The crowd roared with satisfaction as the members of Grojband took the center stage. They grabbed their instruments and gave each other a small smile of encouragement.

"Hello Peaceville!" Corey greeted the multitude of people that faced them. "Are you Ready to Rock!?"

Another roar of approval made Corey let out a small chuckle. He turned to his band mates and signaled Kon to start the beat.


Well I see you in the morning
Putting on your pretty clothes
And I watch you do your makeup
Like they do in all those fashion shows
Then you turn to me so that I can see

If you put your self together right
Then you go away and you're gone all day
But I know you're coming home tonight
And when you're home, darling all you've got to be is you
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

Well it's alright if you're tired when your day is done
You can see when you look at me, you're not the only one
It's a cold, cruel world for a working girl
But you can't let them see you cry

It's a fact of life, now a man and wife
Work full time to just get by
And when we're home all it's gonna be is me and you
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

I've done some strange things I never thought I'd do before
But if the strain brings happiness, more or less...

Then I don't mind masquerading with all those other fools
I don't mind the games I'm playing,
Because I've learned the rules
And when times are tough, I've got just enough
If you're standing right by my side

Darling more and more I get hungry for
All the ways you keep me satisfied
On our own there ain't nothing that we can't get thru
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

Then I don't mind masquerading with all those other fools
I don't mind the games I'm playing,
Because I've learned the rules
It doesn't matter when we're home, all alone

All we've got to be is me and you
On our own there ain't nothing that we can't get thru
But when in Rome, do as the Romans do

Laney dropped her base on the ground and wrapped Corey in another bone crushing song as the last words of the song left his smiling mouth. Kin and Kon smiled at their friends, while the crowd cheered words of happiness and encouragement. For Laney, no moment would be more perfect.

(After Show Transition)

"Wow Riffen, who knew you guys actually had talent" Carrie smirked.

Corey rolled his eyes as he and his friends walked backstage. Waiting for them had been Carrie and Larry, Nick Mallory, and Trina. All four of them seemed to have been impressed by the show.

"Nick Mallory agrees. He thinks that Grojband will become very popular one day" Nick smiled.

Trina only glared at them, unable to utter any sort of praise towards Corey. He understood this and decided not to push his luck. The fact that she hadn't told him he sucked yet was praise enough. He gave each of them a nod of thanks.

"Glad you liked the show. It must be strange to watch a band with actual good music" he smirked at Carrie.

The blue haired female attempted to gorge Corey's eyes out with her fingernails, but was luckily held back by a concerned looking Larry.

"By the way" he suddenly said. "Did you ever give Corey the coin?"

Laney nodded, grasping Corey's hand with hers.

"Turns out it was never his coin in the first place. He actually liked me for me" she smiled happily.

"Wait, but if Corey isn't the owner of the coin, who is?" Nick asked.

Laney's face went from happiness to pure curiosity.

"I don't know. No one talked to me these past few days except you guys."

"Hey, remember that guy who talked to Laney at Nick's party" Kon suddenly interjected.


"I'm pretty sure it's not him"

The group groaned. That didn't help at all.

"Well, I'm sure its not that big of a deal. If Lanes ever meets him, she'll just return the coin no problem" Corey said.

Larry shrugged, satisfied with the answer. Saying one last goodbye, the Newmans exited the backstage. Nick and Trina soon followed after them. However, Trina seemed to stop before she stepped outside.

"Good job I guess" he muttered.

She slammed the door on the way out, and left Corey and his friends all alone. A moment of awkward silence ensued as the band mates glanced at each other.

"Well, I think its time me and Kin started heading home. Good gig tonight guys" Kon smiled.

Corey and Laney waved as the twins began their walk home. Soon, they were all alone.

"So Core, what happens now?" Laney asked.

Corey paused for a moment, a lone spotlight shooting down from the heavens suddenly illuminating him.

"Well Lanes, I've learned a lot today. When we search for what we think is a true goal, we fail to see how obsessed we are with it. Sometimes, we need to stop and ask ourselves, shouldn't we watch T.V instead? And that is why I think fountains are very tricky"

Laney didn't pretend to understand anything Corey had just said, and settled for starting another make-out session.

"Thanks for coming out everybody" Corey yelped as Laney jumped on top of him.

*Garage Door Slam!

Authors Note: Hey Everybody! I want to thank each and every one of you who decided to take a little time out of your day to read a little story that I created. Thank You very much! By the way, the song in the chapter is called "When In Rome" by Billy Joel. Mr. Joel happens to be my favorite singer of all time, so I really wanted to work one of his songs into my story eventually.

That being said, I would really like your help. I still plan on making a Grojband fanfiction, but I'm not sure what I should write first. I do have one or two one-shots planned so I hope you guys like those when I write them. But for right now, I was hopping you would tell me what multi chapter story you would like next. I only have three of them right now, so just leave a review or PM for what story you want next. Here are a few brief summaries:

Double Date: A Sequel to Me With No You. Laney and Larry want the bickering between Corey and Carrie to stop, so they set up a double date. But when their respected crushes start getting a little too close, the red heads start to wonder if this was a bad idea after all.

Kin and Kon: Twin Dragons: A mysterious figure kidnaps Laney and, with Corey missing, Kin and Kon are the only ones who can save her. Follow them on their journey as they face countless foes and terrible environments, and a mission that will defy the laws of physics.

This Time, I'll Make You Mine: Its 20 years in the future and Corey Riffen has really screwed up with Laney Penn. She's engaged to someone else, his band has broken up, and his whole life is a jumbled mess. One night however, he discover that he has travelled back in time to when he was a 13 year old boy. Will he be able to change the future, and get Laney to fall in love with him at the same time?

Thanks again, and have an AWESOME DAY!