around, a harsh look on his face. "What, Tris? What do you want now?"

"What's wrong with you?" I ask, catching up to him.

"Why don't you - never mind." Tobias sighs. "Sorry. I'm used to us not being together."

I grab his shirt and he grabs my arms. I pull him down for a kiss. He has to bend pretty far, even though I'm standing on my tiptoes. He indulges me, pressing his lips to mine with his mouth slightly open. Other people in the Pit gape at us, even though a couple kissing is not a foreign thing in Dauntless.

Tobias pulls away, grinning. He turns to the group of people staring open-mouthed at us and points to me. "This here," he says. "This is my girlfriend."

I catch a couple glares from girls in the crowd, but I smile innocently and grab his hand. He smirks and pulls me toward his apartment.

"So," he starts conversationally. "Uriah and Zeke invited - well, they invited me, but I'm inviting you - to their truth or dare thing tonight. I think it'll be fun, but I recommend that you wear layers. If you don't do dares or answer truths, you have to take off your clothes." He glances at me and adds hurriedly, "It's fun, I promise. And everyone's too scared of me to look at either of us." Damn. He saw my Stiffness.

I laugh. "Sounds…Dauntless. So, who else is going?"

Tobias breaks into a grin and hugs me. "Well, -"

"Okay, Toby," I cut him off. "Don't get too excited there. And you are really not yourself right now. Are you high?" We step into his room and sit on his bed.

Tobias laughs and shakes his head. "Nope. Not your lucky day, Trissy. Anyway, Uri, Zeke, Mar, Lynn, Christina, Will-" he shudders slightly before the next one - "Peter, Shauna, Eric, Lauren. I think you could invite Caleb and Susan, too, if you want to."

I stare at Tobias, wondering if he's serious. He meets my eyes with a serious gaze, so I ask, "Are you serious?" I laugh. "Invite Caleb, my Abnegation-prude brother that hates my boyfriend, to a truth or dare where we undress?"

Tobias smiles, a look I'm still unused to seeing on him. "Do you think it would not be funny?"

I smile cruelly. "Let's go find a certain Erudite ambassador and his Abnegation girlfriend, shall we?"

Tobias shakes his head. "You, my Tris, are very evil." He kisses my cheek and we find Caleb's apartment. I hear a thumping inside and meet Tobias' eyes. He's holding back a laugh. I elbow him and it comes out.

"Your Abnegation-prude brother apparently isn't so prude in the bedroom," he whispers between laughs. I kick the door and it comes open to my brother and Susan in bed. Caleb sits up, eyes widening at the sight of Tobias and I. Susan clutches the blanket to her chest and Tobias sinks to his knees in laughter. I nudge him with my toe and he stands up, still laughing uncontrollably.

"Caleb?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah?" he answers sheepishly.

"Okay, if you're doing that -" I gesture at the bed - "with Susan, I don't see why it's fair for me to not be allowed to date T-Four. So…no more attempts to scare, beat up or intimidate Four, okay?" I yank Tobias toward the door. "Oh, and come to Uriah's apartment for truth or dare today at six, okay?"

Tobias is still laughing when we get back to his apartment, and the amusingness of it has gotten to me, to. I start laughing as hard as he is, and for a while, we just roll around on the ground, laughing. Then there's a knock on the door and Tobias opens it onto Max. Both of us swallow our laughter.

"I'm getting complaints about your laughter," Max says to Tobias, cutting to the chase. "You two need to shut up. Oh, and see you tonight."

Tobias nods, shutting the door, and picks me up. I giggle, and then remember I'm shut in a room with a - with Tobias. I stiffen and he tightens his hold on me. I stiffen further and he sets me down, anger in his eyes. "What is it?" he hisses. "What's wrong? Are you still afraid of me? When have I ever hurt you?"

"It's not you, Tobias," I whisper, gripping his collar and pulling his mouth to mine. When we break apart, I continue, "It's just - I guess I'm still a little afraid of the whole…'intimacy' thing."

Tobias looks me in the eyes, and then presses one last kiss to my lips. "Okay. And, by the way, Christina said she'd be, ah, dropping by to do your makeup." He smirks. "Good luck with that."

I smack his arm. "Tobias Eaton, you are a mean, mean person. Who purposefully subjects their girlfriend to Chris' torture?"

"I take that as offensive," Chris speaks up from the doorway. I groan. Shoot. What if she heard his name?

"C'mon, Chris, doesn't he get some kind of punishment?" I ask, a pleading look on my face.

"Oh, believe me, honey, Four will get plenty of punishment when he realizes he has to let other guys see you in lingerie," Chris says pointedly, pulling me from the room. I groan but allow her to drag me to her room.

An hour and a half later - at five fifty - I am freshly cleaned, perfumed and dressed in red lingerie, a black tank top, silvery long sleeved shirt, black crop top, black sweatshirt, dark skinny jeans and short black boots. I feel overdressed, but Chris insists it's perfect. She's dresses in a similar but more…Chris outfit. She drags me to Uriah's apartment, where we see nearly everyone gathered. Tobias immediately walks over to me, lacing his fingers through mine.

I look around and the only ones who are absent are Caleb and Susan. I pull out my phone but Tobias takes it from my hand. "Let them come in late."

Uriah claps his hands and we sit in a circle. "Okay, people. I'm assuming that if you're sitting here, you know how to play Dauntless or Candor. I am just going to tell you that there is an extra option other than taking off your underwear. You can kiss your least favorite person in the room for ten seconds. They, in fairness for having to kiss you, get to put back a piece of their clothing on or have a free pass." He sits down and leans forward. "So, Tris, truth or dare?"

I look back at him levelly. "Dare."

"I dare you to…" Uriah taps his chin. "I dare you to sing, at the top of your lungs, 'Put the Lime in the Coconut.' To Four."

I turn to Four, who's sitting next to me. He grins and I open my mouth.

"Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime

His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime.

She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up

She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up

She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up

She put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up,

And said, "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,

I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?

I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,

I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"

"Now let me get this straight ",

Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up

Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up

Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up

Put the lime in the coconut, you called your doctor, woke him uuuppp…" I finish, giggling. Tobias kisses my cheek, chuckling.

I look around the circle to find my victim. "Peter. Truth or dare?"

Peter looks surprised. "Uh, dare?"

"That a question, pansycake?" Uriah taunts.

"No," Peter growls. "Dare. I said dare."

"Okay, then -" I begin. Then Tobias whispers something in my ear. I chuckle and nod. "Peter, I dare you to go outside with a toilet paper ring and propose to the first man you see. Then slap his butt, hard, and squeeze it."

Peter stares at me, and then stand up. I do the same and pull out my phone to videotape his proposal. The first man happens to be Eric, who I must not have noticed wasn't there. Peter gets down on one knee, holding out the ring, and mumbles his proposal. Eric stands there, shocked, and then Peter slaps his butt and squeezes it. Eric bitch claps Peter and runs off. Peter stands there, hand over his cheek. I turn off the video and walk back to Uriah's apartment with Tobias, laughing my head off. Tobias kisses me when we get there and I playfully shove him away when Peter comes back in, the hand mark still apparent on his face. He looks around the room, a cunning smile on his face, and chooses a person.

"Marlene. Truth or -"

"Dare," she cuts him off, picking at a fingernail.

"I dare you to…"