Grojband belongs to Todd Kauffman and Mark Thornton

"Chug, Chug, Chug"

Corey Riffen, inspired by the words of his friends, continued to gulp down his soda. The members of Grojband had decided to take a break from music for a little while, and have a nice, relaxing day at the mall. And thanks to the challenging dares of Kin and Kon, Corey soon found himself trying to chug a can of soda in less than a minute.

"Almost there" the twins encouraged, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Laney Penn, the only female member of the band, rolled her eyes. It wasn't easy being a girl in a male dominated environment. Their gross, yet strangely interesting, habits always left here feeling like an outcast. But they were her friends, and she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

"You can do it Core" she encouraged.

Laney had hoped that she could take the opportunity of a day off to hang out with Corey, alone. Maybe even curl up next to him during a movie at the theatre. It was not meant to be however, as Kin and Kon never seemed to want to leave their side. It was starting to get a little frustrating

"Done!" Corey suddenly exclaimed, slamming his now empty can, on the table.

"What, no belch?" Kon whined.

Corey smiled.

"Wait for it…"

All three friends swore that the table shook; as their blue haired friend let out the biggest burp they had ever heard. Kin and Laney both held up scores of 10, while Kon only held up a 9.5.

"The force and noise were excellent, but your technique was a little flawed" he explained.

His friends stared at him for a moment, but soon shrugged it off.

"Well that was fun" Laney muttered sarcastically, "But what are we going to do now?"

Corey shrugged and placed his arm around her.

"No idea Lanes. What do you wanna do?"

Thoughts of snuggling in a movie theatre once again entered the young bassists mind.


"Lets go see the Fountain of Peaceville!" the twins shouted simultaneously.

"Great idea guys" Corey said, leaving Laney's side to give his friends a high five.

Laney felt her blood begin to boil. Why did the twins have to ruin everything? She sighed and began calming herself down.

"Sure" she muttered.

"All right then. Lets go"

(Wicked Cool Transition)

"I still can't believe how cool this looks" Corey remarked.

The Fountain of Peaceville was located in the middle of the mall, and had a fairly large audience watching it everyday. It was no surprise to anyone, considering the beautiful carvings and brilliant designs that were embedded within the marble. And right now, it mesmerized the four 13 year olds that stood before it.

"My dad says that this thing has been here forever" Kon said.

Laney rolled her eyes.

"I doubt that. This fountain was probably built along with the mall. It can't be that old"

"Ah, but it is" Kin interjected, "It even has an old legend to it"

"Really?" Corey raised his eyebrow.

Kin nodded.

"Yep. The legend states that if you put a coin in its cascading waters, true love will come your way"

Laney chuckled. If that was true, then maybe she should try it out.

"Is it true?" Corey asked.

"I'm not really sure" Kin admitted, "No one has ever come forward to prove it".

Corey nodded, looking as though he was deep in thought. Laney stared at him, an idea forming in her head.

"Anybody got a coin?" she asked.

Corey looked up and smiled at her mischievously.

"My, my Lanes. You hoping to fall in love soon" he chuckled.

Laney felt her face grow hot.

"No", she snapped, "I just want to see if the legend is true"

"Sure" Corey grinned, flipping a coin her way.

Laney caught it in mid-air, and smiled.


Laney turned to the fountain, her heart beginning to beat faster. She took a deep breath and tossed in the coin. It landed within the falling water and plopped to the bottom. Laney closed her eyes, not really knowing what to expect. When nothing happened after awhile, she sighed and turned to her friends.

"I guess we wait" she shrugged.

Corey walked up next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Lanes. You'll find love someday. In the mean time, why don't we all go see a movie"

Laney could hardly believe her ears.

"R-Really?" she asked.

"Why not? Kin, Kon?"

The twins nodded enthusiastically.

"Lets go see that new horror film that just came out" Kin, suggested.

"No way. Lets go see the new monster movie" Kon argued.

The brother glared at each other.

"Horror movie"

"Monster Movie"



Corey sighed. He whistled to get his friends attention.

"Guys, stop it. No fighting on our day off"

The twins stopped their shouting and looked down in shame.

"Sorry" they muttered.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, why don't we let Lanes decide? She hasn't had the chance to choose what we do today, and I think its only fair she decides the movie"

Kin felt himself begin to argue, when he received a fiery death glare from Laney.

"Sure" he gulped, "Let Laney decide"

Corey smiled and turned to his red-haired friend.

"So Lanes, What movie do you want to see?"

Laney smiled to herself. This was gonna be good.