
Chapter One: Are you fucking serious?


Disclaimer: I do not own kingdom hearts or any of it's characters. All I own is my ideas. Enjoy.

Axel paced back and forth in the lobby nervously while his mullet-haired friend watched as he mumbled unidentifiable words to himself. His parents would be here any second, and he didn't exactly tell the truth when they asked him about his relationship status.

"You're engaged! Oh how lovely dear!" his mother had told him over the phone. His father already thought of him as a failure, he'd probably add disappointment to that as well once he saw Axel, single, and nowhere close to being in a relationship. Hell, Demyx was his only friend! "fuck girls, Dem is all I need bros before hoes!' he used to think to himself. Oh how wrong he actually was, reality came at him like a slap to the face; hard and uncalled for.

"I don't understand why you told them that." Demyx spoke up from the rather large red chair he had planted himself in. Axel stopped his pacing for a moment to look at his best friend and say, "You're kidding me, right?" then went right back at it.

Demyx watched his friend as he walked back and forth, and sighed. The blonde's elbow kept him sitting up, since his cheek was resting in his palm. Heads are heavy, y'know?

"No, why is it such a big deal?" Demyx inquired. This time Axel didn't stop to talk to his friend, he just kept pacing up and down the lobby as he replied, "I was supposed to already be married, Dem. All of the men in the Flynn family marry at twenty one. I'm twenty three!"

"So? Tell them to build a bridge and get their happy asses over it. You're still young! These are our best days! No school, no drama, well some drama, okay a lot of drama, but hey we can drink as much as we want, and it's legal!"

Axel stopped his pacing, his back facing the blonde. "Look Demyx, my family isn't like normal families. They have expectations, dreams for me to do well, and so far, I haven't done anything they've ever wanted me to do."


"They wanted me to go to college, but instead I stayed behind with you."

Demyx frowned and ran his fingers through the top layer of his hair. "I'm sorry Ax; you know you didn't have to."

"I wanted to," Axel turned to face the blonde. "Plus, you're my best friend. We're a package deal. Where ever you go. I go."

"But, didn't you play baseball forever because your dad loves baseball."

Axel tensed up, and Demyx regretted bringing up the past with his best friend. He knew it was hard for the redhead. He had no idea why he brought that up. Axel's jaw visibly clenched, so Demyx decided to change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Okay man, I have an idea on how to get away with this engagement lie." Axel's anger melted away in an instant and he cocked an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh yeah? Whats that?"

"Pay someone to pretend to be your girlfriend. Duh. And everyone thinks I'm the dumb one."

Axel thought on the idea for a moment, and then agreed that would probably be the most likely way of getting a realistic fiancé in less than three minutes. "Have you seen anyone who might be interested?"

"I've seen some pretty cute girls…" Demyx trailed off then pointed to a brunette with medium length hair that flipped upwards at the ends. "What about her?"

"What am I? A fucking pedophile? She's like twelve."

"You don't know that for sure!"

"I don't wanna even take the risk and ask. Anyone else?"

"Hmmm," Demyx rubbed his chin as if he had a beard then pointed to a girl with wine-colored hair and bright blue eyes. "What about her?"

"She's hot but… she looks like a bitch."

"Okay, no hot bitches, only cute girls."

"Dude. Another pedophile joke? Really?"

"You walked yourself into that one!" Demyx said which caused Axel to chuckle along with him. "Yeah, I really did. So anyone else you think I'd be interested in? Im curious to know because so far you're horrible at this." The redhead teased, which caused Demyx to roll his eyes .

"Shut up asshole, give me time."

"Time is the one thing we don't have. Make it snappy." Axel snapped his fingers and Demyx went right back to scanning the hotel lobby for someone suitable for his best friend. A girl with short spikey hair that all swooshed to the side walked out of the elevator in an employee uniform. She was flat as a bored, but fuck it, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Demyx got up from his chair and strolled over to her, despite the frantic calls of his best friend for him to come back. The girl lifted her head from typing something on the computer from behind the front desk, "How may I help you? I'm almost off, so if it's something big you might wanna wait for my co-worker to get here." She said politely which caused the tall blonde male to mentally give himself a pat on the back. Now to throw the pitch.

Demyx scratched the back of his neck nervously and gave her an awkward Demyx-like smile. "Yeah, um, my name is Demyx and uh… do you see my friend over there?" Demyx moved slightly and looked at Axel while gesturing towards him. The redhead was pacing back and forth again, but this time at a more rapid speed. When Demyx looked back at the girl she had a confused look on her face, but she nodded. "Yeah, what about him? Is he alright? He looks kind of stressed out." The girl had a slightly boyish voice, but it was still cute, so Demyx decided to ignore it and go on with his plan.

"He is stressed out, which is why I came over here to talk to you."

The girl cocked a perfect blonde eyebrow then replied, "Okay, um, what does his stress have to do with me?"

"Welllllll," Demyx began while making small circles with his index finger on the marble counter top. "his parents are coming to town, and he kind of told them that he's engaged, but he really isn't engaged and he needs a fake fiancé for the next couple of days and you're pretty cute so I figured why not you."

The girl's eyes grew as big as dinner plates, but they soon shrunk and her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Me? Really?"

"Yeah you, silly-goose!"

The blonde girl leaned to the left a bit to get a better look at the Axel. He was hot, no denying that, but who just asks a random person to be their fiancé for a few days? He could be a rapist! Or a mental patent for all she knew. But fuck it; she needed some excitement in her life for once. Working at a hotel for three years wasn't exactly her definition fun. The closest thing she got to that is when teenagers left the place in ruins and she'd get to watch her manager pick things up.

"What do I get out of it?" she asked, which caught Demyx off-guard. He hadn't thought about what to give her if she asked for something. He didn't expect her to ask for anything, which was kind of unfair now that he thought about it; he was asking a lot out of her. "Um, well…" he began to dig in his pockets, but found nothing but a crinkled dollar bill and a stick of gum. "You get to pretend to be with a hot guy for a few days."

"Seriously? That's the best you got?"

"Uh, and you can have a piece of gum?" Demyx held up the stick of juicy fruit, which caused the girl behind the counter to smirk. She snatched the piece of gum out of his hand, unwrapped it, and then placed it in her mouth. After chewing it a couple times, she held out her hand to the boy in front of her. "Deal."

Demyx nearly exploded with excitement, but he almost forgot a vital piece of information about the girl. "Hey, um, what's your name and how old are you?"

The girl stopped mid-way getting out of her seat when the question was asked. "Oh," she stood up straight and flicked some of her honey colored bangs out of her face. She sure did have a boyish charm, didn't she? Demyx ignored it. "My name is Roxas. My friends call me Roxy. I'm 21. Why?"

Demyx thought Roxas was a weird name for a girl, but decided to ignore that too. He was too excited. He just found the perfect girl for his best friend to fake being engaged to, and she was up for it! What are the odds of that?!

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't fifteen or something." Demyx blurted out, which earned an odd look from the blonde in front of him. "You have to be at least sixteen to work anywhere." Demyx wanted to face palm then and there, but to save himself from looking weird, he cursed himself mentally for sounding like an idiot. "Right…" he scratched the back of his neck nervously once again. "So, do I get to meet my fake fiancé or what?"

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. I almost forgot." Demyx admitted, which earned a laugh from the girl. She slid out from behind the counter and walked up right next to the mullet-haired boy. "Right this way." Demyx mumbled anxiously and turned on his heel. The duo walked over to Axel, who was still pacing back and forth like a crazy man. Demyx grabbed his best friend by the shoulder, which caused him to stop. "If you've come back empty handed, then go away."

"He didn't come back empty handed." Axel heard a voice that definitely wasn't Demyx's. It was soft, kind of boyish, but cute enough to pass off as a girl's. The redhead turned around and instantly his eyes met Roxas'. Her beautiful facial features had him so caught up in being smitten that he completely over-looked the fact that she didn't have boobs, and if she did, they we're the size of mosquito bites. The girl gave him a friendly smile and stuck out her hand. "Hi there, my name is Roxas. I don't bite."

Axel reached out his hand and took Roxas' before shaking it slowly. "I'm Axel."

"I know, and your friend told me about your situation. I've agreed to help you out." She spoke confidently, a feature Axel instantly noticed, and just made him all the more attracted to the girl. "Really? That's-"

"Axel dearest! There you are! Reno, he's over here." Mrs. Flynn called out as she dragged her husband over to the younger redhead. Axel quickly let go of Roxas' hand, and pulled the blonde close to him by the waist. He kept his arm draped around her thin waist, and greeted his parents with a smile. "Hey mom, hey dad, long time no see, eh?"

Mr. Flynn gave his son a cold look, while Mrs. Flynn began small talk. "So, I'm assuming this beautiful blonde is your fiancé?" she asked, and Axel nodded quickly. "Yeah, she's real cute, isn't she?"

"Why yes indeed." His mother looked the girl over a couple of times before nodding in approval. "She'll make a perfect bride."

Axel didn't notice, but Roxas wore a very confused facial expression. 'He thought I was a girl? Seriously?' Roxas thought to himself, but shook his head. He had already agreed to help the guy out; he couldn't back out now. It was too late.

"Well, it's getting late, and we really should get some rest. Long flight, you know. Will we be seeing you in the morning, dear?" Mrs. Flynn asked. Roxas put on the best fake smile he could manage and nodded. "Of course you will! Are we meeting for breakfast?"

"If you'd like to."

"We'd love to! Isn't that right, Axie?" The fake sweetness in Roxas' voice was almost enough to make himself gag. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Especially for some asshole who can't tell the difference between a male and a female. When Axel didn't answer quick enough, he got a firm jab to the ribs.

"Ooowww—oooh yeah!" He covered up the noise from the sharp pain in his lower ribs rather well, which caused his mother to smile; all the while his father hadn't spoken a single word. 'Maybe he's tired.' Axel lied to himself. He knew that wasn't the case. His father didn't want to speak to his failure of a son. Not two years ago when Axel walked out on his own wedding that his father had forced upon him, and definitely not now. Probably not ever. He came to the conclusion that his mother forced his father to come to visit him; it wasn't out of the kindness of his own heart. If his father even had a heart.

"Then it's settled! We will all meet for dinner in the morning at nine!" Axel's mother announced, "Goodnight my little lovebirds!" she said before walking over to the front desk. Axel let out a sigh of relief when his father followed suit.

"Well that was intense." Demyx mumbled.

"I thought she was quite lovely." Roxas replied, eyebrow cocked in confusion.

"His moms a real sweet lady, I'm not talking about her. Did you not see Axel's dad staring him down?"

"No. He didn't really give me a reason to look at him."

"His dad is a huge di-"

"Dude, stop talking about my dad like he isn't twenty fucking feet away from us." Axel interjected and gestured towards the older couple at the front desk. Demyx knew Axel's dad was a sore spot. He had no idea why he had even brought it up in the first place. He wanted to smack himself. Reno had always looked at Axel as the son he never wanted. Axel had told him the whole story two years after they met; after Axel had finally let his guard down with the blonde.

Reno forced his wife to get her tubes tied after their second child, Lea. Well, guess what? It didn't quite work out the way he planned, and some how, not months after Lea was born and the tube tying was complete, Tifa found out that she was pregnant with her third child. Tifa saw it as a sign from a higher power that they were meant to have a third child, and that Axel was a blessing; Reno saw it more as a surgery gone wrong and angrily called the surgeon demanding a refund. He got it.

Despite his protests for her to get an abortion, Tifa kept her baby, and after nine long months, little baby Axel was born. Tifa fell in love the moment she saw the little bundle of joy. Reno had an instant hatred for the unexpected intruder.

Axel told Demyx that he could remember when he was around three or four and his father would come into his room and say things like, "You little piece of shit, you ruined my perfect family." or "I wish you were fucking dead." Axel, being little and naive didn't know what these things and would respond with, "Daddy!" and open his arms for a hug. That would earn a slap to the face, which would cause Axel to cry. While his mother was on the way to his rescue, Reno would grumble angry things at the child like, "Yeah, cry you little cry baby. Mommy's coming to kiss your ass. At least someone loves you, because I sure as hell don't." Eventually Tifa found out what Reno had been doing and kept Axel under constant surveillance until he was nine.

Even at that age though, Reno resented his youngest child. Axel tried his best to impress his dad; he knew he was a baseball fan, so he joined the baseball team at his elementary school.

"Yeah? You think you're going to mean something to me because you've got a mitt and a bat? Fuck off."

"But daddy I-"

"I'm not your fucking daddy, and you're not my fucking son, even if you are made with my sperm. Now fuck off."

Axel continued to play the sport, all throughout his elementary, middle, and high school years. He got so good that he was offered a scholarship to Brown, and he could've went pro if he wanted to. He told his dad about his opportunities, and got the same response still;

"Go tell someone that gives a fuck."

"I thought you'd be proud."

"Proud? Why would I be proud of a little shithead like you?"

"Mom was ecstatic. I mean, I've gotten a chance at college, even before Lea."

Slap. "Don't ever talk like you're better than you're brother. He's a hundred times better than you in every way. He's the one that was actually meant to be born, remember? You we're an accident. I don't give a shit about you; never have, never will."

After that day, Axel quit playing baseball, quit hanging out with the asshole jocks, and met Demyx. He stopped caring about what his father thought about him, and started living life how he wanted to. Since he wasn't focused soulfully on his grades and athletic career, he got his first girlfriend; Namine Winters. She was the quiet type, but she was beautiful. Axel had a thing for blondes.

When he introduced her to his family, he instantly regretted it.

"Oh, so you're not a faggot after all. You'd think differently with all of the gay porn you fucking watch." his father said, only to embarrass the eighteen year old.

Namine soon dumped him after that, and began going out with his brother, Lea. Long story short, Axel was heart broken and pissed. He beat the shit out of his brother, and his father beat the shit out of him. Thats when he moved out and began living with Demyx. When it was time for college, the duo stayed back at home and partied it up.

And now here they were, back at phase one; Axel trying to impress his dad but getting absolutely nowhere. At least Demyx found Roxas.

"So, Roxas, are you going to stay with us tonight?" the taller blonde asked, excitedly waiting for an answer. Roxas was cool! Even if he did just meet the girl hardly five minutes ago.

"Umm, no thanks I'll pass on that one." He deadpanned, which caused Demyx to frown. "Why not?"

"For all I know, you guys are kidnappers." 'Plus you think I'm a fucking girl! And what do guys always want from girls? Sex. And what do I not have in order to do that? A vagina. Plus, that would totally ruin my plans for this asshole. Thinking I'm a goddamn girl. DO YOU SEE ANY TITTIES BITCH?' Roxas cursed to himself. Oh this guy was gonna pay for mistaking him as a girl. If he wants a girl, that's just what hes gonna get. A whiny, needy, clingy girl. Get ready, Axel. Roxy's gonna show you what its really like to be engaged to a woman.

"Why would you think that?" Demyx questioned in confusion.

"Well, I don't know you and you're asking me to spend the night at your house with you. Plus the way you said it sounded super creepy. Just saying." Roxas replied with a shrug and Demyx nodded, putting his hands up apologetically. "Totally understandable, but we're staying at the hotel tonight."

"The answer is still a no. I agreed to fake being your friends fiance, don't push your luck." Roxas threatened a little more harshly than he actually meant to. He could see Demyx's facial expression change dramatically, and he felt bad, but said nothing to make up for the snappy comment. "Now, I'm gonna head out. Be good boys." Roxas turned on his heel and began heading for the door when he was stopped by Demyx's voice, "Are you still coming to breakfast in the morning!?" he called nearly across the lobby.

Roxas did a half-ass backwards wave that meant something on the lines of "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming." then walked out of the large wood-rimmed glass doors of the hotel.

Demyx and Axel gave each other a high-five before going to the elevator. Demyx pressed the up button and they both waited. "Hey dude, thanks."

"Huh?" Demyx tilted his head.

"Thanks for finding her. Shes fucking gorgeous."

Realization hit Demyx like a ton of bricks once he realized what his red-headed best friend was talking about. "Oh! You're welcome! You know I'd do anything for you, Ax."

A small smiled crawled its way onto Axel's lips then the distinct 'ding' of the elevator sounded and the gold-colored doors slid open. The duo walked into the elevator and Demyx quickly pressed the button with the number 8 on it before Axel got the chance. Axel really didn't care or noticed. He was too busy wondering how tomorrow would go. Breakfast with Roxas, Demyx, and his parents.

Sounds like its going to go horrible.

Axel couldn't help but smile bigger.

This is probably one of the longest chapters I've written so far. I hope you guys all like it. And sorry I've been inactive! I've had a lot of family issues lately, which is one of the reasons I kind-of wrote this. No, my dad never treated me this badly, but yeah. lol. I'm rambling. Follow(: Reviews help me upload faster. (: just saying. :b

~Capn Cole~