Characters: Hibari Kyoya and Sawada Tsunayoshi
Pairing: 1827
Rating: K+
Author's Notes: I saw the prompt and I really liked it. I hope you enjoy.
Prompt: Tsuna taking pictures of Hibari and uses a little christmas photo app to add little things like reindeer antlers and mistletoe.
"Hibari-san, smile!" Tsuna aimed the little camera on now phone at the older teen. Said teen did not smile, he gave a blank look. Tsuna in return pouted at him and took the photo anyway.
They were seated on the couch of Hibari's office. Hibari himself was taking a short break from his paperwork by laying across the couch with his head on Tsuna's lap. He had been on the edge of falling asleep when Tsuna suddenly told him to smile. After the picture was taken Hibari gave a little smirk a sight of Tsuna's pout. "I thought you already had enough pictures of me on your phone, what are you doing now?" He asked.
Tsuna huffed and blushed quietly. "I have an app on my phone where I can edit pictures."
Hibari nodded his head and moved his body to get comfortable once again. "Don't make me look ridiculous, Tsunayoshi. I'll bite you to death if you do." Tsuna hummed in response and focused on editing. He added little sparkles for the border and candies on the edges. He gave the picture antlers and colored his nose red. Tsuna snickered to himself as he added a mistletoe on the top on the picture. "Hibari-San it's finished!"
Hibari turned his head with a sigh and looked at the picture. His gaze shifted between the boy and the phone. "I thought I told you not to make me look ridiculous, Tsunayoshi." He then spotted the mistletoe at the top. Hibari put his hand behind Tsuna's neck and pushed him downward.
"There's a mistletoe, we have to kiss."
Tsuna blushed and closed his eyes. He never thought of that. Their lips connected for a short while. It was a sweet kiss meant to be short. When they broke apart Tsuna smiled at Hibari. "Shouldn't you be getting back to work, Hibari-san?" The mentioned teen scoffed and got comfortable once more, this time dragging Tsuna down with him. "Shut up."