A/N: This story will be relatively long. It will contain some disturbing scenes (very much Hans-whump). I'll be leaving it rate 'T' though, but I will put the rating and warning for each chapter in the author's notes. If you don't like this sort of thing don't read. You have been warned. And forgive the chapter names, I'm not so creative with naming things.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: I don't anything here, only the idea for this story.

Chapter 1: The Long Awaited Trial

The great hall was filled with the courtiers and diplomats of the Southern Isles. The high ceilings arching over head dwarfed the crowds of people below. Upon the throne in the center of the far end of the hall, sat King Asher, the Sun King of his kingdom. And below him, kneeling with his face turned down toward the marble floor, was Hans, a former prince and brother of the man who stood over him.

The other princes, the once brothers of the disgraced man, stood behind the king. Each wore a look with its own degree of animosity towards Hans. King Asher stepped forward, his face set in a stoic mask. He looked down on his brother, what was once his brother he reminded himself. No brother of his would commit crime as atrocious as Hans had.

He brought his scepter down on the floor. The clanging resounded throughout the hall. The excited murmuring of the crowd died down as everyone turned to see what sentence would be passed on the traitor. Hans, too, brought his eyes up to meet his elder brother's. His lips drew up into a haughty smirk.

"Hans, son of Aramis, you have been brought before this court today to answer for your crimes." King Asher cast a withering glance down at Hans as he gestured for a scroll to be brought by a servant. He read from the scroll, "You are charged with treason against Arendelle, an ally of the Southern Isles, and the attempted murder of both Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle. What have to say to defend yourself?"

King Asher glowered on his brother with dark eyes. There was nothing, in his opinion, that could excuse his brother's actions, and though he would never allow it to show, this whole affair saddened him. Hans threw his head back still smirking as though he were certain he was safe from retribution only because of his royal blood. He leaned back on his haunches though he was not permitted to stand. The guards behind him saw to that.

"Nothing," he shrugged carelessly. "I simply wanted a throne. Here, I didn't have a chance as you well know. Murdering all twelve of you would be much too messy. Easier to marry into a lineage and murder the elder wench."

A collective gasp and mutterings of dissention rose around the hall. To hear one of their princes speak in such a callous way about his heinous crimes struck a fear and hatred into the hearts of the people. Even behind the king he could feel their brothers fuming with righteous anger. He could not feel this anger or hate, he could only feel the dark pit in his soul knowing what he had to do to his sorely misled kin.

"Upon seeing your unrepentant behavior I must find only one course of appropriate action," King Asher paused here. He drew in a weary breath preparing himself for what he had to do. "I find you, Hans, son of Aramis, guilty of all charges. And your sentence will be to spend the next three years as a slave."

"Asher!" Now Hans looked worried. His auburn hair had fallen into his eyes lending him a heart wrenching desperate look, though it would gain him nothing now.

'You should have thought of this before, brother. Work will not kill you, though.' The king shook his head sadly. Turning to the crowd, he announced loudly. "As a slave you will need a master." Hans made a choking noise that went ignored by the king. "If there are any here who will volunteer for this position please step forward."

There was a general shuffling but other than that no one spoke. No one wanted him. Every head was down turned just in case any eye contact could see them saddled with the disgraced prince.

"I will take him." Declyn, the third brother in line, stepped forward regarding the rest of the court calmly with his light piercing eyes. He looked formidable, though he was not the largest of the brothers he was strong without doubt and the black hair that was tied in the small ponytail lent him a dark sort of facade.

"Brother! Please!" Hans was not asking for forgiveness. Asher knew that without looking at him. He had never thought he was wrong, ever. He only wanted another punishment or maybe even just another master. After all, Declyn had ignored him without break for two full years, but the king saw no problem. They were all young then, and it was a foolish child's game. The past had no bearing on the present situation they found themselves in.

"You will go with him." At Hans' pouting face he continued, "I warned you of your ambition. It could not be controlled and now you must suffer the consequences." With a swift gesture, the king directed the guards towards Hans.

He tried to throw the guards off him, bucking angrily, as they came to clamp the metal cuffs around his wrists. Hans glared up at Asher, but did not ask for reprieve anymore. Asher sighed and could have rolled his eyes if the situation had carried any less gravity. His little brother's pride had finally caught up to him.

The crowd stared up at the king as he waved his hand, regally dismissing them. There was no murmuring now, they had been satisfied after all. This was what they had all wanted, and sadly it was also what was needed.

A/N: Sorry, I know, me again so soon. I just wanted to say sorry there weren't really any feels or whump in this chapter but I promise it's coming up next time. So stay tuned!