Sorry I couldn't update there was a blackout and I had no computer or wifi (not to mention heat and light). Anyways I'm back now with a new chapter and some news. Do you want good news or bad news first? Well you don't really have the choice so I'm gonna do bad news: This is the start of very infrequent updates. I'm going on vacation next week and then school starts up again so you'll be waiting a while to get updates. Good news: Uriah and Zeke are getting older so they can do more interesting stuff. So yeah, Uriah is 6 and Zeke is 8 just FYI I will keep skipping ages until I reach 10 and 12 so that they can start real stuff.
Disclaimer: I've been forgetting these but I'm not Veronica Roth, I do not own Divergent, or anything in this story, seeing as I have not copyrighted it yet.
The First Prank
"C'mon Uriah." Zeke said motioning with his hands before turning around and running towards the Pit. Uriah shot after him like a rocket. Zeke ran through the Pit into a small hallway that Uriah didn't recognize.
"Where are we going?" Uriah asked. Running in front of his brother so that he would stop running.
"I was exploring the compound while you were at training and I found a secret room that I want to show you. It's perfect for us to organize our prank for Max." Zeke explained. "Now come we don't want anyone to catch us in the halls." Uriah moves out of his way to let Zeke go in front and they keep running down the halls. A few turns later Zeke stops in front of a door and peeks inside. "Good, there's no one here c'mon." Zeke says pushing the door open. Uriah follows him inside, letting the door fall shut behind him.
The room is fairly small with a table, a few chairs, a blackboard, and stacks of paper. The first thing Zeke does is look around for security cameras to make sure that there are none, he doesn't want to get caught. When he's sure that there are none he turns on the light. Uriah looks around the room to take it all in and then turns towards his brother. "So are we going with truth serum or peace serum?" he asks.
"I don't know, the peace serum is easier to get cuz the Amity like everyone but Max has his first faction meeting on that day so truth serum would ruin it for him. Although a slight overdose of peace serum could be pretty funny too." Zeke answers. The brothers sit in silence for a few seconds before Uriah speaks up.
"I think that we should do the peace serum, we know that Lily can get it for us, her mom is the faction leader. Getting the truth serum from Candor would be way to hard." Uriah suggests. "So Lily gets us the peace serum, you distract Max for a minute while I put the serum in his food and then we both go away and don't get caught." Uriah smiles at Zeke "Couldn't be easier." he says sarcastically.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Zeke. "I mean we could get in huge trouble if we get caught."
"The brave and mighty Zeke is afraid of a faction leader? Stop being a pansycake!" Uriah says and both boys burst out laughing.
"You're never... bringing that... back... you know." Zeke says in between burst of laughter.
One day later... At school... (Monday)
Zeke jumps down from the climbing wall and runs over to a small girl in red and yellow. She is short and thin with brown curly hair and dark skin. She wears a loose red top with a long flowing yellow skirt, she has bracelets lining her wrists and a yellow headband with a red flower on it. "Lily!" Zeke shouts, running over to the girl. "Lily I have a teeny favour to ask you," he starts when he catches up to the girl, "I need some peace serum, 2 doses for an adult male." Zeke looks over at her to let her know that she has to answer quick, inter-faction friendships, or even talking isn't encouraged.
"Zeke why do I have the feeling that you're going to get in trouble?" she asks.
"Probably because I'm doing something that could get me in trouble. Please? I won't tell anyone you gave it to me." he answers.
"Ok fine, meet me in the back field tomorrow at lunch and I'll have it for you." Lily says.
"Thanks." Zeke replies, giving Lily a smile and then running off to go meet Shauna.
Saturday... At the compound... (It's not my fault that you can't set up a prank in 1 day)
The Pedrad family walks down to the Pit for breakfast. Zeke and Uriah walking ahead and talking in hushed voices.
"Are you ready?" Zeke asks Uriah.
"Yep, stop worrying you're supposed to be Dauntless." Uriah says giving Zeke a playful punch in the shoulder. "Now come on, start acting normal." he says right before bursting into a sprint. Zeke runs after him, screaming. They reach the cafeteria and look for Max, they see him waiting in line for his food and they get in line too to get theirs. While they wait Zeke slips Uriah the syringe containing the peace serum. Eventually they get their food and find a table with their friends Luke, Marlene, Lynn, Shauna, Lauren and Ace.
"Hey guys!" yells Ace.
"Where've you been this week? I've barely seen you Uri." asks Marlene.
"Just around, doing some stuff with Zeke, you'll see soon." Uriah replies. The group keeps talking, eating and laughing. Zeke looks to Uriah to give him the signal and they both excuse themselves from the table to make their way towards Max.
"One sec guys I need to go do something." Zeke says getting up. "C'mon Uriah." They both walk over to where Max is sitting and Zeke starts screaming. Being a leader Max goes over to ask what's wrong, he can't have Dauntless-borns being injured for life before even choosing Dauntless. As Max walks away Uriah takes the syringe full of peace serum and sticks it into what's left of his muffin. Then he walks back to their table to continue eating.
"Why were you over at Max's table?" Lauren asks him.
"Uh no reason." Uriah replies. "You'll see later." The group looks at him suspiciously. Lucky for Uriah Zeke walks up at that moment and sits down. Both boys look towards Max and finish off his muffin. Then they look at each other and smile. Then they turn towards their friends and keeps eating.
"Guys look at Max." Marlene says, pointing towards their faction leader and laughing. They all look towards him and see Max walking around the cafeteria giggling and hugging anyone in his way. They all burst out laughing, Uriah and Zeke especially. They see Harrison, another Dauntless leader, take Max by the elbow to walk him out of the room but before he can Max jumps on his back as if he were getting a piggyback. The whole faction starts laughing at seeing their faction leader like this. Harrison piggy backs Max out of the cafeteria with a scowl on his face, and the laughter continues long after they leave the room.
Later that night when they're going to bed Zeke looks at Uriah and says "Well that was a job well done." and they both laugh.
A/N: So Max had grey hair in the books which are 10 years later and leaders can be as young as 18 so I'm assuming that he was still a leader back then. Also in case you were wondering Ace and Luke are mine, they were not in the book. I think that's it please reaview and tell me what you think. If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, complaints, whatever.